Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 1009 It's best to let nature take its course

Wherever Wutian looked, he saw the wind and the wind covering the sun and the moon, the black mist covering the charming eyes, swaying slowly, the evil spirit soaring to the sky, and the haze covering the ground, the sight could not see too far. Even if the gods were involved in these winds and evil spirits, they would be disheartened.


The primordial spirit Hei Lian emerged from the top of Wutian's head, and two purple lights shot out from his eyes, piercing through the mighty evil spirit, piercing through the void, and entering the center of the formation, he saw a gossip platform.

Three women sit cross-legged on the stage, arranged according to heaven, earth and man, and there is a golden bucket in front of the woman in white at the front.


When Wutian saw the three of them, the three of them also saw Wutian who possessed unrivaled magic power, Bi Xiao was a little surprised.

"Steady!" Yun Xiao said in a deep voice, his expression became a little dignified.

At this time, Wutian has an invincible momentum on his body, which gives people a full sense of oppression, as if nothing can stop him.

Wutian said: "Who are you?"

Yun Xiao said in a deep voice: "Three Xiaos of the Yu Yu Heaven Realm are polite."

"It turns out that you are all hiding here. No wonder the Yuyu Heaven Realm was a bunch of trash when I went to the Three Heaven Realm."

Wutian glanced around for a week: "Is this the legendary Nine-Twisting Yellow River Formation that is hard to come by and eliminates the three flowers on the top; when the Buddha comes, it also eliminates the five qi in his chest?"

"Not bad!" Bi Xiao said, "Do you want to try it?"

Wutian looked around, not only did not lose his temper, but showed a smile, and sighed with his hands behind his back: "What a real warrior, what a nine-curved Yellow River formation, even the Jade Emperor Tathagata would not dare to stop me in this catastrophe, but he dared to oppose me, and still set up such a formation here waiting for me... It seems that he is the only one in the Three Realms."

Bi Xiao snorted softly: "That's right, he was trained by my master himself, how could he be worse?"

Wutian smiled and said, "I really appreciate him a little now, has he come back yet?"

"Have you seen him?" Yun Xiao frowned.

Wutian turned around and said: "It seems that he hasn't come back yet, so tell him, I am looking forward to meeting him."

His original intention before coming was to erase Wudang Mountain where Zhenwu was.

He already knew that Zhenwu was the Jade Emperor's hope, so he did this to avenge his disciple Juxie, and secondly, to erase the Jade Emperor's hope.

But after seeing the layout of Wudang Mountain, he suddenly changed his mind.

The iron plate built by this real general Wudang Mountain seems to have wasted a lot of effort. Naturally, he did this to prepare for a protracted war with him, and he was determined to be his enemy.

But because of this, he actually admired this real martial arts a little bit.

Compared with the Jade Emperor Tathagata who fled without a fight, the difference between this Zhenwu and them is obvious, let's judge!

Yes, although the escape of Jade Emperor and Tathagata allowed him to easily obtain Lingshan and the Three Realms, it also made him feel very upset and angry.

He originally thought that the gods and Buddhas were extremely hypocritical, and now that these two guys fled regardless of their subordinates when the catastrophe came, it made him firmer in this idea.

They were scared away by his words without even resisting. What kind of gods and Buddhas are they like this?

He looked down on the gods and Buddhas of the heavens, and looked down on the Jade Emperor Tathagata, but it was the Emperor Zhenwu who showed him the strength of character that an immortal should have, and made him take a high look.

In addition, anyway, he doesn't know the whereabouts of those relics now, so it's better to let Zhenwu find those relics and let Zhenwu make a wedding dress for him.

Wouldn't it be much more comfortable for Zhenwu to find it when he found it?

"Stop, do you think this is a place where you can come and go whenever you want?"

Bi Xiao shouted: "Since you're here, why don't you go after a show?"

Qiong Xiao: "..."

She is really speechless about this impulsive third sister. Does he not want to beat you so that he can't finish walking?

At this time, Wutian's demonic energy was overwhelming, and he was invincible. He was really a very difficult and terrifying opponent.

"Third Sister!" Yun Xiao scolded lightly.

