Fengming Douluo

Chapter 250

However, even Tang San made the most sophisticated combat deployment based on his understanding of the situation and spirit abilities of Ma Hongjun’s Martial Soul after his second awakening, but he could really fight and face all instant-on spirit abilities. In the continuously growing Ma Hongjun, they still struggled extremely hard.

The Martial Soul, which has been thoroughly refined and controlled, is completely different from the previous situation. The most obvious point is that the soul skills are instantly controlled by the heart, freely controlled, and parallel.

As soon as the battle started, Ma Hongjun first sent a greeting from Ma to his friends, each with a Phoenix bullet.

"The first spirit ability, Phoenix Flame!"

And he is not fighting alone. He also fights with him, the Martial Soul fire Phoenix that he released.

Since his recovery, as long as the materialized Martial Soul Fire Phoenix is ​​released, his consciousness will automatically split into two. Fire Phoenix is ​​him, and he is Fire Phoenix. In this way, it is no problem for him to be his own combat partner and participate in the battle together, and this is the fundamental reason why they cooperate extremely well.

The Phoenix wings flapped, and the colorful tail feathers resembled five sharp, peerless divine swords, sweeping with a brilliant five-color light, brushing, Tang San’s first spirit ability, the blue silver sky star grass all over responded. And broken.

The colorful feather feathers cut gold and jade like a Divine Armament weapon. They are extremely sharp. They are indeed the fire Phoenix after the transformation of his Five Elements origin and Tianxing rune.

However, he had just crushed Tang San's Blue Silver Grass on his side, and there had already been a dense rain of Golden Light Sword Rain and Soul Eater Sword Ray.

Dai Mubai, "The fourth spirit ability, White Tiger Golden Light Slash."

Zhu Zhuqing, "The third soul skill, Nether Soul Eater."

The Phoenix wings flapped, and thousands of fire feathers emerged out of thin air. Each fire feather, like a flying sword with a handle, burst like a rain of fire and meteor to Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing.

At this moment, Tang San moved. The first spirit ability, Blue Silver Sky Star Grass, was just a cover for him. His real back move was the fourth spirit ability launched at this moment, the group raid control skill, the blue silver black rabbit formation.

The black rabbit demon spider, known as the rabbit reaper, is the nightmare and old yin of all rabbit-like spirit beasts. It is good at disguising, confusing and surprise attacks. Sinking, unconsciously controlled by it, has extremely powerful control capabilities.

Don't be fooled by my cute appearance, or you will die.

Do you think I am going to attack you? Thinking too much, I just look at you.

Do you think I am looking at you? Thinking too much, I want to kill you.

Tang San's fourth spirit ability can be said to have almost completely inherited the attack methods of the Black Rabbit Demon Spider, using a strange appearance to confuse and paralyze the enemy, take the opportunity to control, and then launch a surprise attack.

"There are colored glaze in Qibao's transfer, one is strength, and the other is speed."

The timing was just right, and at the moment Tang San activated the fourth spirit ability, two colorful streamers flew out, and Ning Rongrong's force and acceleration were applied to Tang San's body.

With Ning Rongrong's increase, Tang San moved even faster. Two huge purple rabbit heads about two meters high appeared in front of Ma Hongjun and Huo Phoenix in the blink of an eye.

The purple-black rabbit head like a dog's head, two thick rabbit ears that stand up, like two thick and long radio antennas, and the most unique thing is the dog-head-like purple black rabbit head. Those two twinkle and twinkle. , Exuding a dazzling pale golden light, less than a cute rabbit eye as big as thirty or forty centimeters in diameter.

This weird giant bunny head appeared abruptly in front of Ma Hongjun and Huo Phoenix, using its cute little eyes glowing with pale gold light, silently watching the person and phoenix in front of it, as if conveying to them what.

Look over, look over, your little cutie is here.

Oh, they are so cute, come and play with them.

"Come back, Ling Guangjun."

Ma Hongjun's mouth twitched, and at the moment the purple-black rabbit head appeared, he immediately urged Liangyi's god pupils, and at the same time he took back his fire Phoenix Lingguangjun.

Ling Guangjun is the name he took for the finely divided Martial Soul Fire Phoenix. As the fire Phoenix evolving towards the Lingguang God Lord Vermillion Bird who controls the fire, Ma Hongjun believes that his Lingguang Lord can definitely match this. name.

However, even though he has two spirit pupils that can get rid of the huge lump of mental confusion that looks like a dog's head or a rabbit's head, Fire Phoenix has no way to avoid this black rabbit fascination. He had taken it back in time, but Ling Guangjun just subconsciously turned his phoenix eyes like human eyes to look at the purple black giant rabbit head.

