Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 1030: Evil Overwhelms Good

In Lingshan, Wutian gathered a large number of troops.

Seven or eight out of ten of the entire Lingshan army was mobilized by him, which is enough to show his determination this time.

"Buddha, the army is ready."

Hei Pao entered the Daxiong Hall and clasped his palms together to report to Wu Tiantian.

Wutian nodded: "Okay, if you win the demon, Lingshan will be handed over to you for the time being."

"Yes, Buddha!" ​​Ying Yao took the lead.

"Black Robe, Giant Scorpion, Six Spirit Generals, follow me to attack Wudang Mountain."

Wutian's eyes flickered: "It depends on our actions today whether we will be beaten back to the original place in despair, or completely rule the Three Realms."

"The disciple takes orders!"

Everyone came out ready to go.

"Okay, let's go!" Wutian said.

Billowing dark clouds attacked Wudang Mountain like a torrent.

In the Heavenly Court, the fake Jade Emperor has left the Heavenly Court at this time, leaving only a clone in the Heavenly Court to hide people's eyes and ears.

The flow of time in heaven is different from that of the outside world. He was worried that staying in heaven and waiting would delay things. As soon as Wutian and Wudang Mountain fought, he went to Lingshan Mengjie to take out the four relics from the Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda.

Zhao Gongming and the others also came after a short time.

It has to be said that it was precisely because he was undercover that he made this careful plan.

Their combat power and manpower are limited, and it is precisely because he is an undercover agent that he knows the distribution of combat power under Wutian, so the personnel distribution of this plan is also more reasonable.

The Nine-Headed Insect and the Yellow Wind Monster were sent to fight the Dragon Clan for territory. Besides him, the three most powerful in the Heavenly Court now were Ji Fa and the Blue Lion, White Elephant, and Golden Hair Roar, who had turned against the sky.

A few of them are at the level of Taiyi God, which is the pinnacle of the God of Incense and Fire, so Lu Chuan added a Da Luo Jinxian to the people he sent, that is, Zhao Gongming.

Zhao Gongming can deal with these guys alone, and the rest should not be too difficult to deal with some miscellaneous soldiers and rescue the soul boy.

In the underworld, the three rhino spirits and several other big monsters in Journey to the West are guarding the underworld, but Nezha and Yang Jian's magic power is enough to deal with them.

The most dangerous part of this plan is actually their Wudang Mountains.

Because what he was going to face was Wutian, the big devil, and the 33-day invincibility buff was only enough time. Let me ask, who in the Three Realms can defeat him?

Wudang Mountain.

Perhaps because of the upcoming enemies, the atmosphere here has always been a bit dull after the people heading to the underworld and heaven set off.

Lu Zhenwu has been standing outside the hall to carefully observe the outside situation, so as to communicate with the deity.

Long Ji walked over and said softly, "Be careful."

Lu Zhenwu said: "I know, you have to take care of yourself, I probably won't take care of you when the battle starts later, watch the situation carefully, if the situation is not right, leave me alone and leave immediately."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Long Ji glared at him.

Lu Zhenwu could only smile wryly when he saw his wife was angry. In fact, he knew Longji's temper quite well.

Long Ji lived in the Heavenly Court since he was a child, deserted, lonely and boring, so the character he developed was completely different from the seven younger sisters who grew up in the world. Even his wife and the mother-in-law were too similar in temperament and temper.

"I'm not talking nonsense. The battle gap this time is very different. It is the most sensible way to run as long as you can. Protect Xiao Qi and the others."

Lu Zhenwu smiled and said: "In addition, if something happens to me unfortunately, you can go to our son and ask him to save me. It has been more than a hundred years, and I am looking forward to how far he has grown..."

According to the skills that Bodhi's old magic stick taught his disciples, his son would have to be Taiyi if he didn't talk about Daluo, right?


When Long Ji, who was originally angry, burst into tears when he heard this, he slapped Lu Zhenwu's chest: "Bastard, bastard, how can you bear not to tell me a single word of him after so long, even if you let me take a look..."

These days, she has tried her best to suppress her emotions as a mother, and she dare not think about or mention anything about this child.

Although she is a god, motherhood is innate.

But at this moment when Lu Zhenwu suddenly mentioned it, her suppressed emotions burst open like a blocked flood, and exploded all at once.

Lu Zhenwu didn't have a golden body, so he had to hold back his tears while baring his teeth after being beaten.

Indeed, it is cruel for a mother to take a child away from her without telling her whereabouts.

Fortunately, Long Ji was in the sky, and it would take more than three months for her to be in the sky for more than a hundred years, otherwise Lu Zhenwu guessed that the two dragon swords would not be punching at this moment if she had been in the sky for more than a hundred years.

It's still a small fist that can knock down a mountain with one blow——

Those surnamed Lu, did you hear me, I took this beating for you, even though they are the same person to some extent.


Gonggong in the gazebo not far away let out a sigh when he saw this scene.

"Oh, why did you let Gong Gong see this!"

Xing Tian answered the words from the side and teased.

Gonggong was stunned and then furious: "Headless, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Forget it, I have an appointment with someone today and I don't have time to play with you."

Xing Tian said lightly: "Do you want to make an appointment tomorrow?"

Gonggong snorted, "It's not speculative."

He has nothing to say to this kind of lunatic who only thinks about fighting, oh yes, this guy has no brains.

