Feminist God

Chapter 304 The Truth Comes Out

Li Hong and the others were extremely anxious. How could they just withdraw the lawsuit right now? Once Huaqing was let go this time, the consequences would be disastrous.

What kind of tricks is Yang Yingxuan playing? !

"I didn't say anything stupid. From today on, our company will advance and retreat with Huaqing."

Yang Yingxuan spoke neither humble nor overbearing. She knew that from the time she finished saying this, Safemall would be suppressed in various ways like Huaqing, but she was not afraid. Once the two families advance and retreat together, this will be half of the Internet!

Because these are the two behemoths that rule the security field and the social field!

This sentence may not be speaking to Lin Qing, implying that we are all a family and a community of interests.

"Yang Yingxuan, do you know what the consequences will be if you say this?" Li Hong was furious and almost vomited blood.

In the past, Safemall hated Huaqing to the bone, but now that such a good opportunity is in front of them, they withdraw the lawsuit as soon as they say it is withdrawn, and they still want to advance and retreat with him?

It's really shameless, the two sides have been fighting wits and courage for a long time, how could such a deep grievance shake hands and make peace!

Yang Yingxuan remained silent.

Immediately being messed up like this, the entire court trial was in chaos.

"Silence." The presiding judge's voice echoed in everyone's ears, majestic and solemn.

The trial became quiet.

The eyes of Li Hong and others waiting for Yang Yingxuan were like a knife twisting.

"Next is the second session. Huaqing sues Ping Anmao for unfair competition and infringement." The presiding judge's voice sounded again.

Li Hong and the others sneered to see how Yang Yingxuan would end up waiting. Even if she wanted to shake hands with him, it still depended on his attitude.

You must know that both sides obviously made serious moves before.

Many people turned their attention to Lin Xue.

"I am Lin Qing, the chairman of Huaqing Technology Company, and I am announcing the withdrawal of the lawsuit." At this time, Lin Qing stood up.

In fact, since Yang Yingxuan withdrew the lawsuit without hesitation before, Lin Qing already knew what to do, and there was no need to continue arguing based on emotion and reason.

Although the result was quite unexpected, no matter who wins this lawsuit, it is ultimately meaningless.

The presiding judge looked at Lin Xue, who nodded, and Langsheng said, "That's right, he is Lin Qing, the chairman of the company."

"I announce the end of the trial, and the two companies will share the legal fees equally." The presiding judge was relieved, and it would be best if the two big companies settled in private.

The entire court hearing suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

Both companies were forced into a dead end, and most of the Internet companies were involved. I thought this would be a decisive battle of the century

As a result, the two companies both withdrew their lawsuits? !

The reporter of the TV station was a little hesitant whether to continue broadcasting or not.

On one side, the jurors looked at Lin Qing in disbelief, a little unable to react, a man can actually run a company, the most unbelievable thing is that the man has a small belly and a small intestine character, he should grasp this matter and not let it go what.

The faces of Li Hong and others not far from Yang Yingxuan gradually became gloomy.

Although it is difficult for men to start a company, but now they are more angry, angry about being cheated by their allies!

This kind of person is really shameless. He says that he is at odds with Huaqing, but in fact this company belongs to her prospective son-in-law, and she has deceived him and others for so long

"Yang Yingxuan, I bow to your father!"

Li Hong was outspoken on the spot, and the bosses behind her were also outraged.

Others don't know about the relationship between the dog woman and the man, but they do. Yang Yingxuan's prospective son-in-law turned out to be Yang Yingxuan's biggest enemy!

It is conceivable that in terms of the relationship between the two companies, the Internet market in the future may really change.

After the trial was over, Li Hong and the others left immediately angrily. They didn't respond to Yang Yingxuan before they left, because they were very angry with this girl.

Many reporters still didn't understand what was going on, but after Wang Xiaoli, Lin Xue and others walked over in confusion.

Yang Yingxuan introduced the relationship between her daughter Yang Youran and Lin Qing.

The truth came out.

The faces of many reporters changed immediately. It turned out that Pinganmao and Huaqing still had such a relationship. The daughter of the chairman of Pinganmao and the chairman of Huaqing Lin Qing were not only very good classmates in the university, but also seemed to be in a relationship? !

This is embarrassing, the two families had such a fierce fight before, and the situation was like fire and water, but the relationship turned out to be so good.

Lin Xue's expression changed, she thought of Zhao Lin'er, although she might not like Zhao Lin'er, but in the end she was still her sister-in-law.

