Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 1070 How does the Heavenly Emperor want to die?

"Eight Immortals Project? I see..."

Lu Chuan closed the scroll with a flick of his sleeve, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

This is a backhand left by Haotian to deal with Zulong.

It turns out that there are eight more immortals in the fairy book of the heavenly court, and those eight immortals will be an important force in the future heavenly court, and God's will destined these eight immortal families to be Zulong's nemesis.

Emperor Donghua is also one of them, so Emperor Haotian used Dongfang Shuo's reason to make use of the topic to let Emperor Donghua reincarnate for a long time, in order to attract the other eight immortals.

Otherwise, given Haotian's age and his capacity to be the Lord of the Three Realms, he would never treat Donghua Emperor, Master and Disciple as unforgivingly as he did last time.

Use the Eight Immortals to restrain the Zulong, and use the Zulong to sharpen the Eight Immortals. This is the Eight Immortals plan left by Haotian.

That's right, the Eight Immortals are the legendary Lu Dongbin and other Eight Immortals.

Taibai Jinxing said: "The Heavenly Emperor understands now?"


After Lu Chuan finished speaking, he suddenly got up: "I will discuss this matter with him later."

Today is still the second day of his becoming the Emperor of Heaven, even three days have passed, this Zulong couldn't wait to break into his heavenly court and speak nonsense in front of him.


But today he doesn't care about any plans.

Zulong broke into the heaven and came in front of him to speak nonsense, which is no less than slapping someone Lu in the face. If he endured this tone today, then any cat or dog will have to bully him.

Before the conferment of the gods, the Heavenly Court was weak. Now that the Heavenly Court managed to stand up, if he didn't do something this time, he would have to get down again.


Taibai Jinxing opened his mouth, but after thinking about it for a while, he didn't speak again.

Yesterday was the big day when Lu Chuan had just ascended to the throne, so it was not easy for him to report at that time, who would have expected that the Zulong would come here arrogantly the next day.

If you don't give him some color, you will really lose face in Tianting in the future.

As for the Eight Immortals Project, anyway, he had reported it to Lu Chuan, so it was up to Lu Chuan to decide what to do.


Lu Chuan stood up and exploded with divine power, which shocked all the great gods in the Lingxiao Palace with horrified expressions, surprised and happy.

In the past, Haotian was relatively low-key, made a fortune quietly, and proved Hunyuan with the way of the emperor of heaven, and he, Tiandi Lu, was actually a low-key person.

It's just that there is no way, what Haotian handed over to him is already a mess, if he keeps a low profile, the mess will be dismantled.


Outside the Nantianmen, Zulong and Zhenyuanzi looked at each other.

Zhen Yuanzi frowned and said, "Zu Long, what did you do in Heaven?"

"I heard that the Heavenly Court changed the emperor, so I went to the Heavenly Court to congratulate him."

Zu Long smiled and looked at Shen Gongbao's tray, his eyes lit up: "Why, you are also going to give gifts? What kind of precious gift did you get?"

"Different road non-phase plan."

Zhen Yuanzi said indifferently: "It doesn't matter what you are, so let's leave it alone, and we will follow fate later, Fellow Daoist Shen, let's go."

Shen Gongbao let out a "hmm", and cursed in his heart that he had made another mistake of greeting people as soon as he saw him.

In fact, no matter who you know or not, as long as he calls, you can basically chat a few words.

Chattering and chattering, hey, everyone found that talking is very speculative, as the saying goes: if you don't speculate, you will have more than half a sentence, but if you are speculative, the river will continue to flow.

Who knew that this greeting hit Zu Long's head, um, this is very high.

After all, it is well known that the originally declining dragon clan became stiff because of the resurrection of the ancestor dragon, occupying the East China Sea, and competing for territory with the water gods of various waters.

Now the relationship between the Dragon Clan and Heavenly Court was once tense.


Shen Gongbao and Zhen Yuanzi turned around and just took two steps, when suddenly a gust of wind blew from behind, blowing up the cloth covering the plate, revealing the nine little doll fruits underneath that looked like carved jade.

"Ginseng fruit?"

Zu Long's eyes lit up: "Zhen Yuanzi, take out nine ginseng fruits at a time to give gifts, you are really willing to curry favor with the new emperor!"

However, you are still a congenital saint, a junior who is the emperor of heaven, you rush to give gifts to flatter me like ordinary people, you really don't want that old face, hahaha, I see a few fruits, you can be filial to me. "


A huge dragon claw directly grabbed Shen Gongbao and Ginseng Fruit.


With a wave of Zhen Yuanzi's sleeve, a majestic force shook the dragon's claws away, and his face sank at that moment: "Zulong, shut your stinky mouth."

Many people know that he, Zhen Yuanzi, has always had a good temper. Even if the bull devil tore the root of his ginseng fruit tree, he is still calm.

After all, if it were someone else's Heavenly Emperor, then his temperament would definitely be a symbolic one.

After all, based on Zhen Yuanzi's seniority in the Three Realms, Sanqing is his friend, and the Fourth Emperor is his old friend, so even the new Emperor is nothing special.

