Fengming Douluo

Chapter 279

In the face of this kind of all-round and large-scale attack, it is useless to dodge with Movement Technique alone. The thoughts in Ma Hongjun's mind flashed, and the golden and red Phoenix fire wings emerged from behind. Then the wings flicked, and the man had turned into an arrow from the string. When Tylenol's attack came, he flew into the mid-air attack range. Outside.

Shui Binger's heart tightened, the blue and purple rays of light in her eyes flowed, and she instantly raised her head and stared at the sky. The flying flames and dust gradually fell, and in the misty mid-air, her eyes instantly locked on the golden-red figure fluttering in mid-air.

The boulder in her heart fell, and Shui Bing'er breathed a sigh of relief.

"Look at the sky." I don't know who shouted, attracting the eyes of everyone watching the game and Taino to the sky.

At this time, everyone saw Ma Hongjun flapping his golden red and phoenix wings in mid-air. Exclamation, admiration, incredible, all kinds of emotions erupted among the people watching the game.

Some students recognized Ma Hongjun as a student in the advanced class of the academy, but even though he was a flying soul master, he was able to fully attack the fourth soul ability of a soul king-level soul master. Retreat, what kind of strength is this?

Tyrone stared blankly at Ma Hongjun's figure in the air. Only at this moment did he understand the strength gap between him and him. It is not that Ma Hongjun is arrogant, but that he really has this strength.

Tai Nuo stood in the center of the 30-meter-diameter pit, watching Ma Hongjun circling his wings in the air and was a little lost. Using the third and fourth spirit abilities one after another, the consumption of his own spirit power was not small. Also had to postpone the attack, staring at Ma Hongjun's figure in case of accidents.

His destructive power is undoubtedly extremely astonishing, the diameter of the big hole is as high as 30 meters, and the depth is as much as five meters. If this is on the battlefield, unless the opponent's strength is stronger than him, it is difficult to survive within this range.

Power spirit masters are undoubtedly unable to fly, and Tai Nuo at this time is completely the best target for Ma Hongjun.

"Come and not go indecently, senior also tried my fourth spirit ability, be careful." Ma Hongjun said, spreading his wings, thousands of Phoenix fire feathers emerged out of thin air, turning into flames Flying Sword, like a rain of fire. The explosion shot at Tainuo in the big pit.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

The speed of Ma Hongjun’s instant soul ability is too fast. Although Tai Nuo was reminded, he was faced with a concentrated burst of flying swords, and at such a close distance, Tai The only reaction that Nuo made was to block his arm in front of him and protect his vitals.

"Puff puff!"

In a series of puffs, fire feathers were inserted into Tylenol's arms, chest, abdomen, thighs, and back all over his body, instantly piercing him into a golden-red hedgehog.

It's just that Tylenol's solid muscles have extremely powerful defenses, and Ma Hongjun's Phoenix fire feather, which is enough to penetrate the steel plate, is only three inches into the flesh and can't go any further.

Although Phoenix's fire feather was only three inches into the flesh and did not cause fatal trauma to Tylenol, the intense heat carried on the fire feather kept burning his whole body.

"Zi! Zi! Zi!"

The aroma and burnt smell of roasted meat floated into Tylenol’s nasal cavity instantly. Such a trauma, although not fatal, he was a fifty-eighth-level soul king who was turned into this by a forty-level soul sect. , This is simply a shame.

"Asshole." Tylenol roared, and the spirit power in his body suddenly burst, and his whole body was shocked. The fire feathers all over his body were bounced by the muscles almost instantly, and at the same time, there was a smear of blood.

"The third spirit ability, the source of strength!"

Tai Nuo roared, and the third spirit ability was activated. Along with the strong ground trembling roar and sand splashing, the fire feather that Ma Hongjun shot towards the big pit was extinguished by him.

But how could Ma Hongjun let go such a good target. Between the waves of the phoenix wings, the second spirit ring lighted up. Accompanied by the sharp ascension of the breath, Ma Hongjun once again activated his first spirit ability, but this time it was The first spirit ability blessed by the second spirit ability.

