Fengming Douluo

Chapter 340 Miniature Ice Fire Eyes

The qualifiers for the Elite Contest of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy are still going on. Gradually, when the tenth round of the competition is over, the teams participating in the Tiandou City qualifiers have gradually opened up the distance between each other.

The Shrek Academy team had an impressive record of clearing all the way, and it did their part to rank first among the twenty-seven teams.

With the same record as them, in addition to the main team, Tianshui Academy, which is also full of Soul Sects, there are also several teams that also ranked in the forefront with the same impressive record.

It is from the Tianshui Academy supported by the Water Moon Palace, the Kamikaze Academy supported by the Kamikaze Valley, the Blazing Academy supported by the Blazing Fire Sect, and the Thunder Academy supported by the Blue Lightning Overlord Longzong.

And the Elephant Academy, which is as famous as these four element academies, is extremely miserable, with ten matches and five wins and five losses, and the ranking is only hovering in the middle reaches. Not to mention that the Elephant Academy did not expect this result, even the organizers of the competition did not expect such a result.

In fact, it is normal that there will be such a result. Everyone can see the amazing strength of the Shrek Academy team. Faced with such a situation, in order to score points in the game, no one wants to match them in advance, so as not to expose the strength of their academy prematurely.

Since they didn't want to match Shrek Academy in advance, for the sake of the game, they could only do something against their old opponent, that is, the Elephant Academy that had been defeated by Shrek Academy.

As the so-called dead fellow daoist is not dead, under this mutual understanding, Shrek Academy never encountered the other three elemental academies including Tianshui Academy in the next few rounds, but the Elephant Academy did. Frequently confronted their old opponents.

Compared with the Elephant Academy, which has almost completely exposed its strength, no one knows how much strength the other Four Element Academy hides. In short, it is in this situation that the Elephant Academy will lose all the way, and will only be slipped to the middle reaches in the end.

The Shrek Academy team still had Shui Bing'er, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Tai Long and others taking turns to play the game.

As for Ma Hongjun, his strength is too strong. Although his Martial Soul and soul power level have been exposed, his strength has not been exposed much. So Yu Xiaogang didn't let him play again, but let him stay honestly in the college cultivation, or just stay on the viewing platform to watch the game.

So he hasn't played since he participated in two games. During this period of time, I also stayed in the academy. Eight Immortals were in front of them to cultivate together with Tang Chen, Liu Qingxuan and Mo Ziyuan.

Since defeating the Elephant Academy team last time, he has imparted Tai Chi to these three. When they weren't usually on the court, the three of them either watched the game on the viewing platform, or transferred to the Eight Immortals to teach them Tai Chi.

It's just that when he was teaching Cultivation Technique, after Ma Hongjun explained the characteristics of the two kinds of Cultivation Technique, Liu Qingxuan actually saw Pure Yin Wuji Gong at a glance. He didn't care about the shortcomings of this Cultivation Technique at all, even he thought it was an advantage, and liked it very much.

What made Shui Bing'er, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Tang San and others even more surprised was that Ma Hongjun even agreed.

The reason is actually very simple. Since the pure Yin Wuji Gong was perfected by him last time, although the cultivation of men will still lead to excessive Yin Qi, appear more feminine and cold, but those strange female characteristics are gone.

The same is true of Pure Yang Gui Yuan Gong. Women’s cultivation will still cause their own Yang Qi to be overpowered, become irritable, and have a fiery temper. They are as bold and careless as men, but they have no strange male characteristics. NS.

Everyone suddenly realized that the Cultivation Technique had been perfected by Ma Hongjun, but if he didn't say anything, he scared them, really thinking that Liu Qingxuan was going to become a sissy from then on. Fortunately, it just made him more handsome and girlish, but in fact it was still the same as before.

However, Ma Hongjun urged everyone not to say this. If the information about Taiji Gong does not leak out to the outside world one day, someone hijacks one of them and asks Cultivation Technique, only to say that the previous flaws are not perfect. The version is fine.Everyone agreed, and at the same time they smiled unkindly, and then they asked, "Xiaojun, what are we cultivating now?"

Ma Hongjun replied, "From the time when Xiaosan and I came back from Binghuoliangyi, your cultivation method has been transformed into a perfect one. Otherwise, how could you all fly? It's just that I didn't think it was necessary at the time, so I didn't tell you this. "

Dai Mubai and the others suddenly realized that they really wouldn't spread Ma Hongjun's Cultivation Technique outside. It was actually the same whether to say it or not.

The cultivation of the three of Liu Qingxuan, Mo Ziyuan and Tang Chen has also reached a critical moment, so they have not played again in the past few days, but honestly followed Ma Hongjun's cultivation.

It was another day, and everyone from Shrek who had participated in the competition and the beautiful little Big sis from Tianshui Academy had already joined the academy at this time.

At the top of Eight Immortals, Liu Qingxuan, Mo Ziyuan and Tang Chen in the cultivation formally ended their period of cultivation.

Beside them, he noticed that the three of them had collected their merits, and Ma Hongjun also gathered his merits and asked, "How is it? Are you familiar with it?"

