Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 650 Why force me to draw a sword? (seeking subscription)

Diplomacy is also based on its own strength.

Lu Chuan knew very well that there was no reason to talk about on the battlefield, and if there was any, it would be the size of a fist.

Now that the righteous gods have returned to their place, the three boundaries are in order, and the world is the world's business.

Wen Zhong, a deity who was conferred by the heavenly court, or those immortals of the three religions, although they are still in the world, they can no longer hurt mortals at will like in the past, let alone take their lives at will.

Otherwise, it is a violation of the rules of heaven, and they will be hunted down by the heavenly court and finally punished according to the rules of heaven.

This is a good protection for the human race.

However, there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. After receiving the protection of the gods, the human race must also believe in the gods to fulfill their obligation to provide incense.

Of course, gods can no longer harm people, but demons can.

Therefore, the main duty of the heavenly generals in the future is to protect the world and get rid of those harmful demons.

Lu Chuan asked Wen Zhong to stay in the world because he considered that the rebellion of the princes had just been quelled, and he needed someone as prestigious as Grand Master Wen to control the situation.

After a few years, Wen Zhong will also go to heaven to take care of things.

Now he has not become a fairy, so one person is enough to do the talking.

Today, he smashed the barbarian Wanqi with one palm, and shot the barbarian king with one arrow. He felt that the barbarian king was almost defeated. Lu Chuan didn't know if he was convinced, and he didn't care.

Just taking it orally is enough.

"Brute God mount?" Lu Chuan's expression moved slightly.

He knew that Chi You had a great influence on the barbarians, so he took out the little panda, but he didn't know how big it was. Could it be that the barbarians believed in the barbarian god... Chi You?

The two sides were fifty feet apart, and the barbarian king called out, "Can Mr. Lu Xian come over and have a talk?"

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Chuanwei was about to drive his horse forward, when suddenly a voice came from his sleeve: "Mansion Master, don't go there, you will be bloody if you go."

Lu Chuan: "..."

This voice naturally came from the little black turtle. The innate gossip behind it has the magical effect of divination, but can we stop the bloody disaster?


Lu Chuan raised his eyes to look at the Man Wang and the others, and his gaze and expression suddenly became sharp, but he didn't notice anything unusual when he released his divine sense to sweep over them.

Seeing Lu Chuan stop, the barbarian king and the leaders tensed up, and the female leader asked in a low voice, "Did he find something?"

Ah Chana said loudly: "Aren't young people full of vigor, why don't you come here?"

Lu Chuan smiled and said: "I'm tired of the truth, please come to my place if I'm in trouble!"

Under the Immortal God, he is very confident in his own strength, but it's still the same sentence: self-confidence is not conceit.

"What if he doesn't come?"

The mighty old man Ah Chana's expression sank.

The barbarian king took a deep breath, stared at Lu Chuan and said in a low voice, "Achana, forget it, this person's strength is terrifying, not to mention that I just swore with the barbarian god..."

"But the old man and the others didn't swear!"

Suddenly, Ah Cha Na yelled, made seals with both hands, and the divine light in his eyes soared, and pointed at Lu Chuan: "Go, kill him!"


As soon as the words fell, five shocking black mist burst out from the army and turned into black lightning, galloping towards Lu Chuan and killing him.

Originally, they wanted to lure Lu Chuan closer and launch a surprise attack after getting into the trap, but if Lu Chuan didn't take the bait, they had to do it now.

When they came to kill, Lu Chuan saw that the black lightning turned out to be five figures, tall, covered by black iron armor, with disheveled hair and red eyes, without any emotion, looking like a puppet controlled by others.

In addition, their bodies were filled with black evil energy, and their entire bodies were wrapped in black energy.

Five figures approached quickly.

Because the black evil energy attached to the first fist hit him, the void was twisted under one punch.

But the punch stopped three feet in front of Lu Chuan.

With a bang, a colorful shield appeared three feet away from Lu Chuan, which was condensed with the true energy of the body shield. This punch hit the true energy of the body shield and made a loud bang.

Chi Chi Chi!

Immediately afterwards, the black air and his mana began to wrestle like water and fire.

"Demon energy?" Lu Chuan frowned.

The black aura on these figures was clearly demonic energy, which he had felt from Chi You's body.

As the saying goes: Dao eliminates the head of the devil or the head of the devil eliminates the head of the dao, or the height of the dao is one foot tall and the height of the devil is one foot high.

boom! boom! boom!

While he was pondering, several other figures also rushed over, and they also punched his protective qi, and finally smashed his protective zhenqi with a 'click'.


Lu Chuan clenched his fists and punched a demon with a burst of five-color divine light. After a "boom" sound like gold and iron colliding, the air wave exploded.

Lu Chuan closed his fists and sat on the back of the dragon horse, motionless, only felt a slight numbness in the back of his hands, and the figure flew upside down but was unscathed, and killed him again as if he could not be killed with a single movement.

"It's so hard..." Lu Chuan frowned. This body was as strong as a black iron cast, and it was as strong as the peak of martial arts.

With one punch like this, even a mountain will collapse.

Give back the five heads, no wonder Xiaogui said he had some kind of shit in the past, but these five demons alone want to make him suffer...

Little bastard, you underestimate your family too much.

when! when! when!

