Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 529: The Girl Waiting at the Door

\u003c\u003e At seven o'clock, several people drove to the bay pier. Yawen Romance

Because of boredom, the two sick and injured Li Hanhou and Sun Wugong also followed, a total of five cars, mighty and mighty!

Except for the Knight XV, the other four cars are all black bullets with the Dragon Gate logo, and there is a dragon totem on it, which is truly majestic!

When they came to the freight yard, they took out the goods and transported them to the pier, waiting for the people who came to pick them up.

At around 8:30, a boat came over, and its lights flashed a few times at a distance of nearly 200 meters.

Bai Ye also took out the flashlight and flashed it several times in a row, and the boat quickly approached.

"I've seen this scene in a movie."

Sun Wugong stood beside him and said with his arms folded.

"Well, I've seen it too...it's always played like this in movies, but why do I feel that there are any shortcomings?"

Li Hanhou scratched his head and said in a low voice.

"What's missing?"

Xiao Chen and others looked over and asked curiously.

"Lack of...police."

Li Hanhou scratched his head vigorously again, and finally remembered.


Xiao Chen and the others all stared wide-eyed, what? Lack of police?

"Yes, there is a lack of police. In the movie, when the two parties to the transaction complete the transaction, the ambushing policemen will rush out and catch both parties!"

Li Hanhou grinned, happy that he thought of what was missing.

As for Xiao Chen and the others, their expressions changed, and they looked around subconsciously.

Even Young Master Bai Yebai's hairs stood on end, and his eyes were aiming at random. Could it be that the police rushed out?

"It's said in the movie that justice will eventually defeat evil..."

"Evil you uncle, shut up, you crow mouth!" Xiao Chen got angry, raised his hand and knocked Li Hanhou on the head: "If there are really policemen, I will kick you into the sea!"


Li Hanhou looked at Xiao Chen, he didn't know what he said wrong, and why he made Brother Chen unhappy.

"Dahan, we are not evil, we are justice...we are working hard for the great rise of our motherland!"

Bai Ye patted Li Hanhou's shoulder and said earnestly.


Li Hanhou looked at Bai Ye, isn't it just a drug deal?

"What are we doing here? Trading drugs? But who do we trade with? Where will the drugs end up?"

"Didn't you say island country?"

"Yes! Think about what the island country did in our country back then? Is it equivalent to revenge if we sell drugs to the island country?"

Li Hanhou scratched his head, finally nodded: "Yes."

"Well, if the people of the island country just take drugs, then they will definitely not be able to do it in other aspects... That's why we can surpass the island country and rise strongly!"

Bai Ye said seriously.

After listening to Bai Ye's explanation,

Li Hanhou felt that his blood was boiling. It turned out that what they are doing now is so great!

He even puffed up his chest, and then looked around, wondering if there would be police escorting their great cause!

The boat approached and slowly leaned against the pier. Yawen Romance

A big man came down from above, with a thick beard and a rough look.

"Master Bai?"

The bearded man looked at Bai Ye, was taken aback for a moment, and then greeted him with a smile.

"Oh, Lao Gao, why did Uncle Li send you here?"

Bai Ye also knew the bearded man, and asked with a smile.

"There are a lot of goods this time, so let me come here." After the bearded man finished speaking, he looked at Xiao Chen: "This is Mr. Xiao, right? I'm Lao Gao."

"Hehe, Lao Gao, hello."

Xiao Chen stepped forward and shook hands with the bearded man.

As soon as he held the hand of the bearded man, he felt that this guy's palms and tiger's mouth were full of calluses, he was definitely a practitioner who practiced foreign martial arts!

Intuitively, he felt that Lao Gao was at least a first-class peak strength!

After exchanging pleasantries, the bearded man asked someone to lift the ammunition off the ship, five large boxes in total.

Later, he tested for drugs and loaded them all on board.

"Mr. Xiao, Boss Li gave this to you."

After the transaction was over, Lao Gao asked someone to lift another box from the boat.

Xiao Chen looked at the box and smiled: "Brother Li has prepared another gift for me?" Then he opened the box.

I saw an individual bazooka inside, exuding a cold light, and there were six shells beside it.


Xiao Chen looked at this thing and shrank his eyes.

He used to play this a lot when he was abroad, but there are not many in China!

Including in the black market, there are very few such super lethal weapons, the risk is too great!

It is no exaggeration to say that a shell can destroy a building!

Even if it's Bai Ye, his eyes are a little straight, what the hell, this thing is so enjoyable!

"Boss Li said that this thing may not be used in China, but it's good as a decoration at home."

The bearded man said with a smile.

"Ornament?" Xiao Chen looked a little weird, then smiled and said: "Okay, thank Brother Li for the decoration, and when I go back, I will put it in the living room!"

After all, this is not a time for small talk, so after a few brief sentences, the bearded man left.

After they left, Xiao Chen and others were really relieved. Fortunately, Li Hanhou is not a crow's mouth. If a large number of policemen really rush out, it will be a bit troublesome no matter what!

Li Hanhou, on the other hand, looked disappointed, why didn't the police come out to escort him?

"Put the goods in the truck and let's go."

