\u003c\u003eThe bald snake brought people and took Chen Liang away. Yawen bar

In order to prevent accidents, Fei also followed.

With him as a first-class expert, let alone Chen Liang was injured, even if he was not injured, there would be no trouble.

As for Chen Liang's life and death...it must be dead.

How to deal with him, Xiao Chen didn't bother to ask, probably there will be another unnamed corpse in Longjiang.

"Let me go... let me go..."

Chen Liang struggled.

"It's so sloppy."

The bald snake didn't have a good temper, so he knocked him out with a knife, and was dragged out by two younger brothers.

"Brother Chen, let's go first, you can talk if you have something to do."

The bald snake turned around and grinned at Xiao Chen.

"it is good."

Xiao Chen nodded.

Looking at the backs of the bald snake and the others, the security guards all trembled. What would they do to Chen Liang?

It should be bad luck, right?

However, from this day on, they never saw Chen Liang again in Long Hai, and even those who had a good relationship with Chen Liang did not get in touch with him.

The whole person seemed to have evaporated just like that.

After Xiao Chen disposed of the useless bait, he left the security department and returned to his office.

This office is still the same as Qin Lan was there before.

Su Qing is also a very emotional person, and she has never used this office. Even if Qin Jianwen came to the company and wanted to move to her next door, she did not allow it, saying that she would keep it for Qin Lan.

"Sister Lan has no news, and I don't know what's going on... I have to find a way and find someone to check."

Xiao Chen lit a cigarette and took a few deep breaths.

A bell rang, interrupting his thoughts.

"Hey, Xiaobai, what's the matter?"

"Brother Chen, there is news about Qin Jianwen."

"Huh? Where?"

"Those who have seen Qin Jianwen have been controlled. Do you want to see it?"

"it is good."

Xiao Chen nodded, hung up the phone and went out, and drove straight to the place Bai Ye said.

By the time he arrived, White Night had already arrived.

"Brother Chen, you're here."

"Well, where is it?"

"in front of."

Bai Ye pointed to the front.

Xiao Chen looked at it, a little strange, but still followed.

When they came to Yiqiao Cave, they saw a few men in black suits standing there, and a shivering homeless man sat next to them.

"Is he the one who met Qin Jianwen?"

Xiao Chen asked with a frown.



Bai Ye nodded, and came to the homeless man: "Tell me what happened to you last night."

"Yes Yes."

The vagrant looked terrified, and hurriedly told the story.

After listening to the homeless man, Xiao Chen was stunned. Did Qin Jianwen hide under the bridge last night? Still fighting for a place with homeless people?

It seems that the net cast by Mr. Xu and others has covered the entire Long Hai, forcing Qin Jianwen to have nowhere to go!

"I really didn't expect that the dignified First Young Master Qin would end up like this."

Bai Ye said gloatingly.

"Master, sir, that's all I know, please forgive me."

The tramp knelt on the ground and said loudly.

"When you came back, that person was gone?"

Xiao Chen thought about it and asked.

"Yeah, it's gone."

The tramp nodded hurriedly.

Xiao Chen looked at the homeless man, took out his wallet, and threw all the cash in it to him.

"Take it."

The homeless man stared at a small pile of money, and was stunned. Instead of killing himself, give him back the money?

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir."

"Qin Jianwen didn't know where he went, but he answered the phone, obviously someone was answering him."

After Xiao Chen finished speaking to Bai Ye, he turned around and was about to leave the bridge hole.

"Master, sir, wait a moment."

Suddenly, the tramp spoke.

"What's wrong?"

"I... When I was running away, I overheard him calling. He seemed to call that person over there—Zhao Si."

The homeless man looked at Xiao Chen and said cautiously.

Zhao Si?

Hearing this name, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed coldly, it turned out to be him?

"Zhao Si? Isn't this the guy from the Zhao family?"

Bai Ye was also a little surprised.

"Go, find Zhao Si!"

Xiao Chen turned around and was about to leave. After walking a few steps, he said to Bai Ye: "Give your man another 20,000!"

"it is good."

Bai Ye nodded, made an arrangement, and one of his subordinates went to the side to withdraw the money, and threw another 20,000 yuan to the homeless man.

After Xiao Chen and the others had left, the homeless man looked at the money in his hand and grinned: "Although I was beaten last night, I still have 20,000 yuan... This is a big man, 20,000 yuan, eyes I gave it without blinking. I can’t stay in this place anymore, I’ve been wandering around for so long, I should go home and have a look.” Then, he simply tidied up and left in a hurry.

In the car, Bai Ye started calling to find Zhao Si's whereabouts.

Because of what happened last time, Qingcheng Company was fine, but Beauty Company became a target, so it had already closed down.

Today's Zhao Si doesn't know what he's doing.

After several phone calls, Bai Ye quickly found Zhao Si.

"This old boy is at the Haitian Club."

Bai Ye put away the phone and said to Xiao Chen.

"Go to the Haitian Club."

Xiao Chen said directly.

"Just like this? The Haitian clubhouse belongs to the Zhao family."

"Yes." Xiao Chen nodded: "Whoever dares to take Qin Jianwen in is my enemy!"