But who made Lu Chuan have friendship with him!

Firstly, Shen Gongbao's face, secondly, his personal relationship with Lu Chuan, and thirdly, they fought together in a group not long ago.

For these relationships, his congratulatory gift this time couldn't be too thin, so he took out nearly one-third of the ginseng fruit to congratulate.

But when he met Zulong, a stinky dragon, his temper would blow up no matter how good he was.

"You scold me? Zhen Yuanzi, I'm just joking and you scold me like that!"

Zulong was furious and turned his huge body, and in an instant, there were dark clouds all around, lightning and thunder, and a dragon claw grabbed Shen Gongbao: "In this case, this ginseng fruit should be an apology."


However, seeing the dragon claw attacking, when Zhen Yuanzi lit up the dust whisk in his hand with a gloomy expression, the void suddenly split open, and a golden fist rushed to meet the dragon claw.


A loud noise shattered the void, and the huge dragon claw flowing with chaotic energy bleeds and retreated after a blow, and the two dragon eyes were full of horror.

The ancient three clans have always been formed with a unique physical body, and his ancestor dragon, as the ancestor of the dragon clan, has entered the chaos of body training, but today someone actually made him suffer in a physical confrontation.

A golden figure surrounded by immortal light and emperor power walked out of the split void.

Shen Gongbao said happily: "My apprentice is here, now it's safe."

Zhen Yuanzi nodded, he really wouldn't be afraid of being beaten by a guy like Zulong, but this Zulong is as difficult to deal with as a rogue in the world.

He just cultivated in the Three Realms dutifully, and didn't want to cause trouble. If Wutian didn't hit him on the head, he wouldn't usually go to that fight.

On the contrary, this new emperor is full of vigor and sharpness. Don't look at the usual laughing and joking, but those who are familiar with him know that he didn't come to this step by laughing, but by killing him.

It would be best to let him handle it.

Speaking of going out this time, it was really a shame to meet such a scoundrel as Zulong.

"Want to set ginseng fruit...is this guy always so shameless?"

Shen Gongbao asked Zhen Yuanzi, when the apprentice came, he had confidence in his heart.


Zhen Yuanzi glanced at Shen Gongbao resentfully when he heard the words, and the two of you were just about the same.

However, Shen Gongbao spoke nicely, he opened his mouth to hear anecdotes and strange things from the Three Realms, and was very angry with him.


Zu Long smiled and said, "Are you here to see me off? How can you be so kind?"

"I'm here to see you off, but to see you off."

Lu Chuan said: "Is your heavenly court a place where you come and go whenever you say you want?!"

"Otherwise? Look at me, don't I come and go whenever I want!"

Zu Long proudly said: "I might give him three points when Haotian is here, but if he is not here, what can you, a child with a yellow mouth who can't live for a thousand years, do to me?"

As seniors who have lived for countless years, they always have a natural superiority and arrogance in their hearts when facing newcomers.

Many creatures have this.

Talk about how long you have lived, talk about the great winds and waves you have experienced, talk about the big scenes you have seen, talk about...

How can Lu Chuan compare to himself?

This is his proud capital and confidence.

"There is no precedence in the way, and the master is the teacher. The strength of the strength is not directly related to the length of life."

Lu Chuan said lightly: "If you haven't realized this after living for so long, I think you've lived in vain."

"Okay, well said."

Shen Gongbao excitedly responded and applauded, and took a look at Zhen Yuanzi who was still there: "What does Immortal Zhen Yuan think?"

Zhen Yuanzi: "..."


The ancestor dragon was furious, and with a long roar, a huge dragon's tail covered the sky and the sun and smashed down, and the stars moved, and the overwhelming power of the ancestral realm seemed to smash Lu Chuan into powder.


Lu Chuan didn't even need a weapon, he just swung his fist and rushed forward with a golden light all over his body. The battle started, the sky and the earth roared, and the aura of the ancestral realm swept all directions.

This is the aura and fluctuation that even Da Luo Jinxian can't bear.

If Zhen Yuanzi hadn't been by his side, just the aura emitted by one person and one dragon would be enough to break Shen Gongbao.

During the battle, accompanied by a mournful dragon chant, several dragon scales lingering in chaotic energy and dragon blood scattered in all directions. Lu Chuan was also staggered by the dragon's tail, but his expression remained unchanged.

"Amazing, apprentice..."

Shen Gongbao murmured that he was a little distracted, he suddenly realized that at some point in the past, the young man who was laughing and wrestling with him had finally become a generation of emperors, ruling the three realms, and powerful in all directions.

In a trance, he can still remember the days when the master and the apprentice depended on each other.

It's just that those years passed away, and the figure of that young man coincided with the supreme figure carrying the emperor's prestige in front of him.

Gradually, a gratified smile appeared on Shen Gongbao's face.

Zhen Yuanzi glanced at him: "Why are you crying?"

"Who is crying?"

