Since Pangu created the world, the prehistoric world has been expanding.

For hundreds of millions of years, this world has been extremely vast, and on a desolate stardust in the chaos outside the sky, several vague figures sat cross-legged together, surrounded by chaos.

Without exception, they are all old monsters who have lived through countless years.

One person said: "Zulong really fell?"

Another person said: "Not dead, but it's about the same. According to Taoist Kunpeng, the foundation of the body was completely destroyed, and only one soul escaped. I don't know how long it will be until I want to return to the peak. The body was eaten by that guy."

"Destroy? This new emperor is so majestic, and we are born with unique innate holiness in response to the times."

The third person snorted coldly and said: "When my Xiantian clan was born, the human race didn't know where they were. We gave them the prehistoric people, but that doesn't mean they can bully our Xiantian clan. Even Haotian used to give us three points of face. What is he, a mere lowly acquired human race, who is also worthy of being the Emperor of Heaven?"

The second creature was silent for a while and said: "Fellow Taoists, please stay calm and don't be impatient. Listen to me, the human race came into being, and the great prosperity of humanism should not be underestimated. Don't forget the Suiren clan."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone fell silent.

Without exception, the three thousand guests of Zixiao back then were all congenital and sacred.

They are favored by the luck of heaven and earth, their roots are deeply blessed, and they can pick up treasures when they go out to travel in the prehistoric regions. The treatment is not comparable to the acquired creatures.

Aggressive ones like Zulong only represent a part of the innate sages. How could other innate sages get involved in such a boring thing without enough time to practice?

The law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest are the laws of ancient prehistoric times, but there is no doubt that they are the top predators in the food chain.

Later, the ancient heavenly court was destroyed, and the human race was created by Nvwa. Therefore, Nvwa achieved Hunyuan fruit status on the way of good fortune.

But the fragile human race at the beginning is definitely the bottom food.

They look down on these innate saints, and wonder why the fate of the world is distributed to the weak human race, so they captured many people for research.

Some people choose to dissect, some choose to raise...

But some bastard had a whim and taught some cultivation techniques to the humans he caught.

It turned out that there was a human being who was very smart, and the other party could learn it in no time.

This man was still very happy, so he taught and taught. Unexpectedly, in the end, Wantao cultivated a terrible enemy, and backfired and killed the innate sage who raised him.

There are innate gods who foresee that the future of the human race will be very dangerous, so they want to nip the danger in the bud, but they are not united in opinion, Nuwa, Sanqing and others came out to stop it.

At that time, Nuwa had already become enlightened and they naturally couldn't force it, so some of them stayed in the prehistoric and some went outside the territory.

I heard that many years ago, the Chaos gods and demons that were not dealt with by Pangu attacked, Sanqing Nuwa and others went to resist, and specially called them old friends when they went.

But at that time, they had already heard the news and hid away, only some unlucky ghosts were called to go.

"What kind of freak is Suirenshi, can this kid be compared with him?" Someone objected.

Although they look down on the human race, they are still a little afraid of the Suiren clan.

"Judging from his ability to kill Zulong... I'm afraid it will be more than that."

Someone said, which silenced the others.

"Kunpeng called us together, where did he go?"

"He went to find Fellow Daoist Styx, everyone, please stay calm!"

"Styx? Kunpeng even found this evil star?!"

"This time the focus is not on this, everyone must remember to do it cleanly, don't let Sanqing and the others find us after they notice the fluctuation..."

Just as he was talking, several figures wrapped in chaotic air came one after another.

"Why are you here?"

"You guys are here too. What is Kunpeng, an old bird, doing? Could it be that he wants us to take down the Three Realms?"



"Brother, you are really..."

Kong Xuan opened his mouth, and said with emotion after he finished his words: "Old treacherous and cunning, I plan to help your heavenly court for my brother."

Lu Tiandi smiled and said, "Brother, the idioms I developed are not used in this way, this is not a compliment."

Kong Xuan said with a smile: "That virtuous brother is really smart and intelligent!"

Lu Tiandi: "..."

This idiom is really... indescribable!

Kong Xuan glanced at the imperial decree again, raised his hand and said with a helpless smile: "I can't even refuse your reason."

Because what Lu Chuan said made sense.

Lu Chuan, the emperor of heaven, is very special. He is not of innate and sacred origin like Dijun Haotian, but an acquired creature, and even more so, he was born in the human race.

That is to say, Lu Chuan had done enough credit in the past, contributed enough to the catastrophe of Mo Chang Dao Xiao last time, and his strength reached the standard before he blocked the mouths of the gods in heaven.

These three conditions can be said to be indispensable, without any one, the heaven will not be so stable.

It should be known that when Haotian came to the throne, there were some gods in linen clothes who refused to accept and made trouble, and the Emperor Changsheng was behind him. Of course, I heard that his father-in-law was not strong enough at that time.

Although Lu Chuan is currently fair and selfless, there are many races in the monster race who have formed a deep relationship with the human race, and they will not easily trust a human emperor.

The Heavenly Court is not the Heavenly Court of the Human Race, and Lu Chuan, the Heavenly Emperor, is also not the Human Race Heavenly Emperor. What other races are most worried about is that the Heavenly Emperor, who was born in the Human Race, will take care of the Human Race and suppress other races.

But if there is a demon who holds an important position in the heavenly court, then the demon clan will feel more at ease.

"Of course, I've thought about this for a long time."

Lu Chuan smiled calmly and said, "Brother, I've been thinking about this master for a long time. Tomorrow, I will announce this in public at the Heavenly Court Meeting. Then, Big Brother can lead people into the Gouchen Emperor Palace."

