Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 605: Form a group to die

\u003c\u003e Tong Yan was caught off guard by the girl and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Xiao Chen helped her in time, but his face turned cold.

"What are you going to do?"

Xiao Chen looked at the young girl and asked in a cold voice.

The young girl met Xiao Chen's cold gaze, her body trembled slightly, and she let go of Tong Yan's hand.

However, she immediately reacted and raised her chin: "I'm Tong Yan's classmate, I want to talk to her, what's wrong? No way? What are you, do you care what I do?"

Hearing the young girl's words, before Xiao Chen said anything, Tong Yan was not happy at first.

"Yang Li, what are you talking about?!"

Although Tong Yan usually has a good temper, when she heard the young girl talk about Xiao Chen, she immediately became unhappy.

"Tong Yan, you... I'm doing it for your own good, you know?"

Seeing that Tong Yan was upset, the young girl froze for a moment, then said loudly.

"For my own good?"

Tong Yan frowned, not understanding what she meant.

"Come on, let me introduce you, this is Young Master Yan, the youngest from a big family in the capital!"

The young girl introduced it with a flattering tone.

Tong Yan glanced at Yan Fei and remained silent. Does the eldest or youngest of a big family in the capital have anything to do with her?

"Tong Yan, hello, my name is Yan Fei."

Yan Shao came from the capital anyway, especially with a group of officials in his family, no matter how bad he was, he had been educated to some extent.

So, at this moment, he suppressed his anger, adjusted his state, showed a handsome smile, and stretched out his right hand.

Looking at Yan Shao's expression, Tong Yan's heart suddenly moved, and then thinking about everyone's reactions, she finally understood a little bit.

Thinking of Xiao Chen hugging her all of a sudden just now, she suddenly felt a little happy, was Brother Chen jealous just now?

Seeing Tong Yan's mouth curled up, Yan Shao couldn't help but feel happy, did she smile?

This shows that she also has a good impression of herself, doesn't it?

Otherwise, how could she laugh after introducing herself?

However, what froze the smile on his face was that Tong Yan didn't look at him at all, or deliberately ignored him, and instead leaned on Xiao Chen's body.

"Brother Chen, why don't we go out to eat?"

Afraid that Xiao Chen would be unhappy, Tong Yan asked in a low voice.

"Hehe, you're all back, what are you doing out there?"

Xiao Chen glanced at Yan Shao's gloomy face and his right hand frozen in mid-air, and smiled.

"Tong Yan, you can't do this. Didn't you see Young Master Yan greeting you? Yuzhen, you don't even talk about your daughter. She used to be very polite, but why is she so rude now? If we go out, people will say that we are uneducated parents!"

The middle-aged woman said loudly seeing Yan Shao's complexion. Yawen Romance

Chen Yuzhen heard the words of the middle-aged woman,

There was some embarrassment on his face.

Tong Yan frowned, and just about to say something, Xiao Chen said calmly: "How is Tong Yan, none of your business? Which onion are you?"


Hearing Xiao Chen's words, the middle-aged woman's face turned dark purple, as if someone had suddenly strangled her neck.

"Boy, why are you talking to my mother?"

Young girls go crazy.

"Oh, this is your mother. There is really every kind of mother, and there is every kind of girl... all the way."

Xiao Chen's tone was still so flat.

"You... what the hell are you talking about?!"

Young girl is furious.

The young man beside her, that is, Cao He, also took a step forward at this time: "Boy, I advise you, it is best to stay away from Tong Yan."

"Which onion are you?"

Xiao Chen glanced at him and asked strangely.

"I'm Yang Li's boyfriend!"

Cao He said coldly.

"I'm also Yan Shao's cousin."

"Oh, no wonder, this is a group."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Tong Yan, Young Master Yan has taken a fancy to you. This is your blessing... As long as you follow Young Master Yan, you will have luxury cars and mansions soon."

For her Porsche, the young girl really worked hard.

"That's right, Tong Yan, as long as you follow me, there will be luxury cars and mansions!" Yan Shao also nodded, and he decided to change his routine: "I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm from Yan's family in Beijing, and my grandfather retired The former was a department-level cadre, my father was a deputy department-level cadre, and my mother was a deputy bureau-level cadre..."

When Yan Shao introduced himself, Xiao Chen was also thinking, the Yan family in Beijing? Which Yan family is it? Why don't you seem to have any impression?

But when he heard about the official positions of Young Master Yan's parents and grandpa, he immediately curled his lips. The most powerful person in the family is at the level of a department, how dare he be embarrassed? Putting it in the capital family, it is estimated that they will not even be ranked in the top 100!

You know, the capital city is a place where ministerial-level cadres walk all over the streets, and there are as many department-level officials as dogs!

So, when Yan Shao complacently introduced him, Xiao Chen didn't pay attention to him anymore, you little scumbag!

After a full three minutes, Young Master Yan finally introduced his seven aunts and eight aunts. He thought that Tong Yan's eyes would shine after listening to it, but now that he looked at it, he didn't respond at all.

