Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 3926 Are you worthy?

Listening to Xiao Chen and the old fortune teller's words, Ri Zunzhe and Gao Nian's faces darkened.

Close the door and beat the dog?

Are they dogs?

"Is he the old fortune teller?"

Gao Nian looked at the old fortune teller, his expression changing.

The name 'Old Fortune Teller' was like a thunder in his ears, but he had never seen it before.


Master Ri nodded. He had met the old fortune teller twice, but he was not familiar with him.

The next second, he lifted Gao Nian into the air.

Must fight out.

It was very dangerous just now, and now there's an old fortune teller here... it's even more dangerous.


Sun Venerable said to Gao Nian, raised his right fist, and gathered his strength.


Gao Nian responded, and he knew very well that there was a life and death crisis in front of him.

Breaking this transparent cover, they may still have a chance of survival.

Otherwise... you're dead!

At least he's dead!

Gao Nian took a deep breath, and followed the Sun Lord's attack with the strongest blow he could send out now.

Following this blow, Gao Nian became impotent.


The attacks of Master Ri and Gao Nian landed on the transparent cover almost simultaneously.

Xiao Chen and others were shocked, wouldn't they really let them break it?

The transparent cover shook a few times but did not break, and then... there was no movement.

Seeing this scene, Ri Zunzun and Gao Nian's expressions changed. Can't they break it?

"Don't bother. I told you to close the door and beat the dog. How can I let you run away?"

The old fortune teller sitting on the branch of a tree said calmly.

Listening to the old fortune teller's words, Ri Zunzun and Gao Nian couldn't care less about being angry, and their hearts sank.

Lord Sun didn't worry too much before. In his opinion, no matter how many people there were and how bad the situation was, if he wanted to leave, no one would be able to keep him.

But now...he is not so sure.

The transparent cover cannot be opened and he cannot leave!

"Haha, let's close the door and beat the dog."

Xiao Chen also felt relieved and laughed out loud.

He has always been worried that Ri Zunzhe and Gao Nian will break out of the encirclement... Now, let's close the door and beat the dog.


Ri Zunzun's fighting spirit rose, and his right fist gained momentum again.

"I can not make it."

Gao Nian shook his head, it was already his last blow.

Hearing Gao Nian's words, Lord Ri frowned and secretly cursed the waste in his heart.

If Gao Nian hadn't been useful, he would have definitely left this guy behind!


Not far away, the minotaur was roaring and still attacking.

Listening to the roar of the bull-headed monster, Ri Zunzun was refreshed. If Gao Nian couldn't do it, the bull-headed monster might be able to.

He whistled, while holding Gao Nian in his arms, he headed towards the Minotaur.

Xiao Chen didn't stop him either. He was no longer in a hurry now. They couldn't run away anyway.

Just like a cat catches a mouse, it doesn't rush to eat it, but plays with it first.

"I'm really crazy, I dare to play in the Seventh Heaven..."

Xiao Chen muttered in his heart, raised his head and glanced at the old fortune teller on the branch of the tree, he was back.

If he didn't come back, he was ready to go out and look for it.

He was also worried about the old fortune teller. What Xiao Yi could think of, he couldn't think of.

But he didn't dare to show it, and it was also to strengthen his belief that the old fortune teller would be fine and would come back.

Lord Ri carried Gao Nian to the side of the bull-headed monster and whistled in his mouth.

The bull-headed monster roared, soared into the air at the same time as Sun Master, and launched an attack.

Its thick and long tail slammed into the transparent cover.

Not to mention that, it lowered its head and hit it hard with its horns glowing with black light.

The transparent cover shook even more, but it was still not broken.

Xiao Chen was determined, and then thought of the transparent barrier under the pit.

Could it be said that this transparent cover is similar to a transparent barrier?

Old fortune teller, can you open that transparent barrier?

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen couldn't wait. He wanted to kill Mr. Ri and Gao Nian, and take the old fortune teller down to have a look.

Sun Venerable saw that the transparent cover had not been opened yet, and felt desperate.

Can't he and the Minotaur's attacks break through it?

"What are you waiting for? This transparent cover won't always be there."

The old fortune teller said something.

After hearing the old fortune teller's words, Xiao Chen raised his Xuanyuan knife and walked towards Master Ri step by step.

And Venerable Sun also has some hope, will it not always exist?

As long as he delays for some time, he can leave?


Xiao Chen shouted softly and took the lead in killing Mr. Ri.

The Xuanyuan Sword bloomed with sword light, covering Sun Zun and Gao Nian, and slashed down hard.

Master Ri did not dare to be careless. He had fought with Xiao Chen and knew that this boy was very strong.

"You protect yourself."

Lord Ri hesitated for a moment, then let go of Gao Nian.

At the same time, he summoned back his soul clone and became one again.

What made him frown was that the clone's soul power had lost about one-third.

If Xiao Chen hadn't broken free just now when he saw the old fortune teller, maybe... the loss would have been even greater.


Gao Nian barely managed to steady his body, feeling very desperate.

He has used up all his trump cards, and now it is difficult to even stand, so how can he protect himself?

However, he also knew that it would be difficult to protect Ri Zunzun when he himself could not be protected.

His eyes fell on one place. Since he couldn't walk from the sky, then... was there a glimmer of life under the cliff?

Thinking of this, he started to use his skills to recover a little.