Although it was said that the last time the Demon Tribulation Heavenly Court suffered little loss, the death of the Changsheng Emperor still made the Heavenly Court, which had little combat power in the ancestral realm, even worse.

The boat that pulled Kong Xuan onto the Heavenly Court could not only appease the hearts of thousands of monster races, but also increase the combat power of the Heavenly Court's ancestral realm, allowing the Heavenly Court to remain the most powerful place in the Three Realms.

In the past, there were three Buddhas in the Buddhist sect, but after the burning lamp passed away, Maitreya, who was originally determined to be the Buddha, was taken away by Wutian, and the Buddhist sect became less stubborn.

Kong Xuan said speechlessly, "I'm going to do this, what are you going to do?"

"Brother, do you know the three thousand guests of Zixiao?"

Lu Chuan did not answer the question.

"Of course it is clear that they are the first batch of creatures before Pangu split the chaotic world, like your aunt, Emperor Haotian, Emperor Changsheng, Zulong, Kunpeng, Zhenyuanzi...they are all of them."

Kong Xuan frowned and said, "However, a lot of people have fallen by now, and some have opened up the world outside the territory. Why do you suddenly mention them?"

Lu Chuan said with a smile: "I heard that they don't have a good relationship with each other, and some even yell and kill, but they are very united when they talk to the outside world?"

Kong Xuan's pupils shrank and his face changed: "It's bad, how could I forget them, brother, you caused trouble."

"But Zulong came to trouble me." Lu Chuan said calmly,

Kong Xuan said in a deep voice: "It's useless to say this, they can't reason with you, just like you can't reason with your food..."

"Food?" Lu Chuan raised his eyebrows.

Kong Xuan said: "The law of the weak and the strong is an unchanging law. Just like people eat cattle and sheep when they are hungry, monsters eat people when they are hungry, and the strong eat the weak. Practitioners who harvest the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon are the best food for the innate and sacred."

Lu Chuan became more and more gloomy.

At this moment, Kong Xuan changed his voice and said suddenly: "Besides, didn't Zulong also be eaten by you?"

Lu Tiandi was taken aback for a moment, and his face immediately changed from cloudy to sunny.

"In the past, the innate sages ate the strong ones of the acquired souls, but there are not many people who eat the innate souls with the acquired bodies. Your feat is like the first toad to eat swan meat..."

"Brother and wife also tasted it."

Kong Xuan: "ヽ(`Д)︵┻━┻┻━┻"

Kong Xuan looked at Lu Chuan and was speechless.

Lu Chuan coughed dryly: "People who eat people will eat them forever!"

Kong Xuandao: "In short, these bastards are difficult to deal with. It is a huge insult to them that you eat the Zulong. It is no problem to deal with them in the Three Realms with your strength, but don't go to Tianwai..."

Lu Chuan didn't say a word. Indeed, if there were monsters eating people in front of him, even now he would still feel uncomfortable.


While the two were talking, suddenly the boundary walls of the Three Realms twisted, and countless fireballs fell towards the Heaven Realm.

"Where is the evildoer?!"

Two golden lights soared into the sky, and two golden-haired monkeys soared into the sky, swung their sticks and smashed them up to blow up the two fireballs, but they also flew back backwards due to the shock of the terrifying waves.


Lu Chuan raised his eyes and saw that the figure in the sky was blurred, and a huge figure towered over the sky, and caught the two monkeys with a wave of his big sleeve.

"Dijun!" The two monkeys were scorched all over and saw Lu Chuan grinning, revealing a mouthful of snow-white teeth.

Lu Chuan nodded, looked at those fireballs and snorted coldly, the sound waves oscillated and let several fireballs shatter: "Kunpeng, do you still dare to show up?"

Kunpeng stood on the sky and sneered, turned around and revealed Kunpeng's real body without saying much, and the chaotic cyclone rushed out of the sky at the extreme speed.

Kong Xuan's expression changed: "My dear brother, don't go."

"It's okay not to go."

Lu Chuan said: "I have been waiting for them for a long time."

As soon as the words fell, he rushed out of the heavenly realm, his imperial prestige bloomed, and he stepped up into the sky: "The gods obey the order, and you wait to guard the heavenly realm!"


The exclamation of the gods came from the heavenly court, Yang Jian, Lu Changshou and other figures rushed up, but when they rushed out of the heavenly court, they could only see the afterimage left by Lu Chuan.

The stream of time and space under his feet was flickering, and with one step down, the stars moved, and he had already rushed out of the Three Realms, leaving only the remnant of his back.

"Changsheng, stop chasing."

Seeing this, Yang Jian stopped Lu Changshou.

Lu Changshou said anxiously: "The bird Kunpeng disappeared for a while and then reappeared. There is obviously something wrong with it!"

Yang Jian: "You can see it, can't he see it?"

Lu Changshou's face turned dark.

Yang Jian looked up at Tianwai and said in a deep voice: "Since he chooses to catch up, it means that he is sure. Damn, I used to break through before him, but this time I was left behind by him. I can only watch him face a strong enemy and can't help..."

While speaking, Yang Jian clenched his fists.

"Um, what you said...why is it different?"

"What's the difference?"

Lu Changshou said: "I remember he said that he was always one step ahead of uncle you when he was practicing..."

Yang Jian said expressionlessly: "He lied to you, I was the one who suppressed him all the time."

Lu Changshou: "..."

Yang Jian raised his eyes and looked out of the sky, frowning, don't worry about the traps this time.

Although he was very sure of what he said, he was also panicked.

If Lu Chuan had an accident this time and the Emperor of Heaven fell, there would be a huge storm in the Three Realms.

Now I just hope that guy Lu Chuan really has something behind him!

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