This made him a little speechless, but then he thought, doesn't she understand these official positions?

Well, it must be so.

Thinking of this, he coughed, and then winked at his cousin Cao He.

Cao He noticed his cousin's eyes, he was taken aback for a moment, then he understood, and immediately said: "Tong Yan, my uncle... oh, that is my cousin's father, who knows the mayor of Longhai City, We often drink together or something."


Tong Yan saw that they were talking so hard and didn't answer a word, as if it was really bad, so she nodded and replied a word.

But Yan Shao and Cao He were a little dumbfounded. Is this the end?


What kind of answer is this?

"Tong Yan, why don't you understand yet?"

Young girls are in a hurry.

"Understand what?"

Tong Yan asked.

"As long as you nod your head, you can immediately become a rich and noble lady in the capital. When the time comes, you will have money, power and power..."

The young girl was jealous in her heart, but thinking that Shao Yan might just be playing for fun, she decided to earn her own Porsche first.

"Are you finished? If you are finished, please leave. We will have dinner."

Tong Yan looked at them and said in a flat tone.

Hearing Tong Yan's words, not only Yan Shao and others were stunned, but even Xiao Chen and Tong's mother were a little stunned.

Especially Tong Mu, she has never seen Tong Yan like this in so many years!

"Tong Yan, you, you drive us away?"

The young girl stared at Tong Yan and asked in disbelief.

You know, she and Tong Yan have been classmates for many years, and this chick has always had a good temper.

Even if she bullied her before, she didn't respond!

"Didn't you understand? We're going to eat, you don't want to stay here with the cheek?"

Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

Cao He was furious when he saw his cousin's face getting more and more ugly.

"and then?"

Xiao Chen asked lightly.

"Then... I will let you die!"

Before Cao He could speak, Yan Shao said coldly.

"Who do you think you are? Do you think your surname is Yan, and you are the King of Hades?"

Xiao Chen bared his nose.

"Okay, very good, I didn't expect to meet someone who dared to talk to me like that in Longhai...Boy, you are very kind."

Yan Shao had the temperament of a playboy, and he had been pretending just now, but now, he was enraged, so he didn't even bother to pretend!

"Don't talk so much nonsense, you don't need to know whether I have seeds! What do you want, make a way!"

Xiao Chen's voice was also cold.

"Cousin, I'll call my friends right away and ask them to come over and teach this guy a lesson."

Cao He said angrily.

"No, I'll call."

Yan Shao shook his head, he wants to get this brat who doesn't know what to do and dares to be arrogant with him, he wants to make this kid kneel in front of him!

"Cousin, who are you calling?"

Cao He was stunned for a moment and asked.

"Zhang Hao."

After Yan Shao finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

Hearing the word 'Zhang Hao', Cao He's eyes widened, and he immediately became excited.

This Zhang Hao is much stronger than him. His family is also a third-rate family in Longhai, but Zhang Hao's family is a first-rate family!

And Zhang Hao is also a veritable first-class young master!

The most important thing is that behind this Zhang Hao, there is a super awesome big shot!

And this big man, in Long Hai's circle, few dare to provoke him, even Ouyang Feng, who is known as the 'Western Poison', has been beaten by this man recently!

"Hey, Young Master Zhang, it's me, Yan Fei."

Yan Shao called, and his tone was very polite. It can be seen that in his eyes, this Zhang Hao is also equal.

"Oh, it's Young Master Yan, why did you remember to call me?"

A young voice came from the receiver.

"I've come to Longhai. I don't think I've seen each other for a long time, so I just want to meet...By the way, I want to ask Young Master Zhang for a favor."

When Yan Shao said this, his eyes swept over Xiao Chen, full of murderous intent.

"Shao Yan has come to Longhai? What's the matter, tell me, as long as I can help, I will definitely help."

Zhang Hao said directly.

Yan Shao briefly said a few words about the matter and the location.

"No problem, you wait for me there, and I will take someone there right away."

Zhang Hao readily agreed.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you."

Yan Shao is happy, the Zhang family is a first-class family in Long Hai, and Zhang Hao is a direct descendant of the Zhang family, if he steps forward, he can settle anything!

After he hung up the phone, he looked at Xiao Chen and said coldly, "Boy, just wait."

"Okay, I'll wait." Xiao Chen nodded, then thought of something, a little impatient: "I'm fine waiting, but you have to wait, get out and wait."

Thinking about it, too, I finally had some time, and I was going to have a good meal with Tong Yan, to deepen our relationship or something.

After eating, he played a little game between male and female friends, and the result was good. How could he be in a good mood when such a grandson popped up!

"What are you talking about! Is this your home? If you tell us to go out, we will go out?"

Said the middle-aged woman Sapo.

"This is my home, please go out, don't interfere with our meal, okay?"

Looking at the middle-aged woman, Tong Yan spoke forcefully.


The middle-aged woman was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Tong Mu.

But before she could speak, the Tong mother turned her head and walked into the house: "Then what, you guys are chatting, I'll clean up the house."

Obviously, she didn't want to participate, and she was supporting her daughter in disguise.

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