Fengming Douluo

Chapter 360

Dugu Bo, Qin Ming, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai and others followed Xueqinghe out of Shrek Academy. After a short while, they arrived at the mansion that Emperor Xueye gave to Ma Hongjun and Shui Binger, Ling Guanghou. House.

"Huh, it's so close?" Ma Hongjun couldn't help being surprised. He really didn't expect that he and Shui Bing'er's Lingguanghou Mansion would be adjacent to their Shrek Academy.

Everyone in Shrek was also taken aback, and they didn't expect that Lingguanghou Mansion would be next to their academy.

They have been staying at the academy these days, under Qin Ming's arrangement for cultivation and training, they don't even know when a mansion was built next to their academy.

Xue Qinghe smiled slightly when he heard the words, and said, "This is the arrangement of the father and the emperor. It will be much more convenient if you and your cousin are still attending school in the academy, and you live here."

"So that's it." Ma Hongjun suddenly, he already understood why the Great Xueye made such an arrangement.

In fact, when he met Emperor Xueye last time, he said his worries, presumably he should have taken these into consideration before establishing the Hou Mansion here.

Xue Qinghe smiled and said, "Cousin, Hong Jun, let's go in. Under the crown, please."

Lingguanghou Mansion, covering an area of ​​about 10,000 square meters, is located in the east of the Tiandou Empire City, adjacent to Shrek Academy, and looking toward the sunset forest more than a hundred miles away.

The gate of the Hou Mansion is about ten meters high and seven or eight meters wide.

There is no shortage of pavilions, rockery and ponds, flower gardens and medicinal gardens, Xiaoxie flowing water, practice venues, and so on. There are even two mimic environmental cultivation areas covering an area of ​​two to three hundred square meters, one ice and one fire, which correspond to the Martial Soul attributes of Ma Hongjun and Shui Bing'er.

Behind the icy-fire mimic environmental cultivation area, is a large area of ​​dense forest, ancient woods, towering and obscuring the sun, connected with the forest behind Shrek Academy next to it.

Obviously, from this Lingguanghou mansion, or the long princess mansion, it is enough to see that the Great Xueye attaches great importance to Ma Hongjun and Shui Bing'er.

It took nearly an hour to follow Xue Qinghe, and the talents finally transferred the entire Hou Mansion. And Dugu Bo is also leisurely enough, following everyone around the whole process.

This made Xue Qinghe, who had introduced Lingguanghou's Mansion to Shrek all the way, feel more pressure, but it also made him realize that Ma Hongjun and Tang San had a very close relationship with Dugu Bo, far beyond his expectation.

The scale and architecture of the Lingguang Hou Mansion shocked Ma Hongjun's heart. He really didn't expect that this Hou Mansion could be compared. In his previous life, he wandered through some of the large parks when he was in school in God Capital.

Everyone returned to the front yard of the Hou Mansion. The spacious living room was as big as a small football field. The installation is antique, like a scholarly family, and it looks not at all leisurely and empty.

At this time, Xue Qinghe said, "Hongjun, cousin, in the entire Hou Mansion, servants, maids, housekeepers, guards, etc. are all available. Brothers are prepared for you, and you can move in at any time. If If you need anything else, you can also mention it for your brother at any time."

Everyone in Shrek sat on one side, and several maids were very active, and they had completely entered their respective roles. At this time, they had already made tea for Dugubo, Qin Ming, Tang San, Dai Mubai and others, and served fruit snacks. They were waiting aside, waiting for instructions at any time.

Ma Hongjun frowned, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Xue Qinghe smiled and said, "What's the matter, Hong Jun? It doesn't matter if you have something to say."

Ma Hongjun touched the tip of his nose and said, "Cousin, you are really interested. Hongjun thanked you for your kindness here first. But you also know that Bing'er and I are still going to school, and are still elites in the Senior Soul Master Academy across the continent. During the competition, we actually rarely come here to live, and we simply don’t need so many maids, servants, and guards. Cousin, you should let them go back. It just so happens that I have a few friends I have known before, and I have come to the Imperial Capital during this time. I'm going to make a living here. I'll let them take care of me and Bing'er. By the way, I also helped them find a way to survive. Cousin, you see?"

Xue Qinghe was startled slightly, and an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes, but no one noticed it. He smiled and said, "The cousin is kind, because he hasn't considered it well. What do you think? I let the butler stay. He is the veteran I brought out from the palace. Whether it is ability or loyalty, he is the best choice. With him, he must take care of you in an orderly manner."Ma Hongjun was speechless, he just said that because he didn't want the people brought by Xue Qinghe. Not to mention the loyal old eunuch brought out from the palace.

He didn't have to guess, the old butler who seemed to have a thick face was definitely not loyal, if he was loyal to Xue Qinghe, he still believed it.

