"What the hell! Is it really on the shelves?! Sister Yuanyuan, I was just joking, please let me go!"

"Hahahaha… Where are those guys who said they wanted everyone to have one? I’m waiting to get one now!"

"Brothers, I was just bragging, don’t take it seriously!"

"Oh my goodness! More than 10 billion! This lithography machine is extremely expensive!"

"In fact, 10 billion is not a lot! This kind of lithography machine is a state secret. If it can really be bought for 10 billion, many countries will probably rush to place orders!"

"Yes, don't you see the annual revenue of chip manufacturers? It's not comparable to 10 billion."

"To be honest, those are just the apparent incomes of chip manufacturers. A lot of them are used in the military, which is also a big source of income!"

"Yes, the real significance of chips is not actually to make mobile phones and computers to a large extent. The most important thing is military use. With highly intelligent chips, our national defense capabilities will be greatly enhanced!"

"That’s right, foreign chips are really too dangerous. If a war really breaks out, every one of our mobile phones may be a time bomb!"

"Damn, after hearing what you said, I will support domestic products even more!"

"What we buy here are not chips, but bullets fired at the beautiful country!"

As soon as the lithography machine was put on the shelves, it immediately attracted heated discussions from countless netizens.

Many people also began to discuss the true meaning of chips.

As more and more people learned about the real use of lithography machines, many people's support for domestic products became stronger.

Seeing that more and more people wanted Tang Yuanyuan to put new quotas on the shelves, Tang Yuanyuan herself was helpless.

She could only comfort the audience again and again, saying that she would contact everyone as soon as the quota was available, and then turned off the live broadcast amid many pleas.

The live broadcast was over, and Tang Yuanyuan couldn't help wiping the cold sweat.

At the same time, she also muttered:"I didn't expect so many people to buy it. I thought I could sell it for at least three days!"

"Why don't you ask for more places? I see a lot of people are asking for them!"

Liu Xiaofei asked curiously.

Tang Yuanyuan, who was in contact with Lin Tian, was normal for her not to know this.

Tang Yuanyuan also patiently explained:"Lin Tian currently has only one lithography machine, and the production itself can't keep up. Not to mention that ordinary people need it, the military also needs it."

"Three million is already the maximum pre-sale amount that Lin Tian can afford. There is no need to ask for more."

"All right."

Liu Xiaofei finally understood.

Tang Yuanyuan glanced at Liu Xiaofei and said,"And I heard from Lin Tian that this phone is not only much better than other phones in terms of performance, but it can also reduce radiation to almost nothing. Then you can play with it as you like!"


Upon hearing this, Liu Xiaofei's eyes lit up and she was extremely excited.

Although she was an electronic idiot, it didn't mean that she didn't like playing with her phone.

Since she became pregnant, she was as bored as she could be these days. She was almost bored to death lying on the bed every day.

Although Tang Yuanyuan would occasionally accompany her to watch movies, she still couldn't watch TV for a long time, so she was in a daze most of the time.

If she had a mobile phone that she could play with all the time, she was sure that her mood would be at least three times better!

"Lin Tian said so, so it must be true, right?"

Tang Yuanyuan just heard Lin Tian mention it and was not sure.

But Liu Xiaofei was looking forward to it. As long as Lin Tian said it, then the news must be 100% accurate!


After Tang Yuanyuan turned off the live broadcast, Lin Tian's phone set off a huge wave on the Internet.

In the entire Weibo list, at least eight of the top ten were closely related to this!

And five of them were ranked in the top five!

This kind of popularity can be said to be unprecedented, reaching a level that is unique in Weibo.

Almost more than 60% of netizens are discussing Lin Tian's phone.

"This is ridiculous, right? They dared to put this phone on pre-sale when it doesn’t even have a name?"

"I also think it’s ridiculous, but after they put all their money in the People’s Bank of China and limited the number of places, I regretted not being able to grab one!"

"Me too! I didn’t know about the limit at first, and I didn’t get one. Damn!"

"Didn't you guys get it? I'm embarrassed to point it out to you! If you didn't have no confidence in Lin Tian and Tang Yuanyuan, you would have bought it a long time ago, right?!"

"That’s right, the three million weren’t sold out all at once. If you don’t trust them, don’t cry here. Just wait for the next batch of phones!"

"I think no matter what, Lin Tian is at least a national-level scientific researcher praised by the country. What's wrong with the live broadcast authorized by him? Even if the performance is really not that good, so what? As long as it can be used, I will still buy it and support domestic products!"

"Yes! I spent 500 yuan, even if he gave me a mobile phone three years later, I would wait! Not for anything else, just to support domestic products!"

"Damn, if this phone really has the same functions as advertised, the value of this three million quota will definitely increase!"

"Yes, it is said that the next sale will not be a pre-sale quota!"

"Anyone selling pre-sale tickets? I'm offering double the price, give me one!"

"I bid four times, 2,000 yuan for one pre-sale spot!"

Lin Tian had been praised by all the official media before. With this official recognition, many people naturally believed in Lin Tian's products more and more.

Coupled with the appeal of Tang Yuanyuan and Liu Xiaofei, as well as the operation of keeping their money in the People's Bank of China, more and more people began to believe that there would be such a mobile phone.

In the end, they didn't even care whether the phone was so easy to use. As long as it could be turned on and make calls, they would buy it. If for nothing else, it would be to support domestic products.

Not to mention that Lin Tian's domestic products are officially produced by the country. Supporting Lin Tian is equivalent to directly supporting the country!

In this In this situation, basically no one is unwilling to pay.

Unfortunately, the quota is only 3 million now, and there is no more, so many people actually started to buy other people's quotas online.

The price of this quota has doubled in a few days. It only costs 500 yuan to buy it from Tang Yuanyuan, but now it costs at least 1,500 yuan to buy someone else's quota!

In other words, the person who bought this quota did nothing and made 1,000 yuan in two days!

This makes those who bought it feel that their decision is correct!

But at the same time, the popularity of Lin Tian's mobile phone has also attracted the attention of many bigwigs in the mobile phone industry.

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