The evolution of business ethics is a process in itself, not something that can be accomplished overnight!

Even if he declares the prehistoric way of heaven with the Three Treasures of Business Dao and attains the status of Master of Business Dao, it does not mean that he can directly attain the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Da Luo!

On the contrary, once he establishes the business path and attains the status of the master of the business path, he and the business path will have a prosperous relationship!

This principle is just like registering a patent in the previous life. Registering a patent is a process, and promoting the patent and obtaining huge profits is also a process!

Correspondingly, once he establishes the ancient business path with the Three Treasures of Business Dao, what he has to do is to achieve the future financial path and perfect the innate business path!

What is acquired wealth? It is the transactions between living beings in the ancient world. The more transactions, the more frequent the transactions, the greater the circulation of money, and the acquired wealth will naturally become more prosperous. Naturally, the innate business will also become more complete, and so on. , as the master of business, the benefits he can obtain are naturally greater!

If the prehistoric business path is completely perfected, then he will not even need to take the initiative to practice, but can directly use the business path to prove the way and achieve the realm of Hunyuan Daluo!

Everything is difficult at the beginning. As business evolves, the very beginning is the most difficult time!

After all, in the ancient world, big fists are the last word. In the ancient world, there was no so-called legal protection in the trading room of creatures in the previous life. Killing people and stealing goods is also a normal thing. Even safety cannot be guaranteed, so how can the operation of business be guaranteed?

Secondly, the prehistoric world is too vast. Even a mysterious immortal who has exhausted his lifespan may not be able to cross the entire prehistoric world!

Such a huge area also poses a big obstacle to the operation of business roads!

But now, with this virtual reality, all problems have been solved!

The first and most critical thing is the promotion of transactions. As long as they are within the scope of the virtual and real world, just like Lin Bao's virtual network in his previous life, all living creatures in the wild, no matter how strong or weak their cultivation level is, can automatically obtain a network in the virtual and real world. This virtual identity is just like the account in the previous life. You can carry out activities, conduct transactions, etc. in the virtual and real world. However, in the virtual and real world, you cannot take action. In this way, as long as the creatures covered by the virtual and real world can enter the virtual and real world, World, conduct transactions, no matter how strong or weak the cultivation level is, the promotion of business methods has naturally been completed!

Of course, this is only a rough framework. In the future, the virtual and real world will be divided into several layers according to cultivation level, such as the mortal world, the immortal world, the trading world above the golden immortal, etc. After all, the gap in cultivation level is too big. There will also be a big gap in the items traded among people. Among other things, copper, iron, gold and silver in the eyes of mortals may be worthless in the eyes of fairyland monks!

Secondly, it is the security of transactions.

As long as creatures trade in the virtual and real world, the security problem will naturally be solved. After all, both parties to the transaction only use virtual identities in the virtual and real world. Their real identities do not need to be exposed, and they may not even need to meet. In this case , naturally there is no need to worry about safety issues!

Similarly, the virtual and real world can also solve the thorny problem of transporting trading items!

The prehistoric world is so vast that it would be difficult for an ordinary immortal to cross the entire prehistoric world within a lifetime. Here, the cost of transporting items has reached an astonishing level. Let’s not talk about whether there is a prehistoric version of the position of"courier". Even if there is, If you want to be this"courier", your cultivation level must be at least in the Golden Immortal realm. After all, the Golden Immortal realm has endless lifespan, but what kind of items can a Golden Immortal spend a long time transporting? During the transportation process, how to ensure the safety of the goods, etc., are all difficult to solve problems.

But now, with the virtual and real world, this problem can also be solved!

The virtual and real world itself is between the virtual and the real. It has the function of converting virtual and real. As long as it is within the range covered by the virtual and real world, the traded items can be transported through the virtual and real world as a medium. In an instant, they can reach the covered range of the virtual and real world. Any place in the world, in other words, as long as the virtual and real world covers the entire prehistoric world, then transactions that occur anywhere in the prehistoric world can have items delivered in an instant!

In this case, the entire transaction process uses the virtual and real world as the medium to form a perfectly safe transaction closed loop!

Not only that, Lin Bao also has more ideas about the creation of the virtual and real world. He is not only satisfied with using it as a trading platform, but also as a discussion platform for ancient cultivation, gathering the insights of countless monks from the ancient times, and even In the virtual and real world, countless trial worlds, game worlds, etc. are created.

Of course, the premise of these is to create a large enough virtual and real world, not only to cover the entire prehistoric world, but at least to cover the most fertile Eastern Continent first. Even, to say the least, this virtual and real world, We must also cover the Yin Shang, the area where the prehistoric human race lived. After all, compared to other races in the prehistoric era, the human race is definitely the most suitable race for the promotion of business!

However, the Yin Shang's eight hundred princes defended the Yin Shang and guarded the four seas. Their area was also boundless. It was equally difficult to evolve such a huge virtual and real world. At present, the virtual and real world that the virtual and real compass can evolve is also very difficult. The area is about one million miles in radius. This area sounds very large, but for the prehistoric era, it is only a drop in the ocean!

Lin Bao also has a solution for this, since a single virtual and real world cannot cover the prehistoric world.

If the quality is not good, then the quantity will be right!

Simply use the virtual and real compass to continuously create the virtual and real world, and cover it with points, just like"planting trees", so that the"trees" of the virtual and real world can fill the entire prehistoric world. In this way, as long as there is enough time, a huge number of virtual and real worlds can be planted. Given time, it can cover the entire prehistoric world!