Xiao Chen yelled, and the elite of Longmen loaded the ammunition into the car.

Afterwards, they left Longwan Wharf and went straight to Longmen headquarters.

Huang Xing was naturally very excited when he saw so many ammunition. Although the possibility of large-scale gun battles is not high, there is food at home so don't panic!

Immediately afterwards, he briefly reported to Xiao Chen what happened at Shuanglongtang.

Xiao Chen just listened and didn't say much, and returned to the villa after not staying for long.

"Huh? Brother Chen, there seems to be someone at the door."

Bai Ye said to Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen looked carefully, and sure enough there was a beautiful figure standing at the door of the villa.

After he saw it clearly, he was a little surprised, Tong Yan?

The fifteenth knight stopped, Xiao Chen got out of the car, looked at Tong Yan: "Xiao Yan, why are you here?"

"I...I'm worried about you, so I came here to have a look."

Tong Yan looked at Xiao Chen and smiled.

"How long have you been here? Why don't you call me?"

"Not long, I was afraid you were busy, so I didn't bother you."

Tong Yan shook her head lightly.

Xiao Chen grabbed Tong Yan's hand, it was very cold.

Although the weather in Longhai isn't cold yet, it's a bit chilly at night, and her hands are cold, obviously it's been a long time!

"You, come in with me."

Xiao Chen held Tong Yan's hand, feeling a little distressed.

Li Hanhou was just about to get out of the car, but was grabbed by Bai Ye, and then shouted at Xiao Chen: "Then what, Brother Chen, just now Dahan said he was hungry, I took them to eat supper!"

"Well, let's go."

Xiao Chen nodded, he naturally knew what Bai Ye was thinking, and also guessed that they would have to eat supper until tomorrow morning, and they would not come back tonight.

Cavalier XV drove away.

In the car, Li Hanhou was a little strange: "Xiaobai, who said I'm hungry? I'm not hungry!"

"Eat supper even if you're not hungry!"


"You idiot, a beautiful woman came to see Brother Chen, why did you stay here? Be a light bulb?"

Bai Ye said angrily.

"Huh? I see."

Li Hanhou grinned and smiled.

In the villa, Xiao Chen asked Tong Yan to sit down and poured her a cup of hot water.

"It's late at night, why did you come here? How unsafe."

Xiao Chen sat opposite, looked at Tong Yan and said.

"Fortunately, it wasn't too dark when I came here..."

When Tong Yan said this, she suddenly realized that she had missed something, and quickly closed her mouth.


Xiao Chen shook his head, guessing that just after they left, Tong Yan came and waited until now.

"Brother Chen, how is your injury?"

"It has improved a lot, and it does not affect daily activities."

"Oh, that's good."

Tong Yan nodded, holding the hot water, not knowing what to say.

"Tong Yan, how are you doing in the company recently? Are you happy?"

Afraid of her embarrassment, Xiao Chen picked up a topic at random.

"Yeah, it's okay, they all take good care of me, and Mr. Su has pointed me out a few times."

"That's good, work hard, and you may become Manager Tong or Vice President Tong in the future."

Xiao Chen made a joke.

"No, I'm still a long way off."

Hearing Xiao Chen making fun of himself, Tong Yan's pretty face flushed slightly.

"It's not far away, as long as you work hard, you will be able to."

Xiao Chen gave a few words of encouragement, and then felt that it was boring. In this long night, a man and a woman, talking about these things is really meaningless.

"Brother Chen."

Tong Yan lowered her head, with a bit of struggle and hesitation on her ruddy face, she finally spoke.

"Huh? What's the matter? Did you encounter any difficulties? You said, as long as I can help, I will help."

Xiao Chen noticed Tong Yan's expression and hurriedly said.

"No, it's not...Brother Chen, you and Miss Su..."

Tong Yan shook her head and asked hesitantly.

Miss Su?

Xiao Chen was taken aback for a moment, then realized that it should be Su Xiaomeng.

"What happened to me and Xiaomeng?"

"You two... Are you a couple?"

Tong Yan asked in a low voice.

"Huh? I'm a couple with her?"

Xiao Chen's eyes widened, where did this girl hear about it?

"I can tell that Miss Su should like you."


Xiao Chen was startled, could it be that Su Xiaomeng's performance was already so obvious?

He knew that Su Xiaomeng's feelings for him had changed, from disliking at the beginning to becoming dependent and even... the love between men and women.

But he has been avoiding it all the time, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to explain to Su Yunfei and Su Qing!

Besides, from the bottom of his heart, he just regards Su Xiaomeng as his younger sister, and there is no relationship between men and women.

However, thinking about Su Xiaomeng's performance yesterday, it is indeed very obvious, or how could even Tong Yan see it?

Seeing that Xiao Chen didn't speak, Tong Yan thought she had guessed right, a gloomy look flashed in her eyes.

"Xiaoyan, I really have nothing to do with Xiaomeng, I always regard her as my own sister."

Xiao Chen noticed the gloomy look in Tong Yan's eyes, felt a little pain in his heart, and subconsciously explained.

"Really?" Tong Yan's eyes brightened, but then dimmed again: "My sister? Is it true in the company?"

"Huh? What's going on in the company?"

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