Bi Xiao hurriedly said in a low voice: "Sister, didn't you hear that he came to look for Xiao Luzi? If you let him go like this, Xiao Luzi will suffer. If you can trap him for a while, you can trap him for a while. At least you can help Xiaoluzi, right?"

Yun Xiao suddenly said: "Since the devil sage wants to leave, he can leave on his own."

Clutching with both hands opened a celestial light that fell into the formation, and the fog that filled the sky suddenly opened up the opening.


Wutian's figure disappeared in a flash.

"Sister, why did you let him go?" Bi Xiao asked anxiously.

"What's the matter, big sister?" Qiong Xiao also said.

"We can't keep him. The reason why our Jiuqu Yellow River formation is so powerful is that we rely on the Hunyuan Jindou to win people, and then use the large formation to destroy the origin and three flowers and five energy of the gods."

Yun Xiao shook his head: "But his black lotus is also a treasure. In addition, I think the general trend of this devil is unstoppable. Our formation may...can't stop him, so it's best not to do anything. Let's wait for Ling Xuzi to come back."

She finally understood that powers like Jade Emperor and Tathagata would be forced to reincarnate.


Fengtou Mountain, in the dungeon.

Two phantoms of Lu Chuan and Dapeng appeared on the wall and stood still, and saw a handsome young man lying in the prison.

"Which Joe is this?" Lu Chuan asked.

Dapeng let out a long breath and said, "He is Xiao Qiao Qiaozhen."

"Then Big Joe's name is Qiao Ling'er?"

"What is Qiao Ling'er, the other is Qiao Gan."

"Joe, Qiaozhen?"

The absence of Qiao Linger surprised Lu Chuan, but looking at Qiao Zhen, Lu Chuan suddenly said, "Is he the reincarnation of the Tathagata you guarded?"

Dapeng was startled, and hurriedly waved his hands and said, "The two brothers were born almost at the same time, how do I know?"

"You don't know? Then I have a way to know. How about we make a bet?"

Dapeng said: "What bet?"

Lu Chuan said slowly: "Anyway, our family doesn't talk about each other, so I'll bet that he is the reincarnation of the Tathagata. If I don't recognize you as your elder brother, if so, you recognize me as your elder brother, how about it?"

Dapeng scanned Lu Chuan's face suspiciously.

When he saw the smile in Lu Chuan's eyes, he immediately understood that the kid in front of him was digging a hole for himself to jump in, and said angrily, "How do you know?"

Lu Chuan pointed to his eyes, and said with a chuckle: "Before, with my piercing eyes, I saw a Buddha seal with the word "卍" glowing on his body."

Dapeng: "..."

Peacock, how on earth did you become sworn brothers with such a deceitful guy? !

Every word this guy says is cheating, and he knew it a long time ago, and he vowed to bet him to cheat him.

Lu Chuan turned into a golden light and swept out of the dungeon and flew over Fengtou Mountain.

Dapeng caught up and said, "Where are you going?"

Lu Chuan shrugged: "You have found what you were looking for, but I haven't found what I was looking for. I have to find out about Da Qiao's whereabouts."

"Then what should he do?" Dapeng looked down.

After pondering, Lu Dijun said: "Four words, just let nature take its course."

Dapeng was taken aback, are you bullying me for not being able to count?

Lu Chuan said seriously: "You have to believe that everything is the best arrangement of God."

After speaking, he flew towards Qiaojiazhuang.

Dapeng was a little dazed by being surrounded, and rushed up to ask about it, but when he turned his head to look down, he saw the female bandit leader in white leading someone to the dungeon.

Not to mention, this female bandit leader looks more beautiful according to the aesthetics of the human race~

The Qiao Mansion in Qiao's Village was almost cleaned up at this time, but there was a faint cry of a woman.

In the living room, Mr. Qiao walked around the room with a sad face and hands folded, while Mrs. Qiao was crying.

An ordinary person suddenly entered the door and said, "Report, master, there is a priest coming outside."

"Could it be Taoist Master Yunyouzi?"

Master Qiao was overjoyed: "Please, please."

