Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 657 The Demon King and the Demon Lord

The sun was setting, and the sky was also dyed blood red.

The land in the north was also stained red with blood.

In the setting sun, the blood-stained banner of the Shang Dynasty was held high, symbolizing the victorious side.

There were corpses lying under the flag, and they were dressed in animal skin costumes. They were the invading army of the Di tribe in the north. Unfortunately, they encountered the second general Henha, and the two most powerful armies of the Yin and Shang Dynasties—the Crow Army and the Huoqi Army.

Although there are only 6,000 people in both of them, each of them is a martial artist practicing martial arts, the elite among the elites. They are more fierce, fierce, and powerful than these fierce alien races.

So they win.

Some soldiers cut off the ears of the dead enemies with knives, which is the proof of their military service after they go back, while others are standing guard.

Chen Qi let out a sigh of relief, and said to Zheng Lun: "I heard that the enemies from the east, west and south were all repulsed. Finally, the two of us did not feel ashamed and repelled Beidi."

Zheng Lun shook his sore shoulders, and said with a smile: "Are you comparing the two of us with those bastards to seek abuse?

It's not that you don't know that they are not human beings, and the magic weapon is invincible when thundering, flying into the sky, flying through the clouds and riding the fog, how can we compare with the two of us who have to hurry? "

Chen Qi took a deep look at him, then raised his head to look at Tianhou and said slowly: "I heard that Master Yaxiang personally took care of Nanman."

The smile on Zheng Lun's face froze suddenly.

After scanning left and right and found that no one was paying attention here, he laughed and said, "Don't say it!"

"Okay, let's go back and report back quickly!" Chen Qi said angrily.

Soon after, the two armies went south to Chentangguan.

On the vast grassland, only the corpses of tens of thousands of Beidi soldiers were left lying, exposed to the scorching sun and blown by the wind, and black vultures were circling in the sky.

Suddenly a figure came from afar.

His whole body was covered in black robes, and he was holding a strange staff with a skull on the top. It didn't look fast, but he reached the distance of hundreds of feet in a matter of minutes.

When he came to this battlefield, he knelt down and stretched out a pale hand into the trickling blood, dipped it in his mouth and licked it.

"It's such a strong resentment and bloody spirit, it's really God helping me, it saves me effort."

The person under the black robe stood up with a smile, black light and black mist emerged from the seals of his hands, and he slapped the ground, and then the ground trembled amidst the rumbling sound, and a platform that carried all the corpses rose up.

"The chaos of the princes, the disaster of the barbarians... Hehehe, ignorant people!"

The black robe cast a spell and inserted the staff in the center of the altar, and then pointed to the staff in seals with both hands to urge it, and the blood on the altar was drawn to form a magic circle.

At the same time, his mouth and nasal cavities uttered an obscure and profound language at the same time, a language completely different from human language.

After the magic circle was drawn, all the flesh and blood essence of the corpse on the altar was absorbed by the staff, and the runes inscribed on the staff also lit up one after another under his spell.

After a long time, there was a bang, and a thick black mist sprayed out from Xieyi's staff, spreading over the altar, and the billowing black mist covered the world.

In the black mist, a domineering figure wearing a black robe inlaid with gold and sitting on a throne emerged.

"See His Majesty the Demon Lord!"

The figure under the black robe knelt down on one knee.

The Demon King, the newly-emerged powerhouse in the Demon Realm after the Great War between Gods and Demons, is also the supreme ruler of Demons today.


The devil raised his head and said, "At first you were asked to stay in the human world to look for opportunities, but now you are calling on me, but you have found a chance for the demon world to dominate the human world?"


Ren Dao, who is known as the imperial demon envoy: "Not long ago, civil strife broke out in the world, the princes rebelled and the gods met with catastrophe, and the three religions were also involved in the endless disputes.

This fight lasted for more than 20 years, and countless gods and mortals fell. After the war, although the gods were sealed by the heavens, the three religions were also disbanded. "

"Wait a minute, you said that the Three Sects have been disbanded?" Mo Jun's eyes showed a slightly startled look.

The Demonic Envoy said: "Exactly, now that the vitality of the human race has been greatly injured, the rookie king has also fallen, and the three religions have also been disbanded. Your Majesty, our chance has come."


The Demon Lord couldn't help frowning.

The Demon Envoy was surprised and said, "Devil Monarch, what's wrong?"

The Demon Monarch snorted, "Chi You has come to the Demon Realm, now I have to deal with him, and I can't spare any extra energy to come to the human world."

"Chi You?"

The sorcerer was stunned: "How did he come out?"

