Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 999 Take Over Lingshan

"Ah, Mara!"

The Demon Lord raised his head to the sky and roared angrily, almost mad with hatred.


Boundless anger sprang up from his chest, and he couldn't suppress it any longer, and it went straight to the sky, and the terrifying demonic energy made the demon world turbulent.

It's fine if Chi You doesn't cooperate with him. This Mo Luo actually wants to abandon the entire Demon Realm and dominate the Three Realms by himself.

He really wanted to know that in ancient times, the demon world came out in full force, and how could Mo Luo have the courage to do it alone when the demons grow and disappear?

Who gave you the courage?

He is different, he has personally experienced that battle, so he knows that it is absolutely not advisable to fight alone to occupy the Three Realms. Only by working together can we have a chance to win the Three Realms.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to bow his head to Chi You for peace, but who knew that Mo Luo's idea was to monopolize the Three Realms by himself.


Finally he couldn't bear to kill Chi You, and if he didn't want to vent this fight, he felt that the anger in his chest could burn the whole devil.

Wutian volleys in the sky.

The black robe said: "Buddha, what should we do next?"


Wutian sat down cross-legged.

"Wait?" The black robe was taken aback.

Wutian nodded lightly: "I have understood one thing these years, and no one can force it before the doom comes."

The black robe looked back at the crimson star in the sky that seemed to be close in front of his eyes, and said: "But the devil will use the sky demon star to break the barrier of the three realms..."

"Then he has to deal with Demon Venerable first."

Wutian smiled: "When I'm here, there are three pillars in the demon world, and no one dares to do it easily, but if I'm not here, do you think they can continue to live in peace?"

The black robe said: "Then what about our Heavenly Demon Realm?"

Wutian sneered and said: "If they want it, just give it to them. What I want - only the Three Realms."


On Wudang Mountain, Lu Chuan stands on the top of a mountain, with his hands behind his back, overlooking the world.

In his eyes, the world has changed, the air of extreme yin has begun to permeate, and the mountain spirits and wild monsters in the four continents have also begun to stir.

According to the theory of yin and yang, gods follow the way of yin and yang, while demons do the opposite. In the past, yin and yang were balanced, and gods and demons also maintained a delicate balance.

But now this balance is about to be broken. Demons prosper and Taos disappear, yin prospers and yangs decline. This change in the general environment is to encourage the cultivation and survival of demons and demons, but the immortal way and the divine way will suffer and be suppressed.

On the mountain road, there are still people coming and going, and there is an endless stream of pilgrims.

It's just that there is an unknown big river with nine twists and eighteen bends outside Wudang Mountain at this time than before.

Of course, these changes are still four words to mortals, and their perception is not strong.


The black fur monster came wearing armor, but his expression looked a little angry.

Lu Chuan turned his head and said, "Didn't I tell you to go to Guanjiangkou to invite Erlang God? Why are you so sullen?"

In Wudang Mountain, he has made all the preparations and built Wudang Mountain into the strongest fortress. Even if Wutian wants to come in, he has to weigh it with the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation.

Therefore, he has now sent someone to invite Yang Jian, Yang Chan and others to his Wudang Mountain to escape the summer heat, ahem, it is actually a refuge.

What he said is to go to Wutian's subordinates to continue undercover. After thirty-three years, when the person who should be robbed appears, he will cooperate with the inside and outside, and take Wutian down in one fell swoop...

The black bear said strangely: "Zhenjun Erlang's subordinates have already notified you."

"Then why are you angry?"

"The dog of Zhenjun Erlang laughed at me as a coal digger."

Lu Dijun suppressed a smile and comforted him: "It's okay, that dead dog is also black, not to mention what's wrong with black, is his house exposed to the sun?"

"Yeah, that's what I said too."

The black fur monster looked even angrier: "But that shriveled boy is whiter than me."

Lu Chuan: "..."

He really didn't want to continue talking about black and white with the black fur monster, and said, "Did the Three Virgins notify you?"

"Notified, it will arrive in a few days." Black Bear said strangely.

"That's good!"

Lu Chuan looked up at the sky and sighed softly, it seems that there is not much time until the catastrophe arrives.

In addition to facing the challenge of the demon world in this great change, I am afraid that the demon clan in Beiju Luzhou will not be at peace.

Of course, what he was most worried about was those old bastards jumping out to make trouble. This old bastard was more threatening than a million monsters.


Beiju Luzhou, Wanyao Mountain.

A figure appeared silently and abruptly in the room of the Holy Envoy of the Black Lotus.


As soon as he turned his head, he saw a man in black with a cold face, his long hair was loose, and he exuded a trembling aura from all over his body.


Seeing Wutian who suddenly appeared, Taixuan was so frightened that his tongue almost tied up.

Damn old Lu, didn't he say he would replace me soon?

I stayed here for three years and three years, but instead of waiting for you bastard to come, I waited for this big devil instead.

"Hei Lian, get ready."

Wutian's eyes flickered and said: "Our opportunity has come, you take people to take over Lingshan first."

"Take over Lingshan?"

Taixuan hesitated: "I'm afraid the Tathagata will not agree!"


Wutian glared at him and his figure disappeared in a flash.

"Not the real body?"

Seeing this scene, Taixuan let out a sigh of relief, and sat down slowly, a little lost in thought.

This time it really scared him.

But this time Wutian's dominance made him a little frightened. This demon was so powerful that he let them take over Lingshan as soon as he came.

"What are you in a daze for?"

At this time, another voice sounded behind him.

Taixuan almost jumped up in fright: "Oh, Buddha, I will go right away."

