Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 3779: Kill or save?

Bang bang bang!

The banging continued, making a dull sound.

A figure appeared from beside the boulder and quickly disappeared again.

Obviously, this was sent by Renwei to see the situation. After all, a group of people were trying to attack just now, but suddenly there was no movement.

When this man went back and told Luan Wei about the situation outside, he was also confused for a while.

Why did they start fighting?

He made sure again and again that it was the Siamese Buddhist monks who were fighting with the Holy See, not Su Shiming and others, and he just wanted to contact Su Shiming.

But since they were in different places and couldn't contact each other by phone, he could only give up and wait patiently.

Outside, Su Shiming also looked at the time, wondering how long Alf could hold on.

If he persisted for another five or six minutes, Xiao Chen would probably arrive.


Two more Buddha Dharmakayas appeared and joined forces to blast the Angel of Light.

Alf vomited out a large mouthful of blood and turned extremely pale.

"Alf, why don't you just catch me without mercy!"

An old monk said coldly.

"Huh, so what if I'm captured without a fight? Do you dare to kill me? If I die in Siam, you will all die."

Alf wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said coldly.

Listening to Alf's words, the old monks were annoyed and helpless. After all, they did not dare to kill him.

"Then I will suppress you and replace you with the Jade Buddha!"

An old monk from the Temple of the Emerald Buddha took a step forward and saw a giant golden hand appearing under the night sky, turning his palm and slapping Alf.

Alf gritted his teeth and swayed to avoid the giant golden hand.


The giant golden hand missed and grabbed Alf again sideways.


A scream came,

One of Alf's men was killed.

Although the old monks did not dare to kill Alf, they no longer had such fear for others.

They know very well that Alf should not be killed as much as possible. After all, he is a top powerhouse and the new person in charge of the Asian region... As for the others, they will be killed as long as they are killed. The Holy See of Light will not come to them just for a few minions. how.

When Obisco saw this scene, his expression changed slightly, why didn't Xiao Chen come?

If he doesn't come again, I'm afraid he will be in danger.

Just as his thoughts flashed across his mind, an old monk stared at him and came straight towards him.

"Alf, save me..."

Obisco shouted.

"Are you Alf's confidant? Tell me, did you snatch the Jade Buddha?"

After the old monk finished speaking, a terrifying pressure enveloped Obisco.


Obisco shouted again.

"He can't save you."

The old monk's voice was cold and stern, and he stretched out his right hand and grabbed Obisco.

Alf glanced here and frowned. He really couldn't care about Obisco anymore.

Now, he kept dodging, trying to avoid the giant golden hand.

If he faced an old monk alone, he would have nothing to fear, but now that several old monks were fighting together, he was no match at all.

In fact, several golden giant hands appeared, forming a trap and attacking him, making it almost impossible for him to avoid them.

"Obisko...that boy's man, Barnard, save him."

Su Shiming looked at Obisco, who was in danger, thought for a while, and gave the order.


Barnard nodded, his breath exploded instantly, and he rushed out.

As Barnard's breath exploded, both parties were stunned for a moment, who?

Alf was stunned for a moment and became a little excited. Could it be that Fuller and the others had arrived?

If it arrived, he was safe.

But when he turned around and saw Barnard, he couldn't help but be stunned again. It was not Fuller.

Immediately afterwards, he recognized Barnard, the black bishop of the Dark Church?

Why is this guy here?


An old monk drank coldly.

"People who come to kill."

After Barnard finished speaking, he waved his right hand, and a large sword as black as ink appeared out of thin air.

This broadsword is not an entity, but formed from black mist.

He slashed with his sword and blocked the old monk who wanted to capture Obisco.

When the old monk saw this, his face darkened. Was he the helper of the Holy See?


Obisco also recognized it and was a little surprised. Then he thought of something. Could it be arranged by Xiao Chen?


"He is from the Dark Holy See...I know. The Dark Holy See must have known about our actions and robbed the Jade Buddha!"

Suddenly, Alf said loudly.

Hearing Alf's words, the old monks were stunned. People from the Dark Holy See?

They are relatively unfamiliar with the Dark Holy See.

So, I don’t know Barnard either.

As for Alf's words, they were half-convinced. Was it really the Dark Holy See that had robbed the Emerald Buddha?

"Alf, today...is the day you die."

Seeing that Obisco had retreated to a safe area, Barnard heard what Alf said again, and turned around to kill Alf.

"If you dare to try anything against Mrs. Su, you will be killed!"

"Are you protecting Yun Qingmeng?"

Alf backed away, frowning.

"The dignified bishop in black actually works as a bodyguard for someone?"

"I have escaped from the Dark Holy See..."

Barnard said, slashing with his sword.

"What? Break away from the Dark Church?"

Alf was surprised.

"When did this happen?"

"After Mr. Su left the Holy See of Light..."

