The trees in the jungle overlapped on top of each other, and their feet rustled on the leaves.

The young man in black pulled his sword out of the boar, blood gushing out like a pillar, and then put the boar's body in a storage bag.

The sect tasks received by each disciple were different, and Lin Shubai received the task of hunting ten wild boars in the Falling Wood Forest.

At this time, it has reached level 5, and if you hunt another pig to complete the task, you will have level 8.

This is the ninth, it's strange, there were wild boars everywhere at the beginning, why is it quiet in the forest now, and even the other monsters are refreshed.

The last wild boar became more and more difficult to find, and Lin Shubai searched for a full ten minutes before encountering another one.

Lin Shubai's proficiency in tricks has risen, and the moon falls with one hand.

When the wild boar fell to the ground, and when Lin Shubai was about to receive the wild boar into the storage bag, a white shadow flashed, and the wild boar on the ground was gone.

What about my pigs?

Lin Shubai's blood pressure is about to go up, and it took a lot to collect ten pigs.

Hearing the sound of the bushes in front of him, Lin Shubai manipulated the task forward and came to the designated position, a pair of round eyes were looking at him through the screen, and his unlucky pig was not being next to him.


Lin Shubai angrily put the pig into the storage bag, turned around and was about to leave.

The fox jumped directly on him, two furry paws grabbing him by the collar and hanging on him, looking at him with dripping eyes.

"Alert, alert, the player encounters the boss Nine-Tailed Fox Cub, whose strength is equivalent to human lv70.Host, please note that death will return to the spawn point, and then drop equipment. "

Ah, isn't this a novice village, how could he meet any boss cubs? He didn't have level 7, so he had level 70, and now the highest level in the whole server is only level 19, and the long knowledge is not so long.

The black-clothed swordsman and the white fox on the screen looked at each other, and the young man's eyes were full of confusion.

"Can you let me go. The boy cautiously probed.

When the fox heard this, its two ears were pointed up, and a fox head, half of which was ears.

The two black grape eyes looked at him innocently, and a trace of cunning that was not easy for people to catch flashed.

Lin Shubai: You're weird cute.

What can a cute little fox have in mind, let alone in the game.

The black-clothed young man snorted, this little fox was so cute one second, and he bit him the next second, Lin Shubai looked at this fox lightly, he couldn't beat it, what could he do, it seemed that he was going back to the rebirth point.

Just as Lin Shubai was about to accept his fate, a golden light enveloped Lin Shubai, and intricate patterns appeared at the feet of the two.

A pale colored mark appeared on the foreheads of the black-clothed boy and the little fox at the same time, and the surrounding light and marks reached their brightest at the same time and then gradually dimmed.

The little fox licked the wound on the boy's neck flatteringly.

【System】Congratulations to the young man for reaching a contract with the nine-tailed fox cub, and the road to the rivers and lakes is no longer lonely.

The channel exploded again.

lv.18 [A Cloud on the Edge of the Sky] Soul Breaker Faction - 65 on the Skill List

What the hell, I'm level 18, I haven't even seen a spirit pet, which fairy, how long has it been in service, the cubs of the boss have signed up, are we playing the same game.

Lv.19 [Horse Howling West Wind] Loose Faction - Skill List 1 - Martial Arts Overlord Skill List 1

is going to be replaced, I found a spirit pet, and I must have a chance to learn from him.

Lv.16 [Ah Tilt] White Moon Valley Heavenly Immortal List 90 - Closed Moon Shy Flower

Which young hero is so violent, let the slave family serve you well.

lv.18 [Passerby Only] Soul Breaker Faction - How

far is the shemale on the 68th floor of the power list, how far is it, how far is it, pick your feet, big man, it's not disgusting, you.

Lv.15 [Hell Whirlwind Slash]

Isn't the number one on the Yama Gang also in the Falling Wood Forest, did you see any visions when you went to look for him?

Lv.16 [Red Tuo]

How can it be so fast, it's still on the way, it's going to enter the forest, I'll talk about it later.

"Your character has fallen into a coma.

Lin Shubai looked at the black-clothed young man who fainted on the screen, forget it, the road to becoming a god is always so difficult, Lin Shubai got up and left the chair to pour a glass of water to drink.

"There is a fallen wood forest in front of you, and the system shows that Suijian is nearby. The

little fox in the black-clothed boy immediately stood up, looked around viciously, his face was full of vigilance, and the soft hairs on his body stood up one by one.

The large, shaggy tail emits a faint white light.

"This is it. "A group of people scurried through the jungle and found the point marked by the system.

"It's obviously shown here, why is there nothing. "

Do you think the Fallen Trees are exceptionally quiet today? "

It is estimated that it is the cause of the Nine-Tailed Fox Boss that scared the other beasts away.

"Let's go, alas, for nothing." "

After the forest returned to quiet, a man and a fox appeared on the originally empty land.

The little fox fell asleep quietly in the boy's arms.

This time it set up an enchantment that no one outside could see if they wanted to.

Lin Shubai came back with a water cup and saw that the person on the screen was still unconscious, and a phone call happened to come, so he simply went offline.

"Hello, what's the matter.

"Is it classmate Lin Shubai?" It was an old man's voice, and the relief and excitement in his voice were about to overflow from the phone.

"Yes, what's the matter, please. "

I am the president, congratulations on winning the first prize in the Mathematics Olympiad and escorting it to Fuhua University, which is really an honor for my generation. "

Well, thank you, Mr. Headmaster.

"The afterlife is terrible, the afterlife is terrifying." The

principal pulled Lin Shubai to chat for a long time, Lin Shubai all the way Well, oh, good, thank you, hello, goodbye, it can be called a model of civilized language.

As soon as I hung up the phone, another call came.

"Lin Shubai, I heard that you won the first prize in the competition, have you been sent to Fuhua University? The

steady agent's tone is a little unstable, this is too explosive, and it is an extremely explosive existence in the entire entertainment industry.

In the entertainment industry, where can I find a scholar like Lin Shubai and a well-cultivated existence, and I can't find it with a lantern!

The agent is really glad that he has grabbed such a good artist as Lin Shubai at this moment, and his career will take off directly in the future!"

"Good, good, good. The agent was speechless with excitement at this point.

God knows that Lin Shubai's fans are waiting for Lin Shubai's hair dynamics, more than a month has passed, Lin Shubai has not lost fans, and it is still on the rise, I am obedient, and I directly scared him.

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