Female President’s Bodyguard

Six hundred and sixtieth chapters buy a villa

Before entering the sales office, Zheng Ying came out to greet her.

"Little Yan!"

Zheng Ying looked at Tong Yan, opened her arms, and gave her a hug first.

"Auntie, hello."

Afterwards, Zheng Ying greeted Tong Mu again.

"You are... Zheng Ying, right? I remember you, hello."

The child mother smiled and nodded.

"Yeah." Zheng Ying nodded, and finally looked at Xiao Chen: "Mr. Xiao, hello."

"Hehe, why are you so different? Didn't you call me 'Brother Chen' just like Xiaoyan last time?"

Xiao Chen looked at Zheng Ying and said with a smile.

He didn't have a bad impression of Zheng Ying. Even if she wanted to match Tong Yan and Sun Jianyu, she didn't have any selfish intentions, she just wanted to have a good life as a good girlfriend.

"Hehe, aren't you here to buy a house now? I have to be more polite."

Zheng Ying also laughed when she heard Xiao Chen's words.

"Come on, take us in and have a look."

Xiao Chen nodded, he was initially satisfied with this place.


Zheng Ying took Tong Yan's hand and walked inside, muttering as she walked.

"Xiaoyan, why did you think of buying a house? Is he planning to hide your golden house? You two slept together, right?"

Zheng Ying thought her voice was low enough that Xiao Chen couldn't hear it, but Xiao Chen had good ears and could hear it clearly.

He couldn't laugh or cry, and couldn't help shaking his head. It's fine to have a strong mother-in-law, but a strong best friend popped up again!

When they came to the sales office, Zheng Ying took them to a resting place.

"Sit down first, I'll get the introduction and floor plan."

"it is good."

Xiao Chen nodded.

Soon, someone brought coffee.

"Son-in-law, the houses in this place must be quite expensive, right?"

Mother Tong took a sip of coffee and asked.

"It should be fine."

Xiao Chen smiled. In his eyes, as long as it is not a tens of billions of mansions, it should not be considered expensive.

Soon, Zheng Ying came back with a stack of house plans and introductions in her hand.

"Let me introduce you first."

Zheng Ying didn't say anything false, and kept praising the real estate, but introduced it in a realistic manner.

"Auntie, Brother Chen, here is the floor plan, please take a look first."

"it is good."

The three of them looked at the floor plans, and found that the villas were also different. The smallest was 250 to 60 square meters, and the largest was more than 500 square meters. Moreover, because of the different locations, the prices were also different.

"how about this?"

Xiao Chen pointed to the villa of more than 1500 square meters and asked Tong Mu and Tong Yan.

"Is this too big?"

Tongmu also likes it very much.

But it hurts to think about the price.

"Yeah, it's not that big."

Tong Yan also said.

"Bigger, more comfortable to live in..." After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he leaned into Tong Yan's ear and whispered, "In case the safety measures are not taken as your mother said, and a smaller one pops out, Don't you have to live?"


Tong Yan's pretty face turned red, what the hell is going on.

However, when the two of them did it, it seemed that they had never taken safety measures.

"Zheng Ying, where is this 500-square-meter house?"

Xiao Chen smiled and asked Zheng Ying on the opposite side.

"Five hundred square meters, it seems that there is only one set left, in this position."

Zheng Ying opened the blueprint of the entire villa area and pointed it to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen took a few glances and nodded with satisfaction. The Longjiang River is not far ahead, and there is an artificial lake on the left, which is quite good.

"Hey? What are these villas for?"

Suddenly, Xiao Chen noticed that there were several better locations.

"These villas are not for sale, they are left by the boss himself."

Zheng Ying explained.

"oh, I see."

Xiao Chen took a few glances, but didn't take it to heart.

Although he wanted to buy it, he would definitely be able to buy it, but since it was left by others, it was unnecessary.

"Can I go to the villa to see it now?"

Xiao Chen thought about it and asked.

"Yes, Brother Chen, are you optimistic about this set?"

Zheng Ying was a little excited. If she really bought this set, her performance this month would definitely be the highest.

"Well, I think it's not bad, let's go and have a look."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Great, Brother Chen, if you really buy it, then I only need the performance, and the commission will be returned to you at that time!"

Zheng Ying said happily.

"Hehe, I still care about those few commissions? You served us, so you should get it."

Xiao Chen smiled.

Zheng Ying thought about it too, he is a big shot, would he care about such a mere commission?

"Then I'll get the key, and I'll take you to have a look."

"Okay, let's go."

Xiao Chen nodded.

When Zheng Ying left, Tong Yan asked in a low voice, "Brother Chen, do you really want this set?"

"Well, let's have a look first, if it's really good, then buy it."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Son-in-law, it's so expensive."

The Tong mother also felt that there was no need to buy such an expensive one, and it was too big.

"Hehe, Auntie, don't worry about the price, if you buy it, you can stay here."

Xiao Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect that I would have such a good son-in-law."

Tong Mu grinned, her face full of joy.

After waiting for a while, Zheng Ying didn't come back, Xiao Chen frowned, why so long?

After another two or three minutes, Zheng Ying came back.

"That house, just now a client wanted to book it, and he didn't plan to see the house, so he had to pay a deposit directly."