When Barnard said this, he paused.

"Not only me, but the deputy leader of your Knights of Light, Waterlow, also left the Holy See of Light, didn't he?"

"Watro...he is a disgrace to the Holy See of Light."

Alf said angrily.

"Really? Alf, since you said so, let me give you a ride too."

A faint voice sounded.


Alf's expression changed and he looked in one direction.


With a sneer, a figure appeared in everyone's sight, it was Waterlow.

"It's really you..."

Alf stared at Waterlow, his heart sinking.

Su Shiming has been here for a long time and has made arrangements?

Waterlow and Barnard were always there?


An old monk looked at Waterlow and narrowed his eyes slightly. He had met him once before.

Even Waterlow has left the Holy See of Light?

"Masters, we were all here just now and heard about the Jade Buddha..."

Waterlow glanced at several old monks and said slowly.

He did not mention that they had known about the Guangming Holy See's plan for a long time, but said that they had just heard about it... In this way, the Siamese Buddhists would not associate the loss of the Jade Buddha with them.

This is also what Su Shiming said. This blame must be firmly placed on the Holy See of Light.

"At this time, if you don't go looking for the Emerald Buddha, do you still want to stay here? Alf...he will die today."

Votro said, pulling out the broad knight's sword from his back.

"Watro, the Jade Buddha was snatched away by your Holy See of Light..."

The old monk who had a relationship with Waterlow said in a deep voice.

"No, it's not us. As I said just now, I have left the Holy See of Light. Everything in the Holy See of Light has nothing to do with me."

Waterlow interrupted the old monk and said.

"Okay, even if you are no longer from the Holy See of Light, we can't let Alf go... He is now the person in charge of the Asia region, and he is the one who negotiated cooperation with us. Now that the Jade Buddha is missing, we have to ask him to give an explanation .”

The old monk pointed at Alf, his voice a little colder.

"I'm afraid this won't work. If he dares to arrest Mrs. Su, he will die tonight."

Waterlow shook his head.

"Whoever stops it is the enemy."

Listening to Waterlow's words, the old monks frowned. He wanted to kill Alf?

But if Alf is killed, who do they care about finding the Emerald Buddha?

Alf looked at Waterlow, then at the old monks, and felt slightly relieved. The current situation seemed to be good.

If Waterlow and Barnard insist on killing him, then the old monks will definitely protect him... As long as they delay and wait until Fuller and the others arrive, he will be safe!

Thinking of this, Alf felt that he should do something: "Watro, I now suspect that you understood our actions and went to rob the Jade Buddha..."

"Really? Whatever you want, you will die anyway."

Waterlow didn't bother to explain at all, holding the knight's sword and killing Alf.

"Barnard, kill him."


Barnard nodded and killed him too.

"Protect Alf, don't let them kill Alf!"

Sure enough, the old monks rushed forward to stop him.

Although they also wanted to kill Alf, they couldn't let him die... at least, not now.

This feeling made them feel very unhappy, but no matter how unhappy they were, they could still be saved if they needed to.

Alf retreated violently. While he distanced himself from Waterlow and Barnard, he also kept his distance from the old monks.

He also didn't trust the old monks. What if they took action against him?

Now, he can only rely on himself.


Barnard slashed with his sword, but was blocked by an old monk.

"Old monk, the Holy See of Light is so insidious, cooperating openly and robbing the Jade Buddha secretly, yet you still want to save him?"

Barnard said coldly.

"It is precisely because he robbed the Jade Buddha that he cannot die."

The old monk said solemnly.

"When we find the Jade Buddha, we won't care about his life or death..."

"Otherwise, we will kidnap Alf and torture him to find out the whereabouts of the Emerald Buddha... As long as we find the Emerald Buddha, we will hand Alf over to you."

Suddenly, an old monk said.

"I don't know what the Jade Buddha or the Jade Buddha is. This matter has nothing to do with me and has nothing to do with the Holy See of Light..."

Alf shouted.

"Since he doesn't know about the Jade Buddha, then masters... do you still want to protect his life?"

Su Shiming appeared.

"Su Shiming?!"

When Alf saw Su Shiming, his eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

"How will you be here."

"Why can't I come here?"

Su Shiming smiled lightly.

"Alf, I've been waiting for you here for a long time."

"You...that one is fake?"

Alf thought of something and his expression changed.


Su Shiming nodded.

"How's it going? Isn't it surprising? Alf, since you said that the loss of the Emerald Buddha has nothing to do with the Holy See of Light, and you don't know its whereabouts... then you are worthless to Siamese Buddhism, right?"

Hearing this, the old monks all looked at Alf. Did he really not know?

If it was really not the Holy See of Light that did it, then Alf really had no value, and there was no need for them to save Alf.


Alf looked at Su Shiming and then at the reactions of the old monks. He wanted to scold his mother.

This guy is so insidious!

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