Ma Hongjun looked rather embarrassed, and said, "How embarrassing is this? My cousin is absolutely awkward. At this Hou Mansion, my friends can just take care of me on weekdays and don't need to take care of them."


After some friendly exchanges, Ma Hongjun still declined Xue Qinghe's kindness and didn't let any of the people he brought to stay.

He was still not sure whether Xue Qinghe was himself or Qian Renxue, how could he leave the confidant of this time bomb by his side.

Xue Qinghe didn't seem to care either, she always had a faint smile on her face, gentle and gentle, like a gentle spring breeze.

This made Ma Hongjun breathe a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Xue Qinghe would force him to come, so he was really not good at rejecting it.

It was just Xue Qinghe's next proposal, whether it was Ma Hongjun or Shrek, it was extremely unbelievable.

"Cousin, do you want to learn from me?" Ma Hongjun said in surprise.

Xue Qinghe smiled and said, "Qinghe has never heard of his cousin's performance in the qualifiers. And Ning Uncle often praises you in front of me. Although Qinghe has average talent, I really want to see Hongjun's methods."

The old butler was startled, and said quickly, "His Royal Highness, no. You are the body of ten thousand gold, how can you play in person. Or let the old slave and the horseman compete."

"Liu Gonggong said that, cousin, you are a prince, you are a man of ten thousand gold, how can Hongjun fight with you? No, I refuse." Ma Hongjun quickly shook his head.

Xue Qinghe's proposal moved him very much. If he could fight him, maybe he could discover some new discoveries, but he couldn't agree directly.

Xue Qinghe smiled and shook his head, and said, "Don't be nervous, just have a brief discussion. Hong Jun is my cousin, what can he do to me? Besides, Dugu is also here, so don't worry at all."

"But," the old butler Liu Gonggong looked embarrassed, and gave Ma Hongjun a frantic wink.

Xue Qinghe smiled and said, "I have decided, Lao Liu does not need to persuade."

Ma Hongjun touched the tip of his nose and said, "Why don't you forget it, I'll talk about it later."

At this time, Dugu Bo, who had been drinking tea by the side and teasing his grandson, suddenly said, "Little monster, since Qinghe wants to learn from you, then you should do it. There is an old man here, so you can be sure of nothing."

Ma Hongjun looked at the people, Xue Qinghe looked expectant, and everyone in Shrek was curious and expectant, so they had no choice but to shook their heads and said, "Okay, cousin, then we will stop there."

Xue Qinghe smiled and said, "I hope Hong Jun can be merciful."

Ma Hongjun smiled slightly, feeling a little speechless in his heart, thinking that if you really were Qian Renxue, whether I can beat you now, it's all two things.

But since you really want to learn from each other now, you definitely can't fight in this living room.


In the Lingguang Hou Mansion Practice Field, Qin Ming acted as the interim referee and declared, "Study and discuss the two sides salute."

"Xue Qinghe, Martial Soul swan, forty eighth-level assault system war soul sect." Xue Qinghe bowed slightly as he said, an inexplicable look was drawn in the depths of his eyes.

Next to the practice ground, everyone in Shrek heard Xue Qinghe's spirit power level, and was startled. The age of the prince was at least twenty-seven-eight, right? It turned out to be only forty eighth-level?

Everyone suddenly realized that the prince of a country was only forty eighth-level at the age. No wonder the Great Xueye paid so much attention to Shui Bing'er, and he would win Ma Hongjun.

Opposite him, Ma Hongjun also bowed back and said, "Ma Hongjun, Martial Soul Fire Phoenix, forty eighth-level assault system battle soul sect."

Compared to Shrek's surprise and Dugubo's disdain, Ma Hongjun didn't have the slightest contempt.

"Both parties open Martial Soul." Qin Ming announced again, stepping back to the side, and handing the venue to the two.



As Qin Ming's voice fell, the loud and melancholic horn and the high-pitched and pleasing phoenix sound suddenly sounded on the training ground of the Lingguang Hou Mansion.

The swan sighed, Feng Ming clanged.

The holy white light rose, and a pair of white and wide swan wings appeared behind Xueqinghe. Two yellows and two purples, the four best-mixed spirit rings circled up from under his feet.

An elegant and smart figure, a tall and slender figure, a slender figure, a white and crystal-clear body, and a two or three-meter tall swan phantom, appeared behind Xueqinghe.

Opposite him, golden red flames rose, accompanied by the crisp and loud phoenix sound, a golden red fire Phoenix with a wingspan of about four meters appeared behind Ma Hongjun.

Compared with the white swan phantom behind Xueqinghe, the fire Phoenix behind Ma Hongjun is like a real fire Phoenix.

Then with a sound of "Teng!", a pair of wide golden red wings appeared behind Ma Hongjun. One yellow, two purple and one black, four spirit rings fell from the top of Ma Hongjun's head and moved slowly.

