"Ladies and gentlemen, you are welcome to take Fees-Friendly Airlines Flight 208 from City A to Island C for a distance of 508 km and an estimated flight time of 2 hours and 06 minutes.

"In order to ensure the normal operation of the aircraft's navigation and communication systems, please do not use laptops during take-off and landing, and do not use electronic devices such as mobile phones, remote-controlled toys, video games, laser record players and electronic audio receivers throughout the flight.

The plane is about to take off, and now the cabin attendants are conducting a security check. Please sit in your seat, fasten your seatbelt, and put away the seat back and table. Please make sure that your carry-on items are properly stowed in the overhead bin or under the seat.

Standing in the blue sky and white clouds, with an endless blue skyline, Lin Shubai's mood began to relax.

A wonderful month of vacation is about to begin.

"Sir, this is your snack, please use it slowly. "

Lin Shubai's height of 185 has a special temperament when sitting there, which is difficult to ignore.

Even if the flight attendant saw an unknown number of passengers, Lin Shubai's side face sitting by the window made her heart beat faster.

The stewardess tried her best to maintain a calm tone, maintaining the standard etiquette and not looking at Lin Shubai.

"Thank you. The

flight attendant's eyes almost widened, and her voice was so magnetic, so good to listen to.

"You're welcome. She

was afraid that if she stayed any longer, she would not be able to resist asking for contact information.

Lin Shubai looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, and his thoughts flew away.

Two hours passed quickly, and Lin Shubai didn't bring anything, but carried a backpack with clothes in it.

For a one-month vacation, Lin Shubai did not book a hotel, and rented a house for a month online, which would be much more cost-effective.

The rent is 10,000 yuan a month, and the 200-square-meter detached sea view room, each room has floor-to-ceiling windows, and you can see the blue sea at a glance.

Lin Shubai sat on a velvet hanging basket and looked at the endless sea.

From dusk to end.

The sunset shone on the sea and hit the floor-to-ceiling windows, creating a sunset afterglow throughout the room.

The sky was getting dark, the whole sea was silent, and Lin Shubai's mood changed from comfortable to quiet.

Lin Shubai watched the sea all day, and the whole person couldn't be more comfortable.

Thinking of this month's leisurely life, a sense of satisfaction surged into Lin Shubai's heart.

After a day off today, Lin Shubai is ready to go out swimming tomorrow.



As soon as Lin Shubai opened his eyes, the sun was full of sunshine.

The whole room was flooded with sunlight.

Lin Shubai looked at his phone, it was eight o'clock in the morning.

After washing, use the navigation to find a good rating of the specialty restaurant to have breakfast.

"That handsome guy over there, so handsome, you go and ask for contact information, and we will treat you to a big dinner when the time comes." "

The aroma of seafood porridge is overflowing, and the taste of the tongue is full of umami.

After eating the seafood porridge, the newly picked coconut is sweet and delicious, ah, what a comfortable life.

What other tasks are you doing, you have the money to live here for the rest of your life.

"I just didn't show up as a host, don't treat me as a dead leader, if the host appears again, the host will be punished. "

Well, he's just thinking about it, guy in a bad mood.

Since school has already started, there are not as many people at the seaside as they have on vacation, but the number is still considerable.

Lin Shubai saw at a glance the place where swimsuits were sold, a grass house with a resort style.

There are a variety of swimsuits hanging inside, all of which are expensive.

However, the boys wear it relatively simply, and a boxer will do the trick.

Lin Shubai felt a little uncomfortable and bought a set of black swimsuits.

Lin Shubai took the swimsuit to the fitting room to change clothes.

Loose white cotton sleeves are neatly stacked to the side, and the fitted black top outlines the shape of your abs, making your blood rush at a glance.

And then the shorts...... It's also a little close-fitting, and then it's... Lin Shubai felt that he should be considered big, proud and .jpg (not

snow-white collarbones looming, and his cold temperament made people can't help but want to get closer and contaminate him with his own breath.

Lin Shubai came out of the fitting room, bent slightly, and put the changed clothes in the locker.

The passers-by threw amazing glances at Lin Shubai one after another, eager to stick to him.

"Which model is this, this body is too well proportioned. "

Oh my God... Is such a person real, this sense of atmosphere is absolutely amazing. "

I'm going, and I'm still eight packs, ah, I'm going to die.

"The expression is so cold, I like it so much."

A white hand was on Lin Shubai's waist, Lin Shubai felt a tingling in his lower abdomen, and his soft and boneless hand roamed Lin Shubai's abdominal muscles.

Although Lin Shubai's face was calm, his instinct made him green for a moment, which was really a bit stimulating for his current male body.

A beautiful woman with a beautiful face, wearing a bikini, and a hot body surrounded Lin Shubai and whispered in his ear.

"Handsome guy, do you have time to swim together.

"No, I want to be alone. Lin Shubai coldly refused.

"Little handsome guy, so indifferent, don't you like my sister. "

Hmm. "

Lin Shubai just wants to swim in the sea alone, is this the trouble of being handsome?

"It's a pity, that sister went to play, next time I meet my sister and play with my sister. Lin

Shubai, who received the flying kiss: Thank you, I hope I won't meet you.

"I'll go, it's exciting, the actress Feng Xinyi openly accosted a fairy-looking handsome guy. "

The actress is domineering, I'm really not afraid of making headlines.

"Hahaha, it's not that you don't know the temperament of the actress, black fans are still those, and it is estimated that it will attract many people to turn fans.

"But the handsome guy is really handsome, completely long on my xp, I also want to touch the handsome guy's abs, so greedy, Sihasha."

Lin Shubai couldn't stand it, so he quickly fled the crowd and walked towards the sea.

Lin Shubai quickened his pace and put his feet on the soft sand.

The white waves hit the feet

, and the slender limbs stretched out in the ocean, and the feeling of swimming in the sea was really refreshing.

Tomorrow Lin Shubai is going to bring a board to surf.

This body is very powerful, with Lin Shubai's swimming skills in his previous life, coupled with his current strong strength, he can swim like a fish in water.

The fine black hair sticks to the face, adding a sense of cold and brokenness, smooth body curves, and elegant swimming style, like a shark in the water.

"Save my child, my child fell into the water, come on, save the child. A

cry of despair echoed across the sea, and two hands fluttered on the surface.

There were relatively few people in Lin Shubai's area, Lin Shubai took a deep breath, like an arrow off the string, and swam towards the place where the child was at a very fast speed.

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