Feminist God

Chapter 315 Is His Sister Pregnant?

"Do you still have any objections?" Lin Qing smiled when he saw that more than a dozen people on the other side showed excited expressions.

There is never a free lunch in the world, Lin Qing knows this better than anyone else.

Moreover, it will not take long for these people to compose their own music, and they may even have to work overtime to do it. After all, there is no score, so special treatment is required.

Lin Qing knew that he would not help him if there was no reward for wasting his time for two months.

"It's gone, it's gone." Everyone shook their heads in unison. A fool would let go of such a good opportunity.

"Are you still accusing me of tarnishing the music?" Lin Qing asked again.

Everyone laughed in embarrassment, and they almost had to kneel and lick Lin Qing. Although it was unbelievable, but because of his identity, kneeling and licking Lin Qing is not ashamed at all. This is a male god and the boss of a big company. Ordinary women may not have the opportunity to kneel and lick.

"Okay, time is tight and I'm not joking with you. You should know that there will be three concerts on June 4th."

Lin Qing paused, and then said: "This time I will sing, and in return you can be dancers, and of course I will introduce you three times."

Everyone's eyes lit up in an instant. With Huaqing's popularity, the concert might be sold out. If this was introduced above, it would be regarded as a bonus for entering an entertainment company after graduation.

Even if it is a step back, this can be regarded as gaining knowledge, and feeling the charm of the stage in advance.

Lin Qing turned to look at Dean Zhang, and said seriously, "Thank you."

"Thank you, it's all from my family." Dean Zhang waved his hands impatiently, and said, "I'll ask someone to vacate a music room for you later."

Lin Qing nodded and was no longer polite.

In the afternoon, Lin Qing and his group were brought into a music room by the previous director.

The various musical instruments inside are quite complete, and even Lin Qing saw a piano!

After the director left the key, a group of people looked at Lin Qing eagerly, why should there be a score for the accompaniment, otherwise what should I do?

"There is no composition." Lin Qing said solemnly.


The music room wanted to fall into an eerie silence, and it took about a while for people to complain to Lin Qing.

"How do you make an accompaniment without composing music?"

"Is there no lyrics?"


Everyone began to look down on Lin Qing, thinking that he was invincible in the field of the Internet, but he didn't even know the most basic things in the field of music.

Some people even wondered if Lin Qing was joking, and he had to be an accompanist without composing music? !

This means that they all know Lin Qing's identity, otherwise they would probably turn around and stop serving Lin Qing at this moment.

"Since you are music students, you should know the score. I will hum the sound, and you will do it after you record it." Lin Qing said.

Scores and those things have to be studied systematically, otherwise ordinary people can't understand what those things are.

Everyone felt like they were on a pirate ship, so they simply went crazy with Lin Qing, took paper and pen to record one by one, and some even turned on the recording in their mobile phones.

Considering various factors, Lin Qing would put Jay Chou's (Give me the time for a song) first, so when he saw that everyone was ready, he opened his mouth and began to hum the intoxicating and unbearable song. Self-extracting tunes come.

As soon as the sound was heard, more than a dozen people immediately shuddered, and their skin got goosebumps. It was so pleasant to hear, as if it opened a brand new music door, which benefited a lot.

The entire music room fell silent, except for Lin Qing's voice, there was no sound at all.

Before he knew it, Lin Qing finished humming the tune of a song.

Looking up, his complexion suddenly became ugly, and the dozen or so people in sight didn't even write!

After everyone regained their composure, they looked at each other subconsciously, and they could see deep shock in each other's eyes. Before, they all thought that Lin Qing was a rookie in music, but the tune he hummed just now was clearly performed by the king.

"That. Mr. Lin." The junior girl with a baby face said apologetically.

"Just call me by my name," Lin Qing said.

"Lin Linqing, do you really want us to be the accompanist?" the baby-faced female voice asked in an embarrassed whisper

"I can't read music scores, and I don't know how to use musical instruments. Of course I have to use you." Lin Qingshou said as he should.


There was a sound of sucking air in the music room.

