Chapter 41 The last level, Liu Xiaofei’s mother finally agreed!

"Oh! You guys are making me look like a bad guy!"

After hearing this, Liu Li sighed helplessly.

The two of them were so loyal to each other that she even doubted whether she was a villain who was determined to break up this couple!

"You are!"

Liu Xiaofei said aggrievedly.

When Liu Li heard it, she glared at Liu Xiaofei, then looked at Lin Tian and asked seriously:"Do you like Xiaofei?"

The situation of Liu Xiaofei and Lin Tian is very special.

The one-night stand relationship makes it difficult for Liu Li to believe that they have an emotional foundation.

This is why Liu Li asked Lin Tian to provide guarantees.

Although from Lin Tian's performance so far, it can be seen that he will really be responsible for Liu Xiaofei.

But the problem lies here. In Liu Xiaofei, she can see that Liu Xiaofei likes Lin Tian very much, but in Lin Tian, she only sees one thing, that is, responsibility.

She now basically believes that Lin Tian will take good care of Liu Xiaofei for the sake of responsibility.

But she still can't believe that Lin Tian likes Liu Xiaofei.

"Aunt, to be honest, everything between Xiaofei and I happened too suddenly, and we haven't known each other for very long. If I say I like Xiaofei now, that would be a lie."

"However, after getting to know each other for a while, I still have a very good impression of Xiaofei, and I believe that our relationship will continue to deepen."

Lin Tian's words can be said to be impeccable, and all of Liu Li's concerns were dispelled at once.

Yes, in this kind of one-night stand, it would be fake to say that you like someone.

Only when Lin Tian said this, it would be in line with the standard answer in her heart.

However, Liu Xiaofei felt very uncomfortable after hearing this. After all, she already liked Lin Tian, and she heard from Lin Tian that he still didn't like her. This feeling was naturally very uncomfortable.

But she was also very sensible and knew that Lin Tian's words were sincere enough.

Fortunately, she now has a natural advantage. Even if Lin Tian doesn't like her very much now, she has enough time and opportunity to make Lin Tian like her!

"Well, since you have such a clear plan for your relationship, I won't say much. But I still have one question, which is what do your family members think about this matter?"

Liu Li had completely passed this hurdle, but she still wanted to know what her in-laws thought.

After all, she was not belittling her daughter. An actor was indeed not worthy of a scientific researcher like Lin Tian. She was just afraid that the Lin family would look down on Liu Xiaofei.

If her mother-in-law didn't treat Liu Xiaofei well, Liu Li might not have considered this marriage.

When Liu Li heard her ask about her family's attitude, Lin Tian said with a smile:"Aunt, ever since my mother knew Xiaofei, she has almost forgotten me as her son."

"Yes, Auntie, Lin Tian’s mother is very kind to Xiaofei. She would come to take care of Xiaofei by sending delicious food every few days!"

Seeing this, Tang Yuanyuan hurriedly helped out.

But think about it, in fact, this is not really a help, after all, Shen Wanyu treats Liu Xiaofei like this.


After hearing what the two said, Liu Li immediately became interested.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian's mother was completely different from what she thought. She thought that mothers in such families would definitely look down on others.

Not to mention that Liu Xiaofei's profession is an actor. In the eyes of the elders, this kind of profession is low-class, so they will not treat Liu Xiaofei well.

""Mom, Lin Tian's mother is really good to me. She cooks for me almost every day. If I wasn't afraid of embarrassment, she would probably live here to take care of me."

Liu Xiaofei also sincerely spoke well of Shen Wanyu.

After hearing these words, Liu Li no longer had the last doubt about Lin Tian. She waved her hand and said helplessly:"Okay, okay, don't say so much, I don't care about your matter!"


When Liu Xiaofei heard the answer, she jumped up with joy and clapped her hands with Tang Yuanyuan in victory.

Liu Li rubbed her temples with a headache.

To be honest, she was still very aggrieved on this trip.

Because the moment she heard that Liu Xiaofei was pregnant, her first thought was to come over and scold this ungrateful boy, and then take Liu Xiaofei to have the child aborted.

Especially when she heard about their one-night stand, Liu Li's idea became more firm.

But with all kinds of certificates and information about the National Research Institute thrown in her face, not only was her idea erased, but she actually accepted Lin Tian as a son-in-law.

Reluctantly accepted Fortunately, at least she can show some displeasure to satisfy herself.

But the problem is, Lin Tian is really too perfect.

He has a high degree of education, strong working ability, and a sense of responsibility above all else. At the same time, the elders in his family have a good temper.

Where can you find such a good son-in-law?

She has no choice but to accept it!

But after accepting it so naturally, she felt very uncomfortable. She had never gotten rid of the anger at the beginning!

Forget it, let's go back and find trouble with Liu Xiaofei's dad.

He is her husband, so he should be the punching bag!

After Liu Li agreed to the marriage, she still said to Lin Tian:"How about this, call your mother over tomorrow, and I will have a good talk with her."

"No problem, no problem, but my job at the research institute is……"

Lin Tian can leave work early, but that is on the premise that the work is completed.

Given the current situation of the institute, Lin Tian really can't spare a day to talk to the two elders.

"I understand the nature of your job. I can talk to your mother alone tomorrow. You just need to focus on your work first!"

"Well, then."

Lin Tian was not opposed to the two elders meeting. Shen Wanyu was indeed very satisfied with Liu Xiaofei, and there shouldn't be any disputes between the two.

"OK, I'll come visit again tomorrow morning."

Liu Li stood up and prepared to leave.

""Aunt, why don't you live here? There are a lot of empty rooms here."

Lin Tian tried to persuade her to stay.

Liu Li shook her head and said,"I have to go back to talk to Xiaofei's father about this matter. He just came back from abroad and he definitely doesn't know."

If they were in China, Liu Xiaofei's parents would have seen the hot search a long time ago.

Of course, the main reason why Liu Li was so anxious to find her father was that she wanted to vent her anger.……


Lin Tian did not try to persuade her to stay, and respectfully sent Liu Li out of the villa.

After returning to the villa, Liu Xiaofei jumped into Lin Tian's arms.

Lin Tian was already accustomed to this kind of intimate behavior, and was not surprised. Instead, he touched her head lovingly and asked,"Why did you suddenly hug me?"

"I just want to hug you!"

"All right."

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