Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter four hundred and ninety first special product of the freight yard

\u003c\u003e A piercing bell rang, awakening Ren Hai who was in deep thought. Yawen bar

He picked up the mobile phone on the table, looked at it, frowned, it was that mysterious man again.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

Ren Hai answered the phone.

"Boss Ren, something happened."

In the receiver, came the serious and low voice of the mysterious man.

"What happened again?"

Ren Hai's heart sank.

"Xiao Chen is back, he went to the hospital where Elder Wu is..."


Before the other party finished speaking, Ren Hai jumped up from the sofa, with a bad premonition in his heart.

However, thinking of Elder Wu's strength, he took another deep breath: "And then?"

"In the ward, a big battle broke out, and the three people around Mr. Wu died...and Mr. Wu was taken away."

Ren Hai shook his hand holding the phone, and Elder Wu was taken away?

how can that be?

Wu Lao is the strength of the middle stage of Anjin, even if he is injured, there are not many people who are his opponents!

Thinking of something, he was a little anxious: "How many people from Xiao Chen went there?"

"Three, Xiao Chen, Bai Ye, and Xiaodao."

"Who is Bai Ye?"

Ren Hai knew Xiaodao, and probably knew his strength, but Bai Ye was very strange.

"The young master of the Bai family, Bai Ye."

Ren Hai was startled, the Bai family, one of the seven great families?

"Boss Ren, you should hide for the time being and don't show up again...Xiao Chen came back in a hurry, obviously wanting revenge! The next thing he is looking for is you."

The mysterious man reminded.

"I see."

Ren Hai took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"By the way, does Mr. Wu know where you live? Be careful that he reveals your place and let Xiao Chen touch the door."

The mysterious man thought of something and said another sentence.

"he does not know."

"That's good, let's do it first, and I will check it as soon as possible."

After the mysterious man finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Ren Hai put down the phone slowly, his face was gloomy and ugly, was Mr. Wu really arrested?

Immediately, he thought of something, quickly picked up the phone and dialed a number.

But it rang for a long time, and no one answered the phone, which made his heart sink even more.

Did something happen there too?


There are five first-class masters over there!

Ren Hai called several times in a row, but no one answered, and the bad feeling in his heart became stronger.


you come in! "

Ren Hai shouted.

The door opened, and a strong man walked in. He also followed Mr. Wu from the Golden Triangle this time, with master-level strength!

Therefore, let Ren Hai stay as a bodyguard.

"Mr. Ren, what's the matter?"

"Maybe something happened to Mr. Wu. I can't get through to Tusser's side. I'm worried that something happened to them too."

Ren Hai looked at the strong man and said in a deep voice.

Barre's face changed, something happened?

"Bare, go over and have a look right away, but don't get close, be careful... If something's wrong, come back right away!"

Ren Hai ordered and said.

"it is good."

Barley nodded, turned and left.

"Remember, don't show your face, if something goes wrong, leave immediately."


Barley opened the door and left.

Ren Hai picked up the cigar on the table, lit it, and took a deep breath.

Time passed by, and after more than half an hour, Barley called.

Ren Hai hurriedly answered the phone: "How is it?"

"problem occurs."

Barre's dignified voice came.

Ren Hai's heart skipped a beat, what happened?

"You'll be right back...don't stop there, hurry up."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Ren Hai stood up, he couldn't stay here any longer, he had to leave immediately.

With the thought together, he didn't wait for Barre, and hurriedly left elsewhere with a few people, heading for the next foothold.

After waiting, he told Barre the location and asked him to hurry over.

"Mr. Ren, what should we do?"

Barre was also shocked. What kind of enemy were they facing?

"What to do... I don't know what to do either."

The centipede scar on Ren Hai's face was distorted, looking a bit vicious.

"Elder Wu was really captured?"


Ren Hai nodded his head, feeling extremely depressed, it hurts so much!

Originally, he thought that when Elder Wu came, it would be his time to rise!

But what happened?

On the second day after arriving, he was severely injured.

On the third day, he was immediately taken away, and his life and death were unknown!

He waited for so long, and this is the result?

After thinking about it, Ren Hai suddenly stood up.

If Mr. Wu really fell into Xiao Chen's hands, would he talk nonsense?

For example, the batch of goods brought this time?

The goods from last time have already been lost. If the goods are lost again this time, let alone anything else, General Kun Kan will not let him go!

The more Ren Hai thought about it, the more worried he became, and he couldn't sit still. He had to get the shipment out of the bay pier immediately and find a safe place to store it again.

But where do you put it?

It took him a long time to think of a safe place, and then he looked at the sky outside. He wanted to go now, but he was worried about being discovered, so he could only grit his teeth and wait for night.

Ren Hai endured all kinds of sufferings and finally made it to the evening.

"Barry, go out and find a truck, we'll pick it up later."

Ren Hai said to Barre.

"it is good."

