Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 3722 Father and daughter meet

The next day.

After breakfast, Su Qing and Su Xiaomeng drove away to Haifu Mountain.

Originally, Tang Qiu and others wanted to follow, but Su Qing stopped them.

"Sister, why don't you let Mr. Tang and the others follow?"

On the way, Su Xiaomeng asked curiously.


Su Qing shook her head and held the steering wheel tightly with both hands.

"We can go by ourselves."

"Sister, didn't you say that you should always ensure your own safety and not cause trouble to Brother Chen?"

Su Xiaomeng turned her head and looked at her sister.

"Usually when you go to the laboratory, you always take Mr. Tang and the others with you."

"But we are going to Haifu Mountain today, not to the laboratory."

Su Qing glanced at her sister, holding the steering wheel tightly, and the veins jumping on the back of her fair hands revealed her mood.

"Sister, why do I feel that you are acting weird today..."

Su Xiaomeng frowned slightly.

"Why are we going to Haifu Mountain? Are we really going to visit my eldest brother?"

"Well, not only am I visiting my eldest brother, but I also want to meet someone."

Su Qing thought for a while and decided to tell her sister.

"Meeting someone? Who is it?"

Su Xiaomeng was startled.

"Going to the cemetery to meet someone? Sister, are you sure you are meeting someone?"


Su Qing was speechless, but after Su Xiaomeng interrupted her, her nervous and excited mood was relieved a lot.

"Of course it's a human being, Xiaomeng, my father called me yesterday."


Su Xiaomeng nodded first, then raised her head suddenly and glared at her sister.

"Who? Who called you?"



Su Qing was not surprised by her sister's reaction. She received a call yesterday and had a great reaction.

"Our father."


Su Xiaomeng trembled and couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, really."

Su Qing nodded.

"He said he wanted to see us..."

"I...we are going to Haifu Mountain to meet our dad?"

Su Xiaomeng reacted and asked.


Su Qing nodded.

"But Xiaomeng... forget it, we'll talk about it later."

"He showed up? Why didn't he go to Xiao's Manor?"

Su Xiaomeng tried her best to calm down and asked.

"He said he is not suitable to appear in public for the time being."

Su Qing speeded up the car again.

"So, let's go to Haifu Mountain to meet him."

"Haifushan...what about our mother? Is she also in Haifushan?"

Su Xiaomeng asked hurriedly.

"No, only father."

Su Qing shook her head.

"He said our mother is in a very safe place."

"Oh...that's great. It's okay."

Su Xiaomeng's eye circles were also red.

She wasn't worried about her parents' safety, she just endured it and didn't show it.

Thinking of her parents being missing for so many years, and thinking of her eldest brother's death... Su Xiaomeng's tears rolled down her face and she couldn't help but cry.

Today, I finally got to see it.

"Xiaomeng, don't cry."

Su Qing looked at her sister, hesitated, but didn't say anything else, just comforted her.

She regretted it a little and told Xiaomeng now.

But she was afraid that Xiaomeng would react even more, so she had to be mentally prepared.

"Sister, I...I don't want to cry either, but I can't help it."

Su Xiaomeng wiped her tears and said.

"Ok, I know."

Su Qing slowed down the car again, holding the steering wheel with one hand, and with the other hand, she touched her sister's head and wiped away her tears.

"Do not cry……"

"Okay, don't cry..."

Su Xiaomeng wiped away her tears, but her eyes were as red as a rabbit.

"Sister, our dad called you yesterday. Why...why didn't you tell me last night?"

"I'm afraid you will show it if I tell you."

Su Qing looked at her and said softly.

"Show it?"

Su Xiaomeng was stunned.

"What's the meaning?"

"Father said that he only saw us sisters, and that he could not tell anyone about his appearance."

Su Qing explained.

"Can't tell anyone?"

Su Xiaomeng was stunned again and asked subconsciously.

"Including...Brother Chen?"

"Yes, including."

Su Qing's eyes flashed with strange color and she nodded.


Su Xiaomeng frowned. In her heart, Xiao Chen was one of her own and couldn't hide it.

"Father said...don't tell him."

When Su Qing saw her sister's reaction, she knew what she was thinking.

"Let's meet father first."

"All right."

After hearing what her sister said, Su Xiaomeng thought about it again. She hadn't seen her father for many years, so she wanted to see him no matter what.

If you don't tell Brother Chen, don't tell him. At worst, you can tell him when you go back today.

"Sister, didn't Brother Chen meet his father last time?"

Su Xiaomeng thought of something and asked again.


Su Qing nodded.

"Xiao Meng, if you can see your father, the day will not be far when we will be a member of the family."


Su Xiaomeng nodded vigorously, she was looking forward to this day.

It’s the eldest brother…

Thinking of Su Yunfei, Su Xiaomeng's still red eyes became even redder.

But she sniffed hard and resisted the urge to cry.

About half an hour later, the Maserati President drove into Haifushan.

As they arrived at Haifu Mountain, time and distance became infinitely closer. Both Su Qing and Su Xiaomeng became excited.

See you soon.

