Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 3754: Nothing more than that


The corpse puppet, who received the order from Master Mazar, roared like a wild beast and rushed towards Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen shouted softly and slashed with his sword.


The Xuanyuan knife struck the corpse puppet, making a crisp sound like it was struck on an iron plate.

The corpse puppet paused slightly before punching him.

Xiao Chen was surprised. Is the defense so strong?

Even the Xuanyuan knife can't break it?

If this were replaced with an ordinary knife, wouldn't it break?

"The peerless genius... I would like to see how powerful you, the peerless genius, are!"

Master Mazar sneered when he saw the corpse puppet blocking Xiao Chen.

"Okay, then I'll let you have a good look at it."

Xiao Chen nodded, running the 'Chaos Art', internal energy poured into the Xuanyuan Blade, and the sound of dragon roar could be heard faintly.

The next second, the Xuanyuan Saber burst out with murderous intent and struck at the corpse puppet again.


There was a breaking sound, and the corpse puppet's left arm was cut off with a knife and fell to the ground.

However, there was no blood splashed out, but many insects crawled out from the fracture.


Even the well-informed Xiao Chen felt a little nauseous when he saw this scene.

Master Mazar showed a look of shock. The corpse puppet he refined could cut off the arm despite no damage.

Suddenly, he thought of something and looked at the Xuanyuan Dao in Xiao Chen's hand. Is this not an ordinary weapon?

Yes, it seems that Xiao Chen has a magic weapon in his hand.

Is this it?

Master Maza looked at Xuanyuan Dao, greed flashed in his old eyes.


The corpse puppet had one of its arms cut off. Not only did it not cause any pain, it actually made him angry.

It roared repeatedly, rushed towards Xiao Chen, and launched a violent storm of attacks.

Swish, swish, swish!

Xiao Chen slashed several times in succession, but the corpse puppet avoided them all.


Xiao Chen was a little surprised that he was still hiding?

On the other side, Master Maza muttered words again, and at the same time, he made a spell with both hands and pointed at Xiao Chen in the air.

Another invisible long sword slashed at Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen, who was fighting the corpse puppet, suddenly felt a sting in his head and his vision went dark.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Chen's upper Dantian trembled, resisting Master Mazha's soul attack.


The corpse puppet punched Xiao Chen's body and knocked him away.

"Brother Chen..."

Su Xiaomeng screamed.

"I'm fine."

Xiao Chen stabilized his figure. Because of the protective aura, the corpse puppet's attack did not cause much damage to him.

However, Master Mazar's attack made him quite annoyed.

The invisible soul attack is the most deadly!


Xiao Chen shouted.


David swayed and rushed to the corpse puppet.

In the process, he also activated his mad battle body and became even bigger and taller.

Although it can't be compared with this corpse puppet, it's not much different.

"give it to you."

Xiao Chen said to David that if Su Qing and the others were not there, he could fight slowly, but now... he has to fight quickly.

After all, this is Master Mazar's territory. Who knows what other tricks this old guy has.

He didn't want Su Qing and Su Xiaomeng to be in any danger, so he took care of Master Mazar first.


David, who activated his mad battle body, was like a wild beast and started a crazy battle with the corpse puppet.

Moreover, the two of them were extremely destructive. Not to mention tables and chairs, even walls and other items were blown to pieces.

Su Shiming and others all retreated, trying to avoid the battlefield between the two of them as much as possible.

Master Mazar's eyes flashed, is he so strong?

Just when he was about to summon another corpse puppet, Xiao Chen came over to kill him.

"Soul attack, right? Then you should try it too!"

Xiao Chen formed a domain, and at the same time gathered a handful of weapons from heaven and earth, and slashed at Master Mazar.

Master Maza waved his cane, shattering the field, and quickly retreated.


The soldiers of heaven and earth slashed to the ground, and the ground cracked.

Master Mazar looked at Xiao Chen and felt a little uneasy. Why did the divine soul attack have little effect on him?

Could it be said that Xiao Chen's soul is already powerful enough to ignore his soul attack?

It seems that this is the only possibility.

"Brother Chen, catch him quickly...these bugs are so disgusting."

Su Xiaomeng shouted to Xiao Chen.

Although the ghost Buddha Zhao Rulai's 'Raging Eyes King Kong' formed a barrier-like existence, poisonous insects and other things did not dare to come over, but it was still disgusting to look at.


Xiao Chen agreed and attacked Master Mazha with his sword, using his full fighting power.

As Xiao Chen unleashed all his fighting power, Master Mazar's face changed drastically. He was so strong?

He wanted to use the head-lowering technique, but Xiao Chen didn't give him a chance.

"Don't you want to see the head-drop technique?"

Master Mazar shouted.

"Well, then I'll give you time to perform it, right? It's best if I just stand there and don't move, and let you perform the head-drop technique on me, right?"

Xiao Chen sneered and chopped it off with one knife.

"Fuck you, do you think I'm a fool?"

Master Mazar quickly stepped back, wanting to distance the two of them, and also wanted to have time to perform the head-lowering technique.