Liang Qingyu's complexion also changed, the last thing she wanted to happen happened after all, she and Lin Qing said something and then quietly left the stage, as if she had made some important decision.

"So the relationship between our two families." Wang Xiaoli smiled awkwardly. It's quite embarrassing when things have come to this point. After fighting for so long, they almost killed each other. In the end, this is a battle between the son-in-law and the mother-in-law!

"The past is over." Lin Qing was about to greet Lin Xue to leave. The matter here was over, but there were still many matters in Huaqing.

For example, the promotion of the software, and those crucial concerts can't be sloppy.

"Lin Qing, wait a minute, let's come out and have a chat alone." Yang Ying said in time.

Lin Qing nodded and told Lin Xue to go first, and then he and Yang Yingxuan entered a relatively quiet coffee shop.

The two sat facing each other.

Yang Yingxuan was silent for a long while, then said with a dry smile, "I never thought that the company would be yours, otherwise I wouldn't have done so."

"Understandable, you are all afraid that I will spread to various fields based on the huge user base, and take away the interests of you big guys." Lin Qing smiled.

"So you really want to enter the security field?" Yang Yingxuan asked a question that she had hesitated for a long time.

If Lin Qingzhen did this, she would be completely helpless.

"Actually, you forced me to enter the security market. In fact, I didn't think about going big in this area from the beginning, because my own interests are not big."

When Lin Qing said this, the latter smiled awkwardly, and he regarded things that others despised, but he regarded them as treasures.

But it was these words that made Yang Yingxuan let go of her anxiety, and she was also very curious about what Lin Qing valued?

"Is there any cooperation project between the two in the future?" Yang Yingxuan said with a smile: "My security technology is famous all over the world."

She wants to keep up with Huaqing, nothing else, as long as Lin Qing is optimistic, the benefits are absolutely indispensable.

Lin Qing remained silent.

"Your relationship with Youran is settled, is there still a need to hide it from me?" Yang Yingxuan's tone seemed to be thinking of something.

Lin Qing's appetite is too great, and she might not stop liking just one woman.

Right now, he has initially possessed all the qualities of a strong man, and in the future, he is afraid that a woman will be indispensable.

When Yang Yingxuan thought of her daughter and other women fighting for the right to enjoy Lin Qing's big guy, she felt very exciting and excited!

Lin Qing hesitated for a while, then said in a low voice, "Yes, it will probably cost tens of billions at first."

Le Tao online shopping comes to mind. This project is not inferior to all pandas so far, but there are too many things worth noting.

Jiang Ya is the official issue, and safety is indeed a top priority. If we can cooperate with Safemall, it seems to be a good choice, at least to make up for the company's shortcomings in this field, and also in terms of data. Guaranteed, nothing goes wrong.


Yang Yingxuan immediately took a breath.

Tens of billions, what kind of project is this, could it be aerospace engineering?

"Don't be surprised, this project will not start in a short time, I have to wait for the company to develop for two years and have enough funds to operate." Lin Qing said.

"There are funds in two years?" Yang Yingxuan was a little bit overwhelmed.

My own safety cat has developed for nearly 20 years, and its annual income is only several billion, but Huaqing has surpassed safety cat in just a short period of time?

It's unbelievable.

"Well, it's nothing surprising. People with vision will make a lot of money. People like you are uncompetitive and don't know how much potential the market has. What we have to do is to let every user give us their money !"

Hearing what Lin Qing said, Yang Yingxuan nodded with concern for gain and loss. This is Lin Qing. If it were someone else, she would definitely think it was a brazen joke.

Later, Lin Qing and Yang Yingxuan talked a lot. What the two of them didn't know was that the entire Internet market had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The topic of many netizens revolves around the double cat war. Everyone did not expect that the relationship between the two aggressive companies before would be so good. One is for the mother-in-law and the other is for the son-in-law.

Although there are very few shots of Lin Qing, many users have recorded this face, the face of a male god, because he is the actual person in charge of Huaqing Technology.

Although it is unbelievable, the facts are in front of you, and you can't fake it.

For a while, many women wanted to eat soft food, earn money and sex, and directly set foot on the pinnacle of life. As for some issues

No one cares about that much. As long as you have money these days, who cares about your reputation.

Besides, people are about to become a strong man. A few women and a man is an honor. Isn’t it a shame? It will only be enviable. Besides, a few women and a man. the lamb?

This vanity is how satisfying a woman will be!

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