Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 476 We cooperate?

\u003c\u003e An hour later, in an old house, Xiao Chen met Guan Lao, Guan Duan Shan!

"Boy, we meet again."

Although Guan Duanshan is not young, he has black hair all over his head, except for a small patch of white on his forehead, which is particularly conspicuous.

Guo Zi's face was full of majesty, but at this time he smiled.

"Old Guan, don't you always pay attention to me? You knew when I first arrived in the capital, and then asked Lao Chu to find me."

Xiao Chen also laughed.

"You made such a big deal, can I not know? You, I really don't know whether to say that you are unlucky, or that the robbers are unlucky... If you take a plane, you can be hijacked. Who is it?"

Guan Duanshan shook his head and said.

"It's probably their bad luck."

Thinking of those robbers, Xiao Chen grinned: "By the way, I heard what Lao Chu said, it seems that these robbers are not just hijacking planes?"

"Well, but this matter is still under investigation."


Xiao Chen nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

"Boy, is it okay to stay in Longhai? Are you planning to retire in Longhai?"

"Retirement? How can you put down the butcher knife if you haven't reported your revenge."

A cold light flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes, with a murderous intent.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Guan Duanshan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

"We have discussed about Su Yunfei. Although he did not sacrifice for the country, he should be a martyr based on his contributions to the country..."


Xiao Chen's expression was a little dazed, and it was his greatest guilt towards Su Yunfei that he could not join the red flag.

Even, this guilt is greater than Su Yunfei's death!

He clearly knows that a soldier values ​​honor, which is more important than life and something that needs to be protected!

Although Xiao Chen felt that everyone was dead, let alone being a 'martyr', it was useless to be named an 'emperor', since they would not survive anyway.

However, if Su Yunfei can be made a martyr, it can be regarded as fulfilling one of his regrets.

"Yes, martyr."

Guan Duanshan nodded.

Xiao Chen looked at Guanduan Mountain, thought for a while, and said slowly: "Old Guan, I can do three things for the country instead of Su Yunfei."

"Xiao Chen, there's no need to..."

"Old Guan, you don't need to say anything, otherwise, Su Yunfei wouldn't be happy..."

Xiao Chen said in a deep voice.

Guan Duanshan took a deep look at Xiao Chen, and finally nodded: "Okay, I will find you when I need it."


Xiao Chen let out a sigh of relief, as if a certain mountain in his heart was a little more relaxed.

He knew that this was a guilt towards Su Yunfei!

Shut off the mountain know,

Su Yunfei's death had a great impact on Xiao Chen, so he didn't mention it anymore, but changed the topic. Yawen Romance

"Boy, tell me honestly, did you save Old Han's life?"

"Well, it's me."

Xiao Chen nodded, he didn't hide it from Guan Duanshan, and he knew he couldn't hide it from him.

After all, the old man in front of him is in control of China's largest intelligence system. It can be said that in the whole of China, there are only things he doesn't want to know, and there is nothing he can't find out!

"I knew before that you were good at medicine, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful that even the medicine Qihuang was unable to recover, and you could defy the sky and prolong your life..."

Guan Duanshan was a little surprised and a little emotional.

"Hehe, if you don't have this ability, wouldn't it be embarrassing for the old fortune-teller?"

Xiao Chen smiled, Guan Duanshan was one of the few people who knew his origin.

"Old fortune teller, where are you now?"

"Who knows, he is Xianyun Yehe, he may be at Widow Zhang's house today, and he may go to Widow Li's house tomorrow."


The corner of Guan Duanshan's mouth twitched, only Xiao Chen dared to say that, right?

You know, this one is called an 'old fairy'!

"Old Guan, the spleen and stomach are not good recently, let me prescribe a prescription for you to recuperate?"

Xiao Chen looked at Guan Duan Shan's face and said casually.

"Do you even need to ask? Hurry up!"

Guan Duanshan gave Xiao Chen a look, and found a pen and paper for him.

Xiao Chen quickly wrote a prescription and handed it to Guan Duanshan, who took a few glances and put it away.

"Old Guan, it's fine if you know about it, but don't tell others... If everyone comes to me, then I don't have to do other things."

Xiao Chen said to Guan Duan Shan.

"Oh, I said why are you so kind, you kept your mouth shut!"

Guan Duanshan scolded with a smile.

"No way, this is purely our friendship, okay?"

"Okay, but there are people who are suspicious of you."


Xiao Chen was taken aback, and hurriedly asked.

Guan Duanshan looked at Xiao Chen, and said slowly, "Number One."

"Number one?"

Xiao Chen was startled, how could No. 1 know about this?

"You told him?"

Guan Duanshan shook his head: "No. 1 can become No. 1, it is destined to be extraordinary... Do you think that he doesn't have a few cards in his hand? What he wants to know, he doesn't need to ask me."

"Then how do you know that he doubted me?"

"Because he called me and asked me tentatively."

"Then what did you say?"

"I said, I don't know, I'll ask you later, and then I'll tell him."

"Then you say it's not me."

