"Master. In

the game, only friends can send private chats, Lin Shubai was stunned when he saw the news, and then remembered that the system assigned him an apprentice.

Apprentice, it's fun to collect it, it just so happens that Lin Shubai is bored now, let's see if I can tease this apprentice.

"Here, what's wrong?"

"The dungeon can't be beaten, can you come and help me, Qiuqiu~

" "Pull me." "

The apprentice is only level 12, and he can't get anything good by playing a dungeon.

Since you recognize me as a master, I am the number one boss, and I must show my apprentices the world, and by the way, add proficiency to the newly learned moves.

After joining the apprentice's team, seeing the apprentice who was about the same height as him, Lin Shubai couldn't help but think, how can I be such a big soft and cute apprentice, how can I look so fierce.

Okay, take him to play a few copies.

"Hehe, Master, I finally met you, and I can't open your information if I want to see it.

Lin Shubai was faint, and his fingers also typed two words on the keyboard.


"Master, you look like a person.

"Who. "

It's just like, you shouldn't know it~"

I really can't.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the next dungeon.

Lin Shubai took a look at it and directly chose the most difficult copy at present.

The boss level with the highest combat power in it is level 80, and Lin Shubai, who is level 100, belongs to the dimensionality reduction strike.

The name of the dungeon is Hyakki Night Walk.

Once inside, the two of them were plunged into darkness.

"Master, I'm afraid, there are so many ghosts, woo woo.

After sending it, he hugged Lin Shubai through interactive movements.

So how can he play the copy ......

"How old are you?"

"Nine years old, in the third grade QAQ Master, you won't dislike me, right? "

It's really disgusting.

It's so troublesome to find an apprentice, I knew that no matter what he did, he would have blocked him.

Forget if he's still young, accommodate him.

Spirits are naturally restrained from ghosts, and no ghost dares to approach that station, and they can't wait to get as far away from them as possible.

The spiritual power turned into a sword, and in an instant, all the ghosts were annihilated, and the metal was annihilated before they could even scream.

"Wow, Master, you're so amazing. "

Hmm. "

After brushing 10 copies in a row, Lin Shubai gave all the dropped items to his apprentice.

It's nothing, just to play with this apprentice.


Master, your main hall and side hall have been built, please go and check. If you have any complaints, remember to remind me to change it for you.

The gray home system in the lower right corner lights up.

Looking at the apprentice with new equipment next to him, he always felt awkward to look at him, and the 9-year-old child's pinched face and figure looked more mature than him.

"Come with me and take you to where you live. "

In an instant, I came to the main peak, and the palace built was simple and atmospheric, too splendid and incompatible with the surrounding environment.

"I have given you the right to live here, and you will live here in the future.

"Okay, thank you, Master, I will repay you in the future. "


Your pet Nine-Tailed Fox has completed the advanced stage and has successfully grown to adolescence.

"You play by yourself first.

"That's good~ Master. "

Hmph, it's so easy to deceive, the sect master is a busy man.

It's fun to surf the Internet once in a while.

After the slumber period, the little fox became larger, and the tail on the back changed from one to three.

When they saw him, they happily wanted to rub on him.

Bring him back to the main peak, which has built a room specifically for the little fox.

Why is his stupid apprentice still here?

"Master, you're back. "

What are you doing here?

"I'm waiting for you, I'm so bored. The

little fox shrunk into the arms of the black-clothed young man, full of hostility towards the guy who called the master master.

Obviously, he could slap this guy to death with one claw, but at this time, he was whimpering in his master's arms, looking at him with big black eyes.

"Master, your fox is so fierce...... I'm scared. "

These two guys are weird.

Go offline, sleep.


When he woke up the next day, Lin Shubai saw a ...... lying on his villain Well, the thin boy, how to say it, the handsome young man is lying on his stomach with a petite little boy scene, and the picture is indescribable.

The boy had two fluffy white ears on his head and a floppy-looking tail.

It seems to be his little white fox?

I should have run to his bed in the middle of the night to sleep, and when I woke up today, I became a human form.


reminder, the nine-tailed fox will go through estrus for the first time, please get through the difficulties for it.

Well...... There are a lot of beautiful female foxes in the beast peak, let's see if there is anything she likes.

The little white fox lifted his head from the boy's arms, and his immature face was full of red tide.

Yingying's eyes were innocent and seductive, and Lin Shubai had to admit that he had been hooked after taking a look.

Secretly scolding himself for being born.

The little white fox's hand grabbed the young man's snow-white underwear indiscriminately, revealing a smooth chest, and unconsciously rubbed it with his ears.

I'll go, this, this, his pure little white fox, don't do this, plan you to come out, I have something to talk to you.

Coincidentally, a figure suddenly stood outside the door, it was the apprentice who received it.

The scene was very embarrassing for a while, and the little white fox still rubbed on him without knowing anything.

This scene should not have been watched by his nine-year-old apprentice.

This game should be tagged with an 18 ban tag.

Fortunately, the little fox's estrus period passed quickly, but it became more sticky to him, and the fox in estrus was particularly sleepy, and soon fell asleep in his arms.

"You like the little fox so much, can you like me a little too. "

It's strange, maybe it's because of his overly mature face.

"How to like it. "

A nine-year-old child shouldn't understand anything, but fortunately he didn't teach the child badly.

"Other masters have held apprenticeship ceremonies, but I don't. "

Well, how to hold it, it can be done. "

The acceptance ceremony of the sect master of the Loose Sect must be infinitely beautiful.

"Master, it's so good, I initiated the invitation, accept it. "


] Congratulations to [???] and [Flawed] for tying the knot and becoming a couple, let's wish them a long life~

The first time the system issued a marriage notice is the god of question marks, needless to say, how about the public screen, it is almost paralyzed.

What's more, the other party is still a number with only more than 20 levels, which is simply detrimental to the reputation of our great gods.

Lin Shubai saw the public screen of the explosion before he knew that he had been put aside.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry Master, the button for the marriage ceremony and the apprenticeship ceremony are too similar

, I ...... it" "Go on, I've found your address, and it's also in City C, right, don't let me find out who you are by name." "

Well, I lied to you, I actually graduated from college. "

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