Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 454 Confronting the Robbers

\u003c\u003eEverything happened in a blink of an eye, and when everyone reacted, there were four more corpses on the ground!

Just when Xiao Chen turned his gun and was about to shoot again, the young man named Lion rushed out, aiming the gun at a hostage at the same time. Yawen bar

"do not move!"

Xiao Chen's reaction was also very quick, and he turned his gun again, aiming at the one-eyed old man who wanted to retreat to the first-class cabin, and shouted coldly.

The one-eyed old man looked at the gun in Xiao Chen's hand, and slowly raised his hands.

At this time, the people in the cabin were able to react, some screamed, some were overjoyed.

"Shut up the fuck!"

Xiao Chen snorted coldly, and there was a sudden silence in the cabin.

"Hey, what's the matter with you, the police? We were frightened, why did you yell a few times? Also, what did I do with the taxes I paid as a taxpayer? The law and order in China is really bad. Fortunately, I am planning to immigrate Already!"

An elite was unhappy and shouted at Xiao Chen.

"First, I'm not a policeman. If you continue to babble, I'll kick you off the plane! Second, I don't even know who the hell you paid your taxes to! Third... …You said you were planning to immigrate, so let me ask you, do you still have the money to emigrate?”

Xiao Chen said mockingly.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Elite was stunned, yes, his money is gone!

"My money... I don't care, just pay me back!"


The gunshot rang out, and the young man named Lion pointed the gun at the head of a hostage, slowly stood up from the chair, and looked at Xiao Chen with fearful eyes.

"who are you?"

"Just an ordinary traveler." Xiao Chen said lightly, then looked at the girl in sunglasses: "Miss, are you alright?"

"Ah? I, I'm fine. Thank you just now."

The beauty in sunglasses hurriedly shook her head, her pretty face looked a little better than before.

"Hehe, it's nothing." Xiao Chen smiled: "Sit down first, leave the rest to me."

"Yeah." The girl in sunglasses nodded hurriedly: "Old man, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

The old lady shook her head, but from her expression, she knew that her heart must be quite uncomfortable.

How can a person be able to stand this kind of fright when he is old!

"I don't care who you are, put the gun down, or... I'll blow his head off."

The young man stared at Xiao Chen and said in a cold voice.

"Oh, then you can hit it." Xiao Chen didn't care at all, and hooked the trigger with his finger: "If you blow his head off, then I'll blow off the head of this one-eyed dragon too."

Xiao Chen's gun was always aimed at the one-eyed old man.

The young man's face changed slightly, and he looked at the one-eyed old man.

The one-eyed old man looked calm. He looked at Xiao Chen and said in a flat tone, "If you kill me, you will all die."

Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes: "Are you scaring me?"

"Ha ha,

My man has taken control of the cockpit, he should have heard the gunshot... If I die, then he will drive the plane into the sea or a building... At that time, everyone will finish the game. Yawen Romance"

A cold light flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes, no wonder this old guy can be the boss, he is more difficult to deal with than this young man named 'Lion'!

"You're not a policeman, so why bother meddling in your own business? How about this, as long as you let me go, I'll give you half of what you get today! Or, if you mess with me in the future, I'll be the boss, and you, the second!"

Seeing Xiao Chen's silence, the one-eyed old man showed a smile on his face.

"Old man, what did you do before?"

Xiao Chen had a strange look on his face, he was pointed at with a gun by himself, and he still wanted to do it to him, thanks to him, he figured it out.

"Before? Before becoming a robber, I was a high school teacher."

"Teach what?"


The corner of Xiao Chen's mouth twitched, Mahler Gobi's teacher turned out to be a political teacher!

"As long as you hang out with me, then I promise to make you eat well and drink spicy food. Next time you fly, you can fly first class..."

The one-eyed old man thought that Xiao Chen's heart was moved, and continued to fool around.

"Hehe, first-class flight? This skinny man also flew first-class, what happened?"

Xiao Chen glanced at the skinny man who was beaten to death, and said with a sneer.

"It's just an exception."

The one-eyed old man also looked at it, and said lightly.

"I'm curious, what does this guy have to do with you?"

Xiao Chen looked at the young man named 'Lion' again.

"He used to be my student."


Xiao Chen was completely speechless, a teacher who taught politics, but ended up dragging his students to rob the plane, it was too painful.

"My suggestion, what do you think? If you can, then put the gun away, and I can transfer half of the money to you... At this time, the ground has already heard the news, and it is estimated that it is already reacting in various ways."

"Oh, people say that hooligans are not scary, they are afraid of being educated... This is the same with criminals, they are afraid of crimes with high IQs."

"You refused?"

"Tell your men to put down their guns, and let the people in the cockpit exit the cockpit, or I'll blow your head off."

Xiao Chen's expression turned cold, and he was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with him.

"It's a pity, you are a talent, if you follow me..."

"If you keep babbling, I'll definitely blow your head off."

As Xiao Chen said, the finger holding the trigger tightened again.


The one-eyed old man didn't dare to speak anymore, he could tell that the young man in front of him dared to shoot.