Xiao Chen said hurriedly.

"Do you really think that other people are fools? You can't hide this from someone with a heart."


"Besides, it's not all a bad thing if number one knows about it... Besides, he won't spread the word."

Guanduan Mountain reminded Xiao Chen.

"Are you sure that No. 1 is the only suspect? You said it just now, but you can't hide it from someone who cares..."

Xiao Chen had a headache, he was careless, he should have come to the capital quietly at the beginning, and then went to treat Mr. Han quietly, and he would just go back to Longhai secretly when he was cured!

"Don't think too much, even if someone knows, so what? At that time, they will only beg you... With your ability, are you afraid that they will force you?"

Guan Duan Shan comforted Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen nodded, and didn't bother to think about it.

However, thinking of the people from the so-called special department just now, I briefly talked to Guan Duanshan.

After Guan Duanshan heard this, his eyes turned cold, and he got up: "I'll go out for a while."

"it is good."

Xiao Chen knew that Guan Duanshan was going to ask the man who picked him up here.

Soon, Guan Duan Shan came back with a gloomy expression on his face.

"I have ordered someone to investigate and I will give you an explanation."

"Hehe, Lao Guan, this matter has nothing to do with you, why bother?"

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Why is it irrelevant? Just for the prescription you gave me, and I have to take care of it."

Seeing what Guan Duanshan said, Xiao Chen stopped trying to persuade the stubborn old man.

In a flash of time, it was evening.

Xiao Chen didn't intend to leave, even if he did, Guan Duan Shan wouldn't let him go.

"Boy, you have to have a few drinks with me tonight."

Guan Duanshan ordered the kitchen, and then said to Xiao Chen.

"no problem."

In about half an hour, the food was delivered, and Guan Duanshan also took out two bottles of special Moutai, opened them, and poured them.

"Hey, this is good wine!"

Xiao Chen looked at the two bottles of wine, his eyes lit up.

"Of course, it's not good wine, and it won't be used to entertain you."

Guan Duanshan smiled: "Come on, let's chat while eating."

Both of them drank very vigorously, and they drank a few glasses of wine in a few minutes.

"Xiao Chen, how long do you plan to stay in Longhai?"

"Not sure yet."

"Are you... for the Su sisters?"

Guan Duanshan put down his wine glass and asked slowly.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed brightly, he thought of what Feng Guangwen said at the beginning, the officials should also be staring at Su Qing.

"Old Guan, do you know something?"

"How much do you know?"

"I know what I should know."

Guan Duanshan stared at Xiao Chen: "Then can you tell me what clues Su Yunfei's parents left behind?"

"If I knew the clue, Su Qing would have gone to her parents a long time ago."

"really do not know."

"I really don't know the clue."

"Okay." Guan Duanshan sighed, thinking he could learn something from Xiao Chen.

"Old Guan, don't lie to me, what's going on?"

"The country is indeed looking for Su Qing's parents. To be more precise, it is looking for the scientific research achievements they have mastered..."

Xiao Chen exerted a little force on the hand holding the cup.

"Now that Su Yunfei is gone, there are only two sisters Su Qing and Su Xiaomeng left... The country naturally turns its attention to them."

"And then? What are you going to do?" Xiao Chen met Guan Duanshan's gaze, and said in a low voice, "Old Guan, let me say something first. Anyone who dares to hurt their sisters is my enemy, including Xiao Chen. --nation!"

"Don't get excited. The country never thought of harming them. Instead, before you went, they kept sending people to protect them in the dark... It wasn't until you went that the people sent by the country took them back."

When Xiao Chen heard this, his face softened a little.

"As far as we know, the scientific research results held by Su Qing's parents are too amazing. Once leaked, it will cause turmoil and even change the whole world... Therefore, we must find it, even if we can't find it. , nor let these scientific research achievements fall into the hands of other countries or forces!"

Guan Duanshan said in a deep voice.

Xiao Chen remained silent. He had read the notes left by Su Qing's parents, so he naturally knew what those scientific research achievements were... He did not deny Guan Duanshan's words, some achievements could indeed change the world!

"We have found out that it is not only us who are targeting the sisters of the Su family, but also other forces... You also know that the bank robberies happened continuously in Longhai, and you killed or caught those gangsters... …

Their ultimate goal is not to steal money, but to attract attention and cover other people from entering Long Hai silently! And their goal is also the Su family sisters, or those scientific research achievements! "

Hearing this, Xiao Chen was startled, and then suddenly remembered a detail.

At the beginning, when he went to the hospital to hypnotize the rest of the thugs, the other party said words such as 'su' and 'new medicine', which were vague...

He didn't think about it at the time, let alone the sisters of the Su family... Now that he heard what Guan Duanshan said, he got in touch right away!

Thinking of these, Xiao Chen's face darkened.

Guan Duanshan looked at Xiao Chen's gloomy face, and took the opportunity to say: "Xiao Chen, your ability alone cannot absolutely guarantee the safety of the Su family sisters. How about we cooperate?"

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