Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 3854: 1 explanation

More than ten minutes later, Xiao Chen and others left the Su family and headed to Haifu Mountain.

"Brother Chen, find a flower shop."

Su Xiaomeng said halfway.


Xiao Chen responded, found a flower shop and bought a bouquet of flowers.

About half an hour later, the car stopped and everyone got out.

Su Xiaomeng brought flowers, while Xiao Chen brought two bottles of wine and two cups... Basically every time he came, he would drink with Su Yunfei.

Su Shiming looked at him and didn't stop him.

"Mom, that's my eldest brother's tomb."

Su Qing held her mother's arm and said softly.


Yun Qingmeng nodded, looking at the tombstone in the distance, his eyes suddenly turned red.

However, she still endured it and stepped forward slowly.

Arriving in front of the tombstone, Su Xiaomeng bent down and put down the flowers.

Xiao Chen opened a bottle of wine, poured it into a cup, and placed it in front of the tombstone.

"Lao Su, I didn't bring anything to eat, so I'll just drink."

Xiao Chen looked at the slightly yellowed photo on the tombstone and said.

Today, the biggest reason why he came here is...he came to give Su Yunfei an explanation.

He had promised Su Yunfei to come to Longhai to help Su Qing solve her troubles, and also to find their parents.

After so long, he finally fulfilled his promise. He helped Su Qing and found Su Shiming and Yun Qingmeng.

"Xiao Fei..."

Yun Qingmeng raised her trembling hand and gently touched the photo on it.

Although she had known about this for a long time and had recovered from it, she still couldn't accept it now when she saw the tombstone.

Tat, tap, tap...tears dripped.

"Xiao Fei, mom is sorry for you..."

Yun Qingmeng whimpered, feeling the pain of someone's heart being squeezed hard.

Seeing their mother like this, Su Qing and Su Xiaomeng also cried.


Su Shiming sighed and looked away.

He was afraid that if he looked at it, he would be sad.


Xiao Chen picked up two glasses of wine, poured one on the ground, and drank the other.

The spicy wine poured down his throat, and scenes from the past appeared before his eyes.

"Lao Su, I have done what I promised you."

Xiao Chen put down his wine glass, filled it up again, and said softly.

"Don't think too much, you've done a good job."

Su Shiming patted Xiao Chen's shoulder and comforted him.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"What needs to be said, I said it last time... Now, the family is reunited."

Su Shiming said, looking at the photo on the tombstone.

Although this kind of reunion is not what he wants, what can he do now?

People who are alive must live well after all.

"Mom, please stop crying."

Su Qing comforted her mother.

"Brother is alive in heaven. I will be very happy to see you and your father back."

"I know...I know, we are sorry for your brother, and we are sorry for you."

Yun Qingmeng nodded.

"I don't blame you, no one expected what would happen."

Su Qing shook her head.

"I know you are protecting us by not contacting us..."

"Yes, Mom, I used to hate you and my eldest brother... Now, I don't hate you and I don't hate my eldest brother anymore."

Su Xiaomeng held her mother's hand and cried.

"My eldest brother is gone. From now on, our family must be well and stay together."


Yun Qingmeng squeezed her little daughter's hand tightly.

"Promise me not to leave my sister and me again..."

Su Xiaomeng said again.

"Yeah, yeah, not anymore, never again."

Yun Qingmeng nodded vigorously and agreed.

"Lao Su, let's have another drink."

Xiao Chen picked up the cup again and drank it all in one gulp.

"Stop drinking..."

Su Qing came to Xiao Chen and said to him.

"Big brother will also thank you when he sees his parents come back."

"Haha, this is what I promised him."

Xiao Chen smiled, but felt a little sad in his heart.

He could not forget the scene of Su Yunfei dying for him.

"Xiao Chen, thank you for everything you have done for us..."

Yun Qingmeng also looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"I know everything that happened in the past, and it has passed... This is Xiaofei's own decision, and I understand and support it."

Xiao Chen was a little surprised when he heard Yun Qingmeng's words.

Su Qing, Su Xiaomeng, and Su Shiming all said similar things to him, so don't blame him.

Now, Yun Qingmeng said the same thing.

"Since childhood, Shiming and I have told them that when they make a decision, they have to think about it and then go ahead with it... As parents, we will support it."

Yun Qingmeng continued.

"Moreover, the same is true for Shi Ming and I. We made the decision to leave, and after consideration, we left... I think Xiao Fei is also like this. Everything he does is what he wants."

"Yes, no matter what the consequences of the choices and decisions you make, you have to bear them..."

Su Shiming nodded.

"Actually, before we left, we never thought it would take so long. Later, things were out of our control... We gained a lot, but we also lost a lot!"

"Xiao Chen, put down the burden in your heart."

Yun Qingmeng looked at Xiao Chen and said softly.

"You are a good boy...I hope you can treat Xiaoqing and Xiaomeng well in the future."