Speaking of which, he is not good at close combat, and the head-dropping master... kills people invisible.


When Xiao Chen saw Master Mazar retreating, his sneer grew thicker. How could he not know what this old guy was planning.

However, how could he let this old guy get his wish?

Once you distance yourself and give it time, something may change.

Now it is most correct to use one's own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses.

The next second, he caught up with Master Mazar, and the domain was formed again. Even if it could not cause harm to the old guy, it could at least restrict his movements.

Master Mazar didn't have time to summon another corpse puppet, so he could only send out a whistle, trying to move this corpse puppet over to block Xiao Chen.

As long as you give him a little time, he can perform a big head-drop technique.

He regrets it now. He was careless before and did not use the big head-lowering technique before. Now he is passive in everything.

Following Master Mazar's whistle, the corpse puppet became violent, trying to get rid of David and come to help.

But how could David give it a chance? He opened another level of the mad battle body and punched the corpse puppet against the wall.


The wall was shattered and a bunch of poisonous insects were crushed to death.

David originally wanted to rush forward, hug the corpse puppet, and engage in a close combat, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea.

Without him, it's so disgusting.

This corpse puppet... keeps dropping insects from the broken parts of the wound.

"Bug monster..."

David grunted, looked around, grabbed the big chair where Master Mazar was sitting, and hit the corpse puppet hard.

"Old guy, no one can help you."

Xiao Chen glanced at David and saw that he had suppressed the corpse puppet, and said to Master Mazar.

Master Mazar’s face keeps changing and he is always passive. What should I do?


A series of sword lights, from top to bottom, enveloped Master Mazha.

"Return to Master Mazar...you are like that grasshopper in autumn, you can't even jump a few times."

Xiao Chen said coldly, and after the infinite sword light, he used Xuanyuan Slash again.


Master Mazar screamed in pain. His black robe was cut by the sword and he was also injured.

Before Master Mazar could retreat, Xiao Chen rushed forward, wanting to end the battle.


Master Mazar waved his hand and scattered a handful of poisonous powder.

When Xiao Chen wanted to avoid it, it was already too late, but he didn't care. The 'Chaos Art' protected his heart and punched Master Mazar.


Master Mazar was knocked out and hit the wall hard.


Master Mazar spit out a mouthful of blood and looked up at Xiao Chen.

When he saw that Xiao Chen was fine, he couldn't help but widen his eyes. How could it be possible?

He used hundreds of poisonous insects to refine the poisonous powder, and one puff was enough to kill him.

"I'm sorry, I'm immune to all poisons."

Xiao Chen came to Master Mazar and said lightly.


Master Mazar's eyes narrowed. Is he immune to all poisons?

Just as he was about to get up, he felt a chill on his neck, and the dark golden Xuanyuan knife was placed on his neck.

"The great head-dropping master? Ha, it's nothing more than that."

Xiao Chen looked down at Master Mazar and smiled mockingly.


Master Mazar clenched his fists, feeling insulted.

He really wanted to say, "Let me go, and I'll show you what the real big head-lowering technique is!"

However, when the words came to his lips, he didn't say it. It would be useless to say that the winner would be the king or the loser.

"My father-in-law, what should I do with him?"

Xiao Chen looked at Su Shiming and asked.

"I want him to get rid of the bugs and everything..."

Su Xiaomeng shouted.

"Oh yes."

Xiao Chen nodded and patted Master Mazar's old face with the Xuanyuan knife.

"Come on, get rid of all the bugs."

"Do you think you won?"

Master Mazar raised his head, glared at Xiao Chen, and said angrily.

"I don't know whether I will win or not, but I know that your neck is definitely not as strong as my knife."

Xiao Chen said, and drew the Xuanyuan knife on Master Mazar's neck again.

"What do you think?"


Master Mazar gritted his teeth and blew the whistle, and saw the poisonous insects receding like a tide.

"And that."

Xiao Chen pointed at the corpse puppet that was still struggling. Does this guy feel no pain? They have been beaten and deformed, but they are not dead yet.

Master Mazar made a different whistle sound again, and the corpse puppet stopped moving.

David also breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the corpse puppet again. It would be nice if this thing wasn't so disgusting. It would be useful to get one and use it as a sandbag.

At this time, Su Shiming also slowly stepped forward with a smile on his face.

This time I came to Siam and brought Xiao Chen with me. It was indeed the right decision.

He didn't need much back-up tactics at all, and he took down Master Mazar directly.

"How to deal with it?"

Xiao Chen's knife was always placed on Master Mazar's neck.

This old guy is a master of lowering his head, and he has many tricks, so he must be on guard.

The knife was placed on his neck. No matter how many tricks the old guy had, he couldn't be as quick as his knife.

"Master Maza, why bother? We have been working well together, but we have to fight each other."

Su Shiming looked at Master Mazar with some helplessness.


Xiao Chen looked at Su Shiming, the father-in-law was the most hypocritical.

We were working well together, but why did you break the cup to show off, knocking down all the direct disciples?

"I sincerely want to cooperate with you."

Su Shiming said again.

"But now...what do you think we should do?"

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