Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 3763 Everyone gets what they need

"Yes, as long as Maza becomes the head-dropping master and the most powerful head-dropping master in Siam, then he will definitely cooperate with the royal family... By then, I will be able to get the results."

Su Shiming looked at Xiao Chen and said slowly.

"When we met at the orphanage, didn't I also tell you that I was developing an antidote? That's it."


Xiao Chen nodded, Su Shiming did say this at that time.

However, he did not expect that his father-in-law would have such a big layout and borrow so many chickens...

"In addition to the antidote, there are also some other results... These results can be used by the Siamese royal family, but they want to monopolize them, but it is impossible."

Su Shiming said lightly.

"This time, I will get it back."

"My father-in-law, is there any need to go to such trouble? Let's just kill him and rob him."

Xiao Chen thought for a while and said.


Su Qing coughed dryly, glared at Xiao Chen, and then looked at her sister.

She had been worried that some things in the ancient martial arts world would affect her sister.

Now Xiao Chen was robbing her in front of her sister, and for what purpose... How bad.

"Well... take it, how can we say it's 'robbing' our own things, right? Take it back."

Xiao Chen noticed Su Qing's gaze and explained.

"That's right, just take it back."

Su Xiaomeng also shouted.

"When the time comes, I'll go too...I'll go look out for you."


Su Qing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she could only shake her head.

Xiao Chen was also a little speechless,

This girl can't do anything else except watch the wind?

When she said she was going to grab the Jade Buddha, she also said she wanted to watch the wind.

"It's not that simple. The Siamese royal family is still very powerful, and we don't know the whereabouts of these scientific research results yet... I've already asked people to check."

Su Shiming looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"When my people were killed, they became more careful..."


Xiao Chen nodded. It was a normal operation, but if it were him, he would have to be more careful.

"What about Master Mazar? What does he want? To become a divine master of Jiangtou? Father-in-law, do you have a way to make him a divine master of Jiangtou?"

"I don't know the art of lowering the head. How can I make him a master of lowering the head?"

Su Shiming shook his head.

"However, there is an opportunity for him to take a step further and possibly become a magician..."

"what chance?"

Xiao Chen asked curiously.

"There is a secret realm here in Siam, which opens once every many years... Recently, this secret realm will be opened. By then, many surrender masters will enter."

Su Shiming introduced.

"It is said that in this secret realm, there is the 'power of life', which can not only make people strong, but also rejuvenate them..."


Xiao Chen was stunned.

"Isn't that a bit exaggerated?"

"I think it's an exaggeration, but this power shouldn't be simple..."

Su Shiming nodded and said again.

"Master Mazar needs helpers if he wants to seize the opportunity, and I can not only provide him with helpers, but also make his people stronger in a short time... In this way, he can defeat other head-dropping masters. The chances are even greater.”

"So that's it."

Xiao Chen nodded, the two of them cooperated, each really had their own interests and got what they needed.

"Not everyone can enter this secret realm. Master Maza, as a famous great head-dropping master in Siam, is qualified to enter..."

When Su Shiming said this, he looked at Xiao Chen.

"Before, lowering your head didn't work for you. I also thought about it. If you follow me in, maybe this opportunity... will fall on you."

"It's not invalid. If I go, it won't be anyone else's fault."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"I am the chosen one, and my luck is invincible."

"Oh? Then you can go in and have a look. Anyway, if you can't get it, you won't suffer any loss."

Su Shiming's eyes lit up and he said.

"Master Mazar is dead, can we still go in?"

Xiao Chen thought of something and frowned slightly.

"Then just punch in..."

Su Xiaomeng said casually.


Xiao Chen and others all looked at Su Xiaomeng. When did this girl... become so wild?

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me? Am I right?"

Seeing everyone looking at her, Su Xiaomeng felt a little awkward and asked.

"Xiaomeng, after you go back, you should go to school well for me... you know?"

Su Qing stared at her sister and said.

"Don't interfere with the affairs of the ancient martial arts world."

"Ah? Why?"

Su Xiaomeng frowned.

"Tell me why, you are almost turning into a female robber!"

Su Qing said in a deep voice.


Su Xiaomeng twitched her lips, is there any?

"That's not a big deal, just play with Lao Zhao."

Xiao Chen said to Su Xiaomeng.

"Hmm, maybe Lao Zhao really led me astray."

Su Xiaomeng also nodded.


Su Shiming coughed dryly. He wouldn't interfere with Su Qing's sister's affairs.

After all, she has been taking care of Xiaomeng all these years.

As parents, they feel a lot of debt.

"Although Master Mazar is dead, the quota is still there... Renwei, he can bring people in."

Su Shiming looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"Furthermore, Lunwei's strength is not weak either. Although he is not a great master, he is only one step behind..."

"That's fine."

Xiao Chen nodded. No wonder his father-in-law told Lun Wei a lot of things. There were multiple arrangements.

