Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 517 Terminator?

\u003c\u003e Rolling knife, ranked 30th in the world's killer list, a long knife, beheading countless masters!

J.K, ranked 32nd in the world's killer list, arms expert, fast gun like a god!

This is not the most exaggerated, the exaggeration is that after the two partnered, in just one year, they abruptly squeezed into the top 15 of the world's killer list, ranking 14th!

Obviously, when two people work together, the effect of one plus one is greater than two!

Of these two, one is good at long-distance attack and the other is good at melee combat. Together, they are invincible and have indeed killed many celebrities!

As someone who has been in the killer circle for a while, Xiao Chen knew about the two, but he didn't expect it at first!

When the dwarf says he's a killer, he hits it right off the bat!

In comparison, Xiao Chen is more afraid of J.K, because this guy is an arms expert, it is said that he has more than twenty guns hidden in his body, and he is proficient in various bombs and so on!

Thinking of being almost killed by this guy's bomb, Xiao Chen became furious!

So, as soon as he came up, he went straight to J.K, wanting to get him down first!


I will let you know later, what is fun!

bang bang bang!

The moment Xiao Chen pounced forward, J.K pulled out a gun and quickly pulled the trigger towards him. Yawen Romance

From drawing the gun to firing the gun, the whole process took less than a second, and all the actions were done in one go, and the gun went straight to the point!

Not to mention anything else, this marksmanship alone is enough to gallop the battlefield and sweep the special forces of all countries!

However, Xiao Chen had been prepared for a long time, and with a sway of his figure, he stepped on the asynchronous method and came to J.K in the blink of an eye.

bang bang bang!

There was another gunshot, J.K retreated quickly, and the dwarf appeared in front of Xiao Chen, a cold light seemed to fall from the sky!


The dwarf made a strange voice and shouted loudly, his face was as dark as ink, and there was a bit of ferocity!


Xiao Chen blasted out with a punch, and directly hit the side of the big knife through layers of knife screens!

The huge power made the dwarf's face change, how could he see through the flaws of the knife screen, and then attack!

What he didn't know was that Xiao Chen's sword was also unique!

It's just that he didn't bring the Duankong knife today, otherwise, there would be nothing wrong with this dwarf!

After Xiao Chen knocked the dwarf away with one punch, he didn't go after him, but continued to pounce on J.K. At the same time, he raised a cold light and punched him in the face.

It was a one-yuan coin, but in his hands, it was as powerful as a bullet!

J.K's face showed a dignified look, he was short, dodged the coin, then shook his hands, and two more guns landed on his hands!

Bang bang bang!

J.K raised his hand and fired four shots in a row, covering Xiao Chen's vitals again!

"Oh shit!"

Xiao Chen's face changed,

This guy is really tough!

In normal times, he might be able to rely on his speed to avoid the trajectory of these bullets ahead of time, but tonight, he had a bit of trouble!

One is that he was drinking, and the other is that he was injured!

His entire back was covered in blood and flesh, and there were even pieces of broken glass stuck in some places!

A slight movement is a sharp pain!

Now, it is very rare for him to fight against these two people.

Xiao Chen's footsteps stopped, his figure changed strangely, and four bullets flew past his body!

"Stand back!"

J.K shouted loudly, and the dwarf quickly backed away after hearing it!

Almost at the same time, J.K raised his hand, and a round object hit Xiao Chen. Yawen bar

When J.K yelled 'Back', Xiao Chen sensed that something was wrong, especially when the dwarf retreated, he didn't even think about it, and he retreated violently.


As the three retreated at the same time, an explosion sounded, and even a small mushroom cloud rose on the spot.

Xiao Chen turned his head to look, and couldn't help shrinking his eyes, what the hell, a big hole was blown out in that place!

If he had been slower just now, he would have been blown to pieces now... no, he would have been smashed to pieces!

"Male Gobi, you are dead tonight!"

When Xiao Chen looked at J.K again, a fierce light appeared in his eyes, this guy is really too dangerous!

J.k was also a little surprised by Xiao Chen's reaction, he raised his hand and shot two more times.

"Go to hell!"

Xiao Chen resisted the pain in his back, and opened up his speed at full speed, leaving only a faint shadow, which came in front of J.K in a blink of an eye!

The dwarf tried to stop him again, but under Xiao Chen's outburst, how could he give him a chance!

"Get out!"

A thunderous roar rang in the dwarf's ears, and Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed his big knife!

The dwarf's face changed drastically, what kind of effort is this?

Could it be that this is the "empty hand grabbing a white blade" in the Chinese legend?

Xiao Chen grabbed the back of the knife and slammed it hard, only to see the dwarf being picked up by him and smashed down hard on the ground.

The dwarf was shocked, this was the first time he encountered such a situation!

"Rolling Knife!"

The dwarf screamed, shrank his body, and then turned his sword, breaking free from Xiao Chen's control!

Immediately afterwards, he was like a hedgehog, curled up on the ground, and the big knife in his hand was also erected high, and rushed towards Xiao Chen!

"Go to Nima's rolling knife!"