If it doesn't work, he is ready to jump off the cliff... to fight for a chance of survival.


The Xuanyuan Saber was slashed, and Ri Zun punched out, breaking the Xuanyuan Saber.

Xiao Yi and the others also came forward to fight.

Either besiege the Minotaur, or go to the old age.

When Gao Nian saw this, he no longer hesitated, and with a strong movement of his feet, he went straight to the edge like a sharp arrow coming off the string.

"Stop him!"

Xiao Chen noticed Gao Nian's movements. He was startled for a moment and then realized what he was doing.


Xue Chunqiu slashed his sword and hit Gao Nian's body.


Gao Nian screamed, but he still endured the pain, kept walking, and jumped out.


When Xiao Chen saw this, the Xuanyuan knife flew out from his hand, turned into golden light, and went straight to Gaonian.

The Xuanyuan knife arrived instantly and pierced the senior man's heart.


The huge power caused the Xuanyuan Saber to penetrate Gao Nian's body and emerge from his chest.


Gao Nian let out a louder scream and spit out a mouthful of blood.

He looked down and saw the blood-stained tip of the knife.


Gao Nian opened his mouth. He didn't expect Xiao Chen's knife to be so fast.

He tried to fight for a chance... but failed.

He thought of Wei Zichen's death on Cangxia Cliff.

Now, he could feel Wei Zichen's despair.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Gao Nian fell downwards.


Xiao Chen drank lightly, and the Xuanyuan knife flew out of Gao Nian's body.


Gao Nian screamed again, a blood hole appeared in his chest, and blood spurted out.


Gao Nian passed through the illusory formation set up by Zhuge Qingtian and hit the rocks under the cliff heavily.


Gao Nian spat out a large mouthful of blood again, and his face turned extremely pale.

He raised his head and saw the pit not far away.


Gao Nian looked at the pit, coughing blood, and everything in front of him gradually became blurry.

In this blur, he seemed to see light in the pit...

Then, he trembled and his eyes widened.


Gao Nian wanted to say something, but he finally ran out of energy.

He tried to raise his head but couldn't.

"Xiao Chen...I...hate..."

After Gao Nian said these four words intermittently, his head fell on the rocks and there was no movement.

At the last moment of his life, he suddenly realized that the teleportation array above... was fake!

Although he didn't see anything in the pit, he felt that... the real secret was here.

In hatred, in unwillingness... Gao Nian took his last breath.


Zhuge Qingtian and Xue Chunqiu flew down and landed on the rocks.

They all breathed a sigh of relief when they looked at Gao Nian's body.


Xue Chunqiu stepped forward to take a look and said.


Zhuge Qingtian nodded.

"Before he died, he kept staring at the pit. Did he find something?"

"It's useless to find anything. If you die, you will die."

Xue Chunqiu said, grabbing Gao Nian and preparing to take the body up.


Zhuge Qingtian stopped thinking and flew up again with Xue Chunqiu.

On the top of the mountain, the battle continues.

Xiao Chen was a little worried. Gao Nian must be dead, right?

That knife hit the vital point, and logically speaking, he would definitely die.

But Gao Nian comes from heaven, who knows what other means to save his life.

Ri Zunzun also felt that Gao Nian was dead, and even he could not survive that sword blow.

Now that Gao Nian is dead, he has to find a way to escape.

Otherwise, if he continues, his fate will be his fate in senior year.


Gao Nian's body was thrown up by Xue Chunqiu, fell to the ground, and rolled around.

Why is the dead the most important? In Xue Chunqiu's eyes, it doesn't matter.

The enemy is the enemy.

When Xiao Chen saw Gao Nian's body, he felt relieved, just die.

The purpose of this game is to kill Gao Nian.

Unexpectedly... a big fish like Lord Sun was caught.

If we kill Mr. Sun again, the trip will be complete and there will be unexpected gains.

"Senior year..."

Master Ri's eyes flashed, but he was still dead.

"Xiao Chen, you have already killed Gao Nian, how about letting it go?"

"You're not dead, how can you stop?"

Xiao Chen shook his head, are you afraid now?


"I am the Sun Venerable of the Sun Moon Divine Sect, you..."

What else did Master Ri want to say.

"I've even killed Patriarch Qing Ming, and I'm still missing you, Lord Sun?"

Xiao Chen looked amused.

"Besides, since we are beating dogs behind closed doors, both dogs must be beaten to death."


Mr. Sun almost broke his teeth. This kid's words were so irritating.

"Old fortune teller, you and I can be considered old acquaintances. We travel around the world and keep a line in our lives so that we can meet again in the future!"

"Haha, when you travel around the world, you should keep your integrity as a human being so that we can meet each other easily in the future?"

The old fortune teller chuckled.

"Yang Yan, you also said that there is a fine line in being a human being, but you...are you still a human being now? You are beating the dog behind closed doors."


Lord Ri became even more angry.

"Also, you said that you and I are old acquaintances... This is wrong. We have only met twice."

The old fortune teller looked at Master Ri with a bit of ridicule.

"Old acquaintance...are you worthy?"

Hearing the old fortune teller's words, Ri Zun was full of murderous intent. It was so insulting!

Xiao Yi, on the other hand, had a strange look on his face. He suddenly understood that Xiao Chen had such a bad mouth, who could he let it go?



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