"Boy, you will be a teacher for a day and a father for life. For your father, release the hostages in your hands, and then put down the gun."

Xiao Chen looked at the young man named 'Lion' again, and said in a deep voice.


The young man did not put down the gun in his hand. Once he put down the gun, he would lose everything.

"It seems that your teacher doesn't have much place in his heart!"

Xiao Chen said something to the one-eyed old man.

The one-eyed old man's face darkened slightly, but he didn't speak.

"Boss, I..."

"Do it!"

Just when the young man distracted his attention a little, Xiao Chen shouted loudly, and saw Han Yifei raising his hand, another cold light appeared.


A coin was shot at the right hand of the young man holding the gun like a bullet. The force was so great that it was embedded in it forcefully, and blood spattered out.

Before the young man could react, the gun in Xiao Chen's hand also went off.


The young man was shot in the shoulder, and with a face full of pain, he slowly fell to the ground.

"Don't move, if you move again, I will kill you."

Xiao Chen aimed his gun at the one-eyed old man who wanted to take the opportunity to escape into the first class cabin again, and said in a cold voice.

The one-eyed old man who had just turned around froze and his face turned pale.

Now on the plane, there are two people left including him, can he take the initiative again?

Damn it, isn't this guy afraid that he will die together?

"Yifei, you stay here to appease everyone, and I'll deal with the one in the cockpit."

Xiao Chen said something to Han Yifei, and then approached the one-eyed old man.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, I'm a policeman."

Han Yifei said loudly, and showed his police ID.

Hearing the word 'police', many people burst into tears. They are finally safe!

But there were also people who got angry, for example, the elite who was yelling just now yelled at Han Yifei again.

"Since you are a policeman, what did you do just now? You didn't show up until after we transferred the money. What about our loss?"

"Your losses will naturally be recovered... Now, please be quiet and sit down honestly, okay?"

Han Yifei's voice was a little cold.

"What? You think you are a policeman, so you can order me? Be careful, I will make a complaint against you when I get off the plane, and I will make you take off your police uniform with just one phone call, believe it or not?"

The elite is even more excited.

Xiao Chen glanced at the elite, and cursed secretly in his heart, idiot, even if you complain to the Minister of Public Security, he would not dare to take off Han Yifei's police uniform!


Han Yifei's reaction was beyond Xiao Chen's expectation.

She stopped talking nonsense at all, kicked the elite directly in the stomach, and then slashed him with a knife, knocking him unconscious.

"You talk too much nonsense, which affects my mood."

Han Yifei dropped a sentence and ignored the elites who fell on the ground.

Xiao Chen grinned, this girl is still so violent...but this time I like it!

The passengers around were also quiet for a few seconds. Is this still the police?

Why is it more violent than robbers?

"Look at what, take me to the cockpit!"

Xiao Chen's gun hit the back of the one-eyed old man's head.

"Impossible, I would rather die with you."

The one-eyed old man said harshly.

"To die together? You have to have this chance too!"

Seeing that the one-eyed old man was not cooperating, Xiao Chen patted him with the butt of his gun, handed it to Han Yifei to watch, and went to the cockpit alone.

"Sir, I'll take you there."

A flight attendant hurriedly said.

"Okay, thank you."

Outside the cockpit, Xiao Chen frowned, the cockpit door was closed, the robbers inside must have heard the gunshots.

Moreover, he also had a feeling that the plane was constantly descending.

"Could it be that these guys are so vicious that they all died together?"

Xiao Chen's heart sank, things are a little difficult!

What should I do?

If the one-eyed old man doesn't cooperate, the door probably won't open.

"Is there any way to contact the ground?"

Xiao Chen thought of something, turned his head and asked the leading flight attendant.

"No, you have to enter the cockpit."

The stewardess shook her head.

Xiao Chen looked at the cockpit door in front of him, feeling a little worried, how to open it?

Forcibly breaking it open obviously won't work, who knows what's going on inside?

It seems that you can only outsmart, not be invincible!

Xiao Chen thought for a while, turned around and went back, and came to the one-eyed old man again.

"I'll give you one last chance. Are you really going to cooperate and open the cockpit door?"

"The plane should be landing, right? Maybe in a few minutes, the plane will crash into any building... It's impossible for me to open the hatch." The one-eyed old man shook his head with a little smug expression on his face: "Unless, you Promise to let us go."

"Even if I let you go, the police won't let you go."

"There are hostages on this plane, what do the police dare to do to me? It's been a few times, why don't I just walk away?"

The one-eyed old man was even more proud, as if he was talking about something worth bragging about.

"Hehe, not this time."

Xiao Chen also laughed.

"What do you mean?"

"Old man, do you think I can't open the hatch without you?" Xiao Chen said, his voice suddenly changed: "Hurry up and open the hatch."

The voice of Xiao Chen's last sentence is the same as that of the one-eyed old man, there is no difference at all!

Hearing Xiao Chen's pronunciation, the one-eyed old man widened his eyes in shock.

Even Han Yifei and that beautiful woman in sunglasses also stared wide-eyed, this is too similar!

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