Female President’s Bodyguard

Five hundred and sixtieth chapters preparations

\u003c\u003e Before the black duck could say anything, Xiao Chen quickly patted him a few times. Yawen Romance

The method used to deal with Bigger, but the black duck is obviously not as good as Bigger!

You know, Bigger is an elite of MI5, an agent who has received all kinds of strict training!

Some injuries are nothing to him at all, and they cannot break through his psychological defense!

Even he couldn't bear this kind of pain, let alone a black duck!

Therefore, the screams sounded in the interrogation room, and within two minutes, the black duck was scared!

"Are you going to talk?"

Xiao Chen asked lightly.

"Say it, I'll say it all!"

Black Duck's face is full of pain and fear, this guy is too scary!

Afterwards, he blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah to blah blah!

Han Yifei was dumbfounded, this... a lot of things they didn't grasp, and now the black duck has said it all!

Also, what did Xiao Chen do just now?

Although she hadn't tried it, just seeing the black duck's reaction, she felt a little empathy, it must be very painful!

"Yifei, hurry up and write it down."

Seeing Han Yifei standing there stupidly, Xiao Chen reminded her.

"Huh? Oh oh."

Han Yifei nodded hurriedly, turned on the recorder, and asked the black duck to repeat it.

The black duck glanced at Xiao Chen, how could he dare to refuse, and repeated everything again.

He was thinking in his heart, let’s die, it’s better than enduring the pain just now!

A bell rang, Xiao Chen took out his cell phone, it was Bai Ye's call.


"Brother Chen, where did you go, you haven't come back all night, you can't sleep with girls, have you gone?"

The voice of Bai Ye came.

"Stop talking nonsense, what's wrong?"

"There's something I want to tell you, let's meet and talk."

"Okay then, see you later."

Xiao Chen nodded, and after making an appointment with Bai Ye, he hung up the phone.

"Yifei, are you okay here? If it's okay, then I'll leave first."

He already knew the purpose of the Magic Scorpion Mercenary Group coming to Long Hai, so he didn't plan to stay any longer.

"Well, it's all right."

"Then I'll go first. If this guy is dishonest and uncooperative, call me and I'll deal with him."

Before leaving, Xiao Chen pointed to the black duck and said.

"I absolutely cooperate."

The black duck was about to cry and said loudly.

Han Yifei smiled secretly, and nodded: "Okay, then you should pay attention to safety, don't fight with others, and you will get hurt."

"I know, I'm leaving.


After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he kissed Han Yifei's red lips.

"Don't make trouble, there are still people watching."

Han Yifei took a step back, a little embarrassed.

"Look? Black Duck, what did you see just now?"

Xiao Chen turned to look at the black duck and asked.

"No, I didn't see anything." The black duck shook his head vigorously: "I was blind just now."

"Yeah." Xiao Chen nodded satisfied: "Yifei, did you hear that? He's blind, and he's not a human, he's a duck."


Han Yifei was speechless.

"I'm leaving, don't be too tired, pay attention to rest."

"I know."

Xiao Chen left the interrogation room, instead of leaving directly, he went to Feng Guangwen's office.

He had to tell Feng Guangwen about the Demon Scorpion Mercenary Corps, and ask him to report to Guan Duanshan again!

After Feng Guangwen heard Xiao Chen finished speaking, he was also a little surprised that even the first-class mercenary group participated?

"Okay, I'll report to Guan Lao immediately."

"Well, then I'm leaving."

Xiao Chen didn't stay long, left the Public Security Bureau and headed for Nancheng.

When he came to Longmen headquarters, he saw Bai Ye.

"Brother Chen."

"Well, have you dealt with those people in Angorui?"

Xiao Chen asked directly.

"It's all done."

"How did you deal with it?"

"According to what you said."

"I said?"

Xiao Chen was taken aback, what did he say?

"That's right, didn't you say, fill their lower bodies with cement, then dry them, and sink them into the sea?"


Xiao Chen is speechless, shall I just say something casually?

"When they died, they were very frightened... Sigh, I had a nightmare last night."

Bai Ye shook his head and said.


Xiao Chen really wanted to slap this guy to death, did he really take it seriously? And then really used this inhumane method of killing?

However, killing is killing, and how to kill seems inhumane.

Anyway, they were all killed, and the people were dead, so Xiao Chen didn't bother to say anything more.

"Brother Chen, I came to you today because I want to tell you something, which is definitely very refreshing for you to hear."

"What's up?"

"The Qin family is in civil turmoil."

"Huh? The Qin family? Or the Tang family?"

Xiao Chen was stunned, thinking he had heard wrong.

"The Qin family, Qin Jianwen's family..."

"What's wrong?"

"The old man of the Qin family has a younger brother who failed in the fight for power back then... I thought this old man had given up, but he didn't. He has been hiding his strength and biding his time, looking for a chance to seize power! Just yesterday, he did it!"


Xiao Chen was a little speechless. It is conservatively estimated that the old man of the Qin family will be 80, right? No matter how young his younger brother is, he must be in his seventies... At this age, if he keeps going, why fight for power?

As if knowing what Xiao Chen was thinking, Bai Ye grinned: "Half of his body was buried in the loess, but what about the next generation? What about the next generation? Oh, by the way, do you still remember Qin Jianhua? The one at Longqiu Peak."

"Well, remember, a direct descendant of the Qin family."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Yes, he is of that line!"

"Oh? Isn't Qin Jianwen the same grandfather?"


"So, Qin Jianhua and Qin Jianwen matched up?"

