"Did it go so smoothly?" Lu Chuan scratched his head.

Di Xin really got Ming Hongdao's approval.

Just like people will choose the weapons they use, some psychic magic weapons are more picky than humans, and they will also choose their masters who are worthy of them.

This process also depends on fate.

But Lu Chuan would not know that the reason why Ming Hongdao chose Di Xin was that it had a past abandoned by the Yellow Emperor, so it would also look for a betrayed master.

Di Xin is now abandoned by the world.

Of course, there is another point that Di Xin's strength and arrogance are also recognized by it here, and it is worthy of it.

Today it was reborn for no other reason than to compete with Xuanyuan Sword.

It came out of the same furnace as Xuanyuan Sword, just like twins born of the same mother, but their fates are completely different.

The eldest brother grew up in endless glory, famous all over the world, and powerful in the three realms, but the younger brother was almost destroyed by his father when he was born, and was later dubbed an unknown name.

Such an unfair fate, as long as there is an intelligent creature, which one would not want to take revenge?

Lu Chuan stared at Di Xin who was holding a knife in his hand,

If it was not banned by the Yellow Emperor but stayed in the world, this sword should have left a legendary legend that is not inferior to Xuanyuan Sword, right?

Today is the day when its legend begins.


The group of vassals led the army, and they swept forward like a torrent.

"Today, you are all going to die."

Di Xin stared at the princes and said coldly, he was confident in his own strength, even if he used his fist to harden the legendary Xuanyuan Sword, it only left a scar.

But even so, it is still too disadvantageous to use your fists against a divine weapon like Xuanyuanjian.

But now with Ming Hong Dao, even if the gods and demons come, he will not be afraid.

"Young Lord, put down the precious sword in your hand..."

Hundreds of princes arrived and ordered: "Go up, go up, grab that knife."

They were terrified when Di Xin killed them just now, so they dared not go up but sent soldiers to grab and fight.

The temptation of the throne and the Minghong Saber is too great, and besides, there is a tall man standing against him when the sky falls. Ji Fa and the descendants of Dayu are not weak and can resist Di Xin.

"Today you are all going to die."

Di Xin said coldly, his eyes were icy cold and terrifying, his killing intent was blazing, and he stepped ten feet away with one step, his whole body was full of purple energy, and the light on Ming Hong's knife soared.

This time he took the initiative to attack and killed the opponent.


Ji Fa's expression changed, and he and Dayu's descendants quickly retreated. It is not bad to use these people to wear down Di Xin's strength.

"do not go!"

Di Xin strode away and chased after him.

When encountering those soldiers, Di Xin activated his true energy, and the light of the golden saber in his hand skyrocketed, and he swept out with one move to sweep away thousands of soldiers. Countless soldiers who rushed up were immediately torn apart before his eyes.

The violent sword intent is not something their flesh and blood can bear.


There were screams one after another, but countless soldiers rushed forward bravely under the command of the chief.

"Hurry up, hurry up, he's only one person, what are you so afraid of if you can't last long?"

Soon Ji Fa and Dayu's descendants disappeared among the crowd.

"It seems that it is still unavoidable..."

Di Xin's pursuit slowed down.

Looking at the princes who were roaring and ordering from behind, they sighed lightly, and stopped rushing to kill, but walked forward.

It was the princes who made the rebellion, not the soldiers, so he wanted to kill the princes, but he seemed to have no choice.

When there were soldiers rushing up, he gently raised the knife to splatter blood, leaving corpses all the way behind him, harvesting fresh lives one by one.

"A person like Gu who is full of evil and full of sin is destined to go to hell!"

He sighed softly in his heart, all kinds of things from yesterday quickly appeared in front of his eyes, some were happy and some were sad.

But he really killed a lot of people, so I can't help but feel a little emotional and complicated.

"But before going to hell, Gu also needs to clean up all the enemies in the world, whether it's murder or sin, it's all on Gu Yi's shoulders."

"There is no more perfect human world without slaves, Lu Qing, I'll leave you alone..."

Di Xin raised his eyes and looked at those crazy princes. Since he was already covered in sins, he would not worry about debts, and he would not be afraid of anything if he let go of his hands and feet.

His eyes suddenly became sharp and firm, and he roared with murderous intent: "For the sake of Dashang."


When he stomped heavily on the ground, the ground shook violently amid the rumbling sound, and the soldiers who rushed up shook and fell to the ground.

As for him, his whole body glowed, he leaped up and took a distance of fifty or sixty feet, passed through the barriers of tens of thousands of soldiers, and arrived in front of the princes in an unbelievable instant, and said coldly: "Death!"


The princes were both shocked and terrified. They never thought that Di Xin would go so far in one step.

The golden knife light was blazing, domineering and terrifying, covering the place and slashing down.

