Fengming Douluo

Chapter 273: Yuehua's Love

While Ma Hongjun, Shui Bing'er, and Xue Ji were talking in the elegant room, Tang Chen also took Tang San and Xiao Wu to the back garden to find his aunt, Tang Yuehua.

"Aunt, do you see who I brought here?" Tang Chen said to the graceful and luxurious lady in palace clothes standing by the pond.

Tang San and Xiao Wu were a little surprised. At first glance, this beautiful woman seemed to be twenty-seven or eight-year-old. She was similar to Liu Erlong, who was a first-time woman now. She was beautiful and beautiful, but she Those eyes seemed to see through everything in the world, which was by no means comparable to that of a twenty-seven or eight-year-old woman.

The long silver palace dress looked so decent on her. If Tang San and Xiao Wu had to compare her with the people they knew, in terms of their temperament, they would never think of anyone else. On par.

Even the mature and beautiful Liu Erlong, the ethereal and clear Shui Binger, the charming and lovely Ning Rongrong, the murderous Zhu Zhuqing, and the generous and generous Liu Qingxuan who changed back to women's clothing, they are not good. The difference is that apart from being mature, glamorous, elegant, and noble, this palace-dressed beauty does not have any fluctuations in her spirit power.

The beautiful woman turned around slowly, her movements were so elegant and natural, and her voice was gentle and pleasant. Seeing that it was Tang Chen, she smiled and said, "Xiaochen, you are back. Is this your friend?"

Tang Yuehua said, looking at Tang San quietly with a pair of gentle and quiet bright eyes, not knowing why, the young man in front of her always gave her a very familiar feeling. As for Tang San's bright and charming, slightly immature Xiao Wu, she was automatically ignored by Tang Yuehua. She had run Yuexuan for many years, and she had never seen any kind of beauty.

Tang Chen nodded, and said to Tang San, who was also staring at Tang Yuehua quietly, "Little San, this is aunt, call aunt quickly."

Tang San opened his mouth, but found that he couldn't speak out at all. At first, the excitement when he first heard of his relatives had calmed down for a long time in the past.

However, Tang Chen’s words caused Tang Yuehua’s body to tremble. The original elegant and harmonious temperament was instantly broken, three steps and two steps, quickly walked to Tang Chen, Tang San and Xiao Wu, and lost her voice, "Xiao Chen, you What do you want him to call me? He, he is, child, who is your father?"

Tang San's burly and sturdy body trembled, "Aunty, my father is Haotian Douluo Tang Hao."

"Hao, are you really Hao's son?" Although there was a guess in her heart, Tang Yuehua's body trembled and her voice trembled when she heard the name of the burly figure that made her think about it day and night.

"Yes, aunt, my father is Tang Hao, look." Tang San nodded and said, thinking of the hint Ma Hongjun had just given him, spreading his hands, the blue silver grass in his right hand and the Clear Sky Hammer in his left, and two Martial Souls appeared at the same time. Appeared in front of Tang Chen and Tang Yuehua.

However, he only caused the two Martial Souls to appear at the same time for a moment, and then put them away. He still has a long, long way to go if he wants to break the cognition of the soul master world and use two Martial Souls at the same time.

"Double, twin Martial Soul?" Tang Chen cried out in exclamation, his eyes widened in an instant, and his mouth went wide because of the surprise.

Seeing the weird purple-black gold-patterned blue silver grass in Tang San's hands, and the familiar Clear Sky Hammer, Tang Yuehua's body trembled, and suddenly rushed from Tang Chen's trio to Tang San's approach, "Really. He is really Hao and her son." Tang Yuehua said, tearfully raising her hand to touch Tang San's delicate face, "Like, it's so alike."

Tang San frowned, naturally took Xiao Wu a step to retreated, and let Tang Yuehua out of her hand.

"What to hide, I am your aunt." Tang Yuehua frowned slightly, and continued to touch Tang San as she said.

Deeply holding back the physical instinct to continue to avoid, Tang San didn't choose to avoid it anymore. He already knew that the beautiful woman in front of him was his aunt. Just avoiding it was just a subconscious habit and unfamiliar.

Gently stroking Tang San's delicate face, Tang Yuehua's eyes reddened again, "You look like when your father was young."

Tang San's body trembled, he couldn't imagine that his father's sloppy drunk appearance would look a lot like him when he was young.

Touching Tang San's ordinary but delicate face, Tang Yuehua's Qianqianyu fingers followed his cheeks and gradually stroked Tang San's thick and sturdy chest. With such an intimacy, Xiao Wu frowned, but after all, the other party was her good Big Brother's aunt, so Xiao Wu couldn't say anything. Tang San similarly frowned, but the beautiful woman in the palace dress in front of him was his aunt after all. Although this behavior made him feel very uncomfortable and awkward, he had no choice but to endure it.

Stroking Tang San's broad and sturdy chest, Tang Yuehua's eyes seemed to be stunned, she unconsciously leaned her head on Tang San's shoulder lightly, and she felt that she was back when she was in the arms of her second brother. It's a pity that good fortune makes people, God just let them become brothers and sisters. If not, how good would it be.

Fortunately, her Hao later met Tang San's mother, otherwise she really didn't know if she could not help making any irreparable mistakes.

How she once wished she could be that woman, but she knew it was not. She fell in love with the person who shouldn't love most, and what happened between them was impossible for them.

Xiao Wu frowned, still not holding it back, and leaned gently on the other side of Tang San's body. This touch caused Tang Yuehua's eyes to look slightly startled, and she woke up, retracted her hand stroking Tang San's chest, and straightened up and said softly, "My child, your name is Xiao San, right? Where is your father? Where is your father? You can tell auntie. ?"

Tang San shook Xiao Wu's hand, secretly relieved, her aunt's eyes were really strange when she saw him just now. It's just that he couldn't say anything, so he shook his head lightly and told Tang Yuehua what he had told Tang Chen.

"Hey!" Tang Yuehua sighed, and took Tang San's hand and walked towards the garden pavilion, "Little San, come here with aunt, let's sit down and talk slowly. Xiaochen, come and sit too, don't stand still. NS."

Just when Tang San and Tang Yuehua were acknowledging their relatives, Ma Hongjun and Shui Bing'er were also chatting with Xue Ji in a private room on the second floor on the other side.

"...That's it, so I don't know why my Martial Soul upgraded into Phoenix Martial Soul, and today if it wasn't for your Martial Soul that attracted my attention, Binger and I would not come out and You recognize each other," Ma Hongjun said.

Shui Binger looked at Xue Ji in surprise, "Cousin, I really didn't expect, you, your Martial Soul, alas!"

Xue Ji shook her head and shook her head gently, "My cousin, it’s okay, although Martial Soul just became like that after awakening, I really feel that life is better than death. I feel that my whole life is full of gloom and the whole world seems to be lost. Glorious, but then I also figured it out, Martial Soul is so strange, and our Life world is closely related to Martial Soul, no one knows what will happen. Then cousin, how do you see that I am Martial Soul Alienation, does the body have some of the characteristics of Martial Soul? Also, do you really want to see my Martial Soul?"

Ma Hongjun nodded and smiled deeply, "You may not know that your brother-in-law, my eyes have practiced some special spirit skills, so I have the ability to see Shattering Void and perspective. I use these eyes to see through. Your disguise."

"Ah, perspective? That, that, that, that~" Xue Ji exclaimed, a little incoherent, her hands quickly blocked her chest, her cheeky white face turned crimson instantly, and she ducked into Shui Bing'er. Behind him, "Cousin, this, this, this, this, what should I do? Me, me, am I being watched by my cousin's husband?"

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