Shen Gongbao wiped his eyes with his sleeve: "I'm happy, do you understand, oh yes, Daxian quickly take back those dragon scales, good things, don't waste them."

Zhen Yuanzi: "..."

"Okay, okay, sure enough, the Emperor of Heaven is the Emperor of Heaven, even if he is not in the Heavenly Court, he can have such power."

Zu Long sneered and said, and he didn't hurt his muscles or bones, he was as light as someone scratching his skin: "Today, I accidentally misread it, and we will meet later."

hold head high!

With a dragon chant, Zulong turned his body around, and the time and space around him flowed towards the East China Sea.


Lu Chuan wanted to chase after him in a blink of an eye, and this matter could never be resolved with just one sentence.

In fact, this time he and Zulong haven't had a real fight yet.

"The Emperor of Heaven stays behind, be careful of fraud!"

Seeing that Lu Chuan was about to chase, Zhen Yuanzi hurriedly said.

"No problem!"

Lu Chuan pondered for a while, left two words, and appeared on the East China Sea in an instant, and saw Zulong disappearing in the void in front of him.

Daluo Jinxian can travel between the Three Realms in a single thought,

Not to mention the ancestral realm, these skills have already been practiced proficiently.

With a soft snort, Lu Chuan chased after him, and one emperor and one dragon traveled all over the three continents and all over the world in a short while during the chase.

"What exactly do you want?" Zulong collapsed.

Lu Chuan said: "Bow your head and apologize to me in front of the Three Realms."

He slapped Zulong in the face as much as Zulong humiliated him.

"Don't think about it!"

The ancestor dragon gave a long chant, and the dragon chant shook the three worlds, startling countless creatures.

Immediately afterwards, it soared into the sky and sank into the void in a flash. In an instant, it had appeared beside the boundary wall and was about to go towards the chaos.


Seeing this scene, Zhen Yuanzi shouted.

Across the endless void, Lu Chuan glanced at Zhen Yuanzi, followed him in the chaos, and continued to chase.

It didn't stop until it chased out the ancestor dragon who didn't know how far away.

Lu Chuan said lightly, "Aren't you running away?"

"It's not sure who will escape now!"

Zu Long sneered: "Didn't you realize that you are getting farther and farther away from the Three Realms now, Heavenly Emperor, can you still get the fortune blessing of the position of Heavenly Emperor if you are so far away from the Three Realms?"

Lu Chuan said calmly, "No."

Zu Long smiled calmly: "Then...how does the Heavenly Emperor want to die?"


A figure exuding the unparalleled aura of the ancestral realm appeared behind Lu Chuan in a flash.

Lu Chuan glanced back and saw a familiar figure.

Zu Long smiled and said, "Didn't expect that?"


Lu Chuan shook his head calmly and said with a smile: "I expected you two to play something new this time, but in the end you still played such a clichéd way. To be honest, I am very disappointed."

"Playing with mystery, dare to speak out loudly when death is imminent."

Kunpeng said: "Heavenly Emperor, the karma you owe me is due today, we let you do it for two days, is it enough for the Heavenly Emperor to be kind to you?"

"Enough, enough, a day in the sky and a year in the world, it's hard for you to wait for more than a year."

Lu Chuan clapped his hands and said with a smile: "But I am the chosen successor of Emperor Haotian, you are not afraid of him...haven't you gone far?"

Kunpeng said lightly: "That's why we deliberately chose the opposite direction from Haotian's departure and asked the Emperor of Heaven to explain."

"Hahahaha, good, good, one word, absolutely!"

Lu Chuan laughed and his eyes flashed: "Then you play with me to lure a snake out of its hole, so it doesn't matter if I play with you to catch a turtle in a urn, right?"

"What's the meaning?"

Kunpeng and Zulong frowned, Lu Chuan's calmness gave them a bad feeling.

In fact, both of them are strong at the peak of the ancestral realm, and it is a bit embarrassing to join forces to deal with a peak of the ancestral realm, but in order to deal with the common enemy, they have no choice but to do so.

"Two friends, it's been a long time."

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded, and a gentle figure stepped forward from the chaos, and with one step down, Dou Zhuan Xing Yi appeared in front of them.


The expressions of Zulong and Kunpeng changed drastically: "Aren't you... gone?"

They were so sure that Haotian was gone, and even Kunpeng went to Chaos to stare for a while.

"This is the plan of the Emperor of Heaven."

Haotian smiled and said: "The two fellow Taoists are still alive, how can I dare to leave? How about it, who will come to fight with me first?"

The eyes of Kunpeng and Zulong met.

"Fellow Daoist Zulong, I still have to take a step ahead, or... I'll talk about it next time."

Kunpeng suddenly turned into Kunpeng's real body, the law of yin and yang circulated, and his wings disappeared into the chaos.

Run without fighting!

"Kunpeng, I'm going to fuck you, you are as cowardly as a mouse..."

Zulong cursed loudly, and was about to move when suddenly Haotian's figure blocked him and said with a smile: "Didn't expect that?"


Zulong stared at Haotian: "No, you are not Haotian!"

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