At the beginning, they were nicknamed the Ten Great Demon Gods of Ancient Times, and some of them had some friendships, but in the end they were defeated one by one under the plan of Heavenly Court.

At that time, the Heavenly Court was also short of people, so he abandoned the dark and turned to the light and entered the Heavenly Court to become the god of water.

However, the incompatibility of water and fire has long been doomed by God. As the god of fire, Zhu Rong always disagrees with him, and has disputes in Lingxiao Temple, and he is not good-tempered, so Liangzi ends up like this.

Later, as their grievances continued to deepen, he and Zhu Rong made a private appointment after a demon subdued.

The strength of the two of them was originally 50-50, and among the five elements, water beats fire. No matter how you look at it, he had the upper hand in this battle, but the result was that Zhu Rong went against the law and won.

Yes, that’s right, the purpose of his collision with Buzhou Mountain was not to destroy the Tianzhu, but to commit suicide——

Long story short, it was precisely because he entered the Heavenly Court that Xing Tian was worried.

"no way!"

Lu Zhenwu said softly: "It's for his own good if I don't say anything, isn't it?"

Long Ji said: "Where is he now, where did you send him back then?"

"He should be in... the Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai, the Sanxing Cave of the Oblique Moon."

Lu Zhenwu smiled and said: "I sent him to Patriarch Bodhi to learn art, and Patriarch Bodhi will naturally understand after you go."

According to the development of that kind of film and television routine, should Bodhi call his son to him and say: Disciple, your father is in danger, you should quickly go down the mountain to save him.

Then his son suddenly appeared in front of him as the Chosen One, and he did nothing—

"Fangcun Mountain, Samsung Cave..."

Long Ji happily wrote down this place.

Suddenly, Lu Zhenwu raised his head and looked into the distance with a solemn expression: "Here we come."

As soon as the words fell, one could see the billowing demonic cloud, like the stormy waves in the sea, covering the sky and the sun, surging forward, covering all directions of Wudang Mountain in an instant.

Chi Chi Chi!

Countless streamers of light descended from the dark clouds and turned into an army dressed up as a heavenly soldier and general, with black robes and giant scorpions leading the way, and Wutian sitting cross-legged on a black lotus at the front.

Wutian did not attack directly, because there was still a nine-curved Yellow River array guarding outside Wudang Mountain.

He knew very well that he could enter the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, but not necessarily the group of people under his command. Once they were sent in, they would basically give away their heads.

"Two great gods, let's go."

Lu Zhenwu turned around and yelled and flew forward. At this time, all the gods in Wudang Mountain were alarmed and gathered in front of the hall.

"Zhenwu, do you dare to show yourself?"

Wu Tian said loudly.

"Why don't you dare?"

One person stepped out from the Jiuqu Yellow River formation, dressed in a black robe and wearing an imperial crown, in contrast to the disheveled Wutian.

"Hahaha, how bold."

Wutian laughed loudly: "Zhenwu, I have been waiting for so long, and we finally meet."

Lu Zhenwu said: "I have nothing to look forward to, because once we meet, it will mean that we must decide the outcome."

Wutian said: "Then do you have the confidence to defeat me?"

Lu Zhenwu shook his head: "Master's occupation of the Three Realms for thirty-three years is a fixed number, it is the general trend, and it is unstoppable and invincible."

"Thirty-three years? Huh!"

Wutian said: "When Tathagata and Jade Emperor are completely resolved this time, I will be able to occupy the Three Realms forever."

Lu Zhenwu raised his eyebrows and said, "Then you might as well give it a try."

"To be honest, Zhenwu, I admire you very much. Among the gods and Buddhas in the sky, you are the only one worthy of my high regard."

Wutian smiled and said: "We shouldn't have met like this as enemies, and now I have five relics."


Lu Zhenwu was startled, could it be that the Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda was found by Wutian? But it shouldn't be!

Not counting the boneless relics, there are sixteen in total, and now he has eight in his hand. Adding the three from the Shuangta Temple, there are eleven, which is still five...

"Oops!" Lu Zhenwu's heart sank.

After this relic fell into Wutian's hands, it would be very troublesome to get it again.

Wutian smiled and said: "You have almost found the rest of the relics, so how about it, if you are willing to cooperate with me to hand over the relics you found, then I will hand over the three realms to you to manage after the spirit boy occupies the Three Realms. How about I take charge of Lingshan?"

Lu Zhenwu was taken aback: "Why?"

Wutian offered this condition that he absolutely did not expect.

Wutian said: "Because I believe that you will manage the Three Realms better."

Lu Zhenwu pondered for a moment: "It's a pity!"

Wutian said: "What a pity?"

Lu Zhenwu sighed: "It's a pity, evil can't prevail against good."

Wutian's face darkened: "What is evil and what is righteous? Can you say that the Jade Emperor and Tathagata you believe in must be right?"

"you misunderstood……"

Lu Chuan sighed in his heart, boss, there was Monkey King before, and now there is me, do you know what this means?

It means you can't win!

Even if I turn my back on you now, another person will appear to stop you.

Otherwise, you really aren't too evil in my eyes!

Say you are bad, you are quite honest, you are quite principled, and your opponents are also clearly rewarded and punished. It should be that you never pass the responsibility to your subordinates. The bad things you do kill only a handful of people, and you are more decent than some gods who claim to be righteous...

But if I really betrayed my wife, she would be the first one not to forgive me!

Wutian said in a deep voice: "So, are you determined to oppose me?"

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