Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 632 Your way is in the world!

Following the conferment of three hundred and sixty-five righteous gods, a bright golden light shone in all directions on the stage of conferring gods.

After the royal seal, the list of gods was rolled up with golden light and fell on the jade case.

Jiang Ziya held it up in both hands, and bowed sincerely to Kunlun Mountain: "Qi Shizun, the disciple was ordered to go down the mountain at the beginning, and he was in charge of the list of gods. Now the eight righteous gods are back, and I ask the master to decide."

As his words fell, the Conferred Gods List, whose palm had regained its calm, suddenly let out a golden light with a "chi" and turned into a golden light that soared into the sky.

On the top of Kunlun Mountain, a ray of golden light flew over and turned into a list of gods, floating in front of Yuanshi Tianzun and opened.

After Yuanshi opened his eyes and took a look, he raised his hand and swiped lightly, the void split open, and the list of gods turned into golden light and a golden light flew into it.

Yaochi suddenly opened the void and flew out of the Fengshen List, coming to Haotian and Jinmu.

"The Conferred God List is back."

The golden mother said: "It seems that all the gods have been sealed and restored."

Haotian nodded slightly, raised his hand to take the list of gods, opened it, and suddenly his eyes froze with surprise on his face.

Seeing that his expression was not right, Jin Mu lightly said, "What's the matter, this imperial god...is there something wrong?"

"look by youself!"

Haotian handed the list of gods to Mother Jin.

Yaochi Golden Mother took it with a slightly surprised face, opened it, looked at it, and said in surprise: "God of Wealth? This kid is not bad in talent, and he is expected to become an immortal. How could he become a god? Could it be that he wants to switch to the divine way?

No, only his name is on the Conferred God List, but there is no Shinto talisman. He is... a god in the flesh? "

Haotian nodded slightly, looked at Yunjuan and Yunshu in the distance, and said softly, "The gods return to their place, the catastrophe dissipates, and the killing of the gods is over."

Speaking of which, the cause of this murder is still related to the Heavenly Court, but the fundamental reason is that many gods have misbehaved, so the Heavenly Dao descended on them.

The Golden Mother smiled in relief: "The God of Wealth? Although the position of the God of Wealth is good, he has no real power in his hands. His behavior is really unexpected, but..."

She pondered and said: "Emperor Ziwei and Emperor Gochen, the two most powerful gods, turned out to be Bo Yikao and Lei Zhenzi, and they were brothers before they were alive. I am afraid that Yuanshi Tianzun's arrangement has a deep meaning!"

Haotian said calmly: "No matter how big it is, it is only my auxiliary god."



After the Conferred God Stage broke through and left, the conferred gods died and went to take office in the heavenly court, and the gods and souls still in the world returned to their physical bodies and waited for the end of their lifespan before entering the heavenly court.

The Conferred God Stage, which was still extremely noisy just now, suddenly became very quiet.

"Junior Brother Ziya, the apotheosis of the gods is over and the catastrophe is over, we should go back to the mountain and continue to practice."

"Farewell today and see you later, you have to take care!"

Guang Chengzi, Chi Jingzi and others stepped forward and said goodbye to Jiang Ziya and left one after another.

But not long after walking, suddenly an auspicious cloud came towards him, and the one on it was the Antarctic fairy.


Everyone saluted, Guang Chengzi said: "Why is Senior Brother Nanji here?"

Nanji Xianweng said in a deep voice: "I am here by the order of my master, and I ask you to go to Yuxu Palace with me to ask questions with Randeng, Puxian, and Shusun."


The others looked at Fear Liusun and Master Pu Xian in surprise.

Nanji Xianweng snorted: "Don't look, these two are fake clones, their real bodies have already gone with Ran Deng."

Chi! Chi!

While speaking, he raised his hand and pointed two fingers at the two, as fast as lightning, the heads of the two exploded on the spot, but there was no blood, but turned into dots of light and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

"What, this, this..."

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Nanji Xianweng said: "Okay, you and I will go to Yuanjue Cave in Lingjiu Mountain together!"

"Follow the law!"

Everyone nodded, turned into Changhong and rushed to Vulture Mountain, the dojo of Taoist Ran Deng.

At the end of the huge Conferred God Stage, only Lu Chuan, Jiang Ziya, Shen Gongbao, and Yu Yixian were left.

Lu Chuan also said: "Master, Senior Yu Yi, let's go back too!"

Shen Gongbao squinted at Jiang Ziya: "Old man, what are your plans for the future?"

Jiang Ziya snorted softly, and said: "How big is this Shenzhou, and how small am I, I want to spend the rest of my life wandering around the world, goodbye."

Holding fists together, Jiang Ziya strode away, with white hair and childish face fluttering in white clothes, indescribably chic and elegant.

"Apprentice, return this treasure to you, and then you can go back too!"

Shen Gongbao returned the flame flag to Lu Chuan: "As a teacher, I was originally a monk in the mountains and fields. I didn't like officialdom. At first, I just fought against that old guy before I joined Yin Shang and became a national teacher. Although I am in the position of a national teacher, I haven't fulfilled the role of a national teacher. You will resign as a teacher when you go back this time!"

"Where is it, Master, haven't you found helpers for us again and again?"

