Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 3747 Jade Buddha

"Emerald Buddha?"

Listening to the words of Ghost Buddha Zhao Rulai, Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment. This has no beginning and no end. What does it mean?

"Yes, the Jade Buddha is destined to the old monk."

Ghost Buddha Zhao Tulai said.

"Well, just buy it if you have the chance... Master, you don't have enough money? How much is the difference? I have it here."

Xiao Chen lit a cigarette.

"It's okay, we can afford it no matter how expensive it is."

"It's not about money. Xiaoyou, where are you? The old monk will go find you right now and we'll talk about it later."

Ghost Buddha Zhao Tulai said again.

"Go back to the hotel, I'm ready to go back too..."

Xiao Chen looked at the time and said.

"Okay, the old monk is waiting for you at the hotel."

After Ghost Buddha Zhao Ru finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Brother Chen, what is the Jade Buddha?"

Su Xiaomeng asked when she saw Xiao Chen hung up the phone.

"The old monk said that he saw a jade Buddha and had a fate with him... I guess he wanted to buy it but had no money. As a monk, you don't have so much money, right? So you called me."

Xiao Chen said casually.

"Are you destined to him? Is he just interested in you?"

Su Xiaomeng asked again.

"Yes, you should be a monk. What you are optimistic about is fate... The old monk is very optimistic about me. He keeps saying that I am destined to be a Buddha, and he also wants me to cut off the world of mortals and become a monk."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"What? Let you become a monk?"

Su Xiaomeng's eyes widened.


Xiao Chen was helpless.

"Are you done shopping? Let's go back to the hotel! I'll ask Xiaobai if they've seen the crowd... are they busy? If so, it's time to go back to the hotel."


Su Qing nodded.

"It's time to go back."

On the way back, Xiao Chen called Bai Ye. The phone rang for a long time before he answered the phone.

"Xiaobai, where are you? Is everything done?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"I didn't do much, just look at the ladyboy and touch her a few times at most...Brother Chen, don't think too much."

When Bai Ye heard this, he explained.

"Don't talk nonsense. If it's all over, go back to the hotel."

Xiao Chen was not angry.

"Okay, I'll go back in a while...Don't mention it, the quality of this Siamese shemale is really good, much better than the ones that went to China to perform. Brother Chen, it's a pity that you didn't come."

Bai Ye said again.

"See you at the hotel."

Xiao Chen was too lazy to listen to his nonsense anymore and hung up the phone directly.

"Brother Chen, Brother Xiaobai, what are they doing?"

Su Xiaomeng asked.

"I don't know, I should just go shopping casually."

Xiao Chen said casually.

"They are unfamiliar with the place, so what can they do, right?"


Su Xiaomeng nodded.

"I'll see our mother tonight, and tomorrow... we'll go see the transvestites. This trip will be a complete success."


Hearing 'our mother', Xiao Chen grinned, yes, our mother.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Chen and the others returned to the hotel, and Ghost Buddha Zhao Rulai and Base had already returned and were waiting for him in the rest area of ​​the hotel lobby.

"Little friend Xiao."

Ghost Buddha Zhao Rulai shouted when he saw Xiao Chen.

"Master, you are here, why didn't you go up?"

Xiao Chen asked with a smile.


Su Qing and Su Xiaomeng also said hello to Ghost Buddha Zhao Rulai.


Ghost Buddha Zhao Tulai shouted a Buddha's name as a response, and then looked at Xiao Chen.

"Little friend Xiao, that jade Buddha is destined to me."

"Hmm, which Jade Buddha is it? Let's go buy it."

Xiao Chen said, looking at Base, this Base too, the old monk has no money, can't you lend him money first?

However, the Jade Buddha that can make the old monk's heart flutter must not be simple, right?

Or, in that temple, he talked about Buddhism with the monk there, and then was deceived. What kind of Jade Buddha did he want to buy?

This approach is not uncommon in domestic temples.

"The Emerald Buddha at the Temple of the Emerald Buddha."

Ghost Buddha Zhao Rulai looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"Who? Where is the Jade Buddha?"

Hearing the words of Ghost Buddha Zhao Rulai, Xiao Chen, who had just sat down, almost jumped up.

"The Emerald Buddha at the Temple of the Emerald Buddha."

Ghost Buddha Zhao Tathagata said it again.

"Temple of the Emerald Buddha... did you go to the Temple of the Emerald Buddha?"

Xiao Chen widened his eyes and looked at the ghost Buddha Zhao Tulai.


Ghost Buddha Zhao Tulai nodded.

"I went and talked with the monk there, and then the old monk found out that he was destined to the Jade Buddha."

Next to him, Base smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Then what? You told people that you were destined to have a relationship with the Emerald Buddha? Didn't you... get beaten?"

Xiao Chen looked at Base, then at Ghost Buddha Zhao Tulai, and asked.

"The old monk didn't say anything."

Ghost Buddha Zhao Tulai shook his head.

"Oh...that's fine."

Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief. If the old monk had told him, he would be easily beaten.

"No, I didn't understand. What's going on with the Jade Buddha in the Temple of the Emerald Buddha?"

Su Xiaomeng asked curiously.

"The Temple of the Emerald Buddha...the Emerald Buddha has a great origin and is considered a national treasure of Siam."

Su Qing said something and looked at the ghost Buddha Zhao Rulai with a strange look.

"It's not that, that's..."

Xiao Chen was helpless.

"Not to mention the Emerald Buddha, the Temple of the Emerald Buddha is also a national treasure. It is one of the three national treasures of Siam."