Xiao Chen got angry, turned around and picked up a big stone by the side of the road, and threw it at the dwarf.


The big rock hit the big knife, splashing out a cloud of sparks!

And the dwarf's movements couldn't help but slow down.

Taking advantage of this slow opportunity, Xiao Chen rushed forward quickly and kicked up.


Xiao Chen kicked the dwarf away, and he was like a ball, smashing hard on the roadside guardrail.

"Male Gobi, don't you want to get out? I want you to get out!"

Xiao Chen cursed, then picked up the big knife on the ground, turned around and rushed towards J.K.

Because the speed of the two of them was very fast just now, J.K had no chance to shoot at all. When he reacted, the little friend flew out!

When he saw Xiao Chen rushing towards him, his expression became extremely serious.

This Huaxia guy is really too strong!

While he was backing away, gunfire kept ringing.

Xiao Chen waved the knife in his hand, forming a knife screen, if he could dodge it, then dodge it, if he couldn't dodge it, just use the knife to block it!

Fortunately, this knife is big enough to protect his whole body, otherwise, it would be really difficult!

But even so, it is extremely dangerous!

Soon, Xiao Chen approached J.K again, slashing at him with the knife in his hand!

"Damn it, it's my turn!"

J.K looked at the big knife coming, it was too late to retreat, his face changed, he drew a dagger!

This sword is what he carries with him. It is said that it is for decoration. No one has seen him use this sword before!

But Xiao Chen didn't think so. As a killer, would he carry a decorative sword with him?

Is it true that you are an ancient nobleman in the West, who is fine and still holding a sword to play high-handedly?

Therefore, he has been paying attention, and now seeing J.K draws his sword, he can't help squinting his eyes, adding a little more strength to his hands.


The big knife collided with the short sword, Xiao Chen took a step back, but J.K flew out backwards.

His face was pale and his eyes were shocked. Although he drew his sword hastily, he used all his strength, but unexpectedly, he was still blown away!

"In addition to your marksmanship, your swordsmanship should also be strong, right? Come on, let me experience the Western swordsmanship!"

Xiao Chen stared at J.K, holding the knife in his right hand, and said slowly.

"who are you?"

J.K stared at Xiao Chen and asked in a deep voice.

"In your circle, someone once called me—the Terminator."

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, his figure disappeared in place, leaving only a ball of bright knife light, bombarding towards J.K!


J.K's eyes shrank when he heard these three words, and his heart was shocked!

He turned out to be the third-ranked Terminator in the world's killer list?

According to rumors, the Terminator is a Chinese, and only a few people know its true face!

After debuting for one year, he completed five SSS-level missions and three SSSS-level missions. After a narrow encounter with the blood wolf who was originally ranked third, he killed him after a bloody battle!

Since then, he has become the number three killer in the world!

Not long after, Cyclops, who was ranked fourth on the killer list, went to challenge him. He cut him seventy-two times in a row, bleeding for three days and three nights before he died!

It was also in this battle that the name of "Terminator" resounded throughout the world of killers, and everyone knew it, everyone knew it!


While thoughts flashed through J.K's mind, he also roared, raised the dagger in his hand high, and delivered his strongest blow.


J.K's tiger's mouth burst, and he flew out again, while Xiao Chen's face turned slightly pale, and his dantian was extremely painful.


J.K hit the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his already fair face became even whiter.

And his dagger flew out of his hand and landed beside him.

Holding a knife, Xiao Chen came to J.K step by step, looking down at him: "Now, is it fun?"

"Ahem, it's not fun... I didn't expect that I would meet a Terminator and die by your hands. It's not a loss."

J.K coughed a few times, a bit bitter, but after thinking of something, he couldn't help cursing: "Damn it, this ghost mission is a big loss, five million to kill the Terminator, I made five million to commit suicide Bar!"

Hearing J.K's words, Xiao Chen looked a little strange: "Who asked you to come?"

"I don't know, if I knew, I would kill this bastard right now, and then go to see God!" J.K said angrily.

Xiao Chen believed J.K's words, but after he knew that the two were killers, he didn't give much hope!

These killers basically don't ask for the employer's information when they accept the task, and this is also the rule!

They just need to take money to kill people, and there is no need to ask other questions!

Therefore, there is basically no hope of digging out the person behind the scenes from the two of them!

Moreover, he also has a suspect in his heart, that is Ouyang Feng!

At school today, he had just slapped Ouyang Feng in the face, and the killer came tonight, so he couldn't let him not think about Ouyang Feng!

Furthermore, this is not the first time this has happened!

Last time, he and Bai Ye won billions from Ouyang Feng at Longqiu Peak, and he was also attacked and killed that night!

It's just that the other party mistakenly thought he was Bai Ye at that time!

Two conflicts, two assassinations, is it really just a coincidence?

It is enough for such a coincidence to happen once today, but Xiao Chen won't believe it if there is another coincidence now!

At that time, both Xiao Chen and Bai Ye had doubted Ouyang Feng. Although they thought it was not in line with his character, who could guarantee that he would not do the opposite?

So, tonight, the first thing he suspected was Ouyang Feng!

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