Fengming Douluo

Chapter 109 Phoenix Legend

"Xiaojun, you are a real man!"

Watching Ma Hongjun walk down the soul fighting platform, Oscar gave him a thumbs up and said.

"What's wrong?"

"Didn't you see Huamenlou lying on the ground and twitching all over by electricity, and you also used your sword to reach in front of others, don't let you get up if you don't admit defeat, tusk!" Oscar shrugged, with a weird look on his face.

"But you really plan to go to the appointment?"

As Oscar said, he gave Ma Hongjun a wink, and cast an imperceptible look at Shui Bing'er who walked out of the channel of the fighting spirit.

"Yeah, can't it?" Ma Hongjun answered naturally, reaching out his hand and not hitting the smiley person.

Oscar was astonished. He went to meet other girls in front of his girlfriend. Isn't he too courageous?

"Dare to accept the invitation of Huamenlou in front of Big sis, do you have hard wings or do you want to float?" said Shui Binger, who came by.

Oscar and Dai Mubai had a meal. Could Ma Hongjun have bronchitis?

"Huamenlou kindly invites, but it is not good to refuse in person, so I plan to take you to the appointment tomorrow night!" Walking to Shui Bing'er, Ma Hongjun didn't care about her threat, and said with a faint smile.

"Go, I won't go!"

Shui Bing'er narrowed her eyes. She was just talking about it. After so long, Little Brother hasn't done anything to her. She still believes in his character.

Ma Hongjun said in amazement, "Are you not going? Then I have to put pigeons on Huamenlou. Think about it, do you want me to lose faith, or go with me, you can figure it out by yourself!"

Shui Bing'er stared at her beautiful eyes, is this a rogue? Or is it a hooligan?

"Brother, Bingbing, the next match is your double match." Tang San's face was pale at this time, his legs and feet were weak, and he walked over with the help of the red-faced Xiao Wu.

Seeing Tang San's injury, Ma Hongjun frowned and said, "Little San, why are you injured?"

"Brother was injured because of me." Xiao Wu blamed herself a little, but she opened her heart, otherwise she wouldn't be radiant, but if it weren't for Tang San, she would be the one who was supported now.

"Dare to hurt my junior, you are impatient, or I will avenge you." Ma Hongjun said.

"No, brother, I was careless." Tang San's pale face was embarrassed. This was too ambiguous, and he shook his head, obviously not wanting to mention it any more.

"Your junior?" Shui Binger asked with a weird expression. This smelly Little Brother has always treated her well. Wouldn't it be a special hobby, right?

"Then what, please give me a chance to reorganize the language, it is my junior brother Xiaosan, it should be the senior brother caring about him."

Originally wanted to skin it, but it was misunderstood. He was so difficult. He said that he had a red light flashing on his hands. A recovery sausage was handed to Tang San. Tang San nodded and took it. The two brothers don’t need to say more. What? I took a rest with Xiao Wu's support.

Oscar used the body of a food-type soul master to fight the soul master. His identity still needs to be kept secret, so to provide supplies to everyone, he made sausages in advance.

Anyway, no one teamed up with him on stage, so he didn't need to assist anyone with the body of a food-type spirit master.

"After leaving Bing'er, from now on, we will create our Phoenix legend!" Ma Hongjun said excitedly, holding Shui Bing'er's hand and pulling her onto the soul fighting platform in another district.


When the two entered the field, there was a commotion. So many people watched the audience. Even if Shui Bing'er was a daring and decisive woman who dared to love and hate, she would inevitably be shy. She broke free from Ma Hongjun's hand and stood on top of him. beside.

"There are two young soul masters again. The first three or five combinations brought us a wonderful duel between the weak and the strong. In the next battle, the Phoenix legend combination will fight the orange cat combination. Looking forward to their wonderful duel!"

The host’s wonderful opening commentary instantly aroused the enthusiasm of the audience. On the stands, cheers and applause were higher than the waves.

The combination of orange cats is one fat and one thin, and two Martial Soul beasts whose Martial Soul is an orange cat. The soul ring ratio is also the best ratio of two yellow and one purple. Slightly higher, Little Orange Soul Master's spirit power fluctuations are similar to those of Shui Bing'er.

"Binger, the big orange is the most important thing, you can shut me down, and the winner will be determined by one shot!"

When the opponent's Martial Soul possessed the body, Ma Hongjun and Shui Bing'er also opened their Martial Soul, one glowing with fire and the other glowing with cold light.

"The first soul ability, Frozen!"

The first spirit ability was instantaneous, and the biting cold ice spread to the other two spirit masters in an instant.

The Big Orange Soul Master is a fat orange, and he seems to be in the Strong Attack system. Is it because he wants to crush his opponent by his weight?

But there is no doubt that the big orange was directly frozen by the soul ability locked by the instant belt.

The Little Orange Soul Master is a thin orange. The Movement Technique is agile and fast. It appears to be a sensitive attack system. His figure flickers, running around on the stage of fighting spirits, avoiding the ice of Shui Bing'er.

However, under the instant-locked spirit ability, he just struggled in vain, and was completely frozen in it after hiding several times.

"The second spirit ability, Phoenix!"

At the same time that the two orange cats were frozen, the yellow spirit ring light on Ma Hongjun's body also lit up, and the flame boost of Phoenix was turned on, and the first spirit ability and self-created spirit ability were instantaneously activated.

Phoenix fireball and palm thunderfire were completed in an instant, and the two orange cats' eyes were about to split in the ice, and they blasted at them at the same time.


