Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 670 Nine Serene Yellow Springs

"Emperor Taishan, friends are here to visit." Lu Chuan said with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, the statue in the hall glowed, and a beam of divine light flew out and fell on the ground, turning into a person dressed like the statue.

Huang Feihu said with a look of surprise: "Lu Da... No, it should be called Lu Zhenjun."

"Haha, it's easy to say, as long as the emperor remembers my old friend." Lu Chuan said.

Huang Feihu smiled and said: "Of course, how can I forget Zhenjun, come, please take a seat first."

He led Lu Chuan into a ray of divine light and entered the statue, which was like a small world.

All the layout inside is exactly the same as the scenery in the outer hall, except that there are not so many pilgrims.

Entering the main hall, the two took their seats, and Huang Feihu called two ghost officials under him to serve tea to Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan took a sip and at the same time habitually glanced at Huang Feihu's cultivation, suddenly a gleam flashed in his eyes.

He found that Huang Feihu was only a month old, no, it was only 30 years in the human world, and Huang Feihu's magic power had improved by leaps and bounds since he hadn't seen it for 30 years.

He remembered that when Huang Feihu died, he was not a martial arts innate talent, but a martial artist's ability to cultivate a body is all in the body, and the ability to die is gone, and he needs to practice again and will also focus on the primordial spirit.

But what they cultivate is not the god of yang, but the god of pure yin after refining the true yang.

The Yang God has a natural restraint on the Yin God, and the comparison between the two is like the difference between the sun and the moon.

More than 30 years, no, it should be more than 40 years, it seems that it is not difficult for Huang Feihu to become a true god from scratch...

"This Taishan god is really incense..." Lu Chuan thought in his heart.

However, he also knows that with the support of gods and incense, these gods will grow faster when they are below the gods, but after they become gods, they will slow down and need to slowly accumulate mana and incense. It is nowhere in sight to become a god.

At this time, the role of incense is highlighted, and the more incense is held, the more beneficial it is.

Shinto and incense are closely related and inseparable. The more incense, the more powerful the gods will be.

But there is also a fatal drawback.

That is a particularly strong dependence on incense, as strong as a person's dependence on food and water, and he cannot get rid of it for eternity.

They have no body like duckweed without roots on the sea, and they absorb incense and become stronger like building castles in the air.

If one day there is no incense, then not only will their divine power gradually weaken, but they will even die in the end.

After thinking about it for a while, the gods of the world can be roughly divided into three types, namely innate gods, acquired gods, and gods who became gods in the flesh.

Needless to say, there are many congenital gods in the heaven and the world, such as the emperor of heaven, Jinmu, Nuwa, Baiwei, etc., or they were born before the formation of heaven and earth, or they were conceived by heaven and earth, and they were born with great supernatural powers.

But the God of Acquired is different.

They are a group of gods who have no flesh after death, and they can also be called Yin gods, mountain gods, lands, city gods, night tour gods, judges, etc. These gods without flesh are acquired gods.

Of course, there is also a kind of physical body becoming a god, such as him and Shen Gongbao, who can also be called gods, not restricted by incense, and the amount of incense has little effect on him.

Huang Feihu smiled and said: "I heard that 30 years ago, Zhenjun returned to heaven to lead the Ministry of Finance, and he was extremely busy. Why do you have time to come to me today?"

Lu Chuan took a look at the main hall: "Since the emperor asked, then I will not hide the truth, the emperor, I came to you this time to visit the Three Treasures Hall for nothing."

Huang Feihu was startled, then smiled and said: "True Monarch, please tell me."

Lu Chuan sighed and told the incident when he first arrived in Heaven.

"What, Gou Chen dares to bully people like this?"

Huang Feihu's expression turned cold when he heard that, not to mention his previous friendship with Lu Chuan, but he was killed by Yang Jian and Lei Zhenzi back then.

Lu Chuan nodded and said: "However, who made someone seal a good god and become one of the four great emperors in the heavenly realm? I think if my Ministry of Finance is not established in the heavenly court, brother, I will be in trouble in the heavenly court."

The so-called four great emperors of the heavens are the four great emperors, Xi Gouchen, Dong Qinghua, Bei Ziwei, and Nan Changsheng, all of whom are in the heavens.

Among the six emperors, only Empress Houtu is not in the heaven.

But to be honest, in his eyes, Lei Zhenzi and Bo Yikao's ranking in the sixth rank is purely a joke.

The two great emperors Qinghua and Changsheng are both noble innate gods in terms of their origins, and at least in terms of strength, they are at least in the realm of the Daluo realm, and even the ancestral realm is not sure.

But how much mana do these two people have?

If it weren't for the fact that Yuanshi Tianzun was such a good thigh and arranged for them to go through the back door, hmph, I don't know how many people are dissatisfied with the two of them being the four emperors.

He, Zhenjun Lu, was the first to refuse.

Of course, even if he can't offend Yuanshi Tianzun now, he still refuses to accept it in his heart.

Huang Feihu nodded after pondering: "Then Zhenjun came to me... If you have something to say, just ask, as long as you don't violate the laws of heaven, I will definitely help you with all your strength."

"Then I would like to thank the Great Emperor. Don't worry, I am also familiar with the laws and regulations of the sky. How dare I commit crimes knowingly?" Lu Chuan clasped his fists with joy and smiled.

Huang Feihu waved his hand: "What kind of thank you words between you and me, tell me how you can help me!"

Lu Chuan took out the scroll and laughed in a low voice: "Look!"

