Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 482 Fierce Battle!

\u003c\u003eThe battle between the two became more intense.

Punch and kick, mixed with whistling sound!

Around the two of them, a vacuum area was formed, and everyone retreated outside the battle circle, their eyes showing shock!

Because the fight between these two people has completely deviated from the way ordinary people fight, each move is like a martial arts movie!

Especially when Wu Lao slapped a huge hole in an alloy bar, everyone took a breath, including Sun Wugong, this old thing is strong enough!

However, no matter how surprised he was, Sun Wugong didn't intend to retreat, and even wanted to pester Wu Lao and wait for Dahan's arrival!

Although Li Hanhou is only at the early stage of dark energy, once it erupts, he has the strength of the peak of dark energy, so the combination of the two may have the possibility of fighting this weird old man!

Elder Wu also heard Su Xiaomeng's reminder, coupled with the greed in his heart, his killing intent soared, and his punching speed was three points faster than before.

Not far to the side, Su Xiaomeng clenched her fists tightly. She really wanted to rush up to help Sun Wugong, and blast the old guy K... But seeing his fighting power, she quickly gave up this idea. It will drag Sun Wugong down.

bang bang bang!

Wu Lao made three palms in a row, two of which were blocked by gourds, and the last palm was imprinted on Sun Wugong's body.


Although Sun Wugong was prepared and quickly unloaded his strength, he still couldn't hold back and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

He staggered backwards, and finally bumped into a bar counter before barely standing still.

Pain was written all over his face, and he looked at Elder Wu with jealous eyes. Although there was only one realm difference between the peak of Anjin in the early stage and the middle stage of Anjin, this realm was like a gap!

In the world of ancient martial arts, there are very few people who can cross realms and leapfrog a battle!

Moreover, the higher the realm, the greater the gap, and the more difficult it is to fight at a higher level!

Sun Wugong fought against Anjin in the middle stage before. Although he was not an opponent, he could last for ten minutes!

But now, he couldn't even hold on for three minutes. It can be seen that this Wu Lao is also a master among masters in the middle stage of dark energy!

In the same realm, due to different cultivation methods and personal qualifications, the combat power will also be different!

Sun Wugong can almost sweep the same level, and he can also fight against ordinary Anjin in the middle stage, but he is obviously no match for Wu Lao!

However, since we have already fought, even if we are not opponents, we must persevere!

"Old stuff, come again!"

Sun Wugong spit out bloody saliva and rushed towards Elder Wu again.

Elder Wu was also a little surprised, this kid still has the power to fight?

It stands to reason that with this palm, even if he doesn't die, he won't be able to get up!

"Boy, you are very good, how about asking me to be your teacher?"

Elder Wu became more thoughtful and said to Sun Wugong. Yawen bar

"Adore you as a teacher? Who the hell are you? If my master comes,

He can hang you with one finger! "

Sun Wugong bared his nose and sneered again and again.

Elder Wu was stunned for a moment, then he was furious, and a cold and stern look flashed in his eyes: "Boy, since you don't know good from bad, then I'll kill you!"

After the words fell, the two collided fiercely again, even bigger than the previous one!

At this time, all the lights in the bar had been turned on, and the music had stopped.

The spectators at the bar also rushed over with baseball bats waiting for the guy, they were a little angry, who the hell dare to make trouble here?

But when they saw the two people in the battle, their eyes widened. What the hell, is this a martial arts movie?

However, there was still a silly little brother who rushed forward with a roar.

"Fuck, who the hell dares to make trouble here, looking for death?"

As the younger brother said, he threw the baseball bat in his hand at Elder Wu fiercely.


Elder Wu's expression turned cold, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he slapped the baseball bat with his palm!

Before the little brother could react, Elder Wu slapped out another palm, hitting his neck.


There was another sound, and the younger brother's neck was snapped off abruptly by Mr. Wu, unable to pull it off.

He still had a ferocious look on his face, but his pupils dilated, and he fell to the ground, dead!

Seeing the little brother lying on the ground and his twisted neck, the people around him widened their eyes and screamed.



The younger brothers who watched the scene were also pale, and even their legs were swaying, and they were slapped to death with one slap?

"If you don't want to die, get out!"

Boss Wu yelled, the murderous aura became stronger and spread out!

Many people around felt the strong murderous aura exuded by Wu Lao, and they shuddered.

In fact, he didn't need to say, seeing the murder, the timid one already screamed, turned around and ran away.

Fighting, they are happy to watch the excitement, but killing... Few people are not afraid!

Especially this old man is so scary, he slapped a hole in the alloy bar table, and slapped people's necks off... If you do that to yourself, who can you ask for reason?

How wronged to lose my life while watching the excitement? !

The younger brothers who watched the scene also retreated at this time. They usually show off their might, but when they meet someone who is stronger than them, how dare they say anything!

"Xiaomeng, this... this old man killed someone."

Xiao Ningqiao's face was full of horror, and her voice was trembling.

"Xiao Ning, hurry up and go."

Su Xiaomeng was also shocked, this old man dared to kill in front of so many people!