"The second spirit ability, Phoenix!"

"The first spirit ability, Phoenix Flame!"

It is also the first spirit ability, but its power is completely different, and this time it is no longer a flame bomb, but a flame Luo Sancannon. This is the ability of the original spirit bone skill, Huo Wu Liaoyuan, to condense the fire spirit attack, cover the sea of ​​fire, and cause continuous damage.

Fire Spirit possesses 50% of his own strength. It can condense Phoenix, Fire Lion, or Fire Dragon. It doesn't matter what it condenses, but who makes him like Luo San Pao?

Regardless of Luo Sanpao's fatness and fatness, his agility is not low, and this is the fire spirit of his first soul ability.

Catching turtles in the urn, and closing the door to release the dog, these two words are more appropriate to describe the status quo of Tylenol at this moment.

This time, Ma Hongjun didn't give Tainuo a chance to start his spirit abilities. The Flame Luo three guns condensed, and they were thrown into the big pit to fight Tainuo. It fully embodies the meaning of the word close the door and let the dog go. Five flames and three cannons were thrown into the pit. At the same time, there were Phoenix flames spreading throughout the pit.

"Boy, you are deceiving too much." Tai Nuo roared, but he was extremely unwilling in his heart. Ma Hongjun himself is not his opponent when it comes to physical fighting alone, let alone Luo Sanpao, who is only 50% of his own strength.

However, these five Flame Luo Sancannons were extremely agile under Ma Hongjun's control, and they didn't really attack Tai Nuo. They only rushed to interrupt his rhythm whenever he wanted to activate his soul abilities.

It doesn't matter if he scratches his boots, but the ubiquitous flame in the big pit consumes his soul power all the time.

"You can't go on like this, otherwise you will have to be exhausted by this kid." Tai Nuo's thoughts flashed in his mind, and he roared, "Fifth spirit ability, burst of power."

Ignoring the five Luo Sanjiao that rushed forward, Tai Nuo's body suddenly unfolded like a stretched waist while the purple light of the fifth spirit ring bloomed.


There was a loud bang, and a ring of shock waves that was stronger than before was suddenly released centered on Tylenol's body, instantly extinguishing the flames in the big pit, and also smashed the five flames into pieces, and at the same time saw Tylenol. He roared and slammed his foot to the ground.


The ground in the big pit was overwhelmed and collapsed once again. At the same time, Tainuo's figure rose up into the sky like a cannonball, ejecting Ma Hongjun into the air.

"It's almost done." Ma Hongjun muttered to himself. Although the time was short, the five Flame Luo Sancannons had already bought enough time for his second spirit ability augmentation Ascension.

"Taylon his dad, you'd better stay in the pit for me." Ma Hongjun said, facing the Tylenol, who was soaring into the sky with the help of a catapult, he was not moved at all. One of them was bigger than the previous flame bomb. Doubled, the flames became more violent, and the Phoenix flame bombs, which were hotter and hotter, condensed in front of him.

"The first spirit ability, Phoenix Flame!"

"Get down here." Ma Hongjun said, flapping his wings and fluttering with both hands, and the Phoenix flame bomb crashed down at Tylenol who wanted to jump out of the pit.

Tainuo's eyes were splitting, and his heart was over. This time, the power of Ma Hongjun's first spirit ability, not to mention him as the client, was that the others who were watching the battle around him deeply felt it.

With such a terrifying power, this is planning to kill Tylenol, right?

Looking at the Phoenix flame bomb that fell on Tylenol, Tyrone's eyes instantly turned blood red, and he rushed towards the court with an exclamation.

"Ma Hongjun, don't."



With a loud bang, Tylenol screamed, and was directly hit by the Phoenix flame bomb, which was half a meter in diameter, and fell back into the pit again.


Dust and sand splashed in the deep pit, and Taino's figure was swallowed by the violent golden red flames in a blink of an eye.

The golden red flames raged and burned, exuding fierce and blazing high temperature, and the air was faintly dignified. The heat waves rushed to the surroundings, making some students onlookers blush, but they did not see the strong king Tainuo in the deep pit. movement.

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