"Mingbi?" After reading the above content, Huang Feihu looked at Lu Chuan with a strange expression: "Zhenjun, you just care about the living people's money, why are you thinking about my dead souls now, and they are all dead souls, do they need coins?"

Lu Chuan whispered: "The emperor doesn't know anything. You also know what my job is, and I can tell you clearly that they can use it. You have to trust me."

As long as the underworld coin is created, it means that he, the god of wealth, also has a hand in the underworld.

You must know that this underworld is the place of the six realms of reincarnation, a place where gods and Buddhas must contend, and the water is deep. In the future, the Ksitigarbha King of Buddhism will come in to intervene, and he has to make arrangements in advance.

"All right!"

Perhaps it was because of his habits during his lifetime that he had 100% trust in Lu Chuan, so he took out the Taishan God Seal of Emperor Dongyue and stamped it on it, saying, "True Monarch, are you done?"

Lu Chuan nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Very good, then only the King of Hades will seal it..."

"And the Emperor of Heaven also needs to get a seal." Huang Feihu kindly reminded.

Lu Chuan's smile froze.

After thinking for a while, he said, "To show respect, I'll go to the Emperor of Heaven last.

Huang Feihu nodded and said: "I should have been there to congratulate Zhenjun when he got married, but as a yin god, it was not easy to come, so I apologize to Zhenjun."

"It's easy to say!"

The two left Dongyue Temple hand in hand, took a step, and their figures disappeared in a flash.

The reason why he came to Mount Tai was firstly to get Huang Feihu to get a seal, and secondly, the so-called Netherworld was under Mount Tai, a very deep world.

The entrance to the netherworld is on Mount Tai, opened by Empress Houtu, and there are nine levels, called Jiuyou!

All immortals, gods, humans and ghosts who undergo life-and-death transformation must face the good and evil deeds of their lives from Mount Tai above, before they are allowed to enter the gate of ghosts, go down to the nether world, and arrive at the underworld via Huangquan Road.

Between the 800-mile Yellow Spring and the Underworld, there is a river that divides the Netherworld into two halves. The name of the river is Wangchuan.

There is a bridge over the Wangchuan River named Naihe Bridge.


This is a place where the living cannot enter, only the dead can enter. What you can see is the long yellow sand, and the wind blows through it, showing boundless desolation.

There are also ghost messengers with spears and sickles escorting white-clothed ghosts along the long road to the underworld.

"This is the legendary Netherworld..."

The two divine lights lit up and fell to the ground, turning into Lu Chuan and Huang Feihu.

Originally, they could fly directly into Fengdu, the underworld, but Lu Chuan wanted to see what the legendary Nether was like, so he came down halfway.

Seeing those ghosts and ghost messengers, Lu Chuan watched them coming with a great sense of novelty.

"See Emperor Dongyue, and..."

After the teams arrived, ghost messengers hurried forward to salute.

"This is the Dragon and Tiger Profound Altar True Monarch in the sky." Huang Feihu introduced.

The ghost messengers were shocked, and hurriedly said: "See Xuantan True Monarch!"

Lu Chuan said with a smile: "Ben Zhenjun just came to see, don't pay attention to us, you just go to your own work."


The ghost messengers escorted the ghosts forward again.

"Are you looking forward to it?" Huang Feihu asked with his head slightly tilted.

He has been in charge of the underworld for forty or fifty years, and he is already used to these processes, but he was as curious as Lu Chuan at the beginning.

Lu Chuan smiled: "Look, let's go!"

The two of them transformed into two beams of divine light and leaped eight hundred miles into the underworld. There was a stone stele beside the Naihe Bridge, and they wrote four large characters of Netherworld Palace.

On the other side of the bridge is a gloomy ancient city, which can't be seen at a glance. It looks like a prehistoric beast crawling on the ground. There are two large characters of Fengdu on the city, and there are ghost guards at the gate.

This is Hades.

Lu Chuan and Huang Feihu landed in front of the city gate, and the ghost messengers rushed to report the arrival of Emperor Taishan and led them into the ancient city of Fengdu.


At the same time, the Western Lingshan.

Mi Luo, who was sent to the great world of Veda, knelt in the hall, with blood on the corner of his mouth, and his tattered white monk clothes were stained red by the golden Buddha's blood, obviously after a life-and-death battle.

Ran Deng sat on the lotus platform above, closed his eyes and held the rosary to silently recite the Heart Sutra.

Maitreya said with a sad face: "Junior Brother Mi Luo, the Buddha asked you to preach in the Vedic world, but how could you break the female precept on a prostitute?"


Mi Luo clasped his palms together and proclaimed the Buddha's name, bowed his head and said, "I went to preach the grand dharma, but they asked me to convert three talents to teach... I did it."

Maitreya scolded: "Shut up, is this the reason for you to break the women's ring? Are you still an unclean prostitute?"

"What's wrong with the prostitute? Isn't she a sentient being? Not a living being? Shouldn't she be saved from suffering?"

Mi Luo finally raised her head this time: "And why do you say she is unclean?

You asked me to preach, and I went, and Indra and the others trapped me with magical powers and supernatural powers, and where were you when I was almost burned to death?

She was the only one who gave up her life to break the promise she made to me, stole the spell and saved me from trouble,

Now that she is dead, she committed suicide to prove her innocence because she broke her promise to me, but you say she is unclean, hahaha, is this the equality of all beings in your Buddha's mouth? "

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