Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 607: Master Xiao!

\u003c\u003e Outside the courtyard wall, Yan Shao and others waited with gloomy faces.

Cao He held his stomach even more, Xiao Chen's kick just now made him still hurt!

"Damn bastard, in a moment, I must make this guy kneel on the ground and sing 'Conquer' to me."

Cao He rubbed his stomach and growled in a low voice.

"Sing 'Conquer'? Well, I'm going to get him on his knees and sing me 'I'm a little bird.'"

Yan Shao sneered, his eyes were icy cold.

A bastard who jumped out of nowhere, even dared to snatch a woman from him, Young Master Yan, isn't that courting death?

If he hadn't come here this time without a bodyguard, he would have let the bodyguards go up and tortured him to death in minutes!

But thinking of Zhang Hao coming soon, he felt a little better again, and he was already thinking about how to torture Xiao Chen severely!

As for Tong Yan, he didn't think much about it.

From his point of view, when he cleans up Xiao Chen and shows off his strength, then Tong Yan has to obediently fall into his arms?

Women, all like the strong, don't they?

"Yes, sing the little bird." Cao He nodded vigorously, but what did he think of: "Cousin, is that guy a trainer? You didn't tell Young Master Zhang to ask him to bring more people?"

"Master Zhang does things, and you still need to teach him? He knows it well!" Yan Shao glanced at his cousin: "Also, if this guy really hurts Zhang Shao, how long do you think he can live? Sooner or later he will be thrown into the Longjiang feed the fish!"

Hearing his cousin's words, Cao He was taken aback for a moment, then startled, cousin wanted to kill that guy right away?

"Then what, when will that Young Master Zhang come? We can't wait here all the time, can we?"

The middle-aged woman hesitated to speak, and was driven out, and she was also very upset.

Ever since my daughter got close to Cao He, she often drove a Mercedes-Benz in and out of the shantytowns. When the neighbors in this street saw her, who wouldn't want to please her?

It's good to be kicked out now!

The most abominable thing is Chen Yuzhen, who let her daughter drive them out, it is really outrageous!

"If you want to leave, you can go first."

Yan Shao glanced at the middle-aged woman and said coldly.

The face of the middle-aged woman changed slightly, and she didn't dare to speak any more.

While they were waiting, for almost twenty minutes, a convoy appeared in their sight.


Yan Shao, who was leaning on the Mercedes-Benz and smoking, stood up straight.

Cao He was also shocked, and finally came, and he could take revenge!

The convoy approached slowly and then stopped.

The car door opened, and several black suits came down first, followed by a young man.

The young man's eyes were a bit unruly, and to put it in a simple way, everyone seemed to be a little unhappy with those eyes.

If it is put on the street, it will definitely conflict with people because of 'what are you looking at' and 'what are you looking at',

Even the kind of character that caused the murder!

"Master Zhang!"

Yan Shao looked at the young man, smiled, and greeted him.

"Young Master Yan, why did you come to this poor place to pick up girls?"

The young man, namely Young Master Zhang, looked around and frowned slightly.

He really rarely comes to this kind of dirty and messy shanty town.

"Young Master Zhang, you haven't seen that girl, she is absolutely beautiful..."

Yan Shao said with a smile.

"Is it really that beautiful?"

Zhang Shao couldn't believe it, beautiful women are usually piled up with money, and women in this kind of place...how can they have any money.

Yan Shao noticed Zhang Shao's expression, how could he not know what he was thinking, and smiled: "There is a word, have you heard of it?"


"Natural beauty!"

"Oh? Hehe, let me tell you that, I really want to see it!"

Zhang Shao showed some interest, and then looked at Cao He.

"Why are you here? Oh, forgot, you and Yan Shao are relatives, right?"

"That's right, Young Master Zhang, I'm Young Master Yan's cousin."

Cao He put on a smiling face, even a little fawning.

You know, Zhang Hao is also a figure in the Longhai circle, except for those few, they are first-rate young masters like them!

In addition, he was mixed with that big shot who few people dare to provoke, Zhang Hao is also domineering in the circle, even among the first-class boys and girls, he still ranks high!

"Oh, then we can walk around more in the future."

Zhang Shao nodded and said something casually.

Hearing Zhang Shao's words, Cao He was overjoyed.


Zhang Shao stopped talking to Cao He, but looked at Yan Shao: "Where is the person?"


"Inside? Then you don't wait inside, this is..."

Zhang Shao was stunned for a moment and asked.

"I'm too lazy to look at them, so I came out and waited for Mr. Zhang to leave. I'm afraid you won't find a place."

Yan Shao was ashamed to say that he was kicked out.

"Oh, let's go in then."

Young Master Zhang nodded, but he didn't quite believe it in his heart.

"Master Zhang, please."

Cao He was the vanguard, and walked towards the inside in a coquettish manner, even kicking the door.


The door, which was originally not very strong, was kicked with a hole by his kick.

This made Cao He feel more majestic, and walked in unsteadily.

"Boy, get the fuck out of here."

As soon as he entered the yard, he shouted at the top of his voice.

Tong Mu and Tong Yan, who were cooking in the east room, hurried out when they heard the noise.

When they saw Cao He and his party, especially when they saw that there were more than a dozen big men in black, their faces turned pale and their hearts trembled.

Young Master Zhang also saw Tong Yan at this time, and instantly felt amazed, she was so beautiful, so beautiful.

"Young Master Zhang, what do you think? Brother's vision, isn't it good?"