So far, the fiercest battle between gods and demons has happened once in the ancient times, and the heavens were destroyed. Of course, the demon world was also seriously injured.

However, the demon world has never given up on the human world, so in ancient times, when the human race Yanhuang and Jiuli were fighting for the front, the demon king bewitched Chi You, who was dazzled by anger, and cooperated with him to degenerate into a demon.

They all knew that Chi You was not dead, but because Chi You had never been sincere and careful with them when cooperating with them, so after he failed, he was abandoned by the demon king and left alone.

The Demon Lord snorted coldly, and slammed his fist on the Demon Seat with one hand, the cold light in his eyes flickered.

After Chi You entered the Demon Realm he ruled a few years ago, he originally wanted to subdue him, but who would have thought that he would be charged with the ancient times for his rebelliousness.

What account in ancient times?

Everyone trades fairly. Is it wrong for me to help you?

Then the demon envoy he sent to recruit talents was killed with a single knife.

After hearing this, he sent out a large army to encircle and suppress, and then the army and demon generals he sent were all hacked by that guy.

Seeing the death of more and more subordinates, he finally became furious, and finally shot to kill him himself, seriously wounding him, but Chi You survived with the secret technique of immortality he taught, and ran away after being injured.

Not long after, Chi You reappeared and killed his entire army.

After he rushed away, there was another fierce battle.

Then he found that Chi You's skills had improved a lot during the time he disappeared, but he was still no match for him, and he ran away after being injured by him again.

When he reappeared soon, Chi You's skill made another great leap. Only then did he realize that the militant Chi You was like a fish in water in the demon world where the strong are respected.

To be honest, he really gritted his teeth and hated Chi You now.

But now Chi You has also entered the Daluo Realm and has become a strong man at the same level as him, and has attracted a large number of followers who are not used to his rule and are regarded as Demon Lord.

This is the case in the demon world, where the weak eat the strong and the strong are respected, as long as there is strength, there will be demons to follow.

Now Chi You's power is relatively small, but he is extremely annoyed by going against him everywhere, but unless he advances to the Ancestral Realm, there is really nothing he can do about Chi You.

The Demonic Envoy is a demon clan that has remained in the human world since the ancient war between gods and demons, so he is not very clear about the affairs of the demon world.

But after listening to the Demon Lord's narration, he still didn't come back to his senses for a long time.


Is Chi You so violent? After less than ten years in the Demon Realm, he has grown to the point where he can stand up to the Demon King.

"Now the Heavenly Dimensional Gate, the passageway of the three worlds of gods, men and demons, is guarded by the gods. Our army will enter the world unless there is another battle between gods and demons in the heavens."

The Demon Lord's eyes flickered and said: "Maybe when the Chiguan Yaoxing breaks through the barrier of the Three Realms, our Demon Realm can come to the human world without going through the Heavenly Dimension Gate."

The Demonic Envoy fell silent. Before the Demon King, there were three giants ruling the Demon Realm, namely the Dragon Demon, the Blood Demon, and the Dream Demon, all of whom were powerful in the ancestral realm.

In addition, there are ten monsters in the Great Luo Realm, all of which have monstrous mana and supernatural powers.

But what about the final result of the war of gods and demons?

The first two of the three giants of the demon world died, and the last one is still missing. The top ten monsters are also dead, and the missing ones are sealed.

Now in the Demon Realm, there is only the Demon Lord alone to support the facade, and he is not in the Daluo Realm, and he has to be distracted from dealing with Chi You, so what is the war between God and Demon?

"Then we can only miss this opportunity and wait for the Chiguan Yaoxing to come to the world again." The Demonic Envoy sighed.

It's a pity that the Demon Ancestor and the Dao Ancestor had an agreement that the two could not interfere, otherwise, with the power of their Demon Ancestor, no one in the three realms could be invincible except the Dao Ancestor.

The devil's eyes flickered and said: "I will be able to cultivate the ancestral realm in a short time. When I suppress Chi You, I must make him kneel in front of me for ten years to plead guilty...

You continue to lurk in the world to carry out your mission. "

The sorcerer: "..."

The black mist in the sky quickly subsided, and the figure of the Demon Lord disappeared.

The staff on the altar flew towards him and landed in his hand, and those corpses had already lost their flesh and blood essence and turned into empty shells.


The magician's staff knocked on the ground, and the altar sank into the ground with a bang, and those empty shells turned into fly ash and disappeared.

"Demon Venerable..."

The corner of the demon's mouth twitched, the plan to invade the human world was shelved, but who would have thought that not long ago, the demon world changed and a new demon came out.

This is not a good thing for the Demon Lord, but it is a good thing for the Demon Realm.

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