Xue Qinghe's pupils shrank slightly. Although he had heard that Ma Hongjun's spirit ring was the second in a thousand years and the fourth in ten thousand years, he heard that it was far less shocking than he had seen with his own eyes.

What surprised him even more was that with Ma Hongjun opening Martial Soul, he seemed to feel an inexplicable fluctuation.

There is a strong feeling in his heart that his real Martial Soul has a great probability of being able to merge with Ma Hongjun's Martial Soul.

But it was not the time to consider those, Xue Qinghe quickly raised his soul power, suppressing the fluctuations. At the same time, the light of the first spirit ring on his body lit up.

"The first spirit ability, swan assault!"

With a sound of "Boom!", the holy white light wrapped the fists, the wings of the swan behind Xueqinghe flapped, and the whole body blasted directly at Ma Hongjun with a fierce wind.

Opposite him, Ma Hongjun just seemed to feel a faint strange fluctuation, but the speed was too fast, he didn't have time to feel the fluctuation, that feeling disappeared.

This made him feel a little suspicious, but seeing that Xue Qinghe had already attacked him, he couldn't think much about it.

Ma Hongjun grinned, his eyes intertwined with golden red and icy blue rays, and the first spirit ring on his body was full of yellow awns. With a sound of "Boom!", a golden-red fireball with a big mouth was directly blasted by him. To the Xueqinghe rushing over."The first spirit ability, Phoenix Flame!"

Phoenix flame bomb, domineering and fierce, with a hot and terrifying high temperature, instant skills, and it will arrive in the blink of an eye.

Of course, he has compressed the power of the Phoenix flame bomb. After all, it was the first spirit ability of the "Hundred Years".

Xue Qinghe's pupils shrank. Although he had heard that Ma Hongjun's spirit ability was released very fast, he didn't expect it to be so fast, but he had nothing to worry about.

The yellow light of the first spirit ring flickered, and the white light wrapped around Xueqinghe’s fist changed at this time. A white light shield appeared in front of him, and with a "boom!", it directly collided with the violent Phoenix flame bomb. . With the overbearing violence, the shaking Xueqinghe slid back three meters directly.

The violent fireball slammed into the light shield and exploded suddenly, and the golden red flames surged like a raging sea, swallowing Xue Qinghe's body in the blink of an eye.

"The third spirit ability, the guardian of the swan!"

In the rushing fire, Xue Qinghe's cold shout sounded, and the purple light of the third spirit ring on his body was blazing, and the holy white light surged like clouds and mist, instantly forming a thick "cloud layer", covering his whole body.

The swan's wings flapped behind, and Xue Qinghe's speed soared, and the whole person instantly rushed out of the raging fire.

His third spirit ability can not only defend, but also increase his various attributes by 50% in all directions. It was amazing and extraordinary, similar to Dai Mubai's third spirit ability, the White Tiger Golden Light Change.

The white light lingered on Xue Qinghe's fists, and it seemed to hit Ma Hongjun directly with a mighty force.

With the increase of the third spirit ability, Xue Qinghe's speed was very high, and he collided with Ma Hongjun in the blink of an eye.

With spirit power running, Ma Hongjun clenched his fists in both hands, and his slender hands became crystal clear as jade in vain. The golden-red light flickered, as if the natural crystals were beautiful, but they contained violent attacks.

"Fire Jade Hand!"

Ma Hongjun's Martial Skill, which is based on Tang Clan's mysterious jade hand and his soul power characteristics, is condensed like jade and is indestructible.

Ma Hongjun directly blasted Xueqinghe's fist wrapped in white light, and with a "boom!", the two collided.

"Kacha!" With the crisp bone cracking sound, Xue Qinghe screamed in an instant, his slender figure exploded, and cold sweat quickly covered his forehead.

Xue Qinghe was horrified. He didn't expect Ma Hongjun's body to be so terrifying. The fist blessed by his first spirit ability was directly torn apart by his punch.

"Hiss!" Xue Qinghe gasped, it hurts too much.

The crisp bone crack made Ma Hongjun stunned and quickly distanced himself from Xue Qinghe. At the same time, he hurriedly said, "Cousin, this is the end of today's discussion. If you still want to learn, we will talk about it later."

"Hiss!" Xue Qinghe gasped, and his delicate eyes looked at Ma Hongjun like a monster. The expression in his eyes was complicated and difficult to understand, but he also stopped.

Ma Hongjun hurriedly stepped forward to support him, and said, "Cousin, are you okay?" Ma Hongjun sniffed, why is his heart so sweet?

He smelled a delicate fragrance, which seemed to come from Xueqinghe, like a woman's body fragrance.

Don't ask how he knows, anyone who holds a soft and perfect body every day, smells a lot and is naturally very familiar with the smell.

A weird thought flashed in Ma Hongjun's heart. When he saw Xueqinghe's Martial Soul, he had already let go of his doubts about him, but the inexplicable fragrance made his heart grip again.

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