Lu Chuan's eyes turned cold, and divine light erupted all over his body. After the figure rushed up from the horse's back, he made fist marks and fought with five puppet-like demons, and the sound of gold and iron colliding exploded like raindrops.

"Blazing Tribulation!"

During the battle, Lu Chuan's eyes suddenly flashed, and he seized an opportunity to condense the vitality of the flames all over his body into one hand. The whole palm radiated scorching heat, and the palm turned into a knife, and the flames slashed down with a "chuck".


After a sound like cutting iron and breaking gold, the demon was split in two from the middle, turning into black air and collapsing.

The flame in Lu Chuan's hand was extinguished, his expression was calm, but his right hand trembled slightly.

It's cool, but it really hurts.


However, a treasure vase in the sky appeared with divine light and absorbed all the black energy.

Long Ji appeared on Qingluan and said: "My husband, be careful, this is a demon general formed by the people of the ancient Jiuli tribe taking the magic pill refined by the Jiuli pot. These demonic energy must also be eliminated, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

"The magic general..."

Before Lu Chuan had time to think about the other four, he killed them.

Long Ji was about to unleash his sword with his right hand, but Lu Chuan raised his hand to stop him and said quickly, "Don't do anything, I'll do it!"

The four demon generals moved and killed them again. Lu Chuan raised his hand and pointed. A golden rope in his sleeve flickered in the sky like a snake, and bound the four demon generals and fell to the ground.

Lu Chuan raised his head and sneered, "Are these the only ones behind you?"

Ah Chana said angrily to the others: "You still don't want to help, are you all here to watch the fun?"

"Go, kill him!"

The other seven leaders on the opposite side looked at each other and cast a secret technique with one finger. The next moment the mountains shook and the ground shook, and thirty-seven black lightning bolts rushed towards him, and each of them was such a magic general.

Lu Chuan: "..."

Where on earth can these ghost things be wholesaled? After he just pulled one off, his hands were still burning with pain!

"Lu Chuan, Prime Minister of Yin Shang, today this place will become your burial place." Everyone sneered and shouted.

Each of these forty-two demon generals is infinitely powerful, and they are also the weapons they secretly refined to conquer the Central Plains. Every tribe has them.

Originally, this was used to deal with Wen Zhong, the most famous person in the immortal world, but he never thought that it would be used to deal with Lu Chuan first today.

Lu Chuan looked at them and suddenly sighed: "Why bother?"

Everyone was startled.

Then they saw Lu Chuan pinching the formula with his right hand, the fingertips lit up, and a five-element curse seal was drawn in the void, and the murderous aura soaring into the sky was released from the curse seal.

A sword hilt protrudes through the curse mark.

"Why force me to draw the sword?"

Lu Chuan sighed, but honestly grasped the protruding hilt with his hand, and pulled it out with a 'clang' sound, a dark red killing sword was born, and the image of a fairy bleeding blood was branded on the sword.

Although the evil spirit was sealed by the Master Tongtian, Bilu's murderous aura and sharpness were still earth-shattering and incomparable, as if he could kill immortals and gods.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, and a thunderbolt suddenly fell towards the sword, which seemed very unpleasant, but there was only a flash of light on the dark red killing sword, and a burst of sword energy shot up into the sky, cutting the thunderbolt in two.

"That sword..."

At the moment when Lu Chuan pulled out the Zhuxian sword, the barbarian king or the leader of the eight major tribes trembled. When he saw the sword, his soul seemed to be cut.

"Destroy!" Lu Chuan lightly raised his hand and slashed out with a sword, the terrifying sword light swept out and chopped off all the flying demon generals with a "poof", turning them into a puff of smoke and ashes.

But that's not all, the sword light swept towards the barbarian army, and the screams sounded when the sword came down, and the bodies of countless barbarian beasts and soldiers turned into blood mud, annihilated by this sword.

When everything calmed down, the ground was in chaos, and less than half of the 100,000 barbarian army remained.

"Ah, my son... I will fight with you."

Seeing this scene, the old man Ah Cha yelled frantically, his eyes were bloodshot, his expression was distorted, and he was in great pain.

Lu Chuan said calmly: "It's a crime, but this is also your choice."

Cultivators of immortals are originally going against the sky to escape their fate. The more killings they commit during their practice, the more dangerous the calamity they will suffer when crossing the catastrophe.

He didn't want to kill too many people, so he used the Qiankun Bow just now to intimidate him, but when the other party took out the magic general, it really forced him to take action, no, he took out the sword.

But even so, he tried his best to be merciful. After all, this barbarian has a deep relationship with Chi You, and secondly, he doesn't want to die under the catastrophe.

"Stop him!"

The barbarian king ordered someone to stop Achana with a bitter expression, and said dejectedly, "We... have taken it."

Lu Chuancai's sword just now might not be able to stop even a god coming.

Lu Chuan said: "Yes, but that iron-eating beast has a lot to do with you Jiuli. You take it and raise it for a few years before sending it to me."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly as he said this.


The barbarian king glanced at the harmless guy, and respectfully said: "Dare to ask what is the relationship between Lu Xiang and my barbarian god? Is my barbarian god still alive?"

Although he tried his best to hide it, he still couldn't hide the expectation in his words.

"Senior and I became friends at first sight, but he is no longer in the human world. As for where he went, please forgive me for not revealing the truth." Lu Chuan glanced at him and said.

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