Seeing Zhang Shao's reaction, Yan Shao smiled.

"Not bad, Young Master Yan has good eyesight!"

Zhang Shao gave a thumbs up.

"Haha, that must be."

Yan Shao laughed triumphantly.

"What are you calling?"

A voice came from the room coldly, and then Xiao Chen came out.

He glanced at Zhang Shao first, then looked at those black suits, and raised his eyebrows. Is this the person they called?

"Boy, you're fucking dead today... Now kneel in front of me and sing 'Conquer', and then kneel in front of my cousin and sing 'I'm a little bird', we'll consider letting you go, or else ..."

Cao He pointed at Xiao Chen, and said very draggingly.

"What else?"

Xiao Chen froze for a moment when he heard his words, singing Conquer? Sing little bird? People in this city really know how to play!

Well, that's a great idea!

"Otherwise, my mother..."

Before Cao He finished speaking, Zhang Shao, who was still smiling just now, looked at Xiao Chen, and his expression changed.

When he heard Cao He's words again, he couldn't help but tremble, and shouted loudly: "Shut up, or I will throw you into the Long River to feed the fish!"

"That's right, Young Master Zhang is right, or else I'll throw you into the Long River to feed the fish!"

Cao He said loudly.

When Zhang Shao heard this, he was shocked, and then furious, stepped forward two steps, raised his hand and slapped Cao He on the face.

"Damn it, I'm talking about you, and if you continue to babble, I'll throw you into the Longjiang River to feed the fish!"

The crisp sound of slaps made the courtyard, which was a little noisy just now, become audible.

"Master Zhang, you, you hit me..."

Cao He covered his face, a little confused, shouldn't Young Master Zhang hit Xiao Chen?

Yan Shao's expression also changed, he frowned and looked at Zhang Shao.

As for middle-aged women and young girls, they are even more confused.

"You fucking shut up!"

Zhang Shao gave a cold shout, and then walked quickly to Xiao Chen, a flattering smile instantly appeared on his cold and angry face.

As for the unruly little eyes, they disappeared without a trace.

"Brother Chen, why are you here?"

Young Master Zhang looked at Xiao Chen and asked in greeting.

This change made Xiao Chen stunned for a moment, then frowned slightly, looking at Young Master Zhang in front of him.

"you know me?"

"Yeah, I'm hanging out with Young Master Bai, and I met Brother Chen once."

Zhang Shao hurriedly nodded.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Chen understood, it turned out to be Bai Ye's younger brother, no wonder he knew himself!

Immediately, he laughed, the person Yan Shao found turned out to be Xiaobai's younger brother, this world...is so fucking small!

He looked up at Yan Shao, and sure enough, the latter's face changed.

"Hehe, Young Master Zhang..."

"Brother Chen, my name is Zhang Hao, you can call me by my name."

Zhang Hao hurriedly laughed.

He doesn't think there is anything wrong with him now, you know, he has seen the horror of this person before him!

He not only asked Bai Ye to call him big brother, but also said that at Longqiu Peak, he had a conflict with Xidu Ouyang Feng, and after a car race, he directly shot Ouyang Feng's car!

Not to mention anything else, just this shot, who would dare in Long Hai?

Even if it's Bai Ye, I'm afraid he has to weigh it!

But what about him?

Blowing up Ouyang Feng's car with one shot, he even said something very awesome - I don't like to use things that other people have used... Next time you mess with me, I'll blow your head off.

As soon as these words came out, Bai Ye's younger brothers immediately regarded Xiao Chen as an idol, it was so awesome!

Therefore, in front of Xiao Chen, Zhang Hao is still a young man, he is purely the younger brother's younger brother!

"Master Zhang, you..."

Yan Shao finally came over, with shock and anger on his face.

Zhang Hao glanced at Young Master Yan, didn't make a sound, but secretly muttered in his heart, this Yan Fei is really looking for death, who is not good to offend, even offending Brother Chen!

Immediately, he took another sneak peek at Tong Yan. Only Brother Chen deserves such a beautiful girl!

"Okay, since you are with Bai Ye, then you are my brother, so I will call you by your name."

Xiao Chen nodded, he didn't really like to care about people's names.


Zhang Hao was overjoyed, his brother.

"Are these the people you brought?"

Xiao Chen looked at the black suits.

"This...Brother Chen, I didn't know that you were the one they were going to deal with, otherwise, I wouldn't have come."

Zhang Hao was a little embarrassed, and at the same time a little worried, if Bai Ye found out about this, he wouldn't kick himself!

"Don't, if you don't come, where can I find someone to order?"

Xiao Chen said with a smile.

Zhang Hao was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood, and then...he turned his back shamefully!

"Don't hurry up and call someone? This is Lord Xiao!"

The black suits were also confused by the scene in front of them, thinking, aren't we here to help this Young Master Yan?

However, they reacted quickly, and then shouted loudly: "Master Xiao!"

The 'Young' and 'Master' can immediately tell who is different!

The younger generation, no matter how awesome they are, is still a 'young', including Bai Ye, who doesn't have much qualifications to be called 'Master Bai'.

One is that they are underage, and the other is that their status is not good enough.

No matter how you say it, there are still older generations on top, so most of them are what they are.

But in Zhang Hao's opinion, Xiao Chen can definitely be a 'grandfather'.

Because Bai Ye said that even his old man admired Xiao Chen very much and regarded him as a friend who had forgotten his age!

The person who can make the old man of the Bai family treat him as a friend, isn't he a master? !

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