Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 408 Forget it!

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The bra straps were undone, and Xiao Chen became even more excited.

His hand stroked Han Yifei's smooth back, and then he walked slowly, sliding forward little by little.

a little, a little...

Just when Xiao Chen's hand was about to touch something soft, he only felt a sharp pain on his lips, which made him instantly sober!


At the same time, his hand was held.

He opened his eyes, and saw Han Yifei staring at her with embarrassing eyes, with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Chen looked at the blood at the corner of Han Yifei's mouth, then licked the nearest lip, and was about to cry, it was sweet and fishy, ​​this blood was his own!

"Let go of me!"

Han Yifei's pretty face was red, but she was much better than before.

Just now, she almost sank into it.

If it weren't for the sudden loosening of her chest, she might still be immersed in that wonderful feeling.

Xiao Chen smiled wryly, what happened to him?

Is the essence of the worm on the brain?

There was no movement next door, and the couple had left at some point.

This made Xiao Chen curse inwardly, "Boys and girls, you are all at ease, I am in fucking trouble!"

"Don't let go of me yet!"

Seeing Xiao Chen staring at her in a daze, Han Yifei couldn't help but say another sentence.

If it were in another environment, maybe she wouldn't stop it... After all, there is still a little desire in her heart!

Best of all, her body doesn't lie to her!

She could clearly feel the reaction of her body, which was a reaction she had never had before!

"Huh? Oh oh."

Xiao Chen woke up with a start, and quickly let go of Han Yifei's arm.

As he let go of his hand, he took a step back, only to see that the bra that had been untied suddenly slipped down.

Two big white rabbits jumped out happily, shaking and shaking, making Xiao Chen dizzy.

Especially that blush, the anger that he had suppressed just now almost exploded again!


Han Yifei also let out a scream, turned around quickly, and put her bra back on, her pretty face was even redder and hot.

"Then, what...just now..."

Xiao Chen looked at Han Yifei's back, opened his mouth, what can he say?

Kissing, kissing, touching... Well, I just touched the back, can't I help myself?

In that case, he would have to despise himself!

"You go out first!"

Han Yifei said in a low voice without waiting for Xiao Chen to finish speaking.

"oh oh."

Xiao Chen nodded hurriedly, opened the partition and went out.

In order to prevent someone from suddenly coming in again,

He hurried out of the women's bathroom.

Afterwards, he leaned on the sink, took a deep breath, looked down at the small tent that was still there, turned around and washed his face with cold water vigorously, and felt a little better. Yawen bar

"Damn, what is this called!"

Xiao Chen supported the sink, looked at himself in the mirror, and said with a wry smile.

In about five minutes, Han Yifei came out of the bathroom.

Her face has returned to normal, not as red as before.

"Yifei, what happened just now..."

"What happened just now was just a misunderstanding, forget about it!"

Han Yifei finished speaking coldly and walked towards the restaurant.


Xiao Chen looked at Han Yifei's back, a little dumbfounded?


forget it?


Who did she take herself for!

Han Yifei, who was walking in front, had a flash of confusion in his eyes.

To be honest, she wasn't ready for anything.

So, just treat it as a misunderstanding!

When I got back to my seat, the dishes were already served.

"Then what...just now..."

Xiao Chen sat down and looked at Han Yifei, hesitating.

"Let's eat." Han Yifei finished speaking, took a sip of juice, and then pointed to the dishes on the table: "I remember what you said, finish eating."


Xiao Chen was speechless, do you still remember this?

However, he took a closer look and found that Han Yifei was in good condition, so he was relieved.

"Yeah, okay."

During the meal, the atmosphere between the two was a little awkward.

After all, such a thing happened in the bathroom, even the thick-skinned Xiao Chen felt a little awkward.

This is not about dating or anything. You don't need to communicate much, just go to bed directly.

They were considered friends before, and just now they did something that broke the boundaries of friendship, so... it's a ghost if it's not embarrassing!

"Waiter, a bottle of wine."

Han Yifei raised his hand.

"You are injured and cannot drink."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice.

"But I want to drink."

Han Yifei's heart is not as calm as it appears on the surface.

Xiao Chen sighed softly in his heart, and he could faintly sense something.

"Then drink some red wine, and don't drink white wine."

"it is good."

Han Yifei thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

The waiter brought a bottle of red wine, opened it, woke up a little, and poured it into two goblets.

Before Xiao Chen could speak, Han Yifei picked it up, raised his head and killed it in one gulp.

"Drink slowly."

Xiao Chen frowned.

Han Yifei just nodded and poured himself another glass.

"Xiao Chen, do you know? I have a marriage contract."

Suddenly, Han Yifei looked up, looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

Xiao Chen was taken aback, then nodded: "I know, Long Zhan told me."

"He did?"