Xiao Chen looked a little weird. He suddenly remembered the last time he saw Qin Jianhua, and he even provoked a few words, saying that it would be more suitable for him to be the future head of the Qin family... He even said that if he meets Qin Jianwen, he can find He came to help, and he absolutely supported it!

At that time, he just said it casually, but he didn't expect that these two people would actually do it!

Moreover, the hatred value is quite high!

"Well, yes, but I'm not optimistic about Qin Jianhua. Although he has some ability, he can't compare with that hypocrite Qin Jianwen. He is not on the same level at all."

Bai Ye shook his head and said.

Xiao Chen nodded, he had the same opinion as Bai Ye, and he was not optimistic about Qin Jianhua either!

However, if you don't like it, you don't like it, he doesn't mind causing Qin Jianwen a little trouble and making him uncomfortable!

"Then what's the situation in the Qin family now?"

"It's a mess, these two old men are very ruthless, one snatches, the other protects..."

Bai Ye explained the news he had received in detail.

Xiao Chen laughed, Qin Jianwen should be devastated now, right?

The two chatted for a while, and finally decided to wait and see what happened for now!

After all, it is probably a big scene for two old things to go into battle, and accidents are prone to happen when they go up!

After chatting with Bai Ye, Xiao Chen went to see Bigger.

After a night's rest, Bigger's condition improved a lot.

Although his face was still swollen, he was no longer so embarrassed.

When he saw Xiao Chen, his eyes shrank, obviously Xiao Chen left him a psychological shadow.

"Here, let's eat."

Xiao Chen specially prepared 15 Broken Heart Powder and threw it to Bigger.

"what is this?"


Xiao Chen said a few words, Big hesitated, and still ate with his head up.

As an agent of the Fifth Division, he also knew the poison to control people like this, but he didn't expect that one day, he would also take this poison!

"Hehe, now, we are friends."

Seeing Bigger eat, Xiao Chen smiled and stretched out his right hand.

Bigge shook hands with Xiao Chen, and after chatting for a few words, he thought of something and asked, "Those people from Angorui..."


Xiao Chen described Bai Ye to him, and told him again, which made Bigger's face turn pale.

Even though he is also a ruthless character, he has never killed someone like this!

However, as long as Angorui's people died, he would be relieved.

"It's a pity that Liz, that little coquettish bastard...hasn't had enough fun yet."

Big shook his head, forget it, as long as life is still alive, girls don't have it!

Now that Bigger was under control, Xiao Chen didn't keep him either, and let him go after agreeing on the contact information.

As for how he concealed his injuries, that was his business.

As an elite of the five divisions, he can still handle such a small matter!

After Bigg left, Xiao Chen went to see Elder Wu again, and heard that the old guy had a very comfortable life these days.

When I saw it, it was indeed the case, and I even gained a lot of weight.

"Mr. Xiao."

Seeing Xiao Chen, Elder Wu stood up.

"Hehe, Mr. Wu, don't be so polite, you should call me by my name."

Xiao Chen smiled and sat on the sofa.

"it is good."

"Barre should be arriving at the Golden Triangle soon, right?"

"Well, he contacted me last night, he has reached the edge, and he will arrive today."

"Okay, I'll trouble you to keep an eye on the things over there... However, in order to prevent accidents, you'd better not live here, go out and buy a villa or something."

"Well, you are still thoughtful."

Elder Wu thought for a while and nodded.

"Mr. Wu, I have something else I want you to help with."

After chatting with Mr. Wu for a few words, Xiao Chen said.

"What's the matter, tell me."

"I need the help of a few experts. Mr. Wu is always in the middle stage of dark energy...Of course, I won't let Mr. Wu help."

Xiao Chen came up with Mr. Wu's idea. Now that there are so many foreign forces, there must be a lot of masters, so all available people must be used.

"Xiao Chen, you're welcome, as long as it's useful, I'm fine."

Although Elder Wu was muttering in his heart, he still spoke nicely on the scene.

"Okay, Mr. Wu, enough friends."

Xiao Chen laughed, this master in the middle stage of dark energy is useless!

After Mr. Wu was settled, Xiao Chen left and went to find Tyrant Tiger.

Now, Ba Shanhu also stays at the Longmen headquarters, protecting Huang Xing.

This is the task Xiao Chen arranged for him, and he dare not neglect it.

"Brother Chen."

Tyrannosaurus came.

"Bashanhu, last time I said that I would teach you the ancient martial art. I have been busy and almost forgot. I will teach you today."

Xiao Chen looked at Tyrant Tiger's exaggerated body and said with a smile.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Ba Shanhu trembled and his face was full of excitement: "Now?"

"Yeah, why, it's not convenient for you? Is there something wrong?"

"No, no, it's convenient, I'm fine!"

Tyrant Tiger shook his head hurriedly, even if something really happened, he had to stand aside!

Xiao Chen looked at Tyrant Tiger and smiled, he was already a master, he practiced foreign kung fu... After learning the ancient martial arts, he should enter the dark energy stage in a short time!

Although it's only the early stage of Anjin, he is still a master. In this big showdown, he will definitely be of help!

After all, there are still few dark energy masters, basically there are more first-class masters, first-class peak masters, and master-level masters, and Tyrant Tiger can completely sweep them in the early stage of dark energy!

Xiao Chen is now planning to train all cultivable people, to pass down the ancient martial art, and to get as many masters as possible... He even thought about whether he should use the ancient martial art to hook up a few through the Longmen Inn. Gu Wu masters help!

After all, even in the world of ancient martial arts, ancient martial arts are extremely precious, and no one can resist the temptation of top-level minds!


Chapter three, good night.

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