Bai Ye nodded, turned around and went to the Haitian clubhouse.

When they arrived at the Haitian Club, the person at the door, Guan Baiye, asked for a membership card.

As a result, Bai Ye slapped him with a big mouth. He was in Longhai, and when did he need a membership card? He always brushes his face!

"This is... Young Master Bai!"

A manager recognized Bai Ye, was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, and hurried forward.

"Young Master Bai, calm down, calm down, he is blind and doesn't recognize you."

"Where's Zhao Si?"

Bai Ye asked the manager.

"Fourth Master... He left ten minutes ago."

The manager froze for a moment, then said hurriedly.


Bai Ye frowned and turned to look at Xiao Chen.

"Yeah, it's gone."


Xiao Chen also frowned and asked.


The manager doesn't know Xiao Chen, but he can't afford to offend him if he can come with Young Master Bai.

"Brother Chen, what should we do now?"

"Tell Zhao Si, don't make trouble for yourself, and don't make trouble for the Zhao family!" Xiao Chen looked at the manager: "If he dares to take Qin Jianwen in, I will kill him."

Xiao Chen knew that the news of their coming here would reach Zhao Si's ears immediately, so he couldn't hide it even if he wanted to.

Simply, a direct warning!

In addition, he also planned to put pressure on the Zhao family, and if he found Zhao Si, he might be able to find Qin Jianwen.


The manager didn't dare to say more, and nodded hastily.

"Let's go."

Xiao Chen turned and left.

"Brother Chen, continue to look for Zhao Si?"

"Well, let's look for it, but I think I can't find it for the time being."

Xiao Chen nodded.

Sure enough, two hours passed, and there was no news. Zhao Si seemed to have evaporated in Long Hai as well.

Xiao Chen separated from Bai Ye and returned to the company, temporarily putting this matter behind him.

After all, there are many enemies, so you can't just stare at Qin Jianwen.

What made Xiao Chen a little happier was that Bigge called him, saying that MI5 and MI6 were planning to withdraw from Long Hai completely and would no longer participate.

In the cafe opposite the company, the two met.

"Are you really retreating? Or playing tricks?"

Xiao Chen couldn't believe it, and looked at Big on the opposite side.

"Really, Huaxia has already dispatched a large number of people to Longhai, and if they stay there, there will be nothing to gain except casualties! In addition, the Holy See, Asuka, and Skull and Bones are also there, and the higher authorities feel that there should be no muddy water."

Big said seriously.

"Hehe, your leaders are quite wise."

Xiao Chen smiled, heaving a sigh of relief in his heart, one who can leave counts as one!

"The China of today is no longer the China of the past. There are only a few superpowers that can fight against China, and the empire on which the sun never sets is obviously not among them."

Bigger said with a wry smile.

"Well, it's good to have self-knowledge."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"When are you planning to leave?"

"Leave tonight, I can say goodbye to you."

Big opened his mouth, wanting Xiao Chen to give him the antidote, but felt that it was impossible for him to give it, so he didn't say much.

"Okay, you go back and keep an eye on me. I don't want to be fooled by you or by MI56...I promised you, and I will do the same."

Xiao Chen looked at Bigger and said seriously.


The two chatted for about half an hour, Xiao Chen left first, and after a while, Big came out of the cafe.

Xiao Chen strolled towards the company, took out Didi Killing while walking, and looked at the positions of Dapang and others.

"Big Fatty, did you gain anything today?"

Xiao Chen asked via wireless.

"Yes, three people were arrested, two whites and one nigger."

A fat voice came.

"Okay, you guys should torture them first, and then talk about it if you can't ask."

Now Xiao Chen is more and more at ease, the seven thugs are already very proficient in their business, arresting people, torture, killing people... After this set of procedures, he hardly needs to worry about it, and they will do it all directly!

"it is good."


Suddenly, Black Widow, who was online just now, went offline.

Xiao Chen was taken aback, this chick seemed to be avoiding him? This has happened several times!

Immediately, he slapped his forehead, no, she is not willing to admit defeat yet!

As I said before, he hanged and beat the magic scorpion, this chick will sleep with him!

Thinking of this, he called Black Widow directly, rang a few times, and hung up.

"Hey, are you still not answering my phone?"

Xiao Chen got a little angry and hit again.

The third time, the black widow finally answered: "What's the matter?"

"Black Widow, why are you avoiding me?"


"Oh, if you say no, then there is no, let's bet on that... Dudu..."

Before Xiao Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

"Hello? Hello? Damn it!"

Xiao Chen is angry, this chick is too much!

"Damn it, I can't believe you didn't meet me!"

Xiao Chen cursed, didn't bother to fight any more, and wandered into the company, ready to go back to practice for a while.

"Black Widow, who is it?"

Seeing the ugly expression on Black Widow's face, Demon Scorpion asked.

"No one." The Black Widow shook her head and looked at the magic scorpion: "Are you really planning to leave the Skull and Bones?"

"Well, I'm from Huaxia, so what's the point of doing things for foreigners? When I get Xiao Chengan down, I'll take him in as my younger brother!"

When the magic scorpion said this, he exuded evil spirits all over his body.


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