A few minutes later, the president of Maserati stopped. Further ahead, there was Su Yunfei's tomb.

"Sister, where is our father? Why didn't I see him?"

Su Xiaomeng looked around and asked.

"I made an appointment at nine o'clock, so maybe I haven't arrived yet."

Su Qing took a deep breath to calm herself down.

"Come on, let's go down first and have a few words with the elder brother, etc."


Su Xiaomeng nodded, opened the car door, and got out of the car.

Su Qing squeezed the steering wheel hard and turned her head to look back.

"Sister, what are you looking at? Get out of the car quickly."

Su Xiaomeng urged.


Su Qing agreed, looked away, let go of the steering wheel, and got out of the car.

"Let's go see big brother first."


Su Xiaomeng responded and walked forward with her sister.

The two came to Su Yunfei's tombstone. The photo on it had turned slightly yellow due to the wind and sun.

However, Su Yunfei's smile was still so bright and sunny.

"The photos are all yellow... Big brother has been gone for a long time."

Su Qing looked at the photo on the tombstone and said softly.


Su Xiaomeng nodded.

"I don't know when my eldest brother took this photo. It's so handsome."

Hearing her sister's words, Su Qing smiled: "Yes, the eldest brother is very handsome..."

"Sister, it's almost nine o'clock, why isn't our dad here yet?"

Su Xiaomeng looked at the time and felt a little anxious.

"He won't stop coming, will he?"

"Will not."

Su Qing shook her head, her tone was serious, and she seemed to be talking to herself when she was talking to her sister.

"It's not time yet, wait a little longer..."


Su Xiaomeng nodded and could only wait patiently.

Although Su Qing and Su Xiaomeng chatted wordlessly, their minds were no longer on chatting.

The two looked around, searching.

They were looking forward to it, but at the same time they were worried, fearing that their father would not show up and their hopes would turn into disappointment.

Nine o'clock arrived quickly.

"Sister...nine, it's nine o'clock, why aren't you here yet?"

Su Xiaomeng looked at the time, her voice trembling a little.

"Soon, soon."

Su Qing swallowed and felt very nervous.

Just as she finished speaking, there was the sound of a car.

"Come on, come on...Sister, come on."

Listening to this voice, Su Xiaomeng was so excited that she almost jumped up.


Su Qing's eyes were reddish, her hands clenched into fists, and her nails stung her palms.

However, she didn't care and followed the sound.

A Mercedes-Benz came slowly from a distance.

"Sister, is this our dad?"

Su Xiaomeng looked at the Mercedes-Benz, so excited and nervous that she had no place to put her hands, and finally just grabbed her sister's arm.


Su Qing also stared at the Mercedes-Benz, held her breath, and held her sister's hand.

The Mercedes-Benz stopped slowly, the door opened, and a figure got out of the car.

"Yes...it's our dad."

Su Xiaomeng looked at the people who came down, tears welling up all of a sudden.

"It's our dad, it's really him."

Although she hadn't seen them for many years, her parents' appearance was not vague in her mind.

She recognized at a glance that the person who came was none other than her father, Su Shiming.

"Sister, it's our dad..."

Seeing no response, Su Xiaomeng said again and turned to look at her sister.

When her eyes fell on her sister's face, she found that her sister's face was also covered in tears.

"Sister, our dad...is back."

When Su Xiaomeng saw her sister crying, she couldn't help it anymore and cried.

"Well, I'm back."

Su Qing wiped her tears, which were a little blurry. She wanted to see more clearly.

"Xiaoqing, Xiaomeng..."

Su Shiming, who got off the car, looked at the two sisters with tears on their faces and looked a little ashamed.


Hearing the word 'Xiaomeng', Su Xiaomeng couldn't bear it anymore and shouted.

Although she had hated her parents countless times, as she grew older and her eldest brother passed away... the hatred in her heart had long since disappeared.

She didn't want to have any more regrets, like her eldest brother. She was no longer angry, but his eldest brother was gone.

Therefore, when she saw her father whom she had not seen for many years, she no longer wanted to resent him.

As long as the family can be reunited, that's fine.


Su Shiming looked at his youngest daughter and stepped forward quickly.

"Don't cry, Xiaomeng... don't cry, it's dad who is sorry for you..."


Su Xiaomeng wanted to throw herself into her father's arms, but her hand was held by her sister.

"Father...you...did you choose today on purpose?"

Su Qing looked at her father, her eyes red.


Su Shiming was stunned for a moment.

"Father, this is the best birthday gift I have received in these years."

Su Qing whimpered and said.

"Did you...choose today specifically?"

"Ah, yes, today is your birthday, so I can't help it anymore and want to see you two sisters..."

Su Shiming nodded with a guilty look on his face.

"Xiaoqing, Xiaomeng, my father can't forgive you for not showing up for so many years. Don't worry, I will make it up to you in the future..."

Listening to this, Su Qing looked at the familiar face in front of her and shed more tears.

After all... I was still disappointed.

Su Xiaomeng, who was next to her, turned to look at her sister with wide eyes.


Why didn’t she know!

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