Lu Chuan said quickly: "If there were no rescuers you found, maybe the disciple would have been defeated by Chanjiao and Xiqi long ago. In this battle, you and I will gather less and leave more. Now the general trend of the world has initially determined Master, and I still hope that Master will continue to guide disciples in their cultivation."

"Practice? Haha, no need."

Shen Gongbao shook his head with a smile, looked at Lu Chuan and said, "Do you remember what you said to Teacher Wei? Master leads the door to practice in person. This statement is worthy of your name as a sage. Teacher thinks it makes sense. Teacher is just a guide on your path of cultivation, and then you have to go on your own."

Lu Chuan fell silent for a moment.

This is not bad, he is now at the peak of the Qi Refining Realm in the Hedao Realm, and he is only one step away from attaining the Dao to become a True Immortal at the Pure Yang Realm and enter the realm of Immortal Dao.

And his way...

He felt that he was a little luckier than Wen Zhong, because he found it.

Therefore, what he said just now was just because of reluctance. He missed the days when he was studying in Chaoge for a few years, and he lived happily every day fighting with Shen Gongbao.

But time is like a wheel, it will only roll forward without stopping, and the past will never go back.

Shen Gongbao smiled and patted Lu Chuan on the shoulder, saying: "Although your talent is not the best, you have to admire your understanding as a teacher. Go, your way is in the world."


Lu Chuan whispered, yes, Di Xin handed over his unfinished business and the world to himself before he died.

One of Di Xin's closest courtiers is definitely not Lu Chuan, but Lu Chuan, who has only been an official for a few years, is definitely his most trusted courtier.

There is only one reason, and that is that Lu Chuan is the only one who understands his idea of ​​abolishing slavery.

Slavery is the cornerstone of Yin Shang's maintenance of rule, so except for Lu Chuan, the other courtiers only had one thought in their hearts when they learned that he had this idea.

The king is crazy!

This was something that troubled Di Xin very much.

Obviously there are more excellent talents among the slaves, even Yi Yin, the prime minister of his first ancestor Shangtang, was born as a slave, but his background was too low.

On the contrary, the nobles were glamorous and glamorous. Although they held a lot of land and official positions in their hands, they were very incompetent and contributed very little to the country. Later, their power grew.

Obviously, Yin Shang will become stronger only by letting excellent talents manage the country, but none of the civil and military officials in the court can understand his thoughts.

These people include the officials he promoted from civilian origin, because they became aristocratic when they became officials alone.

Of course, it is also due to time constraints.

Lu Chuan came from a more advanced civilization, so he knew the disadvantages of slavery.

More harm than good!

After the abolition of slavery, Lu Chuan has a more advanced system to replace it.

In the end, Di Xin waited until Lu Chuan, a person who understood him and didn't take his idea as a lunatic.

Shen Gongbao turned around and left with a smile, raising his hand and waving behind his back: "With the old guy's little cultivation, he can't go far enough to feed the monster's belly. I hope you will become a fairy when I come back from Yunyou next time."

Lu Chuan was slightly startled, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face.

It turns out that the two senior brothers have already let go of their hearts, but now they are just being stubborn!

Immediately, only Yu Yixian and Lu Chuan were left on the Conferred God Stage.

Feather Wing Fairy laughed and said, "Lu Chuan, you see everyone else has left, why don't you let me..."

"Oh, how long have we been apart, why do I suddenly miss my elder brother a little bit?"

Lu Chuan suddenly sighed and turned his head to look at Yu Yixian: "Senior, how about the two of us go and sit with my eldest brother?"

Feather Wing Fairy's smile froze a little, and finally ignored Lu Chuan with a dark face.

"Hey, let's go!"

Lu Chuan called Shang Yu Yixian out of the Conferred God Stage.

They were all about to leave when Lu Chuan suddenly turned his head and pinched his chin to stare at the Fengshentai.

"What's the matter?" Feather Wing Fairy said speechlessly.

Lu Chuan didn't say a word, just chanted a mantra with his right hand and pointed at the Conferred God Platform, and the Conferred God Platform flew up with a "bang" sound, and a large mountain top flew up, and he put it in the Qiankun bag.

"You..." Feather Wing Fairy was dumbfounded.

Lu Chuan patted the Qiankun bag and said with a smile: "I'm the God of Wealth now, so of course I have to plan carefully, this thing can be recycled."

Feather Wing Fairy was speechless, okay, he accepted it.


West, Elysium.

"The catastrophe is gradually dissipating, and the eight righteous gods of the heavens return to their positions. The killing of the gods in the East is considered to be over, but this Yuanshi Tianzun is really ignorant."

Zhunti looked at Dongfang and hummed: "We lent out all the treasures like the Qinglian Baose Banner, and now they are all lost, but he only sent two brats to the West to repay the favor. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?"

"Junior brother, don't be impatient!"

Jieyin opened his eyes and glanced at Dongfang, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "The catastrophe is over, and the secrets of the heavens are revealed. Eight hundred years later, the meeting of Longhua will be the time when my West will prosper."

At the end of his line of sight, Taoist Burning Lamp used his supernatural powers to put away his Great Vulture Mountain, and then rushed towards the west in a hurry.

ps: Thanks to the two book friends "Life is Like a Net" and "Beyong Laohuang" for their rewards.

Busy tonight to sort out the next outline, detailed outline, so this is the reason why the first update is still very late, first cleverly hug the dog's head to save his life

In addition, everyone can guess what to write next ()σ

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