Feminist God

Chapter 317 Don't Let Them Run Away For Me

Lu Jinyu laughed so arrogantly that she didn't even look back.

Just a little college teacher, for a big star and public figure in the entertainment industry like her, there are a hundred ways to ruin the other party not only in ruin, but also in ruins.

"Really?" Lin Qing's voice came faintly.

Both Lu Jinyu and Fan Dong looked at Lin Qing subconsciously.

I was stunned, he was still a handsome man, giving people a particularly amazing feeling, and he had a temperament that was different from other men.

Lu Jinyu's mind immediately became active, if this handsome man could also be his godson like Fan Dong, it would be great, and the three of them could exchange feelings together!

"Hi, beautiful boy, I'm the star Lu Jinyu. I think you have the potential to enter the entertainment industry. Do you want to?" Lu Jinyu threw out strong temptations regardless of the occasion.

It's because the beautiful man in front of her feels so amazing to her, she can't meet her, she can't miss it, if she can let herself go on him, wouldn't she be happy? !


Fan Dong lay coquettishly in her arms, and the latter smiled, a meaningful smile.

"Get out, I'll settle the score with you two later!" Lin Qing shouted coldly, feeling bone-piercingly cold.

Lu Jinyu and Fan Dong were confused by the scolding, but in order to protect the image of big stars, neither of them broke out on the spot.

Lin Qing stopped looking at the two and walked towards the girl with red and swollen eyes.

"Hmph, I really don't know what to do!" Seeing that the handsome man didn't take the bait, Lu Jinyu snorted coldly, then turned around and left here with Fan Dong in his arms.

"Wu Lian is your mother?" Lin Qing asked the stunned girl in front of her.

The girl nodded, looking puzzled at the sudden handsome man in front of her, if it were normal, she would definitely fantasize about being happy with him, but now she is not in any mood at all.

"I'm your mother's student, come and see the teacher." Lin Qing smiled and wiped away the tears on the other party's face.

"Thank you." The girl choked up, as if full of grievances.

"What's your name?" Lin Qing asked while looking at the other party carefully. He was very similar to Wu Lian, with fair skin and a pretty face.

"Wu Yueyue." The girl told Lin Qing's name generously.

It was because he was Wu Lian's student, not an outsider.

At this time, the weeping middle-aged man in the corner also stood up. After introducing Lin Qing, he realized that this was Wu Lian's husband.

"She" Lin Qing looked at the closed door of the intensive care unit.

"After the operation in the morning, the person was still in a coma. The doctor said that his life was not in danger, that's it." Wu Yueyue was about to talk about the next question, but her father grabbed the corner of her clothes, and hurriedly shut up and stopped talking. go down.

"Is there any difficulty? Just say, there are no outsiders here." Lin Qing smiled.

The father and daughter hesitated for a long time, family ugliness is not easy to spread, especially now that the family's savings have been exhausted, and they have borrowed all that should be borrowed, so they can barely make up the cost of the operation, but the subsequent medical expenses.

Even if you say these things to a boy on the other side, it may not be able to help anything.

After all, Wu Lian's students, their father and daughter also know a little bit, and they are all ordinary families. Maybe everyone will show some kindness, but it is just a drop in the bucket.

"My name is Lin Qing." Lin Qing had to tell her name.

"You are Lin Qing? My mother's illegitimate child?" Wu Yueyue subconsciously spoke after being taken aback for a moment.

"." Lin Qing didn't know how to speak again.

"She's just joking. Usually when Lao Wu comes home, he always talks about how good-looking and good-looking you are, so Yueyue is jealous and says that you are Lao Wu's illegitimate child." Wu Lian's husband laughed, but the smile was weak, and his face was full of sweetness. haggard.

Wu Lian is a university teacher, but her own income is not high. This kind of thing feels like the sky is falling, and I will worry about it in the future.

"What is the difficulty?" Lin Qing asked calmly.

"I have no money, the family has no money, and I have borrowed everything that should be borrowed, and the medical expenses in the future." Wu Yueyue hesitated for a long time before she had to tell the truth.

"There should be hundreds of thousands of them here." Lin Qing took out a bank card from her pocket without hesitation, and put it in Wu Yueyue's hand.

"This is impossible." The father and daughter were shocked and hurriedly declined.

"She is good to me, and I am also good to her." Lin Qing stuffed the bank card into the other party's hand again, and said with a smile: "Besides, this little money is nothing to me. I will ask someone to send some more later. If the money came, return all the borrowed money, this time you will treat me as Wu Lian's illegitimate son."

Lin Qing knew that if she didn't say that, the other party would definitely not accept the money, perhaps because of Wu Lian's exaggeration of teaching and educating people.

And just as Wu Yueyue said, Wu Lian's treatment of Lin Qingzhen is not much different from that of an illegitimate child.

So Lin Qing has always kept in mind that now that the other party is in trouble, he will not stand idly by due to emotion or reason.

Wu Yueyue hesitated for a while before turning around and putting the bank card into his father's pocket. The latter murmured, "Old Wu didn't say that she still has students with good qualifications."

Lin Qing couldn't help smiling.

After another conversation, Lin Qing finally understood the cause and process of the incident.

Yesterday afternoon, Wu Lian drove home and had an accident with Fan Dong. The other party was solely responsible for speeding and occupying the lane. Since Wu Lian's car was cheap, it was inevitable that it would be more serious. Both legs were broken and three ribs were broken. As for the other party's The car was not seriously damaged.

Later, Fan Dong's godmother arrived and asked someone to slap Wu Lian a few times to calm down Fan Dong. Today, she came here to make Wu Lian apologize and eliminate the influence, and by the way, to promote the "positive energy" of entertainment stars , an image that doesn't care about others.

All of this is done so seamlessly that ordinary citizens might really have to be forced to submit.

After Lin Qing sorted out the events before and after, he felt that something was going straight to his head, no wonder he was so loud before, the feelings were two big stars named Lu Jinyu and Fan Dong!

Lin Qing thought that the two celebrities had only walked for a while, and they should be able to catch up, so she hurriedly said, "I'll go out first."

Without waiting for the father and daughter on the opposite side to react, they turned around and entered the elevator and went downstairs directly, and called Yang Youran.

"Hello, Lin Qing?" Yang Youran quickly answered the phone.

"Have you come? Have you met any celebrities on the road?" Lin Qing asked.

"Just after entering the hospital, I saw a celebrity, you mean Fan Dong and Lu Jinyu, they are about to get into a red Ferrari, what's wrong?" Yang Youran was still a little confused.

While talking with Lin Qing, he looked at two celebrities who had just opened the door less than ten meters away.

"Don't let them run away!" Lin Qing hung up the phone, saw the elevator stopped on the first floor and opened slowly, and rushed out with a "swoosh".

Everyone in the elevator glanced at each other.

The tone of the beautiful man in the elevator just now seemed to be hitting someone, and was he planning to hit a celebrity?

How can there be such a fierce man in the world, this temper is a little too violent.

"What kind of hatred can anger a sheep-like man like this?"

"Go, follow and have a look."

"I'm looking forward to it, the beautiful man will tear up the big star!"

The seven or eight people in the elevator did not know each other at first, but the goal of this trip was the same, and they became like friends for many years, chatting and laughing along the way.

Wherever I went, I left a lot of useful messages for those who registered, those who waited in line, and those who spoke. There are beautiful men who want to be stars!

All of a sudden, the entire lobby on the first floor of Dongcheng Hospital heard the news, and they all followed, ready to see what kind of handsome man he was, and what kind of superstar he wanted to hit!

Is this wanting to be famous and crazy? !

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