After Barre left, Ren Hai sat on the bed, wondering if he should call General Kunkan.

But after thinking about it, he still didn't make this call.

Twenty minutes later, Barre rented a pickup truck and returned, and Ren Hai also began to make various preparations.

The sky gradually darkened.

"Let's go!"

Ren Hai hesitated for a while, but finally decided to go with him!

Because Barre and the others don't know the way, and they came back from the Golden Triangle, their accents are different, which can easily attract the attention of others.

Most importantly, he felt that even if Mr. Wu was caught by Xiao Chen, he probably wouldn't talk about this batch of goods.

At eight o'clock, a group of five people drove two cars towards the bay pier.

In addition to Ren Hai and Barre, there are three first-class masters who also came from the Golden Triangle this time.

Along the way, Ren Hai didn't speak, and Barre was even more silent.

Obviously, the matter of Elder Wu being injured and arrested had a great impact on Barre.

When he first came to Longhai, he felt that he was a master-level master. Except for Mr. Wu, he could sweep the entire Longhai, and he was one of the best masters.

In this respect, it is a bit similar to Ren Hai. He also felt that with Wu Lao Anjin's mid-term strength, he could sweep Long Hai and help him complete his hegemony!

The ideal is very plump, but the reality is very skinny, and he slapped him directly, making him dizzy!

Talking about hegemony now is a bit of nonsense, the most urgent thing is to take out that batch of goods and make sure that the batch of goods is okay!

If he loses this batch of goods, then he is really finished, and he can't even go back to the Golden Triangle.

Two cars, one in front and one behind, galloped in the night, and soon arrived at the bay pier.

"Move forward."

Ren Hai pointed to the front, Barre nodded.

"Bare, are you armed?"

Ren Hai thought of something and asked.

"Bring it."

Ren Hai nodded, feeling a little relieved, hoping that he was worrying too much!

The car entered the bay pier and slowed down.


At one entrance, the car was stopped.

With the car window down, Ren Hai looked at the security guard: "I'm here to pick up the goods."

"Pick up? Name, which cargo area?"

The security guard glanced at Ren Hai and asked strictly.

"Zhang Dahe, No. 32, Block T."

Ren Hai said the pseudonym he used when stocking.

"No. 32, T District? Wait a minute, let me check."

The security guard said, and took out the walkie-talkie: "Property Management Office, help me check the information on No. 32 in T Zone."

"Zhang Dahe, No. 32, T District, special product."

Soon, such a voice came from the intercom.

"Okay, I see." The security guard nodded, then looked at Ren Hai again: "Have you brought the bill of lading?"

"Bring it."

"Well, then you go in!"

The security guard nodded, raised the railing, and let the two cars drive towards the freight yard.

Ren Hai looked around, and there seemed to be nothing wrong!

A few minutes later, the two vehicles drove to the freight yard in Zone T.

"Pick up?"

There are security guards at the entrance of the freight yard in the T area.

"Yes, Zhang Dahe, No. 32, T District, here is the bill of lading."

Ren Hai nodded, took out the bill of lading, and handed it over.

The security guard took the bill of lading, checked it, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, nodded: "Wait a minute, I will arrange someone to take you there."

"it is good."

Ren Hai agreed, took out a cigarette, and handed one to Barley: "Be careful."

Barre was taken aback, then lit a cigarette: "Mr. Ren, do you think something will happen?"

"Be careful, there is no big mistake, lest the ship capsize in the gutter."

Ren Hai also lit one, and said in a deep voice.


Barre nodded, with vigilance in his eyes.

"Mr. Zhang, I'll take you to No. 32."

A young man came over and said to Ren Hai.

"Okay, trouble."

"It's okay."

The young man smiled, drove the battery car, and led the way.

The two vehicles followed behind, bypassing a large group of containers, and stopped in front of container No. 32.

"Mr. Zhang, we're here." The young man got off the battery car: "You have the key, right?"


Ren Hai nodded, and also got out of the car.

In order to prevent the goods from going wrong, Ren Hai deliberately brought a big lock to lock the door of the container when stocking the goods.

Except for him, even in the freight yard, the container cannot be opened.

"Then you move the goods, and go out and sign in a while."

After the young man finished speaking, he got on the battery car and left slowly.

Ren Hai looked at the young man who was going away, and frowned slightly, why is something wrong?

"Mr. Ren, do you want to unlock and move the goods now?"

Barley put the gun on his waist and asked in a low voice.

"Well, move the goods, everyone hurry up."

Ren Hai looked away, took out the key, and threw it to Barre.

Barley took the key, came to the container, unlocked it, then pulled the handrail, and opened the door forcefully.

Inside the container, it was dark and there was no light at all.

As the door opened, the shadows of the goods inside could be vaguely seen by the light outside.

"Barry, the lights are on the left, turn on."

Ren Hai said something to Barre.

"it is good."

Barre nodded, took out his mobile phone to light up, and walked slowly into the container.

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