The Chinese New Year is coming, and the Chinese New Year is coming.

There is no Mid-Autumn Festival in Shenzhou, but there is a celebration called the Ten-Day Full Moon.

Because the moon is the roundest and brightest during these ten days, it is called the Ten-Day Full Moon.

From the late Zhou Dynasty to the wars among the princes, not to mention the New Year, even this celebration has never appeared.

This ten-day celebration can be said to be very important. The success of the celebration is also telling the people of the world that

Shenzhou is peaceful.

"Kong'er, how do you think we should hold the celebration?"

In the manor, Situ Kong was lying on a rocking chair thinking about the future of the universe. He almost had a clue, but Wu Linyue appeared beside him lying on another rocking chair and pushed him.

Well, the future of the universe is ruined by this woman's hands.

"What are you doing?"

Situ Kong frowned and glanced at Wu Linyue with disdain.

His cute face was puffed up, and it seemed that he had not forgiven Wu Linyue for releasing her anger on him.

"I'm just asking you how to organize the celebration."

Wu Linyue didn't care about Situ Kong's disdainful look, and stretched out her hand to pinch Situ Kong's tender face.

Hehe, Kong'er is the cutest when he is angry.

"Hehe, shouldn't you, the emperor, think about the celebration of Shenzhou with the Ministry of Rites? What does it have to do with me?"

Situ Kong glanced at Wu Linyue and slapped her hand away.

This stinky woman was angry not long ago and squeezed his body hard. Now, she wants to squeeze his brain again and wants to use up all his value. How can it be so good?

"What can the Ministry of Rites think of? Breaking the formation? Returning victorious? The people don't like these things, but your sister Yue has thought of something that happens to be something you like to do."

Wu Linyue smiled complacently.

"What's the matter?"

"Don't you like being a matchmaker? The celebration will let you be a matchmaker, just like when you were in Dihua, to promote population growth. In the future, when we fight the Xiongnu, we will use people and money. Money can be saved, but people are hard to get."

This woman is thinking about fighting the Xiongnu...

"Hehe, why don't you go?"

Situ Kong frowned.

"I am the Lord of Shenzhou, and I lower myself to be a matchmaker for commoners? Only you, the Lord of Dihua, can do this kind of thing."

Wu Linyue's hand was mischievous again, twisting a strand of hair on Situ Kong's ear and spinning it continuously.

This time, Situ Kong did not interrupt Wu Linyue's action, but rolled his eyes and said, "I can do this kind of thing, but you have to agree to one condition of mine."

"You are negotiating conditions with me again!"

Wu Linyue glared at Situ Kong, a little unhappy, but still took a deep breath, "Tell me, what are the conditions?"

"Allow young widows to remarry."


After listening to this, Wu Linyue looked at Situ Kong in disbelief as if she had heard something extraordinary, "Kong'er, do you know what you are talking about?"

"I said, please allow young widows to remarry and start a family!"

Situ Kong answered neither servilely nor arrogantly, not avoiding Wu Linyue's wide eyes at all.


"Why not? Don't you want to increase the population?"

Wu Linyue's reaction was a little stressed, but Situ Kong continued to ask calmly.

"Men must be chaste! This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed! Otherwise, how can the dead women rest in peace? You know, they all died on the battlefield!"

"Then what do you want to do with these young widows who survived? Many of them are in their twenties or even just adults. Do you want them to be widows for life?"

Faced with Situ Kong's words, Wu Linyue opened her mouth, not knowing what to say, and just shamelessly said, "Anyway, it's not allowed!"


Situ Kong had originally planned to reason with Wu Linyue, but this guy just didn't reason with him, but acted like a hooligan.

"Kong'er, you mentioned this, not just to increase the population, right?"

"What do you mean?"

Seeing Wu Linyue squinting her eyes and looking at him with a sneer, Situ Kong suddenly became a little unhappy.

"Kong'er, are you thinking that if I die one day, you will find someone else?"

"Wu Linyue, are you sick?!"

"I think that's what you think!"

"You are unreasonable. If I want to find someone, I would have been married when I was in Dihua Country. How could it be your turn?"


The people were arguing loudly, breathing heavily, staring at each other for a long time, and fell into silence.

They leaned on the reclining chairs, and no one wanted to touch each other.

However, the two of them would secretly look at each other from time to time, as if to judge whether the other was angry.

The wind was still blowing, stirring up ripples on the lake. After a long silence, Wu Linyue closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and broke the silence.

"Then tell me what are the benefits of doing this?"

Wu Linyue's thinking about the problem will eventually return to the interests. She is a very rational person.

Seeing Wu Linyue break the silence, Situ Kong softened a little and looked at Wu Linyue with a smile on his face, "My dear Majesty, this has many benefits. First, you get the population you want. Second, these widows form new families. The number of households increases, and society becomes more stable. Third, the enthusiasm for work increases, and grain production increases. Fourth,..."

Situ Kong paused, bowed with both hands, and smiled at Wu Linyue, "They and their new families will respect and love your majesty more."


Wu Linyue was silent.

Her hand slowly reached to Situ Kong's side, grabbed Situ Kong's little hand and gently squeezed it.

"Some widows without children can do this, but what about widows with children?"

"For widows with children, if their wives are willing, they can marry together. If their wives cannot accept it, a shelter can be built in the palace to take in these children. Let them study or practice martial arts. In the end, they will be trained as your people, avoiding the need to doubt the loyalty of the other party when looking for someone outside. Isn't this good?"

Hearing Situ Kong's words, Wu Linyue's mind moved. She was thinking about training a group of trustworthy soldiers.

"If you don't agree, I won't force you. It's just that these widows are living a hard life now. They don't have women to protect them. They are often bullied. It's hard for them to work and earn money. They can only have affairs with other women in exchange for food. Once this trend spreads..."

"Is there such a thing?"

"My sister Yue, aren't you very powerful? Why, you only see the most prosperous streets in Chang'an, and don't care about other places?"


Situ Kong's ridicule made Wu Linyue unhappy, and she stretched out her hand to knock Situ Kong with a chestnut.

Then, Wu Linyue stood up and sucked hard on Situ Kong's cheek, sucking so hard that Situ Kong frowned and said he was disgusted before letting go, and went to investigate with his hands behind his back.

"What the hell..."

Situ Kong rubbed his cheeks, which were red and full of the stinky saliva of the stinky woman, which made him very disgusted.


Two days later, a law was issued and spread to all the states and counties of Shenzhou, and posted everywhere.

There were also propaganda soldiers explaining it to the illiterate people, causing a sensation.

"This is the law that the emperor persuaded His Majesty to change..."

The law was changed, and this sentence was added.

For a time, the name Situ Kong was heard by the people of Shenzhou again.

"The Emperor is really amazing. He was the one who reported the corrupt officials last time, and this time he allowed the helpless widows to remarry."

"The Emperor seems to be favored by His Majesty. He can even persuade the fierce and violent Princess Wu."

"Do you want to go to the capital to see the Emperor himself as a matchmaker and see the Emperor's style?"


The people of Shenzhou are even more curious about this Emperor who they have never seen. Many people want to go to the city during the celebration to see what the Emperor looks like. How beautiful is he to be so favored by the fierce Princess Wu?

In Chang'an, the whole capital was busy, with lights and decorations, and the streets were decorated to welcome the first celebration since the unification of Shenzhou.

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