Xiao Chen was startled and looked at Yun Qingmeng, then at Su Qing and Su Xiaomeng. Did he agree with them to be with him?

Su Qing and Su Xiaomeng were also a little surprised and looked at their mother.

"Sigh... I know what you think, and I also know your temper."

Yun Qingmeng noticed the gazes of his two daughters and said slowly.

"Since you feel happy, I won't say anything... So, today in front of Xiao Fei, I will express my opinion."

After hearing their mother's words, Su Qing and Su Xiaomeng looked at each other and felt relieved.

They suddenly understood why their mother came today.

In addition to coming to see Big Brother, I also want to make this decision in front of Big Brother.

The family reunited and expressed their opinions in front of everyone.

"Auntie, don't worry, I will definitely make them happy."

Xiao Chen looked at Yun Qingmeng and said seriously.

Yun Qingmeng nodded without saying anything more, and his eyes fell on the tombstone again.

Her mood is much more stable than before, at least, that's what it seems on the surface.

Half an hour later, Xiao Chen and others left Haifu Mountain.

When going down the mountain, Xiao Chen looked back and felt much more relaxed.

At least, he did what he promised.

After returning to Xiao's Manor, Yun Qingmeng returned to his residence.

"I'll go back and stay with her first."

Su Shiming said something and went back.

Su Xiaomeng originally wanted to go, but was stopped by Su Qing.

"As long as my father is here."

Su Qing said to her.

"Oh okay."

Su Xiaomeng nodded and looked at Xiao Chen again.

"Brother Chen, it's all over. Don't think too much about it."

"I know."

Xiao Chen nodded and chatted with Su Qing and Su Xiaomeng for a while before leaving.

Just when he returned to the main villa, his cell phone rang.

He took it out and saw it was from Obisco.

"Xiao Chen, have you really returned to Longhai?"

Obisco asked as the phone answered.


Although Xiao Chen felt relieved, he was not in a good mood and was too lazy to talk to Obisco.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Oh, I just want to confirm... Once you leave, we should make big moves."

Obisco replied.

"Big move? How big a move?"

Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows and lit a cigarette.

"Within a week, we will defeat Siamese Buddhism...The next step is to go to Mandu."

Obisco said.

"After defeating Buddhism, it seems that we will have to deal with the Dark Holy See."

"Does the Holy See of Light still have this strength now?"

Xiao Chen frowned slightly.

"It is said that they have found allies. I don't know the details yet..."

Obisco replied.

"However, Siamese Buddhism is definitely over."

"Stop bragging, let's talk about it after we fight... I won't pay much attention to your affairs, I just want to watch the excitement."

Xiao Chen smoked a cigarette.

"Aren't you a prince with a different surname from the Siamese royal family? Do you really not care?"

Obisco asked again.

"I won't show up until the royal family is destroyed."

Xiao Chen thought for a while and gave an attitude.

He didn't say much about Serro and the others cooperating with the royal family to deal with the Holy See of Light.

He knew very well that the Holy See of Light would get the news soon.

This battle is inevitable.

Although he has a good relationship with Cerro, he will not interfere too much... Cerro needs such an opportunity to train himself and increase his influence.

As for whether people will die... there is no such thing as a war that doesn't kill people.

One general's success will lead to thousands of bones drying up. If Serro wants to be in power, how can he not pay the price?


Listening to what Xiao Chen said, Obisco was right.

"I'm quite curious as to why you agreed to the royal family of Siam."

"I'm not in the mood to talk to you about this. Just do whatever you want... By the way, is there any news about 'Su's' attitude?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"No, if there is, I will tell you."

Obisco said.

"Well, hang up then."

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone and put out the cigarette in his hand.

He thought for a while and sent a message to Serro as a reminder.

Apart from that, he had no intention of doing anything else.

There were more people in Xiao's Manor at night and it was more lively.

After the dinner, Xiao Chen chatted with Xiao Yi and the others for a while before going to Su Qing's residence.

"Xiaoqing, would you like to have a drink with me?"

Xiao Chen looked at Su Qing and took out the red wine and cup from the bone ring.

"Why, didn't you drink enough tonight?"

Su Qing asked.

"no the same."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"Okay, let's have a drink with you."

Su Qing nodded.

"Let's go to the terrace."


Xiao Chen took the red wine and cup and followed Su Qing to the terrace.

The two sat down and poured wine.

"Until today, I have fulfilled my promise to your brother."

Xiao Chen picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Su Qing.

"I knew it was because of this."

Su Qing took a sip of red wine.

"Now that you've fulfilled your promise, let it go."

"haha okay."

Xiao Chen smiled, raised his head and drank the red wine in the glass.

"You said that people have souls. After death, the soul may exist... Brother, are there really spirits in the sky watching us?"

Su Qing looked at Xiao Chen and asked softly.


Xiao Chen nodded, but this was just a comfort, and he didn't believe it himself.

Only the soul of the strong can stay, and Su Yunfei... is too weak.

However, it’s good to think about it a little bit, isn’t it?

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