"I'm familiar with it. I didn't expect that the cultivation of soul power could be so mysterious." Liu Qingxuan's crisp voice revealed a deep joy, and Tang Chen and Mo Ziyuan were also happy.

Ma Hongjun nodded and said, "Soul Power Transformation Wing is very important to you and Ziyuan. How are you now?"

"Look, Brother Jun." Liu Qingxuan smiled faintly, and his thoughts moved. A pair of energized purple-gold wings appeared behind him. With a slight shake, he fluttered directly above the Eight Immortals.

At this moment, Mo Ziyuan smiled and said, "Although you can't compare with your experienced old driver, you can already fly proficiently. It's just that this soul skill is too soul-consuming."

"You're an old driver." Ma Hongjun glared at him irritably, and said, "It's for sure that it consumes soul power, otherwise the flying soul skills won't be bad for the streets? Since you can all fly, then don't drag you Martial anymore. Soul’s hind legs are gone, so just follow behind and shout for cheer.” Ma Hongjun smiled unkindly. Regardless of Mo Ziyuan, whose face turned black, he turned his head and said to Tang Chen, “Xiao Chen, Flying spirit skills are not too important to you, how do you use spirit power armor as a spirit ability?"

"Look at it." Tang Chen smiled slightly and said with a thought, the silver-white armor exuding a hot breath instantly covered his body. Although he could not cover the whole body, the important parts of his body were covered under the spirit power armor.

"Huh?" Mo Ziyuan let out a soft voice. Looking at Tang Chen holding a spear and wearing a silver-white armor at the moment, he felt a little handsome inexplicably. He looked like a mighty God of Bufan's God of. War was standing in front of him.

Ma Hongjun also brightened his eyes and said, "Yes, very beautiful, and he has turned into a white robe. If this is when you are proficient in the spirit power condensate, then get a horse out, white horse, silver spear, white robe, that heroic, tut, The alive little God of War, haha."

Tang Chen chuckled, removed the silver armor from his body, and said, "Thank you for the praise, Brother Jun. I was born and I will definitely work towards the goal you mentioned."

Liu Qingxuan had already flown back at this time, smiled, raised an eyebrow and said, "Xiaochen, I feel a little moved when you look at it this way. Would you like to think about it, the two of us, huh?"

Maybe it’s the habit that he has developed since he was a boy in dressing up as a woman. Although he has returned to men's clothing, he usually likes to wear red clothes. Especially after joining Ma Hongjun, he always wears a red round-neck gown and one piece at the same time. The big red cloak with a hat was what he had dressed up during the period when he was a Soul Eater. It was a dressing style that he especially liked.

Now after cultivation of Pure Yin Wuji Gong, although it is not a sissy or Yin & Yang weirdness, it has become more delicate than before. From a distance, it looks even more like a peerless look than the handsome and extraordinary Ma Hongjun. beauty.

Especially when he even raised his eyebrows at him now, Tang Chen's delicate face turned red slightly, and then quickly turned black again. His heart beat faster just now.

Tang Chen took a deep breath, suppressed the restlessness in his heart, gave Liu Qingxuan a fierce look, and said angrily, "You should go with Ziyuan. I'm not interested in your fun."

Ma Hongjun on the side was taken aback for a moment, and said in surprise, "You guys, are you really?"

Mo Ziyuan's handsome and handsome face turned black for an instant, and he quickly said, "Brother Jun, don't get me wrong, it's obviously that they are not clear. I have nothing to do with Qingxuan."

Ma Hongjun looked at this, looked at that, smiled at the three of them, and said, "No need to explain, I understand, I understand all."

"Really not, me."


In a blink of an eye, Tang San, Shui Bing'er, Dai Mubai and others, who had returned from the Tiandou Great Fighting Arena, arrived at the Eight Immortals House, and then saw the three Shrek heroes playing Three Kingdoms Brawl.

Shui Binger looked surprised and said, "Xiaojun, what's the matter with them? Why are they fighting each other?"

Tang San, Dai Mubai, Oscar and others looked at the three people who were fighting each other strangely, and at the same time raised their ears.

Ma Hongjun said with a smile, "Neither of them admit that they have a special relationship with Qingxuan. No, they are jealous and fight each other."

"Hiss!" Everyone took a deep breath and was shocked instantly, staring at Liu Qingxuan, Mo Ziyuan, and Tang Chen with incredible expressions, "You guys, it turns out that you are like this."

The movements of the three of them stopped in an instant, and they said quickly, "Don't listen to Brother Jun's nonsense, we have nothing to do with each other."

Looking at the three people who spoke in unison, Dai Mubai and others laughed, their voices elongated, and a long "Oh", and laughed, "No need to explain, we all understand."

"You understand a hammer." Tang Chen's face turned black, and Liu Qingxuan and Mo Ziyuan were not much better.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang, who was standing by the side, coughed and smiled and said, "Okay, stop making trouble, and don't tease them three. Although there are only a few final rounds left before the qualifiers are over, but Don’t slack off and underestimate the enemy. I hope that you will be able to meet the opponents you will face in the best condition."