Zheng Ying's face was a bit ugly. From her point of view, Tong Yan and the others came at her, and now they are doing this again, which is no different from hitting her in the face.

"what happened?"

Xiao Chen glanced at Zheng Ying, he might think it was a routine, but Zheng Ying would not do it.

After Zheng Ying said it briefly, Mother Tong and Tong Yan looked at each other.

"Since someone wants to order it, let's change it to something else, just a smaller one."

Tong Yan said softly.

Xiao Chen shook his head, just now when he looked at the whole thing, there were more or less problems with everything else, only the 500 square meters could catch his eyes.

"Didn't they pay the deposit yet? Then let's pay the deposit."

Xiao Chen believed in Zheng Ying, since she thought the 500 square meters were good, it should be pretty good.

"Ah? Just pay the deposit now? Haven't you gone to see it yet?"

Zheng Ying widened her eyes.

"Hehe, I trust your vision."

Xiao Chen said with a smile.

"Well, then I'll ask again. If they haven't paid it, then pay the deposit."

Zheng Ying was moved, turned around and left quickly.

"Is it okay not to go and see?"

Mother Tong was a little worried, after all, it was bought by tens of millions.

"It's okay."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

As they were talking, they heard a loud noise.

Immediately afterwards, two women came over aggressively.

"Is it that you want to rob the house with us?"

One of the women with heavy makeup asked loudly.


Xiao Chen froze for a moment, where did this idiot come from?

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Ying came with another girl, and Zheng Ying's face was very ugly.

"Who robbed your house?"

Mother Tong stood up, she was not a bully, she used to run rampant in shanty towns.

"It's just you guys!" The woman with heavy makeup looked at the child mother a few times, and sneered: "You're all here to buy a villa? You can't even afford a fucking apartment!"

Hearing this, the Tong mother became angry: "Who said we can't afford it? What's wrong with wearing street stalls? You can't afford to wear street stalls?!"

"Auntie, you better stop arguing with him, he will pay the full amount at once."

The girl in sales clothes also curled her lips and said with a bit of contempt on her face.

The sales in the sales office also compete with each other. After all, the commission is a lot of money, so she naturally wants her to sell it.

Don't talk about selling houses, it's selling mobile phones. In order to grab customers, sometimes they fight!

"Li Li, what did you say?"

Zheng Ying was also angry, and looked at her colleagues angrily.

"What's wrong with paying the full amount? We can't pay the full amount?"

The child mother said angrily.

"Heh, pay the full amount? Just you?" The woman with heavy makeup glanced at Tong Yan, and a look of jealousy flashed in her eyes: "Go ahead and dream, this is not something you can afford, so what should you do now?"


Mother Tong was too angry to speak.

"Auntie, why are you arguing with such a woman?" Xiao Chen shook his head, took out a bank card, and handed it to Zheng Ying: "Go and pay the full amount, I bought it."


Zheng Ying was stunned, the other salesperson was stunned, and even the two women with heavy makeup were also stunned.

"Brother Chen, is it really a one-time payment?"

Zheng Ying asked a question.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"No, this is what I am optimistic about, I must!"

The woman with heavy makeup came to her senses and shouted loudly.

"Miss, why can't Mr. Xiao pay the full amount?"

Zheng Ying glanced at her colleagues and the woman with heavy makeup, and only felt a sigh of relief.

"Hey, who do you call Miss? You are Miss, and your whole family is Miss!"

The heavily made-up woman is furious.


Zheng Ying was too lazy to know her as well, so she turned around and went to go through the formalities.

"No, let me say what I want first, how can you sell it to him... I will increase the price, I will increase the price and buy it!"

The heavily made-up woman shouted.


Xiao Chen and the others were all stunned, and bought it at a higher price?

Salesman Li Li was overjoyed, and stopped Zheng Ying: "Zheng Ying, did you hear that? This Ms. Zhang wants to increase the price!"

"Yes, I will buy it at a higher price, I will call now and ask my husband to send the money!"

After the woman with heavy makeup finished speaking, she took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey, dear, where are you? Oh, I just saw a big house, and I like it very much."


Said rich and powerful over there.

"Well, thank you dear, I just like your grand appearance."

The woman with heavy makeup said happily.

"Well, I'll be there right away."

"Honey, but now someone is going to rob us of the house, saying they want to pay the full price for it."

The woman with heavy makeup said coquettishly.

"Huh? Who?"

asked over there.

"Who knows, selling goods all over the place doesn't look like a rich man."

"If you're not a rich person, can you buy a villa with all the money?"

Said in a deep voice over there.

"Maybe... you deliberately pretend to be aggressive with me? Who knows if you have money or not! My dear, I really like this villa. Let's buy it at a higher price, okay?" The woman with heavy makeup finished speaking, and then whispered: " Darling, I promise you a new pose tonight."

"Really? Hahaha, okay, buy it at a higher price, dare to steal the house from my woman, and live impatiently!"

Hearing the woman's words, the sperm over there immediately came to his head, and he said domineeringly.

"Thank you dear, I'll wait for you, boo!" After the woman with heavy makeup finished speaking, she hung up the phone and looked at Xiao Chen and the others provocatively: "Wait, I'll be here soon!"

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