Lin Shubai opened the so-called mobile phone browser and found the so-called hot search list.

The title of the first hot search is: Fairy Appearance! Handsome guy saves a drowning cute baby.

2. Actress Feng Xinyi publicly accosted a man with abdominal muscles.

3. Director Zhang's Xianxia masterpiece is suspected to have found the male protagonist.

Good guy, the top three of this hot search are all Lin Shubai!

What's the use of hot searches, can they be exchanged for money.

Lin Shubai clicked into the hot search with the first popularity.

In the photo, he lowered his head, and his black hair was wet with water, which made Lin Shubai's facial features delicate and not like a real person.

The sturdy right hand holds a cute doll of Yuxue, and is crying because of choking on water.

There was a group of people around, and there were people taking pictures, but the handsome guy's eyes were only drowning children, and his eyes were full of concern.

In fact, it was the child who kept holding Lin Shubai's neck, and Lin Shubai was pondering who would take him away.

Lin Shubai looked at the comments, good guys 999+, and Lin Shubai's comments couldn't be refreshed for a while.

What did these people say, it was 999+ in just a few hours?!" "

My God, super handsome guy and cute baby, it's too compatible, my heart is going to melt, this look, ahhh "

I also want to be hugged by a handsome guy (.) ・ω・。 ""♡

The upstairs thinks too much, and takes away the handsome guy." "

Woo woo, please, ask for a handsome guy's Weibo, does anyone know.

"+1 upstairs, I've been looking for an afternoon, but I haven't found any information about the handsome guy.


"Even if you're handsome, you still have such a sense of justice, it's really an ideal type woo woo woo."

Lin Shubai looked at it for a while and then retreated, he couldn't finish watching it, he couldn't finish it at all.

The one who ate his tofu twice today is named Feng Xinyi, the actress?

Lin Shubai recalled that he looked really good-looking, but he couldn't be forgiven for eating his tofu.

Lin Shubai opened the second hot search of the actress and the "strange man".

The first thing I saw was a good guy, who was so good at shooting.

Lin Shubai thought he had opened a restricted-level website.

A sticker photo of a glamorous beauty with a hot body wearing a bikini and a handsome guy with 185 abs.

Lin Shubai was putting his clothes away at the time, and he could only see his back from the perspective of the shot.

The comment area is also 999+

, "I'll go, the eyes of the actress have always been okay, this abdominal muscle, I also want to touch it." "

The actress is still so bold and has a real temperament, I don't know how much better it is than those stars who only know how to make small moves in the back. "

Black fans are still playing steadily.

"Phew, shameless, a group of brainless fans, what kind of actress, you know how to buy hot searches and make headlines. The

comment area is similar to usual, divided into black and white and those who occasionally turn to the fan.

Lin Shubai turned off his mobile phone, and he will go to the beach tomorrow to surf and rest early.


A month passed quickly, Lin Shubai should go back to study, the following holidays were relatively nothing, and Lin Shubai spent a peaceful and stable vacation.

Lin Shubai returned to school, and his classmates were busy preparing for the monthly exam.

"Hmph, I'm so angry, what kind of effort is he pulling, isn't he the first in the grade, and he doesn't want to give lectures to others.

Ouyang Qing sat down angrily holding the Xi booklet.

"I'm also going to Xi better and give a lecture to Brother Shubai."

Lin Shubai raised his eyebrows.

You give me a lecture?"

Lin Shubai glanced at Ouyang Qing's Xi question book and casually gave her the answer.

"There are three ways to solve this problem, and according to what we have learned now, we can set y as the process quantity, and then solve the equation.

Ouyang Qing was stunned for a moment when she heard Lin Shubai speak, and then she reacted to understand this question.

"Really, Brother Shubai, really, it will be clear at once, how could you.

Lin Shubai didn't bother to explain.

"Isn't that simple? "

You stare at the window every day in class, is there an old man outside the window, you communicate with him in class?"

Lin Shubai smiled.

"Well, almost.

Ouyang Qing looked at Lin Shubai with admiration.

"I'll ask you any questions in the future, Brother Shubai.

Lin Shubai propped his head on his left hand and looked out the window, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hmm. "

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