Feminist God

Chapter 322 Xue Lin's Secretary

Lin Qing looked up to the sky and took a deep breath of air, the veins on his forehead were exposed, this was kissing and hugging, he really couldn't bear it at all.

At this moment, I really want to hit this bitch on the ground with a hammer.

After a while, Shen Ying arrived.

When she came, her face was still rosy, obviously she was excited, Liang Qingshi had told her before coming, that Lin Qing is the boss of a big company, it was still like a dream.

"Lin Linqing." Shen Ying stammered, calling Mr. Lin was a bit of a mouthful for her.

"It's not that much, what happened in the past is what it is now." Lin Qing said.

Shen Ying nodded excitedly, as an intern in Lin Qing's company, she was no longer afraid that Liang Qingshi would be unspoken by her boss.

The three of them hailed a taxi and soon arrived at the Huaqing Technology Company.

Lin Qing walked in front, while Liang Qingshi and Shen Ying followed behind and looked around, like two bumpkins who hadn't seen the market, with a strong curiosity in their eyes.

All kinds of unnamed instruments and those busy employees immediately dazzled the two of them.

When they got to the office, Lin Qing sat the nervous and anxious two on the sofa, and asked, "Which department do you two want to go for an internship?"

"The two of us don't understand anything, why don't we do a cleaning first, so that we can find time to study the content of the work." Liang Qingshi whispered.

"I have a lot of sweeping uncles here." Lin Qing shook his head, thought for a while, then stood up and took out a stack of materials from the bookcase and handed them to the two.

"This is the company's department. The two of you have a look at which department you want to go to. Yu Wenwen is a university senior. You look at it first. I'll go out." Lin Qing left the office after speaking.

When coming here, Lin Qing met many new faces, and there were not a few of them. Only then did Lin Qing realize that the new department may have begun to be perfected. After all, there is only one month left before the release of the new product.

Lin Qing soon found Lin Xue and sat in a chair to listen to her report on work.

"A total of 512 people were newly recruited, and most of them were used for games and portal websites." Lin Xue said.

Lin Qing was stunned, she didn't know anything about the portal website.

"It was your idea?" Lin Qing frowned and relaxed at Lin Xue's good idea.

Although a person's power increases will also lead to changes in people, but Lin Qing firmly believes that Lin Xue will never change, and taking a step back, as long as he can hold Lin Xue and Zhao Lin'er in one day .

"It was Han Jia's attention," Lin Xue said.

"Han Jia?" Lin Qing thought for a long time, but didn't remember who this was.

"I paid a lot of money to poach this person from a headhunting company, and now he is my secretary. This project has been carefully considered by me." Lin Xue added, "If it doesn't work, I will quickly put this project to work." Get out."

"No need, keep doing it." Lin Qing said.

Sooner or later, the portal website is going to be done. Now that it is being done now, there is no need to withdraw it. It just happens to be released together with the 4th of next month.

"Is Han Jia in charge of the portal site?" Lin Qing asked again.

Xue Lin nodded.

Lin Qing didn't fuss over this matter, fearing that Lin Xue would feel bad, but secretly remembered Han Jia, the person who fooled Lin Xue into arbitrarily advocating.

"When I first came here, why did I see several employees who didn't have work permits?" Lin Qing asked again.

"They were sent by the Ministry of Industry and the Department of Education. Preparations for the live broadcast of education have already begun. I heard that our side is short of manpower, so we sent dozens of people here." Lin Xue said.

After listening to what Lin Xue said, Lin Qing realized that the company's development was really too fast. Of course, such a fast development was also linked to money.

Lin Qing nodded, because he had such a cooperation with the university, but he didn't expect the other party to take it so seriously.

After thinking about it, I feel relieved. This so-called educational live broadcast is much more practical than those who donate to schools just to get famous.

Take the donated school as an example. The school has been built. Apart from providing a good educational environment, it has almost no effect. Some teachers are unwilling to teach in remote mountains and remote areas, which causes the embarrassment of having a school but no teachers. situation.

However, the live broadcast of education subverts this tradition and has another trick. It only needs an adult person in charge to supervise the students to watch the live broadcast of education.

It is practical, and secondly, the cost itself is not high. Of course, the learning environment is poor, but it is better than those embarrassing situations where there are schools but no teachers.

"You call their supervisors, after all, they are under our control, and some things cannot be left to them." Lin Qing said.

Lin Xue left the office without hesitation, and went to call those who came to support the company.

After Lin Xue left, Lin Qing noticed that there were many white T-shirts piled up in the corner of the office, and when he opened them, they were all T-shirts with panda icons printed on them.

After counting, Lin Qing took out nearly forty sets of T-shirts, which were relatively roomy, and these were for those brothers and sisters who were still fighting to help him in the music room.

After a while, Lin Xue and Zhao Lin'er led a woman in her thirties into the room.

Before the team led by the woman came, they had seen Lin Qing's information, and the horror in their hearts had been polished away a while ago.

Seeing Lin Qing herself, the middle-aged woman immediately stretched out her right hand and said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Lin, I'm He Qian"

She made various introductions.

Lin Qing was taken aback when she saw Zhao Lin'er, shouldn't she be in the gymnasium at this time?

Putting away the doubts, Lin Qing quickly stretched out his right hand to hold her together, and said with a smile, "There is a problem with calling you here."

He Qian smiled and said, "Please tell me."

"Why don't you wear work IDs?"

He Qian's body stiffened for a moment, and she said with a wry smile: "We don't know whether we should wear it or not. The leaders above said that it is fine to cooperate here, and they didn't say anything else."

Lin Qing tilted her head to look at Lin Xue who was behind her and said, "Sister, you can arrange for the personnel department to issue work permits for them."

"This..." He Qian hesitated for a while.

"To cooperate with this side, of course we have to follow the rules and regulations here." Lin Qing would not let anyone break the rules here, waved his hands and asked: "Can you tell me, your side progress?"

"In fact, when the company and the university negotiated this cooperation from the very beginning, all departments gave the green light all the way. After all, it is for the cause of education."

"For this reason, the Ministry of Industry has customized a batch of live broadcast monitors and network cards from Wansheng Technology as early as years ago, and plans to use them as demonstration sites in some impoverished mountainous areas in Guangxi Province."

He Qian became excited when he mentioned these words.

She is from a mountainous area, so she naturally knows how difficult the conditions are. In better areas, she can still support some elementary school courses, but in bad areas, it would be good if there is a literate person there.

But in the near future, this situation will change drastically, and everyone will be literate.

Lin Qing was taken aback for a moment, it seemed that the official department was far-sighted and did this seamlessly, which meant that they were going to distribute the equipment for free.

If you want to use Lin Qing's ability, he can't do anything, only the operation, and if he wants to watch the live broadcast of education, he needs to pay for the related equipment.

But since those impoverished areas are illiterate, how can they pay back the money to buy the whole set of equipment?

"For this matter, the vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and the vice president of the university are going to conduct field inspections after it is put into operation to see if the results are satisfactory." He Qian said again.

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