"My father-in-law, if my aunt hadn't been infected by a poisonous insect, would you have planned to deal with Master Mazar next time?"

"Of course, he is not a good person. I am not the least bit embarrassed when I plotted against him... He suffered a loss. You can't blame me for being too clever, but because he is too shallow."

Su Shiming said with a smile.


Xiao Chen also laughed. He found that he and his troubled father-in-law had quite a good temper.

"At that time, if the power of this life is of no use to us, then let Renwei take another step, at least as a great head-down master... Of course, if Maza does not do other things, I will let him become Master Jiantou will get the results first, but he won’t do anything without resorting to tricks, I quite understand.”

Su Shiming said slowly.

"So, once he resorts to tricks, I will make Renwei a guest of the royal family... Even if he doesn't become a magician, I have other arrangements, no problem."

"My father-in-law is awesome."

Xiao Chen gave a thumbs up. This father-in-law is really awesome. The enemy thought he was at the top...but in the end he found out that he was actually at the bottom.

And my father-in-law is the one who truly stands at the top, strategizing, and winning thousands of miles away!

"Haha, it's just a little trick."

Su Shiming waved his hand and smiled lightly, as if it was not worth mentioning.


Xiao Chen looked at Su Shiming. This reaction looked familiar.

He thought about it again, yes, he usually pretends to be cool, isn't it the same?

Yun Danfengqing's pretense is even more deadly!

"Aren't you going to kill Alf? Next, deal with Alf...and then go to the secret realm. It would be better if you gain something. If you don't gain anything, you won't lose anything."

Su Shiming said to Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen nodded, thinking of something.

"Before that, do we have to let Auntie and the others go back?"

"No, I won't go back, I still have to look out for you."

When Su Xiaomeng heard this, she hurriedly said.

"Yes, I have to go back."

Su Shiming looked at his youngest daughter and nodded. He didn't want them to stay here, and he didn't want them to be in any danger.

"Father, why don't I go back? I finally came out..."

Su Xiaomeng pouted and said.


Su Shiming smiled bitterly. After all, they hadn't seen each other for many years and felt a debt of gratitude, so he couldn't say much.

However, he looked at his eldest daughter.

Sure enough, Su Qing noticed her father's gaze and immediately spoke: "No, you have to go back with me... It's good to have you come this time."


What else did Su Xiaomeng want to say.

"There's nothing to do, I have to go back!"

Su Qing interrupted her sister.


Su Xiaomeng looked at her sister and then at Xiao Chen. At this time, it was best to seek help from Brother Chen.

As a result... Xiao Chen turned his head and pretended not to see her eyes, which made her very annoyed.

However, she also knew that going back was a foregone conclusion.

Except for Brother Chen, it is estimated that none of the parents can change my sister's decision.

"Okay, okay."

Su Xiaomeng had no choice but to nod.


Su Shiming chuckled, one thing really brings down another thing.

Yun Qingmeng, who was next to him, also smiled, but felt a little sour in his heart. These years had been really hard on the two sisters.

As a mother, she didn't do anything for her daughters.

"Xiao Meng, you go back first. If there is anything good, I will bring it back to you."

Xiao Chen said to Su Xiaomeng.

"Liar, you said before that if there was any secret place, you would take me with you to find an opportunity."

Su Xiaomeng is afraid of her sister, but not Xiao Chen.

"Well, this secret realm belongs to the head-dropping master. Are you sure you want to go? Think about it, there may be a lot of poisonous insects there, including snakes, centipedes, scorpions, and spiders..."

Xiao Chen said.

"Stop, stop, stop... stop talking. I feel sick thinking about it now, so I won't go."

Su Xiaomeng's expression changed, and her body twisted a few times, as if there were some poisonous insects crawling on her body, which was very uncomfortable.

"Next time, if there is a good secret place, I will definitely take you there."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Hmm...but I haven't seen a transvestite yet during this trip."

Su Xiaomeng said again.


Xiao Chen was speechless. How could this girl have the same obsession with transvestites as Old Zhao?

Sure enough, she couldn't be allowed to play with Old Zhao in the future, because he was led astray by him.

"Tomorrow, I will take you to see it."

Xiao Chen said to Su Xiaomeng.

"Let's go after reading this, okay?"


Su Xiaomeng nodded, her sister had said so, what could she do.

Xiao Chen chatted with her for a while, then stood up: "My father-in-law, I'm going back to rest first... You guys can talk more, this suite has enough room, just let Xiaoqing and Xiaomeng sleep here."

"good. "

Su Shiming nodded.

"If there's anything else, let's talk about it tomorrow... Today, I'm grateful to you and thank you for your hard work."

"Haha, father-in-law, don't be polite to me, we are a family."

Xiao Chen smiled.


Su Shiming also smiled and said no more words of thanks.

"I'm going back."

Xiao Chen said something to Amelia Su again, and the latter nodded.

Tonight, she also wanted to spend time with her parents.

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