"Stop it, Your Majesty, spare your life, we are willing to surrender..."

They yelled desperately, and some people tried their best to resist, drew out their swords, and slashed out madly with true energy, daring not to place their hopes on begging for mercy.

This time they were really scared.

Thinking that they were in a safe position, I asked the soldiers to go desperately to see if they could snatch the knife by fishing in troubled waters.


Then, Di Xin was incomparably ruthless, and Ming Hong's saber slashed down, and the golden saber light pouring down from the booming sound flooded the place, as dazzling as the sun. There were screams, and many people exploded under Di Xin's saber.

They were completely powerless to fight back under the hands of Di Xin who was wielding the Ming Hong Saber. They were beheaded with a single knife, and almost no one survived.

Di Xin's saber was too powerful, the light of the saber shocked the world, and it shone everywhere. It was so powerful that it terrified everyone.

Not far behind the princes, the dragon sparrow and the fire phoenix soared into the sky, and Ji Fa and Dayu's descendants stood on it, looking ugly.

Di Xin's power was somewhat beyond their imagination.

Ji Fa's body trembled even more, and he couldn't accept this fact.

Di Xin shouldn't be so powerful. There were many martial arts experts among those princes, but they were eliminated with just one blow.

Unfortunately, this is not accepted as a fact.

The corpses of those princes were torn apart and chopped into pieces by the powerful sword energy.

After finishing off these enemies, Di Xin's whole body glowed very brightly, and his figure was blurred and almost invisible in the light.

At this moment, he was standing there quietly, but it gave people an extremely strong sense of oppression like Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi, making it impossible for people to look directly at him.

"My lord, we are willing to surrender..."

In the camp of the princes, some princes were frightened out of their wits, got off their horses and kowtowed: "Please spare my life, the king, I will never dare again."

But this is just the beginning, and then many middle and small princes got off their horses and began to beg for mercy.

There is no way, Nanbo Hou Eshun, Yanzhou Hou Peng Zushou and other big princes were basically beheaded by Di Xin just now, leaving only some middle and small princes.

"Marquis of Lingzhou, you should think about it."

Jiang Ziya said in astonishment: "Once you surrender, you will be prisoners of war, and you will be sold as slaves to nobles. We have only one way to overthrow this tyrant's rule."

All the princes looked at each other, with tangled expressions and some hesitation.

"That's right!"

One of the princes in the main battle persuaded: "We will become slaves if we surrender now. That is much better than death. It is better to fight with Yin Shou..."


Before he finished speaking, an arrow glowed, shooting into his neck like a meteor flying lightning.

His eyes popped out of his voice, and he fell to the ground with a bang from the horse.

"Marquis of Muzhou!"

Jiang Ziya yelled, and when he looked up, he saw Lu Chuan put away his golden bow in front of the Yin Shang formation hundreds of feet away.

"Listen up to the rebels who committed rebellion. If you don't want to die, put down your weapons and go to the Yin Shang camp."

Di Xin nodded to Lu Chuan, glanced coldly around, took a breath and said in a deep voice: "Gu promises that you will not become slaves, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy."

"The princes must not be deceived by his words."

Jiang Ziya saw that the princes were moved, and hurriedly said: "Thinking about the fate of Dong Bohou and Nan Bohou, do you dare to believe the words of this stupid king?"

As soon as these words came out, the princes hesitated again.

"But they have no choice."

Di Xin said coldly: "You are not joking, they can only choose to believe, and only by believing can they survive."

His words are extremely strong and extremely confident.

Lu Chuan smiled: "Zheng Lun, Chen Qi, take your people to take the prisoners."

"But it hasn't come yet..." Zheng Lun said.

Lu Chuan said: "They will come. From the point of view of psychological warfare, those princes have been completely defeated."

The princes hesitated, looked at each other left and right, and finally someone moved, and asked his subordinates to put down their weapons and walk towards the opposite side.

This walk attracted more people to walk towards the Yin Shang army.

They walked more and more, and soon exceeded half of the 1.8 million army. Many of them were the commanders who died and the pack of wolves without a leader.

"No, don't go!"

Ji Fa couldn't help being anxious, he fell from the real phoenix and stood with his sword horizontally, shouting: "No one is allowed to leave, we haven't been defeated yet, how can you disturb the morale of the army?"

"Ji Fa also lost this time."

Lu Chuan sneered, Youdao said that the army is defeated like a mountain, and once defeated, it can no longer be stopped.

The princes want to surrender, Ji Fa can only persuade, but can he persuade?

But if he wants to be tough, then his reputation for benevolence can only be fed to dogs.

ps: Sorry, I came back a little late, so the update is late, and there is another update. I am not Di Xin, so I am worried about debts, and I dare not pay any more.

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