"Yes." Everyone answered.

Yu Xiaogang nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Hong Jun, your entire qualifier is about to rest. I hope you can play next time."

Without thinking, Ma Hongjun patted his chest and said, "No problem."

Yu Xiaogang was startled slightly, and he almost couldn't say what he was going to say in his heart when he answered so happily.

"I mean, Xiao San and Mubai have shown too much strength during this period of time, their performance is too obvious, and their sharpness is too strong. So Shishu hopes that you will lead the team next and let them take a few moments. This is the reason why you were not allowed to play before. You are far superior to everyone, and you are often too sharp on stage. But the four element academies you will face next are also very strong. With the contrast, you too It's not so attractive to everyone's attention." Yu Xiaogang explained.

"No problem." Ma Hongjun still answered happily.Dai Mubai and the others nodded. Although they still wanted to play, they knew that Yu Xiaogang was doing this for everyone's good, so they didn't express any objection.

At this moment, Tang San on the side didn't know what was thinking, the expression in his eyes was firm and cold, and said, "Teacher, I hope that if you run into Canghui Academy, you can let me play."

Ma Hongjun patted Tang San, and said, "Don't worry, brother will give you revenge."

Tang San was very moved, but still said, "Brother, I want to know this by myself."

Ma Hongjun looked at the stunned Yu Xiaogang, and the two nodded, agreeing to Tang San's request.

They understood Tang San's thoughts. Although Lin Yu was smashed to death by a brick, the images he let Tang San see in the illusion left a huge psychological shadow on him.

As Tang San's Ni Lin, he personally watched his senior brother Ma Hongjun being bombarded to pieces, and Xiao Wu being humiliated by others, but he was helpless. He could only watch it from the side, which made him feel like a knife, and it was even more uncomfortable than killing him. At the same time, this also left a big shadow in Tang San's heart.

After confirming the candidates for the final rounds of the competition, Yu Xiaogang said, "Okay, let's all go away. After dinner, I will go back and rest early to meet the new challenges of tomorrow."

Everyone's eyes met, palms one after another, and they shouted in unison, "Shrek will win!"


After eating dinner and parting with everyone, Ma Hongjun and Shui Bing'er did not return to their dormitory, but went straight to their tree house. Since he set up their comfort zone on the ancient Parasol Tree last time, the two have never returned to their respective dormitories to rest.

For this apparent violation of school rules, Flender only asked him not to kill anyone in the academy, and then Quandang didn't see it.

After all, Ma Hongjun and Shui Bing'er are already engaged, even if they live together, it is legal. As long as you don't make things too big, Dean Flander, who is busy making money, doesn't have time to care about what his disciples are doing.

On the ancient Parasol Tree, the ordinary tree house has now been cleaned up by water ice, very delicate, fresh and elegant style, more comfortable and pleasant. Being in it is like being in nature, the faint fragrance of plants, trees and flowers, accompanied by the chirping of birds in the forest, makes people feel relaxed and happy. Moreover, Ma Hongjun gave the tree house a very elegant name, called Fengqiuhuangju, or Phoenixju for short.

On the wooden table in front of the window of Fengqiuhuang balcony, there is an extra-large crystal flowerpot. The inside is arranged according to Tai Chi, and the center is a small slap-sized bowl made of bizarre red and blue crystals, which contains the ice and fire two eye spring water obtained by Ma Hongjun from the Phoenix Martial Soul space. Beside the eyes of this tiny miniature ice and fire, there are some strange flowers and weeds planted. It is shaped like a cabbage, the whole body is fiery red, and the stamens are like ice crystals, with octagonal white flowers on the top. There are also crystal clear flowers and plants that are pure and elegant, just like green lotus and white lotus root. There are also round leaves, like white jade, strange grasses covered in pale white mist, and so on.

Without exception, these exotic flowers are very small, some are less than ten centimeters high, but they are not without big ones. For example, these two plants are very large, one resembles Phoenix Ling Xiao, a pure sun grass with red hair and a golden coat; the other is icy blue and crystal clear, like an exotic flower of ice crystal flying like a feather crest.

After the two returned to the tree house, Shui Bing'er immediately took off the intrusive clothes and threw on their soft big bed without an image. The jade body that looked like a perfect masterpiece from the heavens appeared horizontally, half-covered, lying lazily on the bed.

A pair of aqua-blue eyes are shining like stars, and bright red lips are like condensing fat. They seem to be in a good mood. The snow-white and tender skin can be broken by blowing, like mutton white jade, with a slightly ruddy color.

At this moment Shui Bing'er blinked and watched Ma Hongjunyu make Lan Yinzhen fire play with his strange flowers and weeds in front of the window. His red lips were lightly opened, and his ethereal and crisp voice was like the ding of a spring in the mountains. , But there is a trace of coquettishness that can make people dissipate.

She smiled brightly and said softly, "Jun Big Brother, don't mess with your flowers and plants, come and play with Binger."

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