Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 444 Rules for Intercepting Teaching Disciples

"Your brother is indeed very knowledgeable."

Kong Xuan's eyes brightened: "If my brother is not mistaken, then Lin Xian's cultivation is in the direction of Yinglong. If he succeeds, he will transform into the Nine Heavens Yinglong."

Lu Chuan nodded lightly while pondering.

The so-called 虺 refers to a poisonous snake.

Of course, it is not so easy to cultivate Yinglong, otherwise this kind of dragon would not be so rare in legends.

Since this Lin Xianyin has cultivated into a true immortal, his cultivation time must have been more than a thousand years, and he does not know what stage he is in now.


Or a dragon?

Lu Chuan said: "Brother, you finally came to my place, and then you can stay here for a few days!"

Kong Xuan couldn't refuse this.

I had no choice but to pick up the tea and drink it one cup after another.

Soon after, Wen Zhong came back.

"Teacher!" Kong Xuan stood up and bowed to salute.

"General Kong, please sit down!"

Wen Zhong stretched out his hand and sat down at the round table.

"How's the list?" Lu Chuan raised his head and asked.

"We'll talk about that later."

Wen Zhongdao: "I heard on the way here just now that you really let those disciples pass on the canon?"

"To be precise, it's the rules for cutting off teaching disciples."

Lu Chuan said with a smile: "Of course it's true, what's the point of being fake? After seven days, these rules will inevitably spread throughout the Jiejiao."

"How can it take seven days, you make such a big mess, maybe five days will be enough." Wen Zhong shook his head and said.

"It's a big deal if you haven't hit it yet? I don't think so, I haven't done it yet!" Lu Chuan shook his head.

He sacrificed the heart-piercing lock here.

Prepare to show off.

In the end, he was interrupted by his big brother, which made him very unhappy and unhappy.

"Jiejiao has always had no rules, and all disciples don't like rules."

Wen Zhongdao: "Now you suddenly want to set up rules, you can imagine how big the repercussions will be caused. I think you have to turn the division upside down."

"It's the rules, I repeat, it's the rules, but what you said seems really a little bit."

Lu Chuan pondered: "It can't be broken or built. This is an unavoidable thing, and it will happen sooner or later, right?"

"Since you want to establish rules, do you also want to set up a law enforcement department?" Wen Zhong asked suddenly.

Lu Chuan smiled: "Brother, you know, that's right, if no one abides by the rules, it doesn't mean that you have done nothing, so you need to be supervised."

Wen Zhong pondered: "Who are you going to let take care of law enforcement?"

"Do you have a candidate?" Lu Chuan's eyes lit up.

He still has a headache about it now.

If he is not convinced by everyone in this position, if the people in charge of law enforcement are not convinced by the people, then there is no need to do this matter.

Since Wen Zhong thought about it, he would definitely not ask casually.

"He guessed it."

Wen Zhong felt depressed, and looked at Lu Chuan seriously: "How about my master? She was in charge of this area before, and she has experience."

"Master Uncle Jinling?"

Lu Chuan looked at Wen Zhong in surprise.

This is old news.

After leaving for such a long time, it turned out that he was going to move his master out to invite him out of the mountain.

"If the uncle is old...she agrees, that would be great."

Lu Chuan nodded happily and said with some hesitation: "It's just that she did this before?"

No wonder the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was so beautiful and mature, yet she had a majestic and serious face. Even a well-known person from far and near was afraid to meet him, and dared not breathe loudly.

However, he doubted the working ability of this mature uncle.

He used to do law enforcement work like that, can he still trust her ability to work now?

"I know your worries, but the past is the past and the present is different."

Wen Zhong shook his head and said: "Things in the past were very complicated, but my master supports us now, so he will never cheat us. I can guarantee you anything."

"Pick up your integrity."

Lu Chuan pouted and decided to trust Wen Zhong.

Wen Zhong believes in him so much, he can't make people feel chilling, can he?

He slapped his thigh: "The director of the law enforcement department has been handed over to Uncle Jinling."

"Director of Law Enforcement?"

Wen Zhong and Kong Xuan's eyes widened with astonishment.