This kind of bombardment of fixed-point shooting was Ma Hongjun's favorite. The orange cat combination was directly blasted out of the fighting platform, and a battle between soul masters ended in such a playful manner.

Leaving a group of dumbfounded and dumbfounded audiences, is this over?

Is the orange cat combination too weak, or is the Phoenix legend combination too powerful?

"Get it done, call it a day!"

Ma Hongjun didn't care about the exclamation and shock of others, after speaking, he directly pulled his little Big sis towards the rest area.

Shui Bing'er's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and Ma Hongjun was allowed to pull it. Their Martial Soul attributes were obvious. If they met someone who restrained them, they would be easily targeted, but if they couldn't, she controlled it. Ma Hongjun bombarded him. The two customers are fixed targets, which can be hit wherever they are, and the battle can be resolved quickly and desperately.

Tang San and Dai Mubai each had won a spirit fight victory, and they were about to return to Shrek Academy after the two of them arrived.

Out of Soto's Arena of Souls, Zao Wou-ki was waiting for them at the entrance of Oscar's sausage store. Saying goodbye to Cuihua, everyone went back to Shrek Academy all the way, talking and laughing.

"Ah! It's time to go to bed, it's not too early, you guys should rest early too."

Zao Wou-ki stretched out comfortably, saying that he was about to leave, but he was stopped by Ma Hongjun.

"Ms. Zhao, have you forgotten something? Did the fighting spirit win the money just now?"

"Hey, look at my memory, if you don't say it, I have forgotten it." Zao Wou-ki smiled and said naturally, but everyone obviously didn't believe what he said.

Don't look at Zao Wou-ki's long and honest and honest, but after dealing with the shrewd and ghostly profiteer Flander for a long time, he is actually shrewd in his heart, how could he have forgotten this.

Zao Wou-ki was not embarrassed either. He took out three cards without knowing where he was, and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhao tells you good news. In fact, I am not only betting Hongjun, Xiaosan and Bingbing tonight, but instead. all of you!"

"Doesn't that make a lot of money?"

Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Oscar and others grew their mouths in surprise, and even Shui Bing'er and Xiao Wu's eyes widened in surprise.

As expected, this old Zhao looked like a person, and the water was incomparable. He was worthy of a 76-level soul sage, and his vision was vicious. Tonight, the six of them had won the battle of spirits.


Zao Wou-ki smiled and touched his head excitedly. The meaning was self-evident, and he continued, "Xiao Bai and Xiao Ao, your previous record is not bad, so the odds are not high, they are one to zero. Two and a sum of zero and three."

"Hongjun, Xiaosan, the rest of you are fighting souls for the first time. Except for Bingbing, soul power is 30 third-level and 30 first-level, so the odds are high."

"Xiao Wu, Hong Jun, Xiao San, Bingbing, the odds for your singles are one to three, one to two, one to 1.5, and one to 0.5."

"In a combination battle, the odds of Xiaosan and Xiaowu's combination of three and five are one to two, and the odds of Hongjun and Bingbing's Phoenix legend combination are one to 0.6."

"So for the six of you, each of you drew 10%, and you won all ninety-nine hundred gold soul coins."

"Wow, so much!"

"Yaoshou, I got rich overnight, I got rich!"

The six of them opened their eyes wide in surprise and looked excited. Oscar and Dai Mubai were even more excited and hugged together. People who didn’t know thought they had special hobbies, and Xiao Wu jumped into Tang with excitement. Three body.

"Hey, my old Zhao has never seen so much money!" Zao Wou-ki smirked twice and continued.

"Xiao Bai's and Xiao Ao's two cards won ninety-nine hundred gold soul coins. Take it!"

"Thank you Teacher Zhao!" The two took it with gratitude respectfully.

Zao Wou-ki smiled and nodded, "Hongjun, Xiaosan, I have all of you four of you got the Hongjun card, the total is 363,600 gold soul coins, you can divide it by yourself."

"Thank you Teacher Zhao!" Ma Hongjun smiled and took the card excitedly.

"You're welcome, you can still cooperate in the future." Zao Wou-ki said with a smile. He made the most money tonight, not counting the bets that Flanders and himself won, but only a rake, he made six. Six hundred thousand gold soul coins. If you count his own bet, it would be 666,000 gold soul coins, tusk, this is the richest time in his history, and he guesses that he should be happy to sleep tonight.

At that time, when the rewards and rake were settled in the Arena of Souls, he had to go back and forth several times, for fear of making a mistake.

"Yes, if it weren't for you, Teacher Zhao, we wouldn't be able to make so much money!"

Everyone was praised again, and Xiao Wu was almost overjoyed. She had never seen so much money. In fact, Tang San had never seen so much money. It’s just that he was a human for two lives, so he didn’t look like Xiao Wu. Wu is so excited.

Shui Bing'er was also very happy, because she didn't need to spend family money, and her personal assets also had ninety nine hundred soul gold coins. This was earned by herself, and it was not a concept at all with taking family money.

"Okay, you all go back and have a good rest!" Zao Wou-ki responded with a smile, gave everyone an expulsion order, and everyone dispersed.

On the way back to the dormitory, he also swiped Shui Binger's ninety-nine hundred gold soul coins and Sanwu's 181,800 gold soul coins to them.

Ma Hongjun silently gave himself a thumbs-up. Sure enough, when fighting spirits, betting is the fastest way to make money. If Flander knew about it, he would be jealous of Zao Wou-ki.

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