On the fourth day, in the harmonious and prosperous Chang'an City, a cake called "Mung Bean Cake" appeared. In just one day, it became popular in the streets and alleys of Chang'an City.

"Come and take a look. The cake made by the emperor's husband is the only one in the country. Even His Majesty said it was good!"

"It's sweet and soft. I guarantee you won't be able to stop eating it after one bite!"

"It's just on the market with a 10% discount. A piece of mung bean cake costs ten cents. If you don't buy it now, the price will go up later~"


In Chang'an East Vegetable Market, outside a large shop, Xiaoyan and Xiaozhao shouted loudly on the street, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Is this the cake from the palace?"

A middle-aged woman with a big belly stood in front of the stall, looking at the yellow-green cakes neatly arranged in the basket, and expressed everyone's curiosity.

"This is not as simple as the cake from the palace. This is the cake made by the emperor's husband himself. Even His Majesty has never eaten it!!"

His Majesty has never eaten it! !

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Good guy, the cake developed by the emperor's husband himself, even His Majesty has never eaten it, so the first people to eat this cake, aren't they?

"Everyone, do you want to try it? This is a new product on the market. It only sells for ten coins today. In a few days, it will become a hundred coins~"

At this time, Situ Kong came out of the shop with a group of guards who changed their clothes, including the dog slave, and said to the people with a smile.

"The emperor's husband!"

"It looks so good!"

When everyone saw Situ Kong, their eyes suddenly lit up and their breathing became rapid.

When they saw the emperor's husband in golden clothes from a distance on the street, they had already remembered his face deeply. Now they were watching him up close, and their brains were about to shut down.

"Emperor... Emperor, this only... only ten cents?"

The people stared at Situ Kong from a close distance, and their cheeks flushed, as if they had returned to their teenage years. They were easily shy and stuttered when they spoke.

"New products are on the market, of course they are ten cents. Even His Majesty has not tasted them. Who of you wants to be the first to taste them~"

"Me! Let me do it!"

"Don't grab it, it's mine, all mine!"

Situ Kong smiled, and the words "Even His Majesty hasn't tasted it, who of you wants to be the first to taste it~" made a group of people whose minds were already unclear scramble for it.

The emperor's craftsmanship, they can line up in front of the emperor to taste it, how can they let it go?

Ten cents is just a small amount of money. For these citizens who received high debt compensation from Wu Linyue, it is not a big deal. Their money is the level of rich people in any place. It can be said that in Chang'an City, except for the emperor, there are only a few rich people per capita...

"Wow, this taste..."

"How is it?"

"It's really great. This is the first time I have eaten such pastries!"

"Let me try it too... It's really delicious and very addictive!"

As Situ Kong said, these people have money but have never eaten delicious food. For novel and delicious pastries, as long as they take a bite, they will easily get addicted.

Not long after, the pilot pastries prepared by Situ Kong were snapped up in an instant.

"Emperor, is there more? I want to eat more!"

"Hey, I just squeezed in, I didn't even smell it."

"Wow, I'm even worse, I didn't even see the pastries made by Emperor."


Some people were still unsatisfied, some didn't even see them, didn't even smell them, and looked regretful.

"Hehe, don't worry, fellow citizens, I will rush to work tonight and try to open a morning market here tomorrow!"

Situ Kong always had a smile on his face, and a pair of soft and smooth hands gently clapped together, friendly and charming.

Ah Wei is dead!

The hearts of the citizens were immediately hit, and their eyes were confused.

It was just a short exchange, and they were already fascinated by this man.

Although he is in a high position, he does not feel superior to the royal nobles. There is no sense of superiority or inferiority in the conversation.

He has a beautiful face, is generous and generous, and smiles to everyone without any pretense or hypocrisy.

He mixes with others, but his temperament makes him look distinctive and unique.

I can't take my eyes off him after one look...

Who wouldn't fall in love with him?

"See you tomorrow!"

When leaving, Situ Kong turned back and waved to the customers.

With a smile on his face, he had already taken their eyes away in a flash.

"Hey, Emperor, see you tomorrow..."

The citizens also waved foolishly, with silly smiles on their faces.


"Lord Situ Kong, we earned 20,000 coins today. According to the rule of His Majesty that one thousand coins are equivalent to one tael of silver, that's twenty taels of silver!"

"It's unimaginable that you can earn twenty taels of silver with such a low cost!"

Xiao Yan and Xiao Zhao, the two little followers, looked at Situ Kong with admiration from behind.

"You follow my request and go back to mass production. With the publicity of these people today, the reputation has been established. Tomorrow, we will directly offer a price of 100 coins each. The marketing method is a big promotion. One is 100 coins. Buy ten and get one free..."