He now understands why Ghost Buddha Zhao Tulai told him on the phone just now that this is not a matter of money. It is indeed not a matter of money!

No matter how many people you give it to, it’s impossible for them to sell it!


Listening to what her sister and Xiao Chen said, Su Xiaomeng's eyes widened. Then what is the origin of the Jade Buddha?

"Master, can you...can you change your relationship with the Jade Buddha?"

Xiao Chen looked at the ghost Buddha Zhao Rulai and asked.

"The streets are full of jade Buddhas and the like. Why don't you go take a look... and find someone you can buy?"


Ghost Buddha Zhao Tulai was a little speechless. Is this still a choice?

"Amitabha, the old monk is only destined to the Jade Buddha in the Jade Buddha Temple."

"No, Master, there are some things that you can't just say you feel destined to become yours, right?"

Xiao Chen said seriously.

"For example, when I see a beautiful woman on the street, I can't just look at her beauty. I go up to her and say, 'Beauty, you are destined to me. Come with me.' Then the beauty will go with me, right?" ?”

"Hey Xiao Chen, you still have such thoughts?"

Su Xiaomeng stared at Xiao Chen.

"Don't cause trouble, I'm just giving an example to Master."

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he looked at the ghost Buddha Zhao Tulai again.

"If I say that, if people don't hit me, they will have to call me a bastard, right?"

"It's good to know."

Su Xiaomeng curled her lips.

The ghost Buddha Zhao Rulai looked at Xiao Chen and shook his head: "Not sure, Xiaoyou is so handsome, maybe there is a female donor who will follow you."


Xiao Chen grinned when he heard Ghost Buddha Zhao Rulai's words. This old monk has good eyesight.

But soon, he stopped smiling: "Master, this is not the time for you to coax me. Although what you said may happen, this Jade Buddha... If you go and say it is destined, the Jade Buddha Temple will definitely not give it to you."

"The old monk knows."

Ghost Buddha Zhao Tulai nodded.

"Before coming here, the old monk also knew about the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, including the donor Ba just now. He also introduced it."

"Yes, Master, let's quickly give up the idea of ​​being related to it and think of something practical..."

Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ghost Buddha Zhao Rulai saying this.

He knew, however, that this old monk was usually kind and kind, but when he became cunning, no, he became stubborn, he was also a lawless master.

He was really afraid that Zhao Rulai, the ghost Buddha, would go to the Jade Buddha Temple and rob the Jade Buddha... This old monk could do this!

"The old monk can feel that there are innate-level experts in the Jade Buddha Temple, and there are more than one."

Ghost Buddha Zhao Tulai said slowly.

"Ah, ah?"

Xiao Chen nodded first, then raised his voice.

What's the meaning?

If it weren't for this strong man, would he really have taken the Jade Buddha away?

This... not to mention, it kind of means "if you have a predestined relationship with the Buddha, the Buddha will save you". He is indeed... an eminent monk!

"That Jade Buddha is not simple...it is destined."

Ghost Buddha Zhao Tulai turned the fine steel ball and said again.

"No, Master, how are you and the Jade Buddha related?"

Xiao Chen saw that Ghost Buddha Zhao Tathagata was so obsessed and asked.

"Master, did the Jade Buddha tell you that it is destined to you?"

Su Xiaomeng asked curiously.

"Well, that's not the case."

Ghost Buddha Zhao Rulai shook his head and looked at Xiao Chen.

"Little friend Xiao, do you still remember the stone Buddha in Shanyuan Temple? The feeling of this jade Buddha to the old monk is similar to that of the stone Buddha, but it is stronger than that of the stone Buddha."

Hearing the words of Ghost Buddha Zhao Tulai, Xiao Chen suddenly realized, and then he couldn't laugh or cry again. Is this destiny?

If you put it that way, he has a destiny with anyone... no, with any Buddha statue.

The Buddha statues here, more or less, have the power of faith, just like the shrines in the island country.

He could sense the power of faith, and he could also devour and absorb it, but he didn't do so.

The Temple of the Emerald Buddha is the largest temple in Siam, and the Emerald Buddha inside has a great background, so the power of faith must be very strong... Then, it is normal for the ghost Buddha Zhao Tathagata to notice it.

"When the old monk saw the jade Buddha, he felt destined..."

Ghost Buddha Zhao Tulai said again.

"Well...we are destined."

Xiao Chen's heart moved and he nodded.

"Then Master, what are you going to do? Steal it?"

"What? Robbed it?"

Before Ghost Buddha Zhao Ru could speak, Base screamed in surprise.

"Hey, don't get too excited...you are a head-lowering master and not a Buddhist disciple, so it won't be a big deal, right?"

Xiao Chen looked at Base and said.

"I...you...really want to snatch the Jade Buddha?"

Base lowered his voice, still looking shocked.

"It was just chatting, I didn't say anything about robbing."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"oh oh."

Base breathed a sigh of relief. He could imagine what kind of shock they would cause if they really dared to take advantage of the Jade Buddha.

"Don't add unnecessary complications..."

Su Qing was not calm and reminded in a low voice.

They came here not for the Jade Buddha, but for their mother.

If they really robbed the Jade Buddha, would they be able to leave safely?

"I know, don't worry, I know what's going on."

Xiao Chen comforted Su Qing, look at the ghost Buddha Zhao Rulai, let alone, he is really tempted.

If the Ghost Buddha Zhao Tathagata can be made stronger, this Jade Buddha... might as well make up his mind!

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