The people watching the battle from the side were taken aback. This was Tang San's fourth spirit ability?

"Ahem, Master, what kind of soul beast his son's fourth spirit ability comes from, how can it be so, so, puff~" Lin Yu asked in a stupefied manner. I really don't know what to say. Lived and laughed.

Among the crowd, Liu Erlong, Shui Bing'er, Qin Ming, Mo Ziyuan, Tang Chen and others who had not seen Tang San's fourth spirit ability were equally astonished.

The master explained to everyone, "The fourth spirit ability of Xiaosan comes from a fifteen thousand years old black rabbit demon spider. This kind of spirit beast is also called the grafter. It seems to be named after the rabbit and the spider are grafted together; There is no ordinary spider-like spirit beast's attack method, but with its strange appearance, it can disguise and confuse the enemy. Look at the two pale golden eyes on the black rabbit's head. In fact, they are not eyes. Its real eyes are there. Under the pale golden eyes, only the black ones are completely invisible. Whether it is a human or a beast, it will always be inadvertently attracted by its unique appearance and dazzling false eyes. In fact, the enemy has already been recruited at this time. The invisible fluctuations emitted by the Black Rabbit Demon Spider have a fatal temptation to the rabbit-like soul beasts and the rabbit-like Martial Soul soul masters, so it is also called the rabbit reaper, the rabbit’s nightmare,..."

After listening to the master’s explanation, Dugu Bo could not help but laugh out loud, "Haha, old yin, this kind of soul beast really has your style, and I don’t know what kind of yin you would have if you got its soul ring in the first place. Human spirit skills."

Lin Yu's face turned dark. He really likes to take a black brick on the back of his head while the enemy is not paying attention.

"Old Poison, you are not authentic, do you want to taste the bricks of the Lord?"

Flender wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and smiled quickly to dissuade Dugu Bo who was about to get up with Lin Yu.

The two snorted coldly, ignored no one, and looked at the scene again. Shui Bing'er, Qin Ming and others were shocked. They didn't understand the fun of the two big brothers, and it was not easy to get in, but more Unexpectedly, there would be a weird and weird soul beast like the Black Rabbit Demon Spider.

Looking at the scene again, seeing Ma Hongjun's expression in a daze, Tang San's eyes lit up and he shouted, "Brothers, it's now, let him go!"

The blue-silver-black rabbits suddenly launched a surprise attack after the formation. The thick and strong purple-black-gold-patterned monster blue-silver grass was like a spear, abruptly drilled from the ground and burst into Ma Hongjun.

A few people tacitly knew, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing pounced at each other at this moment, "Martial Soul Fusion Technique, Nether White Tiger!"

"Qibao has colored glaze when it turns out, one is strength, the other is speed, and the third is qi."

Of course, Ning Rongrong was the first to do it. The three spirit abilities of strength, speed, and boosting spirit power at this moment fell on Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, who were embracing each other as one, as well as Xiao Wu and Tang. Three and five Oscars.

"Fourth spirit ability, invincible golden body!"

Xiao Wu shook her head slightly, and instantly transformed into a little golden man. Tang San's spirit abilities were not aimed at her, and the black rabbit ecstasy had little effect on her. She entered a five-second invincible golden body state, just like the golden female God of War. Xiao Wu Jiao said, "Little San, hurry, hard."

Tang San moved after hearing the sound, with Ning Rongrong's force and acceleration, released the blue silver grass to quickly entangle Xiao Wu, using the chaotic cloak hammer method to spin her at a very fast speed, launching it towards the victim with all his strength. The arrested Ma Hongjun.

"Labor and capital have amethyst intestine!"

At this time, Oscar also moved, and quickly swallowed the amethyst intestine he made. Together with Ning Rongrong’s boost, all the remaining spirit power recovered in the body was fully activated, and the hot purple fire exploded, condensing into a purple flame Sword. Ray flew out like a blast of lightning and stabbed Ma Hongjun.

"Fusion technique, two sacred souls cut!"

The black and white two-color Sword Ray, which received three kinds of increase from Ning Rongrong, burst out from the strange and ghostly White Tiger formed by the fusion of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, and slashed towards Ma Hongjun, who was controlled by the blue, silver and black rabbit formation.

"Combination, invincible Vajra drill!"

"The purple flame becomes a sword, chasing the soul with a blow!"

At the same time, there was Xiao Wu who was launched by Tang San, like a golden drill, spinning quickly towards Ma Hongjun.

And Oscar compressed and condensed the flames to the extreme, condensed into a soul chasing blow that pierced Ma Hongjun with a sword.

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