Situ Kong raised his chin slightly, looked at the blue sky, and gently stroked the empty capitalist hat on his head with his little hand.

Situ Kong put his hands behind his back, and his steps became more arrogant. The pride on his beautiful face could even be seen by the white clouds in the sky.

"Emperor, your majesty asks you to return to the Qianqing Palace."

"What's the matter?"

"I don't know."

"Okay, you go down."

Just when Situ Kong was playing outside proudly, a soldier came over to convey the news that Wu Linyue wanted him to go back, which had a great impact on Situ Kong's beautiful mood.

No matter how good the mood is, it will not be beautiful next to Wu Linyue.

"Really... Xiaoyan and Xiaozhao, you guys go get busy."


The two of them went down to the imperial kitchen.

"Let's go, we're going back."

"Yes, the emperor's husband!"

Helplessly, Situ Kong could only turn around and lead the dog slaves and a group of guards to the palace and returned to the Qianqing Palace.

When he arrived at the main hall, Wu Linyue was already lazily looking at the recliner inside, drinking juice, waiting for his arrival.

"Your Majesty, do you want me to do anything?"

Situ Kong picked up the fan and came to Wu Linyue to fan himself, while fanning Wu Linyue.

"Nothing, I'm just a little touched by what Kong'er has done for me these days, and I want to give Kong'er some rewards."

Wu Linyue looked at Situ Kong's slightly sweaty cheeks and neck with tenderness in her phoenix eyes, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva imperceptibly.


Situ Kong became a little alert. Hearing the word "reward", coupled with Wu Linyue's evil face with a false smile, and linking it to the previous events... Well, this reward may be problematic, but it is also possible that they really want to give him a reward.

Therefore, Situ Kong asked tentatively, "Your Majesty, is this reward good for me?"

"Of course it is good. Since it is a reward, it can't be a punishment."

It's not a punishment...

Situ Kong was thoughtful, his eyes rolled around, and he looked at Wu Linyue again, "Then, may I ask, is this reward good for Your Majesty?"

"For me..."

Wu Linyue raised her eyebrows, with a smile on her evil face, "For me, it is good for me."


After listening, Situ Kong frowned, smiling.

What kind of reward is this? It is good for me and for you, so it is definitely not a reward!

"Your Majesty, I don't want this reward!"

Situ Kong waved his hand and said seriously.

"Don't want it?"

Wu Linyue's gentle expression slowly turned cold. When he saw this scene, Situ Kong knew that this reward was very meaningful!

"Hmph, I thought that you were timid and had provoked some villains. It was easy to wake up in your dreams at night, so I allowed you to sleep with me. You don't appreciate it?!"

Situ Kong has always slept in the side room, and Wu Linyue slept in the main room.

Because Wu Linyue was busy and had no time to spend on Situ Kong before, she also acquiesced to this way of work and rest.

But today, the big things were basically solved, and the remaining small things were handed over to her subordinates. She finally had some free time to spend on Situ Kong. How could she let Situ Kong sleep in the side room?

It must be sleeping on her bed~

But seeing Situ Kong so reluctant, Wu Linyue

Yue's temper flared up again.

"No, Your Majesty, this is not a matter of appreciation or not. It's still summer, and it's easy to get hot sleeping together..."

"Hehe, I spent a lot of money to build this main hall. It's warm in winter and cool in summer. How dare you say it will be hot? I think you dislike me, right?"

Eh? How did you know?

Situ Kong was stunned for a moment and almost said this.

Fortunately, he kept these words in his throat and didn't say them out, otherwise, this terrible woman who was as easy to explode as a gunpowder barrel would have to deal with him.

"Your Majesty, I have always been used to sleeping alone. I really can't accept your Majesty's kindness. Your Majesty's kindness, Situ Kong appreciates it in his heart."

"It's okay to appreciate it in your heart. I hope you will appreciate it in your body."


Good guy, does this mean you won't let me go?

"Your Majesty, this won't do..."


Seeing Situ Kong reject her like this, Wu Linyue snorted coldly with a dark face, "I am the Lord of Shenzhou, and you, as a citizen of Shenzhou, should obey my will. How can you shirk it like this?!"

After a round of scolding, Wu Linyue directly used her status to force Situ Kong, but Situ Kong looked embarrassed, and he was unwilling in his heart, and he didn't even want to agree.

"Tonight, I want you to come to the main room. If you don't come... Hmph!"

Wu Linyue's expression was ferocious, and a terrible fierce light flashed in her eyes, and the threat was not concealed at all.

What a stinky woman! She looks so beautiful, but she has such a stinky hooligan character, so disgusting!

Situ Kong cursed in his heart, and his cheeks were puffed up.

Tonight, he didn't know how to avoid this stinky guy...


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