But soon he was disappointed, a middle-aged Taoist priest came in from the gate, with a clear appearance, Ji Shou said with a smile: "The poor Taoist Ling Xuzi has seen Master Qiao."

"The Taoist priest is polite."

Master Qiao returned the gift when he saw Lu Chuan clearly, he hesitated and said, "What is the relationship between Taoist Master Ling Xuzi and Taoist Master Yunyouzi?"

"Yunyouzi? Who is it?"

Lu Chuan looked surprised. He didn't need to be too flashy for ordinary people, so he only added a little beard.

After a long time, Lu Chuan frowned and came out of the living room.


Lu Chuan came out of the living room rubbing his face.

He also heard a news that made him very unhappy. Da Qiao, the Qiao Gan he was looking for, was taken away by a young Taoist priest named Yun Youzi.

This makes him very upset, the key is that he can't even figure out the chaos of the sky now.

"Forget it, let's go find the relic first."

Lu Dijun hesitated for a long time, but still had no choice but to leave depressedly.


East China Sea, Abbot Island.

A stream of light flew like a meteor and landed in the mountains on the island, turning into Yunyouzi and Qiaogan.


Qiao Gan's face turned pale, and he was still in shock. The first flight really made him experience what it means to be frightened.

"Where is this? Where did you take me?"

Qiao Gan looked around and found that he had come to a fairyland at this time, and behind him was a fairy mountain full of auspicious air.

"Boy, you are lucky. Have you ever heard of the Three Penglai Islands in the East China Sea?"

Yun Youzi smiled and said, "The Abbot Island is right under your feet. Let's go, Pindao will take you to meet a friend."

As he said that, he didn't care about Qiao Gan, and he walked up the mountain first.

Qiao Gan was not familiar with the place, so he hurriedly followed.

"Little rogue of Fangcunshan, why are you here again?"

Suddenly a young Taoist boy jumped out to block the way.

Yun Youzi said lightly: "Little Dongfang, you came to Fangcun Mountain and lost two bodhi seeds. I'm here to share the bill with you."

The boy's face suddenly turned cloudy, scratched his head and said: "Hahaha, is there such a thing, how did I forget?"

Qiao Gan stared dumbfounded at the conversation between the two young Taoist priests and the Taoist boy.

Why does he feel that these two are not good people, are all gods like this?

"Where is Emperor Donghua, is he at home, do you know something big happened in the Three Realms?"

Yun Youzi walked back and forth with his hands in his sleeves, looking around.

"No, the emperor went to Kunlun Mountain to visit the Queen Mother of the West."

Dongfang Shuo said: "Before he left, he said that a catastrophe in the Three Realms was coming, and told us not to run around. Why are you still running around, you little rascal?"

Yun Youzi waved his hand: "That's why I came here to avoid the limelight. What about that girl Biyou, has she grown up in more than ten years? Biyou's younger sister Changshou elder brother came to see you."

"I'm practicing!"

Dongfang Shuo curled his lips and looked at Qiao Gan: "Who is he?"

Yun Youzi: "Him? I picked it up along the way. I blamed me for being greedy and eating something from their house. His family was in trouble. I can't sit idly by and just take him here to escape... Hey, where are you going?"

Qiao Gan turned around and walked down the mountain.

Qiao said, "Go home!"

Yun Youzi said in pain: "Brother, is it easy for me to take you all the way here? I, why are you suddenly going crazy!"

Qiao Gan turned around and said, "My family is in a catastrophe, and my parents are still at home. How can you let me evacuate with peace of mind? If it were you, would you be able to sit still?"

Yun Youzi was stunned for a moment, looked at Qiao Gan's anxious expression, and suddenly said: "That's right, my meal is too expensive, I'll go again to see if your parents don't let them suffer any harm, okay?

In fact, those female gangsters are not that bad in nature, your parents are fine, only me and your handsome faces are in danger. "

Dongfang Shuo squeezed his chin and laughed, "Taking your own risk? This is not like your character!"

Yun Youzi sighed: "Blame me for being cheap, this kid will be thrown here first, don't run around, wait for me to come back."

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