Although this accompaniment is just humming, it is not difficult to deduce the beauty and melody of the tune, but the author himself is a person who does not understand music at all.

This immediately made these systematically educated students want to find a crack in the ground to get in, and there was a feeling of living on a dog.

They are completely inferior in skills, and even their previous pride was ruthlessly smashed to pieces by Lin Qing.

"Don't get mesmerized this time. The time is limited. You have to make all the accompaniments to my ten songs before June, and you have to go to the rehearsal, to the Jin City Gymnasium." Lin Qing said in a deep voice.

When they heard that they were going to be the accompaniment of ten songs, they felt a little powerless, but when they heard that they were going to the Jin City Gymnasium, the dozen or so people seemed to be full of energy all of a sudden, and even their breathing became short of breath, because that But the stage is a place that people like them dream of.

"Lin Qing, do you have both the lyrics and the music?" Someone asked tentatively.

Lin Qing nodded.

Everyone was relieved, and it was much easier to handle.

"If you sing a cappella, you should be able to get twice the result with half the effort." Someone suggested.

Lin Qing pondered for a while, and understood what the other party meant, then nodded and said, "You guys should record this time."

Everyone hurriedly turned on the recording on their phones, and sat carefully, for fear of making any sound, which would disturb such a tense and apprehensive time.

Because soon it was time to witness a miracle again. Lin Qing, a person who does not understand music at all, created songs that were supposed to lead the trend. Such a person can only be described as a genius.

This kind of genius only belongs to Lin Qing, because he is an undisputed male god, but of course he has a bad temper and hits women every now and then.

Seeing that they had prepared their mobile phones, Lin Qing stared at him nervously without daring to take a breath, he smiled easily, and took out two pieces of paper from his pocket, which were lyrics, all made with a printer.

"Here are the lyrics, take a look." Lin Qing gave one to the women and one to the men.

He wasn't worried at all whether these people would have ulterior motives, because it was made by a printer, and Ye Jieyi had already started preparing for the copyright this morning.

When everyone saw it, they were shocked, and their eyes kept wandering from the lyrics in Lin Qinghe's hands.

If the lyrics are matched with the tunes that Lin Qing hummed before, it will be perfect, and it can even cause the entire music scene to be subverted.

This song, this song is simply a stroke of magic!

Afterwards, everyone swallowed their saliva, and respectfully signaled Lin Qing that it was time to sing, and the preparations were complete.

"Can you give me the time for a song, tightly hold that hug forever, you don't have to be afraid of insomnia in my arms, oh ~ if you want to forget me, you can also lose your memory."

Lin Qing began to sing a cappella, which was supposed to be Jay Chou's song, but now he plagiarized it as his own original.

Coupled with Lin Qing's unique voice, he conquered more than a dozen versatile musicians with his singing just as soon as he opened his mouth.

It wasn't until Lin Qing finished singing that everyone regained their composure and all looked at Lin Qing in admiration!

The male god is indeed a male god, always different, not only has the ability to start a big company, but now this song is so good to hear!

"Okay, it's important to do important things." Lin Qing moistened his throat with a sip of water.

It was only when everyone heard this that they realized that time was running out, but there was no time for emotion.

For a while, various accompaniment sounds sounded in the music room, all of which were selecting the most suitable tone according to the recording in the mobile phone and recording it.

In the days that followed, Lin Qing would go to the Conservatory of Music every day to study the accompaniment with the music until May 1 Labor Day. The effect was remarkable, and four songs had been officially completed.

Then, when he was preparing to make the fifth song, Lin Qing was notified that someone was looking for him outside. It was a man who looked very anxious.

Lin Qing didn't think much, handed the tune to everyone, turned around and went downstairs.

Downstairs, seeing that it was Liang Qingshi, Lin Qing smiled subconsciously and asked, "Why are you here?"

Liang Qingshi was still panting heavily, as if something serious happened, he swallowed his saliva before intermittently saying: "Something serious happened to Lin Qing."

Lin Qing's originally plain face suddenly panicked.

So anxious, or a big deal?

Isn't his sister Liang Qingyu pregnant? !

It was only five times that night, so... it's too bad!

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