As for the placement of the virtual and real world, Lin Bao also had an idea.

"Real world!"

Lin Bao instilled the Compass of Virtual and Reality in his body, and soon he saw that a virtual and real world had evolved. It was between virtuality and reality and had no entity.

However, it really existed. If you look carefully, it It looks like a strange seed!

The saying that one flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi probably comes from this!

"Just call you the seed of reality! Lin

Bao murmured. Immediately, his figure turned into golden light and submerged directly into the North Sea. His whole body was shrouded in black and yellow light!

Soon, he arrived at the bottom of the North Sea. This place was already hundreds of millions of miles deep, and the water had already It evolved into one yuan of heavy water. A drop of it was as heavy as a mountain. Ordinary golden immortals might not be able to bear it. Lin Bao's whole body evolved into a black and yellow light. His face was expressionless. Soon, he found a main vein on the seabed!

In the wilderness , the earth's veins are used to inherit the earth's energy and circulate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Its importance is absolutely self-evident!

In the original battle between Tao and demons, the demon ancestor Luohu led the ancestral veins of the ancient western land to explode together, destroying the entire The earth's veins in the prehistoric western realm were completely destroyed, which led to the current barrenness of the western realm. Hongjun also took a big blame for this. As compensation, he also gave the western duo two sainthoods!

And Lin Bao chose to place The place where the seeds of virtuality and reality are planted is in this ancient earth vein.

In this way, its safety is absolutely guaranteed. Even if the virtual reality world is discovered, if you dare to take action against it and damage the ancient earth veins, the terrifying karma will fall, and instantly Not only that, but the power of the earth veins can be used as a hub to connect the countless virtual and real worlds covering the ancient world. In this case, the virtual and real worlds are equivalent to the signal towers in the previous life, and the ancient earth veins are As countless optical cables connecting signal towers, the two are like a network, firmly covering the entire prehistoric world without any dead ends!

Soon, Lin Bao placed the virtual and real seeds in his hands in the North Sea earth veins. The coverage area was a million miles in radius.

Immediately, he simply walked on the seabed and flew straight towards the money tree!

Every million miles apart, a seed of virtuality and reality was placed in the veins of the seafloor, and so on. , the area formed by countless virtual and real seeds will cover the prehistoric world, it is only a matter of time!

In this way, even Lin Bao did not know how many virtual and real seeds he had placed, and the light of the virtual and real compass in his hand seemed a little dim.

As he moved forward, the area covered by the virtual and real world suddenly covered hundreds of millions of miles.

At this moment, Lin Bao suddenly stopped.

In front of him, there was nothing. There was only an endless seabed, but the golden lines of cause and effect that led to the money tree suddenly disappeared and came to an abrupt end.

"Could it be?"

As Lin Bao's thoughts moved slightly, he saw the movement of great supernatural powers in the distance. In an instant, an extremely complex and huge innate restriction suddenly appeared in front of the empty space. The golden lines that originally stopped abruptly were also straight at this time. Drawn to this innate restriction.

Obviously, the last money tree among the three treasures of business is in this innate restriction!

However, compared to the joy of finding the money tree, what makes Lin Bao feel more surprised is that in front of him This restriction is a top-level innate restriction!

In the prehistoric times, the Cave Heaven Paradise was also divided into levels, namely the small Cave Heaven Paradise, the medium Cave Heaven Paradise, the large Cave Heaven Paradise, and the top-level Cave Heaven Paradise. Among them, the cave heaven Paradise of different grades, the enveloping restrictions, Naturally, it is different, and what the top-level innate restrictions represent is the Cave Heaven Paradise in front of us. It is a top-level Cave Heaven Paradise!

Thinking of this, even Lin Bao couldn't help but take a breath.

Don't blame him for his bad character. The opportunity in front of us is really too amazing!

The top-level Cave Heaven Paradise is such a great opportunity that even the saints of the ancient world couldn’t help but be excited. Among them, the most famous top-level Cave Heaven Paradise is the legendary Three Immortals There are islands, Penglai, Abbot, and Yingzhou. Among them, Penglai Immortal Island was found by the leader of the male immortals, Dong Wanggong, during the Lich Tribulation period, and founded the ancient heaven. Later, it was besieged by Emperor Jun Donghuang, and it was defeated and self-destructed. The powerful saint exploded himself, completely blowing Penglai Immortal Island to pieces!

"I don’t know which of the Abbot’s Immortal Islands in Yingzhou is this top cave paradise!"

Looking at the top-level innate restriction in front of him, Lin Bao's face showed joy. Unexpectedly, this money tree was actually in a top-level cave heaven paradise!

This is definitely an unexpected surprise!

Thinking of this, he did not hesitate and directly It began to be cracked!

With the blessing of the Great Divine Power of Insight and the laws of formations, the top-level innate restrictions that were originally extremely complicated were cracked by Lin Bao at an extremely fast speed! At the same time

, countless formation insights came to mind, Let his formations advance by leaps and bounds!.....

【You have completely refined the top innate restraints, and your formation rules have improved by leaps and bounds. The current formation rules: 50%】.........

【You have completely refined the top innate restrictions, and you have understood the laws of the world. The current laws of the world are: 8%】........

【You have completely refined the top innate restraints, and you have understood the law of purification. The current law of purification is: 8%】........

Soon, the top-level innate restriction in front of him was broken by Lin Bao's refining. Seeing this, Lin Bao did not hesitate and immediately stepped into the restriction.

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