What does the director mean?

"Cough, I made a mistake. To be precise, it should be the head of the Law Enforcement Hall." Lu Chuan smiled embarrassedly.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit is the head of the fairies, and she is indeed experienced and capable enough in this area.

It's really appropriate to let her take care of this.

"Then let's wait and see what happens. After seven days, we will set up a law enforcement hall."

In the next few days, as expected, there was an uproar in the school.

As soon as Lu Chuan's rules for cutting off teaching disciples came out, a stone suddenly stirred up a thousand waves, causing dissatisfaction among all the disciples on the island.

But Lu Chuan has a heart-piercing lock to protect his body, which really saves his life.

They had nothing to do, so they had to come to Taoist Duobao.

"Canon?" Taoist Duobao glanced at the copied canon in his hand, nodded and said, "Not bad!"

I saw that the first item above is: love Jiejiao, work hard, and prepare to contribute to the construction of Jiejiao.

Taoist Duobao thought it was okay.

"Hey, senior brother, look down!" the juniors said speechlessly.

Duobao read another one.

The next step is to respect teachers, unite with colleagues, pay attention to appearance, and refrain from swearing.

If people from Lu Chuan's world saw this, they might feel a strange sense of familiarity.

Then I will think, oh, yes, this is the middle school student's code when I was studying.

That's right, part of Lu Chuan's rules for cutting off teaching students is indeed an adapted version of the rules for middle school students.

But this is also a helpless move.

You say that these immortals have misbehavior and swear words. In terms of morality and etiquette, they are even worse than elementary school students.

Hmph ╯^╰, he didn't take out his treasured elementary school rules to give them face.

"It's okay!" Daoist Duobao nodded suspiciously.

Why are you so dissatisfied!

"Eldest brother, look behind." A disciple couldn't bear to step forward and open them all.

"Look here!"

Taoist Duobao took a look, and his gaze changed.

I saw it read: Respect life, cherish life, don't kill at will, have kindness in your heart, cultivate both life and life, and benefit all sentient beings.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with these, but there are two or three that are similar to those explained in the teaching.

Seeing Taoist Duobao's expression was unmoved, someone muttered provocatively: "Brother, don't you see that what he said is a copy of the teaching method!"

"That's right, he even has to take care of eating and drinking. Why doesn't he go to heaven if he's so powerful!"

"Won't this turn our interception into elucidation?"

They are 10,000 dissatisfied with this canon that restricts words and deeds, eating, drinking and having fun.

That way they have a lot less fun.

"Explanation..." Taoist Duobao finally changed his gaze, waved his sleeves and said, "Go down!"

Everyone had no choice but to retreat.

Looking at the canon, Taoist Duobao's expression was uncertain.

"Fire Spirit!" He suddenly shouted.

A red-robed fairy came in from outside the hall and said respectfully: "Master!"

Taoist Duobao said: "Invite all seven of your uncles."

"All seven?" The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit was surprised.

What happened here? They actually wanted to call all the eight pro-bishops.

"It must be because of Ling Xuzi." The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit suddenly thought angrily.

"We are free and unfettered, this is the real way of immortality, now he is messing around, what exactly does he want to do?"

Our Lady of Fire Spirit left the hall.

After a while, Wudang and the Guiling Madonna on the island promised to come.

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit said: "Master, Uncle Jin Ling said... that Ling Xuzi was taught the teaching, so she thought it would be good for him to try it out, so she didn't come."

Taoist Duobao's face darkened.

One of him and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit is the head of the male fairy, and the other is the head of the female fairy, and their status is the highest under Jiejiao.

Now that the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit is not coming, and she still says that she can try, her attitude is very ambiguous, no, it is obvious.

Soon, Wudang and the Virgin of Guiling arrived first.


Not long after, the clear cry of the divine bird came.

Three beautiful figures came together and entered the hall.

"Big brother!"

A female fairy in white at the head said: "We are called here so urgently, but what happened to Jin'ao Island?"

ps: Recommend a friend's book, "Movie World Private Order", one word, cool. 1.7 million words, absolutely full.

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