"No, let's go together."

Although Xiao Ning was very scared, she was still very loyal.

Su Xiaomeng thought for a while, the old man's goal was himself, so he shouldn't kill innocent people randomly... But when he looked at the little brother on the ground who died with regret, his heart trembled again.


At this moment, Sun Wugong was shot away by Wu Lao again, even the gourd in his hand flew out.

Seeing the gourd flying out, Wu Lao's eyes lit up, he speeded up, and grabbed it in his hand.

"Give me back the gourd!"

Sun Wugong was furious when he saw the gourd being robbed. It was a gift from his master!

He didn't wait to suppress the churning blood, his body was like an arrow from the string, and he rushed towards Elder Wu.

At the same time, he began to run the ancient martial arts crazily, not only what he learned from his master, but even what Xiao Chen passed on to him, exploded at this moment!

He staggered, but his speed was extremely fast, and he was in front of Elder Wu in a blink of an eye.


He punched out, and the gourd that Wu Lao had just held in his hand was sent flying.

Mr. Wu had just got it, and before he could study it, the gourd flew again, which made him furious.

"I'll kill you first!"

Elder Wu's killing intent surged again, and he clasped Sun Wugong's right hand with one hand, only to hear a 'click', and abruptly broke his wrist bone.


Sun Wugong let out a cry of pain, but this guy was not a master who was willing to suffer. Enduring the pain, he kicked Elder Wu in the stomach and kicked him out.

Elder Wu staggered back, his face was pale, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Sun Wugong clutched his severed wrist, the muscles on his face twitched in pain.

"Boy, you must die today!"

Wu Lao suppressed the churning blood, let out a roar, and rushed towards Sun Wugong.

Sun Wugong backed away suddenly, grabbed a bottle of wine at the same time, opened it, poured it with his head up, and sprayed the last sip on his severed wrist.

"Old guy, I'm dead, and I'll hold you back!"

Sun Wugong's eyes turned red, and he already thought of dying together.

The two collided again, and Sun Wugong broke a hand, but he ignored the pain after drinking strong alcohol, and his combat power was not much worse than before!

However, after all, there was a gap between the two. In less than a minute, he was blown away again and hit the ground heavily.


Sun Wugong spat out a mouthful of blood, as if all the bones in his body were broken.

"Damn it, Dahan, if you don't come, I'm really going to die."

He tried his best to support himself, gritted his teeth, and muttered.

"Boy, I'll send you to see Hades right now!"

Elder Wu approached, clawed his right hand, and grabbed Sun Wugong's head with a grin on his face.

"Wukong, here I come!"

Just when Mr. Wu's right hand was about to touch Sun Wugong's head, a thunderous voice sounded, and then a huge figure, like an armored vehicle, forced a way out of the crowd and rushed in. .

Hearing this voice, Elder Wu's movements slowed down, while Sun Wugong's eyes flashed brightly, and he suddenly rolled to the side.

Wu Lao's claws missed, and before he could kill again, Li Hanhou had already arrived!


Li Hanhou yelled, and swung his casserole-sized fist towards Elder Wu.

Feeling the power of this punch, Elder Wu was startled, he didn't dare to take it hard, and dodged sideways!


Li Hanhou yelled again, and with this momentum, he slammed into Elder Wu.

Wu Lao couldn't dodge in time, so he could only slap hastily, trying to stop Li Hanhou.

But he still underestimated Li Hanhou's strength, he slapped this palm, his palm was numb from the shock, and he was knocked out immediately.


Wu Lao knocked over two bars before he stopped, spewing out a mouthful of blood, his face extremely pale.

Li Hanhou also spat out a mouthful of blood, just now he was injured by Wu Lao's blow!

Although he is simple and honest, he is not stupid!

On the phone, Su Xiaomeng said that Sun Wugong was not the old man's opponent, and when he came here, he happened to see that the old man wanted to kill Sun Wugong again!

Therefore, he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. As soon as he came up, he used the strongest moves, and at the same time, the ancient martial art was running at high speed, which wounded Elder Wu!

"Damn, this old man is really powerful."

Li Hanhou wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, knowing that he is not the opponent, but there is still a strong fighting spirit in his eyes!

"However, it's far worse than the boss!"

The boss in Li Hanhou's mouth is naturally Nie Jingfeng!

In the past two days, he has been dealt with by Nie Jingfeng a lot, and even within three strokes of Nie Jingfeng, he was beaten helplessly!

"Wukong, are you alright?"

Li Hanhou glared at Elder Wu, but shouted loudly.

"Ahem, if you come a step later, I really have something to do. I think I'm going to see the Buddha."

Sun Wugong coughed blood and barely stood up from the ground.

"I've arrived as fast as I can..."

Li Hanhou was a little wronged, in order to rush over as soon as possible, he ran seven red lights and knocked eight trash cans into the air.

"This old man is very powerful, be careful."

Sun Wugong reminded Li Hanhou to run his mind at the same time, suppress his injuries, and prepare to fight Wu Lao together!

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