In the Yuanjue Cave of Spirit Vulture Mountain, Burning Lantern looked at the two black holes on Huanglong’s real face, and his pupils shrank slightly.

With the strength of the early stage of the Yellow Dragon True Man Da Luo Golden Immortal, it became this miserable situation without any resistance, is this the means of the saint?

Huanglong Zhenren pinched his hands, a dark green light appeared on his face, and the flesh and blood in the two eye sockets were reorganized.

After a long time, on Huanglong Zhenren’s sweaty face, a pair of miserable white eyes were embedded in his eye sockets.


He roared uncontrollably, even if he had eyes, he was still blind and completely invisible.

The darkness in front of him made him feel fear, anger, hatred in his heart.

“Teacher Burning Lantern, please help me.”

Suddenly, as if he had grasped a straw when he was drowning, Huang Long turned his head and knelt in front of the Lantern Daoist and hissed.

In his heart, perhaps with the realm of burning lamps and quasi-saints, there is hope that he can regain his light, otherwise he can only use his divine sense to perceive everything around him in the future.

“I’ll try as much as I can.”

The Lantern Daoist held Huang Long’s shoulders, helped him up, and sighed.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a crystal brilliant ancient lamp appeared in his hand, and the black flame seemed to jump consciously on the lamp.

“Ma Shan.”

The Lantern Daoist called softly, and a figure condensed from the black flame and turned into a Mai Daoist standing in front of the Lantern.

It was the flame spirit of the coffin lamp, the companion spirit of the Lantern Daoist, and he already had his own consciousness.

Huang Long sensed Ma Shan’s appearance with his divine sense, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief, he naturally knew who Ma Shan was.

He looked at the burning lamp with his divine sense, pinched his hands, and clicked twice on the coffin lamp, and the soybean-sized flame was intercepted.

Ma Shan’s flesh painfully pulled two filaments out of his mind, which was the power of the law that he had been cultivating for a long time.

Two black flames shot towards Huang Long’s eye sockets.


Huang Long howled miserably, covering his eyeballs with his hands, black blood flowed out of his eye sockets, and he howled with a scolding body in pain.

When Huang Long released his hands, there were two pinhole-like black dots in his miserable white eyes, and a cold light appeared in his eyes.

“Fortunately, you just glanced at the Pangu god statue casually, and the saint’s law in your eyes is not strong, otherwise I am afraid that it will be…”

The Lantern Daoist patted Huang Long’s shoulder and comforted him softly, he knew that with the quasi-saint cultivation, although he could restore Huang Long’s eyes.

However, Huang Long’s eyes had to suffer the pain of flame burns every day.

“Ye Xuan…”

Feeling the sore spot of the burning in his eyes, Huang Long trembled and said angrily.

At this moment, he hated Ye Xuan very much in his heart, and the jealousy in his heart had turned into hatred.


At this moment, a quasi-holy coercion appeared in the Kunlun Mountains, and the rare birds and beasts on the mountains all crawled on the ground and shivered.

“The Antarctic Immortal Dragon has broken through the quasi-saint!”

Burning Lantern exclaimed, glanced at Huang Long, and left the Spirit Vulture Mountain and the Antarctic Immortal Cave Mansion together.

On the way, Huanglong Zhenren and Burning Lantern Daoist Divine Sense transmitted information many times, but they were all rejected.

As a last resort, he could only pull out a wisp of golden dragon-shaped qi and hand it to the burning lamp.

Finally, Burning Lantern sighed and gave a bead from his sleeve to Huanglong Zhenren.

Several figures had already arrived on the Longevity Peak in advance, and when Ye Xuan arrived, he saw a white-haired old man in front of the twelve golden immortals.

I saw that his forehead was bulging, his childlike face was crane hair, and he was holding a cane in his hand, and a fairy peach hung from the cane.

Seeing the old man, Ye Xuan immediately knew in his heart that this person was Antarctic Immortal Weng, the eldest disciple of Yuan Shi Tianzun.

Sure enough, Guang Chengzi waved his hand and introduced to Ye Xuan, “This is my senior brother of the Interpretation Sect, the Dao Antarctic Immortal.” ”

Then he bowed to the Antarctic Immortal and said: This is the newly accepted disciple of Master Venerable, Senior Brother Ye Xuan.

“Although the realm of Senior Brother Ye Xuan is not more than the Golden Immortal realm, he can understand the sky.”

When the Antarctic Immortal heard this, he nodded noncommittally, the acquired Terrans, even if their understanding is good, their heels are too low.

I don’t know why the master, who has always paid attention to heels, accepted this innate spirit as a personal disciple.

The Antarctic Immortal Weng nodded faintly towards Ye Xuan, even if he had said hello.

Looking at the dark clouds that were constantly gathering above the sky, he knew that his breakthrough to the Quasi-Saint Thunder Tribulation was coming.

“Junior Brother Ye Xuan, you are optimistic, this is a thunder tribulation that can only be found in breaking through the quasi-saint realm, the Nine Xiao God Thunder Tribulation.”

“If you can observe such a heavenly calamity, it is your creation.”

The Antarctic Immortal Dragon was ready to show this new disciple the majesty of the master brother of the Interpretation Sect.

Jiuxiao Divine Thunder Tribulation, it was a calamity to break through the quasi-saint, but looking at the relaxed expression of the Antarctic Immortal at this time, it seemed that he did not put it in his eyes at all.

But he didn’t know his words, which made Guang Chengzi and the others look at him with strange eyes.

Observing the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Tribulation is the creation of Senior Brother Ye Xuan?

What is that junior brother crossing the Heavenly Punishment Yin Yang Divine Thunder?

And what is it when he comprehends the Yin and Yang Divine Thunder when crossing the calamity?

If it is about power, I am afraid that the Yin Yang God Thunder Tribulation far exceeds the Nine Xiao God Thunder.

“Senior brother, in fact, when Senior Brother Ye Xuan broke through the Golden Immortal, he had already crossed the Yin and Yang Divine Thunder Tribulation.”

Thinking about it, Guang Chengzi is still ready to wake up the Antarctic Immortal Weng, otherwise God knows what tiger and wolf words will come out of the mouth of the master brother.

“Yin Yang God Thunder Tribulation?”

“Guangchengzi, do you know what the Yin and Yang God Thunder Tribulation is?”

The Antarctic Immortal Dragon’s face was slightly gloomy, and his eyes turned from doubt to anger, and he scolded in a low voice.

How is it possible to cross the Yin and Yang God Thunder Tribulation in the Golden Immortal Realm?

I can’t imagine that I have been in retreat for thousands of years, and even Guangchengzi dares to deceive himself.

I was about to speak, but I heard the thunder in the sky, and the heavenly calamity began to come.

Without having time to say anything, the Antarctic Immortal Dragon stretched out his hand and sent everyone out of the Heavenly Tribulation range.

After all, the aftermath of such a Heavenly Tribulation was not something that the Twelve Golden Immortals could bear.


The dark clouds above the firmament gradually dissipated, and a sea of thunder appeared above the firmament.

The sea of thunder poured in, as if it was about to cleanse the heavens and the earth, and rushed towards the Antarctic immortals.

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