But when he turned around, he saw a familiar face, and it was Lu Chuan who was smiling at him.

After jumping out of the Three Realms and comprehending the laws of time and space, it became easy for him to travel between the world and the earth.

"What Buddha, where do you want?"

But Lu Chuan couldn't laugh anymore when he smiled, because he had come back and said in a deep voice, "He has already been here?"

When he was successfully promoted to the Daluo realm, he knew the power and terror of the ancestral realm.

It was so frightening that he didn't even dare to pronounce his name, because the other party would naturally feel a reaction in his heart.

Taixuan showed a smile that was uglier than crying and nodded: "His real body has not yet arrived, but he just asked me to take someone as the first to take over Lingshan."

"take over?"

Lu Chuan's expression froze, and he could feel Wutian's strength and domineering just by these two words.

"Okay, get out of here quickly."

Lu Chuan raised his index finger to glow, and cut the space with a light stroke, and countless runes poured into it to build a passage.

"Leave it to me next time."

"Void channel... have you reached the Da Luo domain?"

Taixuan looked at Lu Chuan's method in shock. It is not difficult to break through the void, but it is very dangerous to travel through the void.

One mistake will be annihilated in the endless void. Only these runes can stabilize the passage, but these Da Luo Jinxian and below cannot do it.

How long has it been?

"Let's go, you."

Lu Chuan smiled: "I'm still busy here!"

Taixuan nodded and suppressed the surprise in his heart and left. Not long after, the void passage was closed.

On the other side, Taixuan stepped out of the void passage and found that he came under a majestic mountain, and a river was rushing endlessly.

"This is... Wudang Mountain?"

Taixuan recognized it at a glance, turned his head and looked at the void door that was closing behind him in surprise: "This guy..."

He couldn't help but feel an unreal feeling in his heart!

Whether the void channel is solid and stable depends on the builder's comprehension of the power of time and space, and the field of time and space requires the comprehension of fragments of the law of time and space to reach it.

Lu Chuan's passage is a solid one, so he wants to know how deep this guy's understanding of the space-time domain is?

"Strange, when did such a big river appear at the foot of Wudang Mountain?"

Taixuan was about to walk up the mountain.


Suddenly, the sky and the earth shook violently, the endless yin energy gushed out to cover the sun and the sky, lightning and thunder tore through the sky, a heavy rain poured down, and there was a terrifying laughing sound between the sky and the earth...

The sight was horrific.

"what's the situation?"

Taixuan raised his head in a daze, his scalp was numb, his tongue was dry and he muttered: "The catastrophe is coming!"

call out!

At this moment, several streamers stopped outside Lingshan.

Beside Lu Chuan are seven or eight demon kings, including Monkey King, Six-eared Macaque, and Black Tiger Ah Fu. Some people are happy and some are worried when they see the scene in the sky.

"Holy envoy, do we really want to go up to Lingshan like this?"

Ah Fu swallowed: "The monks on the mountain are not easy to deal with."

Lu Chuan snorted, "Of course, depending on how promising you are, are you a tiger or a mouse?"

Ah Fu laughed and said, "That's what the envoy says. I'll listen to the envoy."

"Bah, sycophant, disgusting."

The two monkeys showed disgusted and worried expressions at the same time.

They were very surprised, they had already sent the news back then, why didn't a certain emperor bring someone to destroy it!

Made them undercover for year after year!

Now that the world has changed drastically, how long will they stay undercover, and when will they be able to return to the right path?

"Haha, listen to me, you are right, I will definitely not lead you into a ditch."

Lu Chuan glanced at Heihu approvingly and looked up at Lingshan: "Go up the mountain, remember, we are the ancestors of the Buddha, representing the face of the Buddha, we can't be cowardly, understand?"


The silhouettes of several people flew towards the Great Leiyin Temple and landed in the main hall of the Great Leiyin Temple with a strong demonic aura.

"Where does the monster dare to trespass on the holy land of Buddhism!"

The eight king vajras guarding outside the Daxiong Palace rushed out to block with weapons in hand.

"Demons? What demons, you are the demons."

Lu Chuan winked, and Ah Fu said with great momentum: "We are the first to take over Lingshan according to the decree of Wutian Buddha."


Lu Chuan's face darkened and he coughed quickly. Who told you to declare yourself a motherfucker? I want you to stand in a stalemate with them.

Wouldn't it be nice to hold on to a stalemate before our boss arrives? If the Tathagata makes a move, wouldn't everyone be done with it?

"Oh, this is our Black Lotus Holy Envoy."

Hei Hu hurriedly said when he heard the cough, thinking that Lu Chuan was going to introduce him.

Lu Chuan: "..."

This guy has been with him for so many years, and he hasn't developed any tacit understanding?

The Buddhist sages who had experienced the experience of Dapeng and Honghaier coming to the door in the Daxiong Palace were not surprised when they saw this scene, and instead looked around with strange expressions.

Could the monster this time be someone's relative?

Avalokitesvara froze and said: "Buddha!"

Tathagata opened his eyes, and what should come has finally come.

Mother Buddha, where is your relic to untie this disaster?

Disciples can't figure it out!

Great God Vajra said: "What Wutian Buddha, we only have Tathagata Buddha here, there is no such thing as Wutian Buddha, if you dare to break into Lingshan, we want you to show your true colors."

As he spoke, he opened his posture.

"We are not afraid of calling your Dawei Tianlong out today."

Lu Chuan curled his lips, the two monkeys around him today can all subdue dragons and subdue tigers, at worst, ask Ah Fu to go up and perform a dragon-tiger fight.

Insomnia woke up late this morning! Cry T﹏T

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