It was Han Yifei's turn to be surprised.

"Well, the last time we had dinner together, he mentioned it to me after you left." Xiao Chen nodded: "The so-called political marriage is the most basic way for big families to consolidate their interests."

"Yes, but fortunately, I did not become a victim."

Han Yifei nodded.

"Well, Long Zhan said that neither family has forced you..."

"Yes, but my pressure is much greater than that of Long Zhan."

"What's wrong?"

"Three days ago, my dad called me, hoping that Long Zhan and I could strengthen our relationship...Grandpa's health is not very good, and the family is in some trouble, and urgently needs an ally."

Han Yifei picked up the red wine glass, shook it gently, and said slowly.

Xiao Chen nodded. Although he looked down on Han Yifei and her father a bit, isn't that the case in big families?

Sometimes, the rise and fall of a family is often on the shoulders of a woman, at the cost of a woman's life's happiness.

"Long Zhan has also returned to the capital, and it is estimated that the family will also mention this matter to him."

"Then what do you mean?"

Xiao Chen thought about it and asked.

"I don't know, I've been avoiding it all the time."

"But running away all the time is not a solution. You have to face it..."

"Well, I'll think about it." Han Yifei nodded: "I have a mission in Longhai, and my family won't force me to go back, so let's do it for now." As she said, she raised her head and drank another sip of wine.


This time, Xiao Chen did not persuade, but had a drink with Han Yifei.

"Don't just drink, eat some food."

Xiao Chen put down his wine glass and said to Han Yifei.


Han Yifei nodded.

Xiao Chen looked at Han Yifei, feeling a little surprised. He could vaguely guess Han Yifei's origin... It was because he guessed that that he was surprised.

You know, the Han family is very powerful, there is no need to form an alliance with others!

Could it be that the nearest capital is not peaceful?

In the five years of competition, the dragon sea is going to be chaotic, and the capital is also in turmoil?

But he just thought about it casually, Long Hai is in a mess, how can he control the capital?

"Yifei, you just said that your grandfather is not in good health?"

Xiao Chen thought about it and asked.


Han Yifei nodded, not because she was in poor health, but because she was very poor!

For a big family, especially a big red family, having an old family is like a treasure!

As one of the few surviving members, the old man of the Han family is like a sea god needle!

But now, this magical needle is rotten, and it may fall down at any time!

In addition, there was something wrong with the Han family, so Father Han, who had never forced his daughter, also called her three days ago.

"How about I go and see your grandpa for you?"

Xiao Chen hesitated and asked.

This is the only way he can think of to help Han Yifei. As long as Mr. Han is in better health, no matter what kind of trouble it is, it will not be called trouble!

The Han family's troubles are gone, then her father will not force her to marry, and her troubles will naturally be gone.

Originally, he had no friendship with the Han family, but he also admired that old man Han.

He has been a soldier all his life and has made great achievements in battle. He is called the "God of War".

Coupled with Han Yifei's relationship, he decided to make a move!

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Han Yifei's eyes lit up.

Originally, she thought so too, but thinking of the special status of her grandfather and various reasons, she could only suppress this thought.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Chen would take the initiative to propose it.

"Okay, I'll contact my family and try it out."

Han Yifei nodded.


Xiao Chen nodded. As Mr. Han, it is not that simple to treat him.

At least the Han family is probably not at ease!

Furthermore, these only remaining old men are the precious wealth of the country. Even if they pass the Han family's test, they will have to be reviewed by the higher authorities.

"It's been a long time since I've been to the capital, so it's time for me to visit... Let's visit that man by the way, and see if I can get something out of it."

Xiao Chen pondered in his heart.

"I'm full, and I'll leave the rest to you."

After a while, Han Yifei put down his chopsticks and said to Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen looked at half of the dishes left, blinked, is this girl serious?

"Promise but can't do it?"

"Who says I can't do it anymore? I eat it, and I eat it now."

Xiao Chen touched his abdomen, he was not as strong as before, he gritted his teeth, and could eat it.

For a while, Xiao Chen ate wildly, while Han Yifei watched from the side.

Finally... hiccup~

Xiao Chen burped, touched his already round belly, and put down his chopsticks: "I'm liquidated."

"Well, let's go then."

Han Yifei smiled, this was the first time she smiled after she came out of the bathroom.

Looking at Han Yifei's smile, Xiao Chen suddenly felt that it was worth it, and it was worth it even if he died!

"it is good."

The two came to the parking lot outside.

"I didn't drive, you can take me back."

Han Yifei said to Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen was taken aback, did this chick do it on purpose?

"Why, not happy?"

"No, I'm very honored, please get in the car!"

Xiao Chen hurriedly shook his head.

The two got into the Maserati and slowly drove out of the